Sustainability Living Learning Community

Live Green
The Sustainability Living Learning Community
at SUNY New Paltz
Why a Living Learning Community?
Learning does not only take place in the classroom. Much of what you learn during your college
years occurs outside of class among the friends and peers with whom you live. You are sure to
learn a lot during your time in any residence hall, but living learning communities provide focus
by bringing together students with a shared interest in a particular area. This is combined with
activities centered around that shared interest with guidance and support from faculty and staff
with expertise on that subject.
Why a Sustainability Living Learning Community?
To Learn
The world is facing a number of pressing environmental problems. From climate change to
species extinction to toxic contamination, life on this planet is being altered in ways that will
create increasing challenges for humankind. Ideally, every community should be a living learning
community focused on the matters that are so vital to our lives. And eventually, in one way or
another, everyone will have to concern themselves with these issues. But the Sustainability Living
Learning Community is designed for students who are ready to assume that responsibility now. It
is for those who want to learn about and discuss the growing ecological challenges that society is
facing and what it will mean for our way of life in the future. It is for students who want to explore
how our lifestyles can be modified to better protect the natural environment and to contemplate
what actions we can take to reform the social systems that perpetuate ecological degradation.
To Lead
Beyond having people who are aware of environmental issues and who have considered how to
integrate sustainability into their daily lives, we will also need people capable of leading others to
bring about the changes necessary to ensure human survival and wellbeing. With support from
faculty and staff, the Sustainability Living Learning Community provides students with
opportunities to be a part of organizing events designed to raise awareness about environmental
issues and to reform practices that threaten ecological sustainability. It is truly a community of
learners who are dedicated to working together to educate themselves and others and to create a
better more ecologically sustainable society. The knowledge and skills developed in the
Sustainability LLC will help prepare participants to be leaders as we set a course for our green
What Does It Actually Involve?
Much of the activity associated with being a part of the Sustainability Living Learning Community
is up to the participants themselves. Dedicated faculty and staff will assist students in identifying
topics to explore. Organized activities scheduled every two to three weeks may include things like
watching and discussing environmentally themed documentaries, going on field trips to local sites
of ecological interest, or hosting talks in the residence hall by college or community experts in
relevant topics.
Community members may also wish to initiate social activities like making shared meals with
sustainably produced foods, organizing hiking trips to nearby nature preserves or participating in
environmental community events. The Sustainability LLC is designed to be a true community and
members of that community will in many ways decide together what collective activities they
want to undertake. Being a part of those decisions is a vital part of the learning experience.
Where Will You Live?
Students participating in the program will be housed in Lenape Hall. All Lenape hall rooms are
designed triples. They consist of a large L-shaped room with a bathroom shared by the three
students living in the room.
How to Apply
If living and learning with fellow students who share your interest in environmental sustainability
appeals to you, and if you want to develop the leadership skills that will enable you to be a part of
the solution to environmental challenges, then the Sustainability Living Learning Community
might be right for you.
There is no additional cost to residing in the Sustainability Living Learning Community and it is
open to all majors. The only requirement is an interest in environmental issues and a
commitment to being an active part of the community. But space is limited, so if you are
interested in being a part of the Sustainability LLC, you must apply.
Please complete the application below.
For more information e-mail Professor Brian Obach at or call Professor
Jonathan Schwartz at (845) 257-2627.
Sustainability Living-Learning Community
Application Form
On Campus Address _______________________________________________________
(Provide home
address if you
are an incoming
Phone Number
New Paltz E-Mail Address
New Paltz Banner ID number
Major, Minor or Interest Areas
Academic standing:
First Year
Do you have friend(s) who is/are also applying to the program with whom you want to share a
room? If so, list his/her/their name(s) and Housing Key(s):
Roommate 1 - Name____________________________________________
Housing Key________________________
Roommate 2 - Name____________________________________________
Housing Key________________________
Students of different genders are allowed to share a room. If you do not have specific roommates,
please tell us whether you prefer to live of the same gender or do you have no preference? (circle
Same gender
No preference
Before submitting this application, you must pay the $100 Advance Room Deposit, complete a
Residence Hall License and get a Housing Key Code. To do so, follow the instructions in the Fall
Room Selection Instruction Manual.
What is your Housing Key Code? _______________________
Please write a personal statement explaining your background in environmental issues and
interest in this program
Memorandum of Understanding
The Sustainability Living Learning Community is designed for students who share an interest in
learning about environmental issues and in seeking ways to live more sustainably. By applying to
be a part of this community, should you be accepted, you are agreeing to participate actively and
regularly in events organized for and by the community and to comply with all residence hall and
campus regulations.
I understand the goals of the program and I agree to the above conditions.
This completed application should be submitted as an attachment to Professor Brian Obach at the
following address:
Questions? Call Professor Jonathan Schwartz at (845) 257-2627