( a 10 days course)Intermediate or Upper Intermediate level on

Events in our region
Italian Homestay courses: Provisional dates for 2012
language courses
1) Saturday the 28th of January to Monday the 6th of
February inclusive ( a 10 days course)Intermediate or
Upper Intermediate level on request.
--------------------------------------------2) Monday the 20th of February to Wednesday the 29th of
February inclusive a course at Low – Intermediate or
Intermediate level on request
-----------------------------------3) Friday the 2nd of March to Thursday the 8th of March
inclusive( a 7 days course) for Absolute beginners .
Enjoy an Italian for holiday course
--------------------------------------------------4) Wednesday the 21st of March to Friday the 30th of
March inclusive( a 10 days course) for Upper
Intermediate or Advanced students on request
5) Monday the 2nd of April to Wednesday the 11th of April
inclusive. An Intermediate course for 10 days
6) Monday the 16th of April to Wednesday the 25th
inclusive . A 10 days course at Postbeginners or Low
intermediate level on request.
7) Monday the 30th of April to Wednesday the 9th of May.
An Intermediate or Upper intermediate course
Events in our
Enjoy Italian
winter sales
in our
company and
the Carnival
Carnival with
Enjoy the
Pasqua and
with us!!!
----------------Enjoy the
blossom and
longer and
sunny days
Events in our region
Enjoy an old
festival ( 340
years old)and
a big Fair
8) Monday the 14th of May to Wednesday the 23rd of May
inclusive. A Low- Intermediate or Intermediate course on
9)Friday the 25th of May to Saturday the 2ndst of June
inclusive ( a 8 days course) at
Beginners or Postbeginners level on request
------------------------------------------------------------10)Friday the 15th of June to Sunday the 24th of June. A
course at Upper intermediate or Advanced level during the
Flower Decking( a tradition from 1778).
Events in our
Enjoy the
Enjoy the
Historical’s groups
-------------------------Enjoy an old
traditional Festival
where flowers’s
11)Monday the 25 of June to Wednesday the 4 of July( a 10 paintings will
attract to the near
or a 12 days course) at Intermediate or Upper Intermediate
town many tourists
on request. Enjoy Italian summer sales in our company
from the Usa,
England, Japan etc
-------------------------June/ July
Enjoy summer
12) Saturday the 7th of July to Friday the 13th of July( a 7
sales and plenty of
days course) at Postbeginners or Low Intermediate level.
fresh fruit and
Enjoy Italian summer sales in our company
vegetables in our
Events in our region
Enjoy Italian
13) Sunday the 15th of July to Tuesday the 24thof inclusive(10 days
conversation course for Intermediate and Upper Intermediate and
swimming by the
Students. Enjoy summer sales in our company
Events in our region
School closed from the 25th of
July to the 31st of August
14) Saturday the 1st of September to
Tuesday the 11th inclusive( a 10 days
course) at Upper intermediate level
------------------Enjoy plenty of fresh fruit
and vegetables
from our land. Enjoy walking and
Enjoy plenty of
swimming by the sea in our company and
fruit and
long and sunny days infresh
15) Thursday the 13 of September to Il palio delle decarcie. vegetables
A Palio event
in our
Saturday the 22nd inclusive( a 10 days region
our land. Enjoy
course) at Intermediate level
walking and
swimming by the
sea and long and
sunny days
16)Wednesday the 26th to Friday Enjoy the wine and grape Festival and
--------------------the harvest of the grape
the 5th of October inclusive ( a 10
October Enjoy the
days course) at Intermediate or
wine and grape
Upper intermediate level
festival and the
harvest of the
17) Monday the 8th of October to
grape in our land
Wednesday the 17th of October
inclusive( a 10 days course) at
Postbeginners or LowIn October and
Intermediate level
------------------------------------------------------- In
October and November
Enjoy the h visit
the harvest
18) Monday the 22 of October to
of the olives and a
Wednesday the 31st( a 10 days
visit to a local olive
course) at Upper intermediate and
Advanced conversation
19)Monday the 5th of November to
Monday the 12th inclusive( an 8
days course) at Beginners or
Postbeginners level.
20)Wednesday the 21st of
November to Friday the 30th of
Events in our region
November( a 10 days course) at
Intermediate level
Enjoy a traditional Festival on the
23rd and a big Fair in our town.
--------------------------------------21)Wednesday the 5th of
December to Friday the 14th
inclusive( a 10 days course) at
Postbeginners or Low
intermediate level
---------------------December courses
Enjoy a visit to a Christmas
market and doing the Christmas
shopping with a personal
shopper. Chestnuts by the
fireplace and a hot chocolate will
be part of your winter experience
---------------------------------------22) Sunday the 15th of December
to Friday the 21st inclusive( a 7
days course) at Intermediate level
23)Friday the 28th of December to
Tuesday the 1st of January 2013
inclusive( a 5 , 6 days course) at
Advanced Conversation level
Enjoy a typical Italian cenone with us
and a wonderful fireworks display