Website proposed changes for IT Appendix 3

Economics Group web page – proposed
Appendix 3
Economics Group
(Introductory text to be update)…
Nuffield College has by far the largest number of economists (researchers and graduate students) of
any college in Oxford. The Economics Group at Nuffield thus lies at the heart of Economics in Oxford.
Four of the six University chairs are located at Nuffield. Three Nobel Prize winners in Economics are
former Fellows: John Hicks, Jim Mirrlees, and Amartya Sen. Among the current faculty are seven
Fellows of the British Academy and eight Fellows of the Econometric Society. Nuffield Fellows
currently serve as co-editors of the Review of Economic Studies, the Economic Journal, and the
Econometrics Journal, as well as being associate editors on numerous editorial boards.
Economists at Nuffield work on a wide range of subjects, both applied and theoretical. This is
reflected in the large number of seminar series and workshops organised by Nuffield economists.
These include the Oxford seminar series in Economic Theory, Econometrics, and Finance. While the
Nuffield faculty has broad interests, it has particular strengths in Applied Microeconomic Theory
(Auctions, Industrial Economics, Regulation, Information Economics, Contract Theory, etc.) and
Econometrics (Forecasting, Financial Econometrics, Quantitative Macroeconomics, etc.).
Contact information
Chair: Margaret Meyer (linked to profile page with contact details)
Administrator: Lin Sorrell (link to contact details)
Working papers: Maxine Collett (linked to profile page with contact details)
Admissions: College Office (linked to contact details)
Working papers
Economics Working papers (link to listings)
Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series (link to listings)
Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History (link to listings)
Seminars (Nuffield College) (link to listings, filtered by relevant seminars)
Seminars (Department of Economics) (link to listings)
Group members
(comprised of permanent fellow + some, but not all senior research fellows and fellow from other
groups e.g. Bob Allen. Flexibility of selection criteria for group listings needed. Further consultation
may be required on categorisation, however principle remains of having members listed on one
Bob Allen (link to profile) ‘format of info following name TBC’
Steve Bond (senior research fellow, actively part of group)
Martin Browning
*Avinash Dixit (Senior Research Fellow, not actively part of group, move to Research Fellow
*John Ermisch (Senior Research Fellow, not actively part of group, move to Research Fellow
David Hendry (senior research fellow, actively part of group)
Ian Jewitt
Michael Keane
Paul Klemperer
Margaret Meyer
John Muellbauer (senior research fellow, actively part of group)
Bent Nielsen
*Adrian Pagan, (Senior Research Fellow, not actively part of group, move to Research Fellow
Kevin Roberts
Neil Shephard
*Richard Spady, (Senior Research Fellow, not actively part of group, move to Research
Fellow list?)
Peyton Young
Senior Research Fellows: (TBC)
 Avinash Dixit
 John Ermisch
 Adrian Pagan
 Richard Spady
Research Fellows:
Facundo Alvaredo, Research Fellow
Vanessa Berenguer Rico, Research Fellow
Alexandre de Corniere, Research Fellow
Jurgen Doornik, Research Fellow
Renaud Foucart, Research Fellow
Charles Gottlieb, Research Fellow
Daniel Gutknecht, Research Fellow
Yuval Heller, Research Fellow
Michal Horvath, Research Fellow
Clement Imbert, Research Fellow
Mike Mariathasan, Research Fellow
Erik Mohlin, Research Fellow
Ines Moreno de Barreda, Research Fellow
Manuel Mueller-Frank, Research Fellow
Per Mykland, Research Fellow
Diaa Noureldin, Research Fellow
Vitaliy Oryshchenko, Research Fellow
Florian Ploeckl, Research Fellow
Maria Porter, Research Fellow
Zoe Tsesmelidakis, Research Fellow
Tim Willems, Research Fellow
James Wolter, Research Fellow
Honorary and Emeritus Fellows
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or separate page?)
Associate members:
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or separate page?)
 Names to appear in expandable drop down list (or separate page if necessary?)
Visiting Fellows
(not to be listed on group page)
Visiting Academics
(can be added to group page by request e.g. if visiting for significant period of time)
Studying Economics at Nuffield (link)
Useful links
Oxford University Department of Economics
Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
The Programme in Economic Modelling (EMoD)
Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School