Unit 15 Ecosystem Project The first section of the project includes researching your assigned ecosystem so that you have a better understanding of specific details about your ecosystem. For this portion of the project you will be researching specific information for your ecosystem using the Internet. You will be assigned one of the following biomes/ ecosystems and a job for this biome/ecosystem: Rainforest, Desert, Tundra, Swamp, Ocean, Grasslands, Prairie, and Mountains. Please refer to the questions below when researching and organizing your information. The second section is to create a folder board game with game cards. Each student (group) will create a board game representing their assigned biome/ecosystem. The game should include information of your biome’s geographical features, plants, and animals. ~ Research Jobs 1. THE CARTOGRPHER-(creates and studies maps) Where is your biome/ecosystem located? Be Specific (list part of the world such as countries or specific regions). You will need to print maps of countries or areas for your game cards and describe the geographical features (ex. mountains) of your biome/ecosystem. You will need to include this information on your game cards. 2. THE METEOROLOGIST-(studies weather) Describe the climate of your biome/ecosystem. Do altitude and latitude affect the climate? (ex: yearly pattern of temperature and precipitation, seasons, sunlight) You will need to include this information on your game cards. 3. THE ZOOLOGIST- (studies animals) Describe and provide pictures of at least 3 types of specific animals found in the biome/ecosystem and their physical characteristics and behavioral adaptations to their environment. How are they able to survive? Biotic factors can become limiting factors in an ecosystem such as not enough food, running out of grass (producers) for deer, too many parasites killing cattle, etc. Are there any in your ecosystem? Describe them. You will need to include this information on your game cards. 4. THE BOTANIST- (studies plants) Describe and provide at least 3 specific plants. Describe their characteristics and how they adapt to your biome/ecosystem for survival (plants and trees in a rainforest are very different than those found in the desert). Other limiting factors in an ecosystem could be plants competing for light in a rainforest, water availability during a drought, etc. Are there any in your ecosystem? You will need to include this information on your game cards. 5. THE ENVIRONMENTALIST- (studies the impact of environment on an ecosystem) Describe 1-2 environmental concerns for your biome/ecosystem. How does this environmental concern affect your biome/ecosystem? Forest fires, droughts, or hurricanes are some of the examples of things that can disrupt an ecosystem’s balance. Has anything like this happened in your ecosystem? You will need to include your concern and biotic/abiotic factors on your game cards. Ecosystem KReativity Page 1 Unit 15 Ecosystem Project ~ Presentation Each student must type his or her research in a paragraph format, so it is clear that each student contributed to the project. All work must be neatly typed. ~ Folder Board Game ~All student groups will be creating a folder game specific to their assigned ecosystem. A manila folder will be provided to the group by the teacher for this project. All other or extra materials needed must be provided by the students groups. You will need to design and create a folder board game that can be used to teach 6th graders the key ideas about your specific biome/ecosystem you researched. Your folder board game should be fun, challenging, not frustrating, have a reward or point system each time it is played. ~To create your game your will need to ask yourself some questions. 1. What are your favorite games? It will be easiest and most rewarding to design a game that incorporates some of the things you enjoy about games. Do you like games that require strategy? Do you like characters or just markers? Do you like drawing cards, rolling dice, or a combination of both? 2. Some things you should keep in mind are: a. How do you win? b. How many people can play? You will need to design your game for 4-6 players. Think about how well the game would run with very few and/or very many players. c. Game boards should have a combination of positive (move forward), negative (move backward), and challenge spaces. Challenge spaces are when you have to perform a task or answer a question to move forward, gain something, or not go backward. d. You can find rules for dozens of existing games you can print online. You may want to search for the rules of some of your favorite board games or card/dice games to get an idea of how you want your rules to be structured. 3. Your game should have the following components: a. A board that fits inside a manila folder (you can find templates at http://people.uncw.edu/ertzbergerj/word_games.html (scroll down to where it says “printable board games” or “want even more boards?”) b. Pieces-these can be simple or complex (ex. painted pebbles, different coins, plastic critters from the $1 Store, baked clay creations, etc.) You will be responsible for supplying these. c. Does your game need dice? You will need to supply these. d. 25-35 Game Cards (you can use the game card template on the game board link above, create your own, or use a deck of cards) e. Rules Sheet (be sure to include the name of your game at the top of your rules sheet) Ecosystem KReativity Page 2 Unit 15 Ecosystem Project Helpful Websites for Research http://www.nationalgeographic.com http://www.fi.edu/tfi/units/life/habitat/ http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/index.html http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/9k.html http://mbgnet.net http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/B/Biomes.html http://www.earthalbum.com http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/ http://www.arkive.org Ecosystem KReativity Page 3