Pirate play draft from last year to guide you in

Anne Bonny ------------------------------- Jenny G
Mary Read -------------------------------- Morgan S
Calico Jack -------------------------------- Will H
Captain Barnett -------------------------- Luke S
Crew I ------------------------------------- Dylan C
Crew II ------------------------------------ Brendan F
Crew III ----------------------------------- E.J S
Calico Jack Crew -------- Mackenzie, Isabelle, Noah, Annie
Judge -------------------------------------- Chris
Abby Jones ------------------------------- Alexis G
A Pirate That Changed History
Anne Bonny ~ A Pirate
Written by Jenny Goersch
Based on the life of Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and Jack
Early Draft
Scene One: On The Water
Jack Rackham, first a privateer, then a pirate, was caught by
Jamaica before he met Bonny, but when released by Jamaica, he
became a pirate.
Jack Rackham
“Argh, Anne get me Bring ‘em Near, its too foggy to see anything clearly”
Anne Bonny, Female Irish pirate with a quick temper and fiery red
Anne Bonny
Aye Captain
Jack Rackham
We are anchored in front of Point Negril, Jamaica
Get out the Nelson’s Folly, we are going to have a party, argh!
He shouts to the crew.
Jack Rackham’s crew
Aye Aye Captain!
Mary Read, a female English pirate with a lot of courage and talks with an
English accent.
Mary Read
Shiver me timbers, I think I see a ship in the distance, it looks like a Naval ship, a mano-war, its says the Albion, shiver me timbers I see a Red Ensign and I think its coming
our way!
Anne Bonny
What’s that Mary, argh, ye see a ship coming our way?
Mary Read
Aye Anne, what should we do?
Anne Bonny
I’ll go tell Jack.
Anne walks down below deck and sees the crews’ sleeping area, which was gross and infested
with rodents. Then she sees some drunken pirates with rum (Nelson’s Folly) in their hands.
Anne Bonny
Jack, we see a Naval ship that is going to overhaul us, come up and take a look! Argh,
What do ye think we should do?
Crew makes silly words in the background. Crew laughs in background.
Jack Rackham
Oh it’s nothing - we’ll be fine.
He says in a soft, quiet, drunken, rocky voice. Crew makes silly words.
Anne Bonny
John get up here and take a look at this!
Jack Rackham
Anne, like I just told ye, it’ll be fine!
Crew makes silly, drunk words in the background.
Anne Bonny
I guess this means its just me and …
She says under her breath, but doesn’t finish because Mary interrupts her.
Mary Read
Anne they’re overhauling us - get your bloody head up here!
Crew makes silly, drunk words in the background.
Anne Bonny
I’m coming up
Anne comes up from below deck with a fierce face. Crew makes silly, drunk words.
Mary Read
Where are they ,argh, the crew?
Anne Bonny
They are being stubborn like mules. They are filthy drunk.
Mary Read
Should we say something to them, argh?
Crew makes silly, drunk words in the background.
Anne Bonny
Aye, I will. We shall scream, ‘Come up, you coward, and fight like men’, aye?
Mary Read
Aye, ready?
Anne Bonny
Crew makes silly, drunk words in the background.
Mary Read and Anne Bonny
Come up, you cowards, and fight like men!
They scream
Anne Bonny
It’s no use, they are just hiding. Argh, I guess we will just have to fight them on our
Crew makes silly, drunk words in the background.
Mary Read
Aye, here they come!
Captain Barnett, lived in Jamaica but worked for the English Navy to capture
Captain Barnett
Your ship will be taken over by the English and you all will be brought to Port Royal
jail to be hung or as you pirates call it - Dance the Hempen Jip - so surrender now
Anne Bonny and Mary Read
Never, we will fight till the end!
Captain Barnett
Well then
Anne Bonny and Mary Read run on to the front deck of the Naval man-o-war boat.
They fight for about forty-five minutes and then the English government finds the whole crew
down below and takes them in to Port Royal jail.
Scene Two: Port Royal Court
English Judge
All of you pirates are guilty and will now be hung. Order in court.
Anne Bonny and Mary Read
We will not be hung because we both have children in our bellies, we are pregnant.
English Judge
Well then, for both of you, once you have your child, then you will be hung.
Scene Three: Port Royal Jail
Calico Jack
Anne it was nice knowing you, good bye.
Anne Bonny
Good bye Jack. I’m very sorry that this had to happen to you but if you had fought like a
man you would not have been hung like a dog.
Calico Jack gets tugged away by a Port Royal Jail guard to be hung.
Anne Bonny
Mary, argh, are you okay?
Mary Read
No Anne, I don’t feel so good.
Mary says quietly and scared but with a high pitch at the end.
Anne Bonny
There, There good friend, it will be okay.
Anne takes a breath and waits for a response. After no response she pleads,
Mary respond to me, PLEASE!
Oh no, you must have died of a fever.
Scene Four: Port Royal Jail
Anne Bonny
She was my best friend!
Abby Jones, a fellow cell mate from Port Royal Jail
Abby Jones
I’m very sorry about your loss, I can tell she was a good friend.
Anne Bonny
Yes, she was a very good friend.
Abby Jones
I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but when did you meet her?
Anne Bonny
Oh we met a very long time ago, she dressed up as a boy and was fighting on a Dutch
ship when we took over the ship. She was the last person fighting and so we took
her over. She didn’t want to come aboard and be a pirate. So we had to force her. Out
of all of the sailors that we have ever had to fight against she was the only one who
didn’t want to join us.
Abby Jones
So that’s how both of you met. Would you mind telling me about your early life?
Anne Bonny
Oh, sure. I was born in Cork County, Ireland on March 8th, 1700. My parents’ names
were William Cormac and Peg Brennan, but my dad had an affair with Mary so I
never met my real mom. But then my dad’s wife found out that he was having an
affair with my mom and they separated. My mom and dad also separated because
Peg, my mom, found out that he was having an affair with his old wife. So my dad
and I moved to Charleston, South Carolina. But then one day my dad and I got into a
huge fight and I went and ran off with my soon-to-be husband, James Bonny. We
went to Jamaica and became pirates. But then I found out that he only married me
for my father’s plantation and I soon left him.
Abby Jones
Oh he seems like such a mean man!
Anne Bonny
He was, so I left him and went to look for a pirate ship I could join. Then that was
when I met Calico and we fell deeply in love for each other. So I joined his pirate
ship. We took over many ships and made a great team. But when we took over the
Dutch ship and Mary came aboard, we just became stronger. Many people were
shocked when they saw we had two woman on board, so we took advantage of that.
Abby Jones
I’m very sorry about your dear friend. You sound like you miss her so much.
Anne Bonny
I do and that’s what I feel - nobody understands, Abby!
Anne Bonny?
Anne Bonny
That’s me
There’s someone here to see you.
Anne Bonny
Goodbye Abby, it was nice knowing you.
Anne Bonny
The End