Examination Card № 1

Examination Card № 1
І. Reading
Read the text and choose the best answer (A–D) to answer the questions (1–5).
The Eiffel Tower is a very famous tower in Paris, France. It was named after the
engineer who designed and built it, Alexandre Eiffel. The tower was built in 1889.
Alexandre Eiffel was asked to build the tower when France decided to have a big fair
to exhibit its goods and wares. The tower was to be located in the middle of the fair as
a special attraction. So, Eiffel designed the tower and soon began to build it, using iron
beams and bolts. When the structure first started to take shape, the people of France
did not like it. They thought it looked like a giant skeleton and was not attractive at
all. However, when the tower was finally completed and lighted up at night, the people
quickly changed their minds. It was an enchanting sight and now looked like a tower
made of lace.
The Eiffel Tower is sometimes considered one of the seven wonders of the modern
world. It is 300 meters high and people can take an elevator all the way to the top. From
the tower, they can get a marvellous view of the city and the River Seine which runs
through it. Besides the elevator, there are steps which lead all the way up the tower.
For those who are energetic, they can use these to climb up. It is very windy at the top
of the tower and can be very cold at times because it is only built by iron beams. There
are no walls to keep the wind out.
1. The Eiffel Tower got its name ... .
A from its location
C from the fair
B from its designer
D from Paris
2. The tower is ... now.
A more than 100 years old
C100 years old exactly
B less than 100 years old
D hundreds of years old
3. Why didn’t the people like the tower at first?
A They thought it wasn’t safe. C They were haunted by it.
B They didn’t like iron beams.
D They thought it was very ugly.
4. Why did they change their minds in the end?
A It turned out to be very safe. C It turned out to be beautiful.
B They liked lace.
D The design was changed.
5. What can we see from the tower ?
A Paris
C Iron beams
B A tower of lace D A giant skeleton
ІІ. Grammar
Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb.
1. Right now I (watch)___________ a funny comedy.
2. (you / play / already)_________ the new computer game?
3. No, not yet. I only (buy)________ it yesterday.
4. Tony (watch) _______ TV when the lights went out.
5. They (play) ________tennis with the Smiths yesterday.
6. He was happy because he (win) __________ the lottery.
7. When I saw Jane, she (buy) ____________ a gift.
8. Can I phone you back in ten minutes? We (have) __________ breakfast at the moment.
9. I (know) ___________ this part of town quite well.
10. Tim was ironing while Marie (watch)________ television.
III. Writing
Write a short article (60–100 words) on the topic: “Good friend is a great blessing.”
Use the prompts given below.
• What characteristics make a good friend?
• Have you got a true friend?
• What is he like?
Examination Card № 2
I. Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are T (true) or F (False).
Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. She was taught by Mary Somerville, a
well-known researcher and scientific author, who introduced her to Charles Babbage in June
1833. Babbage was an English mathematician, who first had the idea for a programmable
In 1842 and 1843, Ada translated the work of an Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, on
Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Though mechanical, this machine was an important step in the
history of computers; it was the design of a mechanical general-purpose computer. Babbage
worked on it for many years until his death in 1871. However, because of financial, political, and
legal issues, the engine was never built. The design of the machine was very modern; it
anticipated the first completed general-purpose computers by about 100 years.
When Ada translated the article, she added a set of notes which specified in complete detail a
method for calculating certain numbers with the Analytical Engine, which have since been
recognized by historians as the world’s first computer programme. She also saw possibilities in it
that Babbage hadn’t: she realised that the machine could compose pieces of music. The computer
programming language ‘Ada’, used in some aviation and military programmes, is named after
l. Ada Lovelace’s teacher introduced her to Charles Babbage.
2. Ada translated the article in 1842.
3. Luigi Menabrea designed the first computer.
4. Babbage finished the machine before he died.
5. Ada Lovelace noticed that Babbage’s Analytical Engine could make computer games.
ІІ. Grammar
Put the verbs into the correct tense form.
1.Rickie is my friend. We (like)__________ to talk together.
2. Right now we (talk)__________ about school.
3. When we (travel)___________ around Ireland, we met some very nice people.
4. While she (speak)__________
on the phone, the milk boiled over.
5. My mum (cook)_________ dinner tonight.
6. I last (go) ________
to the cinema two weeks ago.
7. She (take)__________the exam last year.
8. Mr Johnson (open) ____________a new shop in the village next month.
9. The mechanic (repair) ________my car at the moment.
10. My parents (just/move) ___________to a beautiful house in the country.
III. Writing
There is a famous quotation that says “the world is a book and people who do not
travel are reading only the first page.” is travelling important? Share your opinion
(60–100 words). Use the prompts given below.
• What can you learn from visiting other countries?
• What country could you learn the most from?
• What culture would you like to learn more about?
Examination Card № 3
I. Reading
Read the text given below. Match the headings (A–F) with the parts (1–5) of the text. There
is one extra heading.
A The first students
D An exciting competition
B Staying at the universities E Women students
C No married teachers
F Ancient universities
The towns of Oxford and Cambridge have some of the finest buildings in Britain.
They are famous for their universities, the oldest in England. All the students live and
study in colleges. Cambridge has 31 colleges and Oxford has 39. Oxford’s first college
started in 1249. Cambridge’s first college opened in 1281.
Before the 12th century, people who wanted a good education went to the Sorbonne
in Paris. Then, in 1167, all English students in Paris moved to Oxford. Some people say
King Henry II told them to move. Others say the French threw them out! The students
went to study in Oxford monasteries and that was the beginning of Oxford University.
Women started studying later than men. The first women’s college at Cambridge
opened in 1869 and at Oxford in 1878. Today, three Cambridge colleges and one Oxford
college are for women only. Men and women study together in the others.
Every year the universities compete in a rowing race over 7 kilometres of the Thames.
The first race was in 1829 and it became a yearly race in 1839. All the students really
want their university to win!
People can stay in rooms at Oxford and Cambridge when the students are on holiday.
Some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more uncomfortable!).
They often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square in the middle of the
college. Imagine sleeping in the same room as an ex Prime Minister or eating at the same table as
Lawrence of Arabia!
ІІ. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. ..... best friend, Sunny, wants to be a doctor when ..... grows up.
A I; himself B My; him C My; he
2. Show me the homework ..... you’ve done.
A whom B who C which
3. Where is the mechanic ..... you know ?
A whom B which C whose
4. The problem of pollution ..... worse these days.
A will get B got C is getting
5. This time yesterday we .....in the sea.
A swam B are swimming C were swimming
6. Elena Petrovna is ..... class teacher. ..... is 29 years old.
A our; He B our; She C we; Her
7. The patient ..... walks with a limp, was involved in a car accident two years ago.
A who B which C whose
8. ..... cat gave birth to some kittens. ..... are so adorable.
A Her; We B My; She C My; They
9. Doris .....in that office since April.
A has been working B works C is working
10. Did you ..... your finger while you were cooking?
A sprain B burn C crack
III. Writing
You want to invite your friend to the theatre. Write a note (60–100 words) to him / her.
Include this information:
• invite your friend to the theatre;
• say when and where you will meet;
• tell him / her what play you are going to see.
Examination Card № 4
І. Reading
Read the text given below. decide if the statements are T (true) or F (False).
Dear Mom and Dad,
This is my fifth day at the summer camp. Life in the great outdoors isn’t exactly what I' ve
expected, but I’m not starving ... yet ... so don’t worry about me.
I guess I should tell you about what I do every day. First, everyone has to get up at 5:30 A.M.
They have this silly old rooster named Harry who loves to wake us up. Next, we have to make
our beds and tidy up the cabin before our camp counselor, Jeff, comes to inspect the place.
Then, we have breakfast around 6:30 A.M. After that, we have some free time, so I’ve been
going down to the nearby stream to fish for a couple of hours. But yesterday, the only thing I
caught was an old shoe and a tree branch. Great catch, Huh? Then when I was trying to swat a
mosquito buzzing around my head, I slipped and fell in the stream and lost my fishing pole. That
ended my fishing career.
Well, in the afternoon, there are different activities we can choose from like archery, horseback
riding, and hiking. I thought archery would be the sport for me until I shot an arrow through
Jeff’s pant leg. As you can imagine, I haven’t been invited back since.
In the evening, everyone is assigned a different chore to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in
charge of cooking the hotdogs, but I accidentally dropped them in the fire, so we had to settle for
beans instead. The other kids are always razzing me about it.
At night, we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, sing songs, and tell ghost stories.
That’s usually fun, but one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire, I got all turned
around and got lost. After about an hour of wandering aimlessly in the forest, I finally found my
way back, but no one seemed to have realized what had happened, thinking that I just had gone
to bed. A bear or wolf could have eaten me and no one would have known it. I was so beat I just
crashed ... out like a light.
Well, today is another day and tomorrow I go home ... and not a bit too soon. I’ve learned that
camping is just not for me.
1. Brad wrote a letter to his sister and brother.
2. Brad wrote in his letter that he wasn't starving.
3. Brad never has free time at the camp.
4. A mosquito caused Brad to fall into the stream.
5. Brad shot his friend Jeff in the leg with an arrow.
ІІ. Grammar
Put the verbs into the correct tense form.
1. Yesterday I (buy)__________ a book about the British Museum and its collections.
2. I (read)___________ 30 pages already. It’s really interesting.
3. Alison and I (study)_______
for the exam. We don't want to fail it!
4. Caroline burnt her hand when she (iron) _________ her clothes.
5. I (just / finish)___________ my homework.
6. Mary (already / write)_________ five letters.
7. Tom (move)____________ to this town in 1994.
8. My father (read)__________ the newspaper every morning.
9. I (buy) _______ you a new coat next winter.
10. We (play)___________on the beach when it started to rain.
III. Writing
You are on holiday with your friend in your country. Write a postcard (60–100 words) to
your English teacher. Tell him / her:
• where you are at the moment;
• what the place is like;
• what you did yesterday;
• what you are planning to do tomorrow.
Examination Card № 5
І. Reading
Read the text and choose the best answer (A–D) to complete the sentences (1–5).
It was the strangest of all races. Two teams of five men each – one British, the other
Norwegian – set out at the beginning of the 1911 Antarctic summer, both bent on becoming the
first explorers to reach the South Pole. The British team was led by 43-year-old Robert Falcon
Scott, the Norwegian team was led by by 39-year-old Roald Amundsen. Each man had already
made expeditions to the Antarctic region.
Yet because the two expeditions had chosen to build their coastal base camps 600
miles apart, at either edge of the vast Ross Ice Shelf, their paths would never overlap,
and the two teams would never meet each other. There was no way to know who was
leading the race.
Amundsen’s team set out on October 18. Scott’s party did not depart from Cape Evans until
November 1. The two parties had about the same distance to cover (nearly 800 miles in a straight
line) to get to the South Pole. Yet their traveling styles were completely different, and those
differences would spell victory or defeat. Amundsen used dogs to haul his sleds, while the men
were skiing; when they were close to exhaustion, they could kill and eat the dogs. Scott
experimented in vain with ponies and motorized tractors to pull his sleds, but ended up heading
for the Pole with his men in harnesses, pulling their heavy sleds themselves.
Taken from “100th Anniversary of Roald Amundsen Reaching South Pole–How the Grueling Race Was
Won” by David Roberts, Beyond the Edge: National Geographic Adventure Blog, 2011.
1. Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott competed to be the first person to:
A visit Antarctica.
C reach the North Pole.
B win a sledding race. D reach the South Pole.
2. How old was Roald Amundsen when he started the race?
A 43 B 39 C 18 D 49
3. Why was there no way for the men to know who was winning the race?
A One team was travelling much faster than the other team.
B One team never started the race.
C The teams’ paths never overlapped.
D The weather conditions made it too difficult to see.
4. “In vain” means:
A unsuccessfully B for fun C successfully D carefully
5. According to the article, the styles of travel used by Amundsen and Scott were different because:
They traveled very long distances.
Amundsen used dogs to pull his sleds.
Scott had more people in his team.
Scott’s team carried more supplies.
II. Grammar
Choose the correct answer.
1. We ..... by a loud noise last night.
A woke up B are woken up C were woken up
2. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ..... .
A we are following B we are being followed
C we are followed
3. ‘Where ..... ?’ ‘In Paris.’
A were you born B are you born C did you born
4. The train ..... arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.
A supposed to B is supposed to C was supposed to
5. Where did you .....? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A have your hair cut B cut your hair C have cut your hair
6. It’s a big library. Thousands of books ..... .
A were kept B are kept C had been kept
7. I’m not sure ..... David lives.
A where B wherever C when
8. ..... my bedroom and the bathroom are painted white.
A Both B All C Neither
9. It was a ..... idea to have a party for your birthday.
A best B good C well
10. ..... they painted the ceiling, then they did the walls.
A First of all B Then C Finally
III. Writing
Write a description of your friend in your class (60–100 words). Write about:
• his / her personality;
• something about his / her physical appearance;
• something you like about him / her.
Examination Card № 6
І. Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are T(true) or F (False).
If graffiti is the art of today’s streetwise teenagers, then skateboarding is their sport. Skateboarding has
never bееn more popular. There are аn estimated 200,000 skaters in the UK. Most cities and towns have
official skate parks. Маnу are provided bу the local council and these are often free. Others are owned bу
private companies and skaters usually have to рау to use the facilities. Some of these parks, such as the
Skate Park in Birmingham and Bones Skate Park in Manchester, are famous through-out the skating
Skating has also become big business and there are many companies selling skate-boards, skating
accessories and fashion items. Part of the rise of the popularity of skating is because of its inclusion in the
extreme sport scene and competitions like the X-games and the urban games offer large money prizes for
the winners. Competitors in the events саn become very famous in the skating world. Professional skaters
like Raphael Brunis from France and Dannу Cerezini from Brazil are often sponsored bу companies to
use their products.
1. Skateboarding was more popular in the past.
2. All skate parks in the UK аге free.
3. Competitions like the X-games have encouraged new skaters.
4. Competitors in the skating events are famous sportsmen.
5. Professional skaters аrе often given money bу companies if they use their products.
ІІ. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. This is the bus ..... goes to Lutsk.
A that B who C whose
2. The cat is sleeping in ..... basket which was bought by ..... .
A she;
B his;
C its;
3. My aunt ..... is a music teacher, can play the piano well.
A which B whose C who
4. Is this ..... handkerchief? It certainly is not ..... .
A your; mine B his; ours C your; your
5. He was hot because he .....in the sun.
A sat B had been sitting C is sitting
6. I .....to you as soon as I get home.
A wrote B have written C will write
7. That’s the monkey ..... escaped from the cage.
A whom B which C whose
8. Paul .....abroad once a month on business.
A travels B is travelling C travel
9. Tom was cooking ..... I telephoned.
A what B when C which
10. If the lake is ..... , you can skate on it.
A freezing B frozen C fabulous
III. Writing
Your friend wants to know if you like going to picnics. Write a letter (60–100 words) to him / her
about it. Include the following:
• How do you usually prepare everything for the picnic?
• What is your favourite place for a picnic (by the river, in the forest, etc.)?
• What are your impressions after the picnic?
Examination Card № 7
І. Reading
Read the text. Put the paragraphs of the text in the correct order.
A Michelle and her friends then went their separate ways to go home. When Michelle arrived home, she
fished in her bag for the house keys. They were missing. She frowned and poured out all the contents of
her bag onto the ground. Then, she sieved through them but still, the keys were nowhere to be found! She
must have left them in the house when she went out. To make things worse, her parents were both at work
and would not be home for another two hours. She went over to her neighbour’s house, thinking that if
they were home, she could wait for her parents there. Unfortunately, her neighbours were out too.
B After that day, Michelle learnt her lesson. Her mother then attached her house keys to a lanyard so
that it could
be hung around Michelle’s neck. Hopefully, in this way, Michelle would not forget her
keys again.
C Michelle left the house to meet up with several friends at the shopping center. She skipped along the
path, whistling a tune as she made her way there. They were meeting first for lunch. Michelle suggested
that they had pizza for lunch and everyone cheered in agreement. Pizza was her favourite food. She
especially loved eating the melted cheese on top of it. It would be a delicious and satisfying lunch.
D With a sigh, Michelle went downstairs to look for a public telephone to call her mother. She explained
the situation to her mother and her mother advised her to wait at the void deck for her. Michelle had no
choice but to do just that. Luckily, Michelle was someone with the habit of carrying a story book with
her everywhere she went. She went downstairs to read her book while waiting for her mother to return
from work.
E Once everyone had filled their stomachs, they went to the cinema that was located on the top floor.
There was a comedy screening and it was a unanimous decision to watch that. Despite just having had
lunch, Michelle enjoyed munching on popcorn while watching movies. She shared a box with her
friend. The movie was hilarious and all of them enjoyed it. At certain scenes, Michelle even laughed until
she felt tears in her eyes.When the movie was over, they were still talking about the funny scenes and
laughing about them.
ІІ. Grammar
Put the verbs into the correct tense form (past simple or past continuous).
1. When I left the house this morning, the sun (shine) ___________.
2. My friends (visit)________ the British Museum last year.
3. But I (see)_________ lots of wonderful pictures.
4. And yesterday I (buy)__________ a book about the British Museum and its collections.
5. I (be / never)_________ to the National Gallery.
6. Where did you (cut)_________your hair? Which hairdresser did you go to?
7. Tom (play)__________ basketball for five years.
8. He (practise)__________
four times a week.
9. Ilsa (visit)___________Eric and his family last year.
10. I think James (visit)______ us tomorrow.
III. Writing
You have just come from a ski resort. Write a short letter (60–100 words) to your friend. Include
this information:
• where you stayed;
• what the weather was like;
• tourists’ activities;
• what you liked most of all.
Examination Card № 8
І. Reading
Read the text. Choose the correct item A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (1–5).
Since childhood, Dr. Robert Lang has practised origami. It was the convergence of his intensely
creative mind and this ancient Japanese tradition that gave rise to his unique style of origami,
which he developed into a renewed art and ultimately a science of practical application.
His intricate paper insect creations were a departure from the standard boats and cranes that
have long been in the tradition of origami. Over time his works grew more complex, featuring
hundreds of folds and multiple pieces of paper, such as a full scale cuckoo clock. Between his
efforts to earn a PhD in applied physics, his job at NASA’s Jet Propulsion laboratory, his eighty
technical papers, and his forty-six patents in opto-electronics and lasers, he somehow found time
to implement and evolve a number of original origami designs.
The practicality of his scientific research began to influence his origami designs, until the line
between the two began to blur. He participated in a project at EASi Engineering to develop
complicated crease patterns for airbag folding designs. Lang also worked to design a mesh wire
heart support to be folded and implanted in congestive heart failure patients; once inside, it
would expand, protecting the heart. His most ambitious project to date, however, is shared with a
team at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, with whom he has developed a space
telescope – one that is forty times larger than the Hubble and collapsible for space travel through
a series of precise origami folds.
Taken from “The Origami Resolution” by Ben Taylor
1. Lang’s style of origami originated from a combination of ...
A practical application and creative mind.
B a creative mind and renewed art.
C Japanese tradition and a creative mind.
D Japanese tradition and practical science.
2. Lang’s paper insects were ...
A almost the same as traditional or standard origami.
B very different from traditional origami.
C based on traditional boats and cranes.
D traditional origami creations.
3. Because of his work and projects in science, he ...
A probably didn’t have a lot of time to make origami.
B had a lot of time to make origami.
C could use special equipment for making origami.
D earned a PhD based on origami.
4. Lang’s origami has been used for ...
A design in airplanes.
C clothing creases.
B design in wire fences. D mesh enclosures.
5. His telescope design ...
A is sponsored by the NASA jet propulsion lab.
B can be folded up so that it is easy to travel with.
C is almost as big as the Hubble telescope.
D was his most expensive project.
ІІ. Grammar
Fill in the correct tense form of the verb.
1. Marvin and Joe (play)_______ in a football club for two years.
2. They (practise)___________ four times a week.
3. Marvin (be)__________ a popular forwarder.
4. He often (score)________ goals for his team.
5. Today, the boys (do)________ strength training for forty minutes already.
6. Joe (like/not)________ that very much – he wants to play football.
7. At eight o’clock this morning, they ( have)___________ breakfast.
8. I (play) _________games with my sister when I was a child.
9. He (understand/not) ___________what you mean. Explain it to him again.
10. Peter (be)________ forty years old in January.
III. Writing
You have found a wallet in the school corridor. Write a notice (60–100 words) about it. Include this
• describe the wallet (colour, shape);
• say where and when you found it;
• give your contact details.
Examination Card № 9
І. Reading
Read the text. Match the headings (A-F) with the paragraphs (1-5). There is one heading
that you don’t need.
Any movie fan who is worth their DVD collection knows that a good movie premiere
night is like. Cameras flashing, fans cheering, and in the middle – the famous red carpet. One by
one, the greatest names of Hollywood get out of their sparkling limousines and walk down this
carpet to the most stunning of parties. And, of course, everyone wishes they could be there. Well,
except for the stars themselves.
Although it may look like they are going to have a ball, for most movie people a night
like this is still work. First of all they are in the public eye, even if the fans and the paparazzi are
kept at a distance. The smile still has to be kept fixed on their faces, no matter how exhausted
they might be. And, if they have the misfortune to slip on the wet floor, they can be sure to find a
snap of that moment in the papers the next day.
Then there is the ever-present gossip. If you arrive together, you are probably dating each
other, if you arrive separately, pose for the picture separately, and finally leave separately, it is
absolute proof that you are dating each other. Your every move, smile and gesture will be
noticed and commented on, and, most likely, misinterpreted.
The funny thing is that the least important part of the night is the showing of the movie
itself. Most of the people present, from the crew to the critics, have already seen it anyway. The
premiere night of the movie The Fantastic Four had to do without the movie because the film
projector broke down, but nobody complained. It is the crowd, the location and the money that
you spend that this is really all about.
So why do they do it? Well, nuisance or not, it is good publicity. All the media are there,
willing to give you a bit of their airtime or column space. Besides, it is tradition. Bothersome or
not, it just has to take place. As one Hollywood director says, “If my studio told me I couldn’t
have a premiere for my film, I’d be offended.”
(from Solution Intermediate, OUP )
A Reasons to go
D All work no fun
B A typical opening night
E Where to go
C On everyone’s lips
F What counts
ІІ. Grammar
Open the brackets
He is very bad (at, in) Geography but is good (on, at) all other subjects.
. If they go to Washington, they (see)_________ the White House.
They ( to discuss ) an important question now.
We stayed at a hotel in Tanzania. ( who, which ) It had a view of Lake Manyara.
I got up late this morning so when I( arrive) at the station, the train already (leave).
The poet is famous (for, in) his humorous poems.
If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not) the tour.
We (see) an accident while we (wait) for the bus.
. Kamala is keen (on, in) music and literature while her sister is more interested
(at, in) outdoor games.
10. I am very tired because I (work) too hard.
III. Writing
Write an email (60–100 words) to your friend and tell him about the concert of your
favourite band or singer you have recently attended. Tell your friend about:
• your impressions of music, special effects and atmosphere;
• your positive or negative opinion.
Examination Card № 10
І. Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are T(True) or F (False)
King Arthur
The legend of King Arthur began to appear in the twelfth century, and it is possible that
they are based on a Celtic leader in the fifth or sixth century who defended his country against
Saxon invasion.
King Arthur was the son of Pendragon, and was born in Tintagel in Cornwall. He was
brought up by Merlin, an old Celtic magician, and became the king of Britain when he was
fifteen. He proved his right to be the king when he managed to pull a sword from a rock. He had
to fight many lords, and when, with Merlin’s help he defeated them, he received the magic sword
Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. He married Guinevere and lived in a castle at Camelot. His
knights sat at a round table so that they were all equal – nobody was sitting at the head of the
table. Many of the stories in the legends are about the adventures of the knights, among them are
Lancelot, Perceval, Gawain, and Galahad. They spent their time hunting wild pigs, having feasts,
and singing ballads. They often had to kill dragons and giants. At all times they behaved very
correctly, with respect, honor and compassion.
Arthur went to Rome to fight the emperor, Lucius, and he left his kingdom in the hands
of his nephew, Mordred. As he was entering Rome, Arthur learned that Mordred had taken
control of the kingdom and had captured Guinevere. He came back to England and defeated his
nephew, but in the battle was seriously wounded.
Arthur told Sir Belvedere, the last surviving knight, to throw Excalibur into the water of a
lake. He did this, and the sword was caught by a hand which came out of the water and then took
the sword below the surface.
King Arthur was a real person who defended his country against Saxon invasion.
King Arthur defeated many knights and received the magic sword Excalibur.
King Arthur usually sat at the head of the round table.
When King Arthur was in Rome his relative took control of the kingdom.
Excalibur was thrown into the water of a lake.
ІІ. Grammar
Open the brackets
1. He is annoyed (with, about) me for losing his favorite pen.
2. If he (arrive) later, he will take a taxi.
3. You (work) in the garden when I (come) to the house.
4. We realized that we (meet )before we ( see) each other.
5. -She (play ) tennis since she was 5 years old.
6. A man owned the hotel. (who, which) He was very interested in wildlife.
7. We would understand him if he (speak) slowly.
8. She ( write ) the composition at 5 o’clock yesterday.
9. While she (prepare) lunch, she( cut) herself.
10. Andy (cook) dinner if we buy the food.
III. Writing
You are in London and have just bought a postcard to send to your friend. Write 60–100
words in your postcard. You should:
• explain how long you have been there;
• tell your friend where you are staying;
• share your impressions of places of interest you have visited;
• what you are enjoying most about your trip.
Examination Card № 11
І. Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are T (true) or F (False).
The building company Hong Kong Housing is building a new suburb in Shanghai, a city
with a population of more than 15 million people. But this suburb is not like other parts of
Shanghai. It is a little piece of England. The name of the new area is “English Town”. The
manager of Hong Kong Housing, Shi Guangsheng, says many people in this area of China want
to buy an English house and live in English town.
“This town is like Bristol or Chester. There is an English square and there are pigeons to
feed like in Trafalgar Square, London. There are four English - style pubs and you can buy
English beer to drink. There is a canal and you can row a boat there like in Cambridge.”
Are there any cricket fields? “No, there aren’t any places to play cricket because nobody
in Shanghai can play this game. But there is a football stadium like those in England. And the
thing we are very proud of is our shopping street. There are several shops where you can buy
traditional English food like fish and chips or Christmas Pudding.”
The rich Shanghai businessman can do some gardening too. For every house in “English
Town”, there is an English lawn and there are long gardens with ponds and tall hedges.
But there is one problem. The houses in this part of town cost a minimum of $400,000!
http://www.esl lounge.com
1. “English Town” is in a Chinese city.
2. These houses are only for English people to buy.
3. The English pubs look like pubs in Cambridge.
4. Shi Guangsheng feels proud about the English-style shops.
5. Most houses have a lawn.
ІІ. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. “You’re home early.”
“Well, there ..... nobody at the lecture so I left.”
A wasn’t B were C weren’t D was
2. “Do you like classical music?” “Yes, but I prefer jazz ..... classical music.”
A than B to C from D rather
3. The children ..... a lot of noise at the moment.
A making B are making
C have made D makes
4. That room ..... before we move into the flat.
A have to paint
C must be painting B will paint
D must be painted
5. The shop ..... I bought this coat has closed.
A whose B that C there D where
6. We ought to take action to save ..... environment.
A an B this C the D that
7.They played hockey last Sunday,……they?
A don’t
B didn’t
C does
D were not
8. If you ……the money, where would you go?
A have
B had
C would have
D had had
9. …….sugar shall I add to the cake mixture?
A How often
B How many
C How much
D How long
10.At eight o’clock in the morning they……breakfast.
A have been having
B were having
C have had
D had
III. Writing
Some days ago you were invited to your friend’s birthday party. Write an email
(60–100 words) to your English pen-friend. Include this information:
• How did he / she celebrate his / her birthday?
• Did you go out for a meal or stay at your friend’s flat?
• Did he / she celebrate with his / her family or with his / her friends
Examination Card № 12
І. Reading
Read the text. Match the headings (1-6 ) with the paragraphs (A-E). there is one heading
that you do not need.
Budget air travel has made travelling abroad much more popular than it has ever been
before. But how do airlines easiest and Ryan air managed to cut their prices and still remain
A______________ Booking over the Internet reduced the needs for a call centre. More than 95%
of easiest seats are now sold online and all planes have been painted with the web address of the
B______________ Airlines have reduced the time the aircraft spend in airports between landing
and take off so that more journeys can be made every day. Ryan air often uses secondary airports
whose fees are cheaper than main airports.
C_____________ Passengers are only required to present their passports and booking
confirmation at the check –in desk, which eliminate the cost of tickets. Instead of tickets,
passengers receive an e-mail containing their flight details.
D_____________ Passengers are not offered on onboard meal by low-cost airlines. In this way,
management and bureaucracy are reduced and passengers are not to pay for something they
don’t want.
E____________ As well as eliminating the need to issue flight tickets for passengers low-cost
airlines have invested in high-tech computer application for their staff, reducing the paper
consumption in their offices.
Paperless operations
Travelling without tickets
Online booking
Reduced number of flight attendants
Efficient use of airports and aircrafts
No free lunch
II. Grammar
Choose the correct answer.
1. Ann started ..... when she heard the news.
А crying В sadness
C misery D tears
2. The city is located on five ..... .
А peak
В valley C cliff D hills
3. I was ..... because I couldn’t find my mobile phone.
А happy В guilty C worried
D glad
4. Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil ..... 1822 to 1960.
А until В in C оn D from
5. Mickey couldn’t stand up so two men carried him off the football pitch оn а ..... .
А trolley В surgery C ambulance D stretcher
6. We were а ..... surprised when we realised the hotel didn’t serve food.
А quite
В bit
C so D fairly
7.Paul ……abroad once a month on business.
А travels
В is travelling
C travel
D travelled
8.Tom was cooking ……I telephoned.
А what
В when
C which
D that
9. Jane wants to …………tennis this summer.
А take back
В take up
C take off
D take away
10.It was a …….idea to have a party for your birthday.
А best
В good
C well
D better
III. Writing
You have two tickets for a football match. Write a phone message (60–100 words) to your
friend. Include this information:
• invite your friend to go with you;
• state the time and the place of the match;
• suggest the time to meet your friend.
Examination Card № 13
I. Reading
Read the text and choose the best answer (A–D) to complete the sentences (1–5).
Llewelyn and Gelert
Llewelyn was a prince of Wales. He had a dog called Gelert, whom he loved more than
anything in the world. Llewelyn and Gelert often went hunting together. One morning they
went into the forest. Llewelyn felt very happy. He wished every day could be like this. That
day Llewelyn shot a wolf and a deer. The deer belonged to an old woman who lived in the
forest. She was very angry with Llewelyn. ‘Llewelyn’, she cried, ‘You are a prince of Wales,
but you will die a sad and lonely man’.
At first Llewelyn was worried, but soon he forgot the old woman’s words. Many years
later his wife had a beautiful baby. ‘ I wish I could have a thousand sons like this’, Llewelyn
Gelert was now an old dog and he didn’t always go hunting with Llewelyn. He stayed at
home and slept at the baby’s cradle. One day, when Llewelyn came home he saw a terrible
sight. The baby’s cradle was upside down. Gelert was standing by the bed. His mouth was
covered in blood. Llewelyn was so angry. He picked up his sword and killed the dog. Gelert
fell dead on the floor. Then Llewelyn heard the baby cry. He picked up the cradle. The baby
was lying on the floor. It was not hurt. Next to the baby was a dead wolf. Its throat was
covered in blood. ‘What have I done?’ he cried. ‘Gelert, my old friend!’
At that moment Llewelyn remembered the old woman’s words and from that day
Llewelyn never smiled. A few years later he died, as the old woman had said, a sad and
lonely man.
1. Gelert was a dog:
A) that lived in Llewelyn’s house;
B) that often went hunting with Llewelyn;
C) that made Llewelyn feel worried ;
D) that was an angry dog.
2. An old woman who lived in the forest was very angry with Llewelyn:
A) because he often hunted in her forest;
B) because Llewelyn was a prince of Wales;
C) because she was afraid of Gelert;
D) because Llewelyn killed her favourite deer.
3. One day when Llewelyn came back home he saw:
A) his dog with a baby in its mouth;
B) the baby’s cradle which was upside down;
C) dead deer at the cradle;
D) a lot of blood at the cradle.
4. Llewelyn killed the dog because:
A) Gelert was standing by the baby’s bed;
B) the baby was lying on the floor;
C) he thought that Gelert had killed the baby;
D) he was very angry.
5. Llewelyn died sad and lonely because:
A) he did not have any friends;
B) he killed his favourite old dog;
C) the old woman had said so;
D) he never smiled.
II. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. I’m not sure ..... David lives.
A where B wherever C when
2. ..... my bedroom and the bathroom are painted white.
A Both B All C Neither
3. It was a ..... idea to have a party for your birthday.
A best B good C well
4. ..... they painted the ceiling, then they did the walls.
A First of all B Then C Finally
5. John fell ..... his bicycle and hurt his knee.
A off B around C down
6. There are ..... letters on the table. They’re for you.
A no B any C some
7. There are many guests in the hotel. ..... one has their own room.
A Each B Every C Any
8. He kicked the ball ..... the field.
A between B across C under
9.I’ve got a really good relationship …………my grandmother now.
A to
B from
C with
10.They ………..to each other since they quarreled.
A had not talked
B do not talk
C have not been talking
III. Writing
Imagine that you are planning to buy a new computer (laptop). You see one advertised in a
magazine. Write a letter (60–100 words) to the shop asking for more information. Include
this information:
• write why you are writing, and where you saw the advert;
• explain what you need the computer (laptop) for;
• ask your questions for more details.
Examination Card № 14
I. Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are T (true) or F (False).
Sometimes people feel they should dress in a certain way because it’s fashionable. You
may classify your wardrobe in accordance with your character. There are four wardrobe
personalities: Dramatic, Classic, Romantic and Natural. But it’s certainly possible to be a
mixture of different personalities.
Dramatic wardrobe personalities will wear vivid bright colours and shocking
combinations. They love to dress up casual clothes but their aim is to draw attention to
Classic wardrobe personalities like conservative style. They have excellent taste and
often buy expensive clothes. They prefer jewellery and their hair and make-up should be perfect.
Classics take pride in their appearance and will look spotless even when doing the gardening!
Romantic wardrobe personalities love to look artistic and avoid the clean lines and
details. They love exotic perfumes. You can often smell a Romantic before you can see them.
They sometimes overdo with perfume and make-up.
The last wardrobe personality type is Natural. For them comfortable, practical clothing is
of the greatest importance. They often lead very active lifestyle. Their wardrobe is minimal and
many do not even own a make-up bag. Naturals need to be careful not to present themselves
poorly at formal occasions.
It is important to be aware of your wardrobe and express who you are really are. But
remember, don’t be afraid to change and reflect the different sides of your personality.
1. Everybody’s “wardrobe personality ” is one of four types: Dramatic, Classic, Romantic
or Natural.
2. Dramatic personalities like to be looked at.
3. Classic personalities enjoy quiet hobbies like gardening.
4. Make-up is not very important for Romantic personalities.
5. Natural personalities are comfortable in either casual or formal clothes.
ІІ. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. Computers ..... more and more efficient.
A are becoming B become C is becoming
2. Paul ..... to Tina when I saw him.
A is talking B was talking C talks
3. Sam ..... to school every day.
A was walking B is walking C walks
4. We ..... to Austria last winter.
A have gone B went C go
5. The bank ...... by the time I got there.
A closes B closed C had closed
6. Tina ..... while Bob was watering the plants.
A cooked B was cooking C has been cooking
7. I ..... Italian for three years now.
A learn B am learning C have been learning
8. They ..... for three hours when they stopped for a rest.
A have been driving B had been driving C were driving
9. “ Mark had an accident yesterday.” “….”
A It gets worse! B How terrible! C That’s great!
10.My car have broken ……….this morning.
A up
B down
C in
III. Writing
Write (60–100 words) about your favourite sportsman. Include this information:
• the name;
• the country;
• the kind of sport he / she goes in for;
• his / her achievements
Examination Card № 15
Read the text and decide if the statements are T (True) or F (False).
( After J.Verne )
We travelled in the Indian Ocean for ten days. The Nautilus did not seem to have any
particular direction. I did not see Captain Nemo for some days after the man’s death. He stayed
locked in his room. The ship was quiet.
One day Conseil, Ned Land, and I were in the museum room. We were looking through
the underwater windows at the beautiful fish. I wanted to know what the others thought of
Captain Nemo. Conseil said “I think he’s a scientist who never had any success. That’s why he’s
here, under the sea. He’s not famous and he’s angry about that.” “I think he’s crazy and we will
die here unless we escape.”
“I think you’re both wrong. He’s angry about something. He’s not free here. He loves the
sea, but there is something missing from his life. Maybe he blames someone for that, and I think
he wants to hurt that person.” As I said this, the walls closed over the side windows and Captain
Nemo walked in. “Would you like to go pearl fishing? This is the richest part of the world to fish
for pearls.”
We all looked at each other and agreed. We were prisoners, but it was exciting to see all
the mysteries under the sea. The ocean near India has thousands of oysters. The pearls inside
them can cost hundreds of dollars. There are many sharks in these waters, and it’s very
dangerous to go looking for pearls there.
The Nautilus travelled around the world.
Captain Nemo was a famous scientist.
Captain Nemo loved the sea and wanted to spend his life going pearl fishing.
The Indian Ocean is rich in pearl oysters.
The prisoners were afraid of sharks in the ocean.
ІІ. Grammar
Choose the correct item.
1. I still ….. that feeling of absolute happiness
A forget
B remember
C regret
D remind
2. “Shall we go out tonight?” “ No, I’d rather …. A meal at home.”
A cook
B had cooked
C cooked
D to cook
3. I am younger than Jason,….?
A aren’t I
B I am not
C am I
D don’t I
4. Do those people have ….. money to invest in the company?
A many
B a lot
C lots
D much
5. They …. We owned a shop.
A hasn’t known
B didn’t know
C not known
D never know
6. “That’s the new manager,….?”
“Yes, that’s him.”
A is he
B isn’t it
C is it
D isn’t he
7. Ann ……….all afternoon so she complains of a headache.
A had slept
B is sleeping
C have slept
D has been sleeping
8.The doorbell ………….twice.
A has rung
B rings
C is ringing
D has been ringing
9.I finally received the letter which I had been waiting……….
A at
B for
C on
D to
10.………….is your grandfather?
A What time
B How old
C Which age
D How much
III. Writing
Write (60–100 words) about one of your favourite books. Use the prompts given below:
the title and the author;
what the book is about ( the main characters/ subjects);
recommendations why you think other readers might read it.
Examination Card № 16
1. Reading
Read the text to decide if each statement after the text is true or false. If it is true, write T,
if it is false, write F.
Many young girls are unprepared for the lifestyle of top models and the pressure that they
They are thrown in at the deep end of an environment that is much more sophisticated than
they are.
It’s a competitive, fast, and potentially dangerous world, which even most adults find
stressful and difficult, despite their experience .There has been a lot of discussion in the media
about the “exploitation” of pre-pubescent models.
Teenage models may lose some of their childhood and their education. Many people feel
that if teenage girls mix with older people, make large amounts of money, and are always the
centre of attention, they will grow up too quickly. They won’t have time for school, homework
or exams and their school friends will inevitably become ordinary and boring in comparison to
their “jet set” lifestyle.
There are many horror stories of drug abuse, eating disorders and exploitation.
But famous and exclusive nightclubs and restaurants love the publicity that beautiful young
models attract, and so continue to give them free entry and free drinks. It must be difficult for a
young girl to resist, but it seems that the fashion industry as a whole turns a blind eye to what’s
really going on.
1. Young models face many problems.
2. The problem is not out of the media’s attention.
3. Young models’ lifestyle is dull and boring.
4. Night clubs benefit from young models.
5. The fashion industry is worried about young beauties’ fames.
Task 2. Grammar
Choose the correct option.
1. The clothes here are _________ than in my town.
a. good
b.the best
c better
2.We _______________ about the storm on the news yesterday.
b. heard
c have heard
3. They
a. don’t
b. doesn’t
c. didn’t
usually see each other during the week
4. Sophie is planning to buy souvenirs. It's on her list of things to do.
a. Sophie's already bought souvenirs.
b. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs already.
c. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs yet.
5. Are you going to work ___the summer holidays?
a. on
b. at
c. in
6.The poet is famous (for, in) his humorous poems.
7.If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not) the tour.
8.We (see) an accident while we (wait) for the bus.
9. Jane wants to …………tennis this summer.
А take back
В take up
C take off
D take away
10.It was a …….idea to have a party for your birthday.
А best
В good
C well
D better
Task 3. Writing
Imagine you have bought something faulty. Write a formal letter of complaint (60-100
words) to the shop or website.
Say what the item is, and where and when you bought it
Explain in detail what the problem is
Tell the company you are returning the item. Ask them to repair it, exchange it or refund
your money
Examination Card № 17
Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C, or D.
Shops are full of attractive things to buy these days. But what are we actually paying
for? I recently bought a large packet of chocolate biscuits of a brand I hadn't tried before. When I
opened it, I found each biscuit was wrapped individually in silver paper, then they were wrapped
together in more paper, and then packed in a strong cardboard box, which was in turn wrapped
in plastic! By the time I had actually got at the biscuits, the table was covered in paper and I
wasn't hungry any more. (This was probably just as well, as there were only eight biscuits in
the packet.)
And children's toys are even worse. It was my three-year-old son's birthday last week and
at first he was excited to see so many presents all for him! But at the end of the party, when he
had finally got through all the wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and plastic bags that they came
in, he was too tired to play with any of them. Some of them were so well wrapped that he never
did manage to open them, and when I tried to do it for him, I broke my fingernails. I hate to think
of the amount of money all of this costs - and who ends up paying? The customer, that's who!
1. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
complain that supermarket food is unhealthy.
complain that children get too many toys.
complain that many things are too well wrapped .
complain that everything is too expensive nowadays.
2. What can the reader learn from this text?
A large packet might not contain much food.
It is best to buy food of a well-known brand.
It is important to keep food clean and dry.
Some food should not be given to very young children.
3. How did the writer's child feel at the end of his birthday party?
He was disappointed with his presents.
Не was looking forward to playing with his presents.
Не was uninterested in his presents.
He was excited about his presents.
4. How did the writer break her fingernails?
playing with her son
clearing away the rubbish
opening a parcel
mending a broken toy
5. Which statement would the writer agree with?
I think some packaging is dangerous for young children.
I like unwrapping things – it’s always nice to get a surprise.
I think that buying special paper to wrap presents in is a waste of money.
I’d rather buy things which don’t have much packing.
Task 2. Grammar
Choose the correct option.
1. That’s my _______________________ (bad/badder/worse/worst) mark ever!
2. Sophie wanted to visit the Burj Al Arab hotel. She went there two days ago.
a. Sophie hasn't been to the Burj Al Arab hotel yet.
b. Sophie has already been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.
c. Sophie has just been to theBurj Al Arab hotel.
3. I
reading in my free time.
a. love
b. loves
c. loved
4. Mobile phones were invented_______________ the 80s.
a. with
5. Did you _______________ your coat in the cafe?
b. left
c. leaving
6. Joe (like/not)________ that very much – he wants to play football.
7. At eight o’clock this morning, they ( have)___________ breakfast.
8. I (play) _________games with my sister when I was a child.
9. While she (prepare) lunch, she( cut) herself.
10. Andy (cook) dinner if we buy the food.
Write a film review you saw recently (60-100 words) . Include this information:
Basic facts (name of film, actors, genre, etc.)
What the story is about
What you thought of one or two aspects (characters, special effects, music, etc.)
Your overall opinion
Examination Card № 18
Read the text to decide if each statement below is true or false. If it is true, write T,
if it is false, write F.
Teenagers leave home.
In Britain it is natural for children to leave home.
About 20% of British teenagers leave home between the ages of 16 and 20.
Some of them are students. The government and their parents help them financially. These
teenagers go back home during their holidays.
Most of the 20% leave home because they want to live apart from their parents. They say
that they want to be independent. Some want to get work. Others go in search of a more exciting
life. Some run away from unhappy families.
It is very difficult to find cheap accommodation. More young people have to live in so
called “bedsitting rooms”. The “bedsitters” are small rooms you sleep and live in. Some of them
have washing and cooking facilities. When young people live in empty houses, it is called
Some young people live in hostels for the homeless.
Loneliness, getting a job, everyday washing and cooking are rather important problems
for the teenagers who live apart from their parents.
But still, these teenagers never want to return home.
1. There’s no problem of teenagers’ leaving home in Britain.
2. To live apart from their families is teenagers’ desire.
3. “Unhappy families” is one of the reasons of teenagers’ leaving home
4. Living apart from their parents the teenagers face no problems at all
5. Sooner or later the teenagers come back home.
Choose the correct option.
1. Jack
to a film club on Wednesdays.
a. go
b. goes
c. went
2. They _______________ that it was my birthday.
a. find out
b. found out
c. finding out
3. It’s ___________________than I thought – I think we’re lost
a. far
b. further
c. farer
4. I don't know what octopus tastes like!
a. I haven't been trying octopus.
b. I've already tried octopus.
c. I've never tried octopus.
5.My exam is_______________ 7th June
a. on
c. of
6. I last (go) ________
to the cinema two weeks ago.
7. The patient ..... walks with a limp, was involved in a car accident two years ago.
A who B which C whose
8.Mr Johnson (open) ____________a new shop in the village next month.
9. Doris .....in that office since April.
A has been working B works C is working
10. My parents (just/move) ___________to a beautiful house in the country.
Imagine that you live in a flat and are going away for the weekend. Write a message to
your flatmate (60-100 words). Include the following information:
- Tell him/her where you’ve gone
- Remind him/her to do something about the house
- Ask him/her to buy some food
- Say when you’ll be home
Examination Card № 19
Read the text to decide if each statement below is true or false. If it is true, write T,
if it is false, write F.
About Me:
I’m Joseph Simpson. I was given the name Joseph, because it’s my grandfather’s name,
but my family all call me Joe. My friends call me Spike, because I’ve got spikey hair. I’m
sixteen, and I was born in London but when I was four we moved to Manchester.
I play the drums at home. I play every day – usually before my mum and dad get home!
When I was little I shared a room with my brother Paul. (Bad idea! He’s really untidy.) Now I
have my own room, so I can keep everything in its proper place.
Besides playing the drums I like playing games on my Playstation and reading science
These are my two best friends, Jas and Pete. Jas is brilliant at science and we think he’s
probably going to be a professor or invent something famous. He is a pretty good singer too.
Pete’s not keen on work at school but he’s fantastic on the guitar. We’re looking for another
guitarist so we can make a group. We’re all in the same class in year 10 at school, but next year
we’ll be split up because we’re going to new schools.
1. Joe’s friends call him a different name from his family.
2. He shares a room with his brother.
3. One of his friends is good at science.
4. Joe, Jas and Pete want to find another musician to play with them.
5. Next year Joe will be in the same class as Jas and Pete.
Choose the correct option.
1. He's waiting for Amy. He arrived 40 minutes ago.
a. He's been waiting for 40 minutes.
b. He waits for 40 minutes.
c. He's waited for Amy for40 minutes.
That’s the _______________________ meal I’ve ever had!
More disgusting
The most disgusting
3. The train
a. leave
at 6.30.
c. leaving
4. The waiter _______________ us the menu to look at.
a. bring
b. brings
5. We were waiting
a. of
b. for
c. bringing
five hours.
c. at
6. He was happy because he (win) __________ the lottery.
7. She (take)__________the exam last year.
8. Can I phone you back in ten minutes? We (have) __________ breakfast at the moment.
9. The mechanic (repair) ________my car at the moment.
10. Tim was ironing while Marie (watch)________ television.
Imagine that you are answering questions in the questionnaire about your tests in music.
Write your opinion (60-100 words).. Include this information:
- What kind of music you prefer
- Your favourite singer/band
- How often you listen to this music
Examination Card № 20
Read the text to decide if each statement below is true or false. If it is true,
write T, if it is false, write F.
In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named
after Frankfurt, a German city.
Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860s. Americans called
frankfurters "dachshund sausages". A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body
and short legs. "Dachshund sausages" seemed like a good name for the frankfurter.
Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. At
games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot water tanks. As the men walked up
and down the rows of people, they yelled, "Get your dachshund sausages! Get your hot
dachshund sausages!" People got the sausages on buns, a special bread.
One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Ted Dorgan went to a baseball game.
When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at
the newspapers office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside - not a dachshund sausage, but a
dachshund. Dorgan didn't know how to spell dachshund. Under the cartoon, he wrote "Get your
hot dogs!"
The cartoon was a sensation, and so was the new name.
In Germany the hot dog was named after the cook.
At baseball games hot dogs were especially popular.
Ted Dorgan once happened to visit a baseball game.
The idea of becoming a frankfurters’ seller came to Dorgan .
Thanks to the cartoon the hot dog got its name.
2. Grammar
Choose the correct option.
1.I finish school early _______________ Wednesdays.
2. I didn’t _______________ very well last night.
3. I hope your team’s _______________________ today than last week.
a. luckier
b. the luckiest
c. lucky
d.more lucky
Ollie play chess?
5. Ollie took his cake out of the oven a moment ago.
a. Ollie has been making a cake.
b. Ollie has just made a cake.
c. Ollie hasn't made a cake yet.
6. Tina ..... while Bob was watering the plants.
A cooked B was cooking C has been cooking
7.Ann ……….all afternoon so she complains of a headache.
A had slept
B is sleeping
C have slept
D has been sleeping
8. ..... my bedroom and the bathroom are painted white.
A Both B All C Neither
9. The mechanic (repair) ________my car at the moment.
10. He (understand/not) ___________what you mean. Explain it to him again.
Write an e-mail to your friend (60-100 words). . Tell him/her about your new electronic
device. Include this information:
The role of technologies in modern life
Describe the way you use your device
Give some advantages and disadvantages of using modern devices