s PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Final PART 1: COURSE SUMMARY INFORMATION Course summary Final award BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy Intermediate award Dip HE Criminology and Social Policy Cert HE Criminology and Social Policy Course status Validated Awarding body University of Brighton Faculty Health School School of Applied Social Science Location of study/ campus Falmer Partner institution(s) Name of institution Host department Course status 1. SELECT 2. 3. Admissions Admissions agency UCAS Entry requirements UCAS Tariff: 280 points. Key skills will count towards the tariff score. General Studies will count towards the tariff score. ND/C (Level 3): Merits plus distinction IB: 28 points QAA accredited Access course: acceptable GCSE (minimum grade C): at least 3 subjects including English language and mathematics or a science. Foundation Degree/ HND/ HNC: dependent on award normally direct entry to year 2 by credit accreditation transfer. Other: Mature applicants without the above qualifications should be able to show an ability to benefit from the course by, for example, work or professional experience. All mature applicants are considered on an individual basis. Include any progression opportunities into the course. Requirement for applicants for whom English is not a first language: IELTS (English proficiency): 6.0 overall, 6 in writing. Start date (mmm-yy) Sep-11 Normally September Mode of study Mode of study Duration of study (standard) Maximum registration period Full-time 3 years 6 years Page 1 of 11 Part-time Other: 8 years Other: 8 years Sandwich Select Select Distance Select Select Course codes/categories UCAS code LM49 Contacts Course Leader (or Course Development Leader) Denise Martin Admissions Tutor Matt Follett Examination and Assessment External Examiner(s) Examination Board(s) (AEB/CEB) Name Place of work Date tenure expires Adrian Barton University of Plymouth 30/09/14 UG Programme AEB UG Programme CEB Approval and review Approval date 20011 Validation Jun Programme Specification Republished Aug 2010 with change to Course Leader Republished Oct 2011 with no changes3 Review date Feb 20082 Sept 20124 5 Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 1 (if applicable): Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 2 (if applicable): Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body 3 (if applicable): 1 Date of original validation. Date of most recent periodic review (normally academic year of validation + 5 years). 3 Month and year this version of the programme specification was approved (normally September). 4 Date programme specification will be reviewed (normally approval date + 1 year). If programme specification is applicable to a particular cohort, please state here. 5 Date of most recent review by accrediting/ approving external body. 2 Page 2 of 11 PART 2: COURSE DETAILS AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Aims The aims of the course are: 1. To provide a combined programme of study in criminology and social policy to honours degree level through which students can develop their analytical and critical capacities and apply these to their increasing knowledge and understanding of criminology and social policy. 2. To enable students to develop an understanding of the complexity of welfare systems and structures and appreciate how they relate to criminal justice developments. 3. To equip students with the academic and intellectual theories and perspectives to enable them to engage critically in debates about the causes of crime and societal responses to crime and deviance in a broader social policy context. 4. To provide students with skills to enable them to critically evaluate both historical and contemporary trends and contemporary patterns in crime causation, victimization, crime prevention and crime management within a broader social policy context. 5. To enable students to gain skills in social research and have a practical understanding of the nature and appropriate use of research strategies and methods in developing criminological and social policy knowledge. 6. To provide students with a sound knowledge base and vocationally relevant transferable skills in fields relating especially to criminology and social policy. Learning outcomes The outcomes of the main award provide information about how the primary aims are demonstrated by students following the course. These are mapped to external reference points where appropriate 6. the roles and responsibilities of the main agencies in the criminal Knowledge and theory justice system (SS115, SS254, SS366, SS369). 6 the emergence of the welfare state in Britain and of the utility of theoretical perspectives for our understanding of the history of social policy (SS104, SS126, SS255, SS256). contemporary activities of UK welfare institutions and of the operation and impact of non-governmental sources of welfare with particular reference to the criminal justice system (SS104, SS115, SS255, SS222, SS366, SS369, SS371). the framework and operation of the policy process, including factors influencing policy formulation and management (SS104, SS126, SS255, SS256, SS363, SS371). social problems and policy responses in the UK with particular reference to contemporary issues of crime and criminal justice (SS104, SS115, SS126, SS255, SS256, SS366, SS369, SS378). social science methodology, key sources of data about social welfare and of research methods for collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data (SS103, SS238, SS329). Please refer to Course Development and Review Handbook or QAA website for details. Page 3 of 11 Skills Includes intellectual skills (i.e. generic skills relating to academic study, problem solving, evaluation, research etc.) and professional/ practical skills. the social and political context in which social problems arise and of the complexities involved in defining issues as social problems (SS104, SS126, SS130, SS255, SS256). ways in which concepts such as social need, social justice, inequality, equity, exclusion, identity and diversity can be used to analyse human needs and social welfare (SS104, SS126, SS130, SS255, SS256, SS363, SS371). the preoccupation with crime, disorder and victimisation in contemporary societies and the limits of legal/criminal justice interventions into criminal and social problems (SS115, SS125, SS254, SS222, SS366, SS369). the contexts, strengths and weaknesses of UK orientations to crime and criminal justice (including its criminal justice policies) through comparison with developments in criminal justice policies and systems in other selected cultures and societies (SS222, SS371). a range of intellectual traditions, theoretical perspectives and debates in the social sciences (SSS125, SS130, SS215, SS254, SS366). concepts and theories of welfare and theories of policy-making and implementation (SS104, SS126, SS255, SS256, SS301, SS363, SS371). criminological theories, concepts and approaches (SS115, SS125, SS222, SS254, SS366, SS369). theoretical and ideological influences upon social policy development and of the contribution of social theory to social policy analysis (SS130, SS104, SS126, SS255, SS256, SS301, SS371). Intellectual Skills The ability to critically engage in debates about social issues, such as crime causation and crime prevention, by reference to contrasting social theories and ideological perspectives. (SS125, SS126, SS130, SS254, SS256, SS222, SS256, SS301, SS329, SS366, SS369, SS378) critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of criminological theories and ideological perspectives (SS115, SS125, SS126, SS130, SS254, SS222, SS256, SS329, SS366, SS369). critically evaluate social and criminal justice policies in the UK, appreciating the relevance of political and socio-economic factors (SS104, SS115, SS126, SS222, SS254, SS254, SS256, SS366, SS369). identify a relevant policy topic, identify and address the ethical issues, investigate it by seeking out and using relevant data, research publications and other sources and to present the findings, using reasoned argument to draw clear conclusions (SS238, SS329). Page 4 of 11 distinguish between technical, normative and political differences that affect policies (SS104, SS126, SS255, SS256, SS301, SS329). Transferable skills The ability to QAA subject benchmark statement (where applicable)7 read and interpret complex texts closely, critically and creatively (all modules, but especially SS115, SS215, SS329) communicate ideas and arguments effectively, both verbally and in writing (all modules, but especially SS238, SS329). learn and study independently, to self-manage work with minimal supervision, and to reflect on academic work (all modules, but especially SS238, SS329). work effectively in organisations, including: self-motivation; integrity; interpersonal and group working skills (all modules, but especially SS251). use information technology to word-process, display data in graphs and diagrams, analyse quantitative data, communicate via email, obtain information from the internet and conduct searches of electronic databases (all modules, but especially SS124, SS103, SS238, SS329) QAA Developmental Engagement, 2003 External Examiners’ Reports PROFESSIONAL, STATUTORY AND REGULATORY BODIES (where applicable) Where a course is accredited by a PSRB, full details of how the course meets external requirements, and what students are required to undertake, are included. LEARNING AND TEACHING Learning and teaching methods This section sets out the primary learning and teaching methods, including total learning hours and any specific requirements in terms of practical/ clinical-based learning. The indicative list of learning and teaching methods includes information on the proportion of the course delivered by each method and details where a particular method relates to a particular element of the course. The primary learning and teaching methods, other than guided independent study, include 7 Induction Lectures Seminars Workshops Please refer to the QAA website for details. Page 5 of 11 Student presentations (individual and group) Learning groups Independent learning activities Personal tutorial support (in person and by email) Individual and group tutorial supervision Research and personal development activities Virtual learning environment (student central) Work-place supervision Each 20 credit module is designed to encompass 200 hours of student learning activity. The programme is designed to create independent learners who will use the opportunities afforded by the degree to analyse their own learning needs. At level 4 the creation of independent learners is fostered by a coordinated academic skills development programme embedded in all Level 4 modules. The development of different skills in different modules is specified in the relevant module outlines. An Academic Skills Coordinator will coordinate this academic skills development effort across Level 4 modules. Thereafter, skills development and the development of independent learners continue as integral aspects of Level 5 and 6 modules. IT skills are verified and developed in a zero–credit module SS124 giving an induction into the University’s systems concluding with a test of IT competences. The personal tutoring system supports students in their learning at Level 4 through a programme of regular, purposeful small group meetings with personal tutors. This will be coordinated by a Personal Tutoring Coordinator. The typical pattern of learning and teaching on each module is a weekly lecture plus one or two additional hours of contact time each week. At Level 4 modules have a total of three hours contact. At levels 5 and 6 this typically reduces to a total of two hours. Certain modules (e.g., SS215 and SS251) have contact every two or three weeks, rather than weekly. The Dissertation at Level 6 begins with regular timetabled contact during the first semester, but, during the second semester, reduces to a total of two hours of individual tutorials per student. The general intention is to develop students’ independent learning skills learning during Level 4, and thereafter, encouraging them to manage their time effectively by providing contact in a variety of ways. Types of non-lecture contact vary between modules. Some modules have weekly seminar or workshop groups of 20-25 students in which students undertake activities such as small group work or individual or group presentations. Other modules have one large workshop attended by all students taking the module in which students participate in small group activities, usually with several members of staff present. To ensure that all students experience small group teaching throughout their degree, at each level there is one compulsory module (Personal Tutor group meetings in level 4, SS238, SS329) in which students are taught in groups of between 10 and 15 students. In addition, at Level 4, in semester 1, students are given membership of ‘Learning Groups’. These are small groups of students (typically five) who are encouraged to work together outside formal contact time. Each Level 4 module in semester 1 gives Learning groups weekly, non–assessed assignments to complete. The Groups report back on these assignments in their weekly seminars. Learning and teaching is accorded a high priority within the School. A Learning and Teaching Coordinator supports the work of staff in this area and the School has an Educational Development Research Group that initiates and manages research into learning, teaching and related issues within the School to feed back to SASS tutors, the rest of the University, and the wider educational community. Termly undergraduate teachers meetings facilitate the discussion of learning and teaching issues. Links have been established with the Subject Centres for Social Policy and Social Work (C-SWAP) and for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP). ASSESSMENT Assessment methods This section sets out the summative assessment methods on the course and includes details on where Page 6 of 11 to find further information on the criteria used in assessing coursework. It also provides an assessment matrix which reflects the variety of modes of assessment, and the volume of assessment in the course. Assessment methods vary according to module. All module descriptions require the assessment criteria to link with the stated module learning outcomes. The variety of assessment methods is designed to relate the School’s learning and teaching strategy. Methods of assessment include: Coursework essays: demonstration of analytical ability and written communication skills. Examinations (including seen, open book and unseen examinations): demonstration of knowledge, understanding and ability to apply knowledge within a fixed time. Reports and Projects: demonstration of evaluation skills, project management and written communication skills. Literature Reviews (books, articles and reports): the ability to summarise, contextualise and criticise scholarship and research findings. Dissertation: demonstration of ability to develop a sustained argument and to manage work independently. Take-away examinations: demonstration of ability to apply knowledge when working to a deadline. Seminar presentations: demonstration of knowledge, understanding and verbal communication and presentation skills. Other methods (including portfolios, group exercises, presentation notes). A number of transferable skills, such as IT, problem-solving, group-working, and self-motivation are embedded within the primary modes of delivery of learning and are not necessarily separately assessed. However, satisfactory achievement of the learning outcomes requires that such skills are developed to an appropriate level. Assessment Criteria Below 40% (equivalent to a fail): Does not address the question posed. Misses the point of the question. Lack of structure/ organisation. Significant factual errors. Reliance on too narrow a range of sources. Poor or non-existent referencing and bibliography. 40%-49% (equivalent to Third Class Honours) Records and presents at acceptable levels of accuracy and clarity material which addresses the question posed; some reference to relevant reading; an ability to identify issues pertinent to the question. 50%-59% (equivalent to Lower Second Class Honours) In addition to the above, work which shows: evidence that the student can draw selectively from literature to support arguments with authority; an ability to present a coherent and developing discussion; evidence of an understanding of conceptual and theoretical material being employed; a well presented and adequately referenced assignment. Page 7 of 11 60%-69% (equivalent to Upper Second Class Honours) As above, but with clear evidence of perception and insight in the identification and analysis of issues; an ability to handle evidence and literature with relevance and imagination; thorough referencing of material drawn upon; a clear independence of view in presentation, stance and analysis; a sound understanding of theoretical material and its relevance to matters under discussion. 70%-84% (equivalent to First Class Honours) As above, but with perceptive analysis of identified issues, and a systematic and imaginative use of literature; an ability to develop cogent arguments and to site those arguments within a clearly understood theoretical framework. Evidence of originality in terms of content, presentation and use of sources. 85-100% (equivalent to First Class Honours) In addition to the above, an ability to provide detailed analysis of complex issues and synthesise wideranging literature; an ability to present arguments with elegance and perception and locate them within a sophisticated theoretical framework. A high level of originality in content, presentation and argument. SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Institutional/ University All students benefit from: University induction week Student Handbook: the University and you Course Handbook Extensive library facilities Computer pool rooms (indicate number of workstations by site) E-mail address Welfare service Personal tutor for advice and guidance Course-specific In addition, students on this course benefit from: Please refer to information held in studentcentral. Course Induction Undergraduate Degrees Programme Handbook Module handbooks Career Planning Agreement Support from course leader and module tutors Additional support, specifically where courses have nontraditional patterns of delivery (e.g. distance learning and work-based learning) include: Page 8 of 11 PART 3: COURSE SPECIFIC REGULATIONS COURSE STRUCTURE This section includes an outline of the structure of the programme, including stages of study and progression points. Course Leaders may choose to include a structure diagram here. Modules Status: M = Mandatory (modules which must be taken and passed to be eligible for the award) C = Compulsory (modules which must be taken to be eligible for the award) O = Optional (optional modules) A = Additional (modules which must be taken to be eligible for an award accredited by a professional, statutory or regulatory body, including any non-credit bearing modules) Level8 Module code 4 Status Module title Credit SS103 Social Science Research Methods 20 4 SS104 Social Policy 20 4 SS115 Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies 20 4 SS124 ICT for the Social Sciences 0 4 SS125 Theories of Crime 20 4 SS126 Human Needs and Social Problems 20 4 SS130 Contemporary Social Inequalities 20 5 SS215 Analysis and Review 20 5 SS222 Transcultural Issues in Crime and Justice 20 5 SS229 Research Project (for SOCRATES students) 10 5 SS238 Research Project 20 5 SS242 Analysis and Review (for SOCRATES students) 10 5 SS251 Community Participation and Development 20 5 SS254 Criminologies of Crime Control 20 5 SS255 History and Social Policy 20 5 SS256 Social Justice, Welfare and Well-being 20 6 SS301 Policy Analysis 20 6 SS329 Dissertation 40 6 SS363 Transport, Environment and Society 20 6 SS366 Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice 20 6 SS369 Contemporary Studies in Crime and Justice 20 6 SS371 Global Social Policy 20 6 SS378 Critical Addiction Studies 20 8 All modules have learning outcomes commensurate with the FHEQ levels 0, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. List the level which corresponds with the learning outcomes of each module. Page 9 of 11 AWARD AND CLASSIFICATION Award type Final Award* Title Level Eligibility for award Classification of award Total credits9 Minimum credits10 Ratio of marks11: Class of award BA (Hons) Criminology & Social Policy 6 Total credit 360 Minimum credit at level of award Other: 360 Levels 5 and 6 (25:75) Honours degree Intermediate Dip HE Criminology & Social Policy 5 Total credit 240 Minimum credit at level of award Other: 240 Level 5 marks Not applicable Intermediate Cert HE Criminology & Social Policy 4 Total credit 120 Minimum credit at level of award 120 Level 4 marks Not applicable Select Select Total credit Select Minimum credit at level of award Select Select Select Select Select Total credit Select Minimum credit at level of award Select Select Select *Foundation degrees only Progression routes from award: Award classifications Mark/ band % Foundation degree Honours degree Postgraduate12 degree (excludes PGCE and BM BS) 70% - 100% Distinction First (1) Distinction 60% - 69.99% Merit Upper second (2:1) Merit Lower second (2:2) Pass 50% - 59.99% 40% - 49.99% Pass Third (3) 9 Total number of credits required to be eligible for the award. Minimum number of credits required, at level of award, to be eligible for the award. 11 Algorithm used to determine the classification of the final award (all marks are credit-weighted). For a Masters degree, the mark for the final element (e.g, dissertation) must be in the corresponding class of award. 12 Refers to taught provision: PG Cert, PG Dip, Masters. 10 Page 10 of 11 EXAMINATION AND ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS Please refer to the Course Approval and Review Handbook when completing this section. The examination and assessment regulations for the course should be in accordance with the University’s General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses (available from staffcentral or studentcentral). Specific regulations which materially affect assessment, progression and award on the course e.g. Where referrals or repeat of modules are not permitted in line with the University’s General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses. Examination and Assessment Regulations (available from the School Office, Registry, staffcentral and studentcentral) The pass mark for each module is 40%. To qualify for an award the student must achieve the full credit for that award. Students will not be awarded interim awards if they are progressing to the next level (i.e. at the conclusion of study the student will receive the highest award for which they qualify, but not the interim awards). Classification of the degree is based on 25:75 weighting of marks achieved at levels 5 and 6 respectively. All modules within a level are weighted according to their credit value (i.e. the mark for a 20 credit module carries twice the weight of that of a 10 credit module Exceptions required by PSRB These require the approval of the Chair of the Academic Board Document template revised: 2010 Page 11 of 11