test 9 notes

Lesson 42 Physician
I. Take roll
Nature of work
a. Diagnose and treat injuries and other disorders
b.Promote good health and pre vent illness
c. Supervise other health care workers such as PA’s / nurses / technicians
d.Involved directly with patient care 90% of the time
1. Have their own practice
2. Partners in a group practice
3. Work in hospitals
e. 10 % work in administration or research
General practitioners – represent 1/3 of all Dr’s.
1. Treat a wide variety of common health problems
2. Discover injuries or illnesses that need special care-refer them to a specialist
3. Family practitioners are general practitioners – care for the entire family
Physician Specialties
1. Anesthesiologist
2. Dermatologist
3. Ophthalmologist
4. Psychiatrist
5. Surgeon
Internal medicine
1. Called Internist – treat liver, heart, lungs, (internal organs)
2. They do not perform surgery
3. Internist treat common health problems such as – infections, influenza, and pneumonia
4. Patients range from adolescents to elderly
Obstetricians / gynecologist (OBGYN’s)
1. Women health
2. Care for women before – during – after pregnancy
3. Monitor the mother’s health and fetus
4. Deliver the babies
5. Diagnose and treat diseases of other female reproductive, urinary, rectal organs, and
6. Prescribe medications – suggest exercise regimens – perform surgery
1. Provide health care to children from birth through adolescence
2. Chart growth and development of children
3. Give immunizations
4. Diagnose and treat illnesses and behavioral problems
Education / training
1. Get a bachelor degree in science (chemistry or biology)
2. Most medical colleges have 4 yr. programs that lead to doctor of medicine (MD)
3. Few medical schools offer combined undergrad and medical school program –
last 6 years rather than 8 yrs.
4. Internship / residency
a. On the job medical training at a hospital
b. Last 3 – 8 years
5. All physicians must be license in every state
a. Most states MD’s must serve 1-2 yrs. Residency before obtaining license
6. General practitioners serve 3 yr. residency
7. Specialist serve 3 yr. residency in their chosen profession
8. MD’s who teach or do research- earn a master or doctorate degree in
microbiology or biochemistry
Working condition
1. Clean comfortable offices/clinics/hospitals
2. Work long irregular hours
3. Intelligent/good health/self-discipline-communicate with many kinds of people
4. Must study new developments in medicine their entire career
1. Varies widely depends on experience/skill/location/field of specialization
2. General practitioners – $156,000
3. Internist-$166,000
4. OBGYN’s- $247,000
5. Pediatricians- $161,300
Lesson 43 – Physician assistant
I. Take roll
Nature of work
1. Physicians assistants are called PA’s
2. Relive Dr.’s of routine chores
3. Practice medicine and do many of the same jobs as Dr.’s---but they are NOT Dr.’s
4. Take medical history of patients
5. Examine and treat patients
6. Order and interpret lab work and X-rays
7. Make diagnoses
8. Treat minor injuries
9. Instruct and council patients
10. Order and carry out therapy
11. Most states PA’s can prescribe medicines
1. Work only under the supervision of a Dr.
2. Hospitals/clinics/private offices/nursing homes
3. Rural areas they provide the most medical care---Dr. might be present only 1-2
days a week
Education and training
1. 2 yrs. Of college and health care experience are requirements for admission to PA
2. Many applicants have bachelor or master degree
3. Training programs or PA school offered at
a. Medical schools
b. Colleges
c. Community college
d. Teaching hospitals- classroom training and clinical study
e. All last about 2 yrs.
Working conditions
1. PA are always on-call
2. Work 40 – 60 hours a week
3. Must communicate well with patients
1. Average salary $69,410
Lesson 44- Anesthesiologist
I. Take roll
Nature of work
1. Physicians that focus on surgical patients pain relief
2. They administer anesthetics (meds that prevent pain / sensation )
3. Closely monitor vital signs during surgery
4. Monitor patient through 1st recovery phase after operation
5. Administer appropriate medication during recovery
6. Many specialize in respiratory or neurological illness
Doctor / patient contact
1. First contact preoperative interview
a. Review medical history and medications
b. Discuss upcoming surgery
c. Review options for anesthesia and pain killing drugs
d. Discuss preexisting medical condition ( diabetics/heart disease ) how to
Phases and stages during surgery
1. 1st phase monitor vital signs- HR/rhythm/BP/breathing/kidney function
2. Middle phase- as surgery they use sophisticated electronic equipment to monitor
vital signs
3. Recovery phase- reverse the effects of the anesthesia
b. Return patient consciousness
c. Move the patient to a recovery room where anesthesiologist is still responsible
for vital signs
3 types of anesthesia
1. General
a. Patient unconscious and unable to feel pain
b. Many anesthetics are gases or vapors administered through a breathing tube
c. Other liquid medicines are administered through a vein
2. Regional- numbs an entire area of the body requiring surgery is performed
3. Local- numbs a specific part of the body i.e. (Foot or hand) administered via
Where they work/employed
1. Hospitals, outpatient medical facilities where surgery is performed
2. Em. Rooms and deal with heart attacks/shock/drug overdose/traumatic injuries
3. Divide time between patients rooms/operating theaters/recovery rooms
4. Job is extremely stressful with long hours
5. Often on call day/night some require to be within 30 min. travel time
Education / training
1. Complete a 4 yr. undergrad degree
2. Complete a 4 yr. medical school program
3. After med. School additional 4 yrs. Of specialized training
a. 1st yr. serve a general internship trained in diagnosis or treatment of medicine
b. Followed by 3 yr. residency program- where they learn technology and
medical aspects of anesthesiology
4. In addition to anesthesiology they must study the following:
a. Cardiology
b. Critical care medicine
c. Internal medicine
d. Pharmacology
e. Surgery
5. Additional study- professional seminars and continuing education courses
6. Courses- strong background in the following: math/physics/chemistry/biology
Salary / benefits
1. Near the top of the pay scale of all physicians
2. Avg. salary after 1 yr. experience $321,700