DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. SOFTSOUND™ ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRIER SYSTEM GENERAL NOTES 1. DESIGN 1.1 The structure and its components have been designed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code (OBC). 1.2 All dimensions and sizes are given in (mm) millimeters unless noted otherwise. 2. LOADING 2.1 Reference Wind Pressure = 535 Pa, 1/25 as per CAN/CSA S6-06 (R2012) 3. CONCRETE 3.1 All concrete shall conform to CAN/CSA-A23.3-04 (R2010) 3.2 Concrete strength at 28 days shall not be less than 40 MPa Cast-in place footings- Minimum 30 MPa as per specifications 4. REINFORCING STEEL 4.1 All reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to CAN/CSA-G30.18-M92 (R2002) having a minimum yield strength of 400 MPa. 4.2 Reinforcing bars are to be epoxy coated unless noted otherwise. 5. STRUCTURAL STEEL 5.1 All structural steel to comply with CAN/CSA-S16-09 and CAN/CSA-S6-06. 5.2 All structural steel shall be CAN/CSA-G40.20(or G40.21)-M92 GRADE 350W. 5.3 All components to be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123M-09. 5.4 All welds shall conform to CSA W59 and CSA W47.1. 5.5 Steel posts to which special attachments are welded shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication according to the requirements of ASTM A123M-09. SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 1 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. 5.6 Where welding on site is required, the galvanized surfaces which are abraded or site welds shall be cleaned and repaired using soldering or thermal spray in accordance with OPSS 911. 6. FOOTINGS 6.1 Depth and diameter of footing shafts were designed in accordance with CAN/ CSA S6-06. Clause 5-7.2 6.2 Footing concrete to be cast entirely against undisturbed soil. ~ END OF SECTION ~ SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 2 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. 1. GENERAL 1.1 This work includes the design, manufacture, delivery and erection of the SoftSound ™ Absorptive Noise Barrier System. The manufacturer of SoftSound™ is Design Concrete Systems Ltd. P.O. Box 839, 40 Birch Street, Seaforth, Ontario, Canada N0K 1W0 1.2 The barrier system and its components shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the “Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code”. The “Reference Wind Pressure” shall be specified in the code for the locality of the Noise Barrier. 1.3 The manufacturer of the barrier system shall prepare detailed layout and fabrication drawings including pertinent specifications thereto, together with the complete engineering calculations. The manufacturer shall submit to the Contractor or Owner’s Representative six (6) sets of drawings and specifications, sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer, for approval prior to commencement of manufacture or construction. 1.4 The Contractor or Owner’s Representative shall establish the alignment of the wall, the top of wall elevations and final ground line elevations at the bottom of the wall. The manufacturer shall use these elevations to develop the layout and fabrication drawings including complete elevations of each wall indicating top and bottom of wall elevations. The final ground elevations and wall alignments established in the field shall be protected by the Contractor for the duration of the project and shall not be adjusted without prior approval of the Engineer. 1.5 The Contractor or Owner’s Representative shall carry out site investigations to determine soil parameters, water tables, location of underground services and above grade obstructions. The manufacturer shall use these parameters to determine the depths, sizes and locations of footings. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 Panel Construction: SoftSound™ panels shall be of composite construction, with sound absorptive facing on one or both sides. The panels will have a reinforced concrete core, manufactured to the dimensions and specifications shown on the contract drawings. The panel design shall be sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer. 2.2 Acoustical Characteristics: SoftSound™ panels shall be absorptive on one or both faces. The Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) shall be greater or equal to 0.7 as determined in accordance with ASTM C423-09a “Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method”. The Sound Transmission Class (STC) of the panels shall be equal or greater than 32 as determined in accordance with ASTM E90-09. SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 3 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. 2.3 Aesthetics: SoftSound™ panel face colours and textures shall be as specified in the Contract Documents. (Owner to specify colours, percentages of each colour, colour pattern, texture, on one or both sides and percentage of textured panels) 2.5 Steel Posts: Steel posts shall be hot rolled wide flange structural sections in accordance with shapes, sizes, details and method of connection as shown on the drawings. All structural steel work to comply with CSA Standard S 16 and grade of steel shall be G40.21-M 350W. All welds shall conform to CSA Standard W59 and CSA Standard W47.1. All steel components to be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123M-09. The post design shall be sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer. 2.6 Post Footings: Concrete in augured footings shall be minimum 20 MPa and in non-standard, engineered footings, it shall be 30 MPa, all in accordance with OPSS 1350. 3. CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Site Grading and Preparation: Grading, (cut and fill) and berm construction which is associated with the barrier installation shall be completed to within 25mm below the bottom of the barrier wall prior to construction of the barrier footings. All grading shall be in accordance with OPSS 206. Berms shall have a profile with a minimum 3.0m flat top and maximum side slope of 3:1. After completion of wall panel installation, final grading shall be to bottom of wall and there shall be no visible gaps between bottom of wall and top of final grade. Tree pruning and removal shall be kept to a minimum. Materials excavated from footing holes, if acceptable, may be deposited on the adjacent terrain and spread in uniform layers. Surplus excavated material shall be disposed of at the contractor’s expense. Alignment and bottom elevations of wall shall be clearly marked and staked prior to commencing with construction of wall footings. Grade stakes shall be placed at approximately 25m on center and at all grade changes, wall steps, starts and ends of wall and alignment changes. Grade stakes shall show the following information: station number, bottom of wall elevation, cut or fill dimension and offset to centerline of wall. Below grade service lines (hydro, telephone, gas, water, drainage, etc.) located within 1.0m of the noise barrier wall or footings, shall be clearly marked by stakes. 3.2 Footings: The depth, type and size of the footings shall be shown on the drawings and shall be designed and approved by a Licensed Professional Engineer with reference to the soil strength parameters and site conditions supplied by the Owner’s Representative for the project. The concrete in the footings shall be cured for a minimum of 5 days before work which places stress on the posts may be carried out. The tops of all footings are to be shaped and leveled to provide full horizontal seating of the bottom panels and the remaining surface of the top footing shall be domed to allow the shedding of water. SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 4 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. 3.2.1 Cylindrical Footings: Concrete for footings in augured holes shall be cast entirely against undisturbed soil. Should liners be required, concrete shall be poured into the liner and the liner withdrawn as pouring of the concrete progresses. 3.2.2 Non-Standard Engineered Footings: Where site conditions dictate special footings in large hole excavations (e.g. Other than augured holes), the non-standard footing shall be designed and sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer. The excavation shall be backfilled with granular material and compacted, all in accordance with OPSS 501. 3.2.3 Stepped Footings: Where grade changes require the bottom of the wall to be stepped, the top of the footing shall be constructed as shown on the drawings and as per Manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.3 Posts: The posts shall be installed plumb to within +/- 10mm of vertical in 5.0m. They shall be located to the lines and grades specified on the drawings to within a tolerance of +/- 10mm. Any accidental coating of concrete on the above grade surfaces of the posts shall be washed off on the same day of installation. 3.3.1 Steel Posts: A concrete leveling pad shall be poured into the bottom of the augured hole 4 hours prior to inserting the concrete post. This pad shall serve to support the concrete post at its proper elevation and alignment during pouring and vibrating of the footing concrete around the inserted post. Galvanized surfaces which are abraded shall be cleaned and the abraded surfaces touched up using soldering or thermal spraying in accordance with OPSS 911. 3.4 Panels: The SoftSound™ panels shall be installed according to type, colour, texture and length as shown on the drawings and in accordance with Manufacturer’s recommended practices. Each panel is identified as to its type and orientation in the Noise Barrier Wall. The contractor shall take care and provide adequate protection when handling, moving, and storing the panels to prevent staining, marking, chipping or spalling. To lift and place the SoftSound™ panels, only the lifting device provided by the manufacturer or an approved equivalent shall be used. Touch up and repair is at the contractor’s expense and shall be carried out in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations or at the Engineer’s direction. The bottom panel shall be fully seated on the footing. Top of footing shall be free of foreign material, ice, snow or water. Horizontal joints of adjacent panels shall be lined up to a vertical tolerance of +/- 4mm. Where vertical adjustments are required for alignment, a mortar base shall be used. Intermediate panels shall fit tight to the panel below. The tongue and groove detail shall mesh fully, be free of foreign material, ice or snow and there shall be no visible gaps. SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 5 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. 3.5 Noise Barriers on Structures: Flashing shall be installed according to the details in the contract and in such a manner that water will not pond on the structure. Upon completion of the flashing installation the Contractor shall apply silicone sealant according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and as follows: a) all surfaces to receive sealant shall be clean and dry; b) the flashing surface is to be wiped with Naphtha to remove oils and dirt; and c) deleterious material is to be removed from the concrete surface by light wire brushing. 3.6 Expansion Joints: When the noise barrier alignment traverses structure expansion joints, the noise barrier shall be designed and installed so as to accommodate movement of the noise barrier panel without placing undue stress on the structure and the noise barrier installation, or reducing acoustical attenuation. The joints in the noise barrier shall match the size and location of the structure joints. 3.7 Overhead High Voltage Lines: Where the potential of arcing exists due to the close proximity of existing overhead high voltage lines, metal noise barrier panels and girts must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of OPSS 609. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 Aesthetics: The visual appearance of the Noise Barrier Panels, in terms of colour, pattern and texture, shall be uniform when viewed at a distance of 15m from the face of the wall. Any visual blemishes shall be repaired and touched up as per Manufacturer’s specifications. 4.2 Performance: The contractor shall, at his expense, supply to the Owner or the Owner’s Representative, one panel per thousand panels supplied or a minimum of three panels for testing to verify structural strength, sound reflection, weather resistance and durability in salt scaling and freeze thaw. 5. MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT 5.1 Measurement for the above items is by Plan Quantity as may be revised by Adjusted Plan Quantity, for the length in meters, of the specified height of the noise barrier. Transitions between different barrier heights will form part of the higher barrier. 6. BASIS OF PAYMENT 6.1 Payment of the contract price(s) for the above tender item(s) shall be full compensation for labour, equipment and materials necessary to construct and complete the noise barrier work and to provide test panels upon request. SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 6 DESIGN CONCRETE SYSTEMS LTD. ~ END OF SECTION ~ SOFTSOUND ABSORPTIVE NOISE BARRER SYSTEM MTO SPECIFICATIONS - JUNE 12, 2012 7