What do bgen members get? bgen offers you and your organisation the opportunity to share and improve skills, knowledge and resources. Stay up-to-date with free and unlimited access to: over 60 practical online articles, resources and toolkits in the members only section of the bgen website our extensive email network for handy help and advice at your fingertips our member directory of skills, suppliers and facilities regular news updates on developments in the sector Keep your finger on the pulse with special rates for: our essential annual conference at least four practical training events and seminars per year at gardens across the country cost effective professional development opportunities for staff and volunteers Be represented with: a national voice for botanical education and our members’ interests partnerships with related organisations and initiatives, including Growing Schools, Plant Network, and Botanic Gardens Conservation International voting rights at bgen General Meetings Types of membership: On-line membership – access to website only Individual or one named member within an organisation Organisational membership – unlimited number of named members (We need one named Primary Contact then you can add as many or as few names as you want and it will not affect your membership fee.) All paid staff or volunteers from an ‘Organisational Membership’ are entitled to attend bgen events at the member’s rate, whether named as bgen members or not. Staff members from organisations who are members of PlantNetwork are also entitled to attend events at the member’s rate. Where only Individual Membership is held by a member of an organisation, other colleagues pay the non-member’s rate to attend events. All full (paying) members of bgen are entitled to vote at General Meetings. Honorary members are not entitled to vote. IMPORTANT: By signing the membership form, members accept the Articles and Memorandum of Association for bgen as a Limited Company, and agree to act in accordance with its rules and regulations. These are available on request from the Co-ordinator. Got questions? Contact the bgen Co-ordinator, info@bgen.org.uk The membership year runs from 1 January – 31 December. However if you join as a new member after 1 October your membership is extended to 15 months. How do I join? Simply fill in the attached form and return to the bgen Coordinator, c/o Museum 1, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB. For office use only: Date received: Transaction code: Sort code: Member no: Part 3: For Organisational membership please add as many or as few names as you want: Invoice no: Cheque no: Receipt sent: Membership Renewal Form 2015 (‘tick’ if new member) Part 1: Primary Contact (against whom attendance/payment will be recorded) or Individual Member details *Title:...........First name:...........................Last name:....................................... 1. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 2. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. *Job Title............................................................................................................ *Organisation:.................................................................................................... *Address:............................................................................................................ ...........................................................................*Postcode:............................... *Phone (switchboard):....................................................................................... *Email (public/central contact):........................................................................ *Website:........................................................................................................... bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 3. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer NOT to be included on the list. Signed:.............................................................................Date:.......................... bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 4. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. Part 2: Membership category On-line membership Individual membership Organisational membership (Unlimited number of named members) Optional donation to BGEN £10 £28 £100 £....... bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 5. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. Add additional names below: 6. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 7. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 8. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 9. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. 10. Title:.................First name:.............................Surname:.................................... Job title:.....................................................Phone:.............................................. Email:................................................................................................................. bgen has an email discussion list, please tick if you would prefer not to be included on the list. Please put details for any further names on a separate sheet. Part 4: Payment (please ‘tick’ the appropriate box) I enclose a cheque made payable to: Botanic Gardens Education Network for £....... I wish to pay by Standing Order Please invoice me/my organisation for £....... I require a receipt Please return your form to: bgen Co-ordinator, C/O Museum 1, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB Email: info@bgen.org.uk Date Protection: bgen takes looking after your data seriously. We will keep the information you have provided us with electronically for the purposes of administering your membership and providing membership benefits only. Contact information may be made available for non-commercial networking purposes only to related organisations such as PlantNetwork and BGCI. Please tick if you DO NOT want your details to be used in this way Organisational information (fields marked *) will be included on the bgen website for networking purposes. Please tick if you DO NOT want this data to be made public