莊炳湟教授個人介紹 Prof. Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang is currently the Motorola Foundation Chair Professor and a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also enlisted as Honorary Chair Professor at several renowned universities. He received a Ph.D. degree from University of California, Santa Barbara. He conducted research at Speech Communications Research Laboratory (SCRL) and Signal Technology, Inc. (STI) on a number of Government-sponsored research projects. Notable accomplishments during the period include development of vector quantization for voice applications, voice coders at extremely low bit rates, 800 bps and around 300 bps, and robust vocoders for use in satellite communications. He subsequently joined the Acoustics Research Department of Bell Laboratories in 1982, working in the area of speech enhancement, coding and recognition. Prof. Juang became Director of Acoustics and Speech Research at Bell Labs in 1996, and Director of Multimedia Technologies Research at Avaya Labs (a spin-off of Bell Labs) in 2001. He joined Georgia Tech in 2002. Prof. Juang has published extensively, including the book “Fundamentals of Speech Recognition”, co-authored with L.R. Rabiner, and holds nearly two dozen patents. He received the Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 1998 for contributions to the field of speech processing and communications and the Third Millennium Medal from the IEEE in 2000. He also received two Best Senior Paper Awards, in 1993 and 1994 respectively, and a Best Paper Awards in 1994, from the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing from 1996 to 2002, and Chair of the IEEE SP Society Fellow Evaluation Committee from 2002 to 2004. He was elected an IEEE Fellow (1991), a Bell Labs Fellow (1999), a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (2004), and an Academician of the Academia Sinica (2006). He was name the 2014 recipient of the IEEE Technical Field James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award. 中央研究院院士資料 姓 名 中文 :莊炳湟 英文 : Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang 當選院士屆數 第 26 屆 學 歷 國立臺灣大電機工程系學士(1973) 加州大學(聖巴巴拉校區)電機工程及計算機科學系碩士(1978)、博士(1981) 經 歷 語音通信研究院(Speech Communications Research Laboratory) 研究員(1978) 信號技術公司(Signal Technology, Inc),研究科學家(1979-1982) 貝爾實驗室相關職務:Director, Avaya Labs(2001-2002)、Director, Bell Labs(1998-2001)、 Department Head(1996-1998)、Group Supervisor(1992-1996)、資深研究員(1991-1996)、 研究員(1982-1991) 美國喬治亞理工學院電機及計算機工程系、摩托羅拉基金會講座教授(2002-) 專 長 計算機及資訊科學、應用數學科學 2004 美國國家工程學院(National Academy of Engineering, NAE) 院士 2004 日本電報電話公司(NTT)榮譽研究教授 曾 獲 得 之 學 術 榮 譽 2002 美國喬治亞州研究協會(Georgia Research Alliance-喬治亞州科技發展智庫)傑出 學者(Eminent Scholar) 1999 美國貝爾實驗室院士(Bell Labs Fellow) 1999 電機電子工程學院(IEEE)信號處理學會(Signal Processing Society) 傑出講座(Distinguished Lecturer) 1998 電機電子工程學院(IEEE)信號處理學會學術成就獎 (Technical Achievement Award) 1997 貝爾實驗室總裁金牌獎 (President's Gold Medal Award) 1994 電機電子工程學院(IEEE)信號處理學會,最佳論文獎、最有影響力論文獎、最佳青 年論文獎(同時獲三獎) 1993 電機電子工程學院(IEEE)信號處理學會最佳論文獎 1991 電機電子工程學院(IEEE)院士(Fellow) 資料來源:中研院網站 http://academicians.sinica.edu.tw/02.php?func=22&_op=?ID:M120&_session=JUfMxyumROFfzZ14 Papers: “Technical advances in digital audio broadcasting,” with C. Faller, P. Kroon, H.-L. Lou, S.A. Ramprashad, and C.-E.W. Sundberg, Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 90, no. 8, pp. 1303-1335, Aug. 2002. (.pdf) “From information delivery to information sharing – new aspirations and challenges in telecommunication,” Keynote Speech & Proceedings of NTT workshop on Communications Scene Analysis, Atsugi, Japan, Jan. 2002. “Speaker Authentication,” with Peter Li, Book Chapter, in Pattern Recognition in Speech and Language Processing, Wu and Juang (ed.), CRC Press. (.pdf) “Verification of Multi-Class Recognition Decision Using A Classification Approach,”, with T. Matsui and F.K. Soong, submitted to IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, September 2002. “Naturalness in speech communications,” with Paul Lustgarten, submitted to Special Issue of IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Processing, on Spontaneous Speech Processing, December 2002. (.pdf) Pattern Recognition in Speech & Language Processing, (edited book) with Wu Chou, CRC Press, 2003. “A new algorithm for fast discriminative training,” with Q. Li, Proc. ICASSP-2002, IEEE, Orlando, FL., May 2002. (.pdf) “Multiple descriptive speech coding with diversity,” with Xin Zhong, Proc. ICASSP-2002, IEEE, Orlando, FL., May 2002. (.pdf) “Classifier design for verification of multi-class recognition decision,” with T. Matsui and F.K. Soong, Proc. ICASSP-2002, IEEE, Orlando, FL., May 2002. (.pdf) “Ubiquitous communications interface,” Proceedings Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, IEEE, Trento, Italy, December 2001. “Verification of multi-class recognition decision using classification approach,” with T. Matsui and F.K. Soong, Proceedings Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, IEEE, Trento, Italy, December 2001. “Speech recognition and utterance verification based on a generalized confidence score,” with M.W. Koo and C.H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, vol. 9, no. 8, pp.821-832, November 2001. “Pattern recognition using a family of design algorithms based upon Generalized Probabilistic Descent method,” with Shigeru Katagiri and C.H. Lee, in Intelligent Signal Processing, Haykin and Kosko (ed.), IEEE Press, 2001. “Hands-free telecommunications,” with Frank Soong, Proceedings of International Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communications, p. 5-10, ATR, Kyoto, Japan, April 2001. "An Application of Discriminative Feature Extraction for Filter-Bank based Speech Recognition" with Alain Biem and Shigeru Katagiri, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, February 2001. “Digital speech processing”, with Mohan Sondhi and L.R. Rabiner, The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Robert Meyers (ed.), Academic Press, 2000. “Hidden Markov Models”, The Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, John Proakis (ed.), John Wiley and Sons, 2000. “Automatic verbal information verification for user authentication”, with Q. Li, Qiru Zhou and C.H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Proc., vol.8, no.5, pp.585-596, September 2000. “Automatic recognition and understanding of spoken language – a first step towards natural human-machine communication,” with Sadaoki Furui, Proceedings of the IEEE, August 2000. “A Block Least Squares Approach To Acoustic Echo Cancellation”, with Eric Woudenberg and Frank Soong, ICASSP-99, Phoenix, March 1999. “A unified structure-based framework for indexing and gisting of meetings,” with T. Kristjansson, T. Huang, and P. Ramesh, IEEE ICMCS99, 1999. “Recent advancements in automatic speaker authentication,” with Q. Li, C.H. Lee, Q. Zhou and F.K. Soong, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, March 1999. "Modeling context dependent anti-subword models for utterance verification," with P. Ramesh and C.H. Lee, Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Processing, Sydney, Australia, December 1998 "Statistical modeling of pronunciation and production variations of speech recognition," with F. Korkmazskiy, Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Processing, Sydney, Australia, December 1998 "Pattern recognition using a family of design algorithms based upon the generalized probabilistic descent method," with S. Katagiri and C.H. Lee, IEEE Proceedings, vol.86, no.11, pp.2345-2375, November 1998 "Flexible speech understanding based on combined key-phrase detection and verification," with T. Kawahara and C.H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, T-SA, vol.6, no.6, pp.558-568, November 1998 "From speech recognition to understanding: shifting the paradigm to achieve natural human-machine communication," Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of International Congress on Acoustics and Acoustic Society of America, Seattle, June 1998 "The past, present, and future of speech processing," with IEEE SP Society 50th Anniversary Speech Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp.24-48, May 1998 "Technology advances enabling "in-Band-On-Channel" DSB systems," with Carl-Erik Sundberg, Deepen Sinha, Hui-Ling Lou, and Peter Kroon, Proceedings BroadcastAsia 98, pp.289-294, Singapore, June 1998 “Speech Recognition by Machine” with L.R. Rabiner, in The Digital Signal Processing Handbook, CRC Press and IEEE Press, 1998 "Speaker Verification Using Verbal Information Verification for Automatic Enrollment," with Q. Li, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Seattle, May 1998 "A new decoder based on a generalized confidence score for speech recognition and utterance verification," with M. Koo and C. H. Lee, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, & Sig. Proc., Seattle, May 1998 Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, (ed.) with Sadaoki Furui and Wu Chou, IEEE Press, Dec. 1997. "On speaker authentication," with Li, Q., Zhou, Q., Lee, C.-H., and Soong, F. K., IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, Stony Brook, NY, pp.3 - 6, Nov. 1997 "Speech, acoustics and audio processing for multimedia," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 1997 "Verbal information verification," with Li, Q., Zhou, Q., and Lee, C.-H., 5th European Conf. Speech Communication & Technology Proc., Rhodes Greece, pp. 839 - 842, Sept. 1997 "A new hybrid decoding algorithm for speech recognition and utterance verification," with M. Koo and C. H. Lee, Proc. of IEEE ASRU97 Workshop, Santa Barbara, December 1997 "Discriminative Training of the Pronunciation Networks," with F. E. Korkmazskiy, Proc. of IEEE ASRU97 Workshop, pp.223-229, Santa Barbara, December 1997 Multimedia Signal Processing, with Y. Wang, A.R. Reibman, T. Chen, and S.Y. Kung (ed.), IEEE, 1997. "Filtering the time sequences of spectral parameters for speech recognition," with Climent Nadeu and Pau Paches-Leal, Speech Communication, 22, pp.315-332, 1997 "Combining key-phrase detection and subword based verification for flexible speech understanding," with T. Kawahara and C. H. Lee, IEEE Proc. of ICASSP97, May 1997 "Generalized Mixture of HMMS for Continuous Speech Recognition," with F. E. Korkmazskiy and F. Soong, IEEE Proc. of ICASSP97, pp.1443-1446, 1997 "Minimum classification error rate methods for speech recognition," with Wu Chou and C. H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, T-SA, vo.5, No.3, pp.257-265, May 1997 "Pattern recognition using discriminative feature extraction," with A. Bien and S. Katagiri, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.45, No.2, pp.500-504, Feb. 1997 "Selective feature extraction via signal decomposition," with K. Wang and C. H. Lee, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.4, No.1, pp.8-11, Jan. 1997 "Key-phrase detection and verification for flexible speech understanding," with T. Kawahara and C. H. Lee, Technical Report of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, NLC96-55, SP96-86, pp.61-68, Dec. 1996 "Maximum likelihood learning of auditory feature maps for stationary vowels," with Kuansan Wang and C. H. Lee, Proceedings Inter. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, FrP2P1, Philadelphia, October 1996 "Combining key-phrase detection and subword-based utterance verification for flexible speech understanding," with T. Kawahara and C. H. Lee, Proceedings Inter. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, FrA2L3, Philadelphia, October 1996 "Discriminative adaptation for speaker verification," with F. Korkmazskiy, Proceedings Inter. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, SaP1P1, Philadelphia, October 1996 "A study on task-independent subword selection and modeling for speech recognition," with C. H. Lee, Wu Chou and J. J. Molina-Perez, Proceedings Inter. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, SaP2L1, Philadelphia, October 1996 "A survey on automatic speech recognition with an illustrative example on continuous recognition of Mandarin speech," with C. H. Lee, Proceedings of Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Taiwan, August 1996 "Key-phrase detection and verification for flexible speech understanding," with T. Kawahara and C. H. Lee, Proceedings of Acoustic Society of Japan, 1996 "Time-frequency analysis for automatic recognition and auditory modeling of speech," with J. W. Pitton and K. Wang, Proceedings of IEEE, Special Issue on Time-Frequency Representations for Signal Processing, pp.1199-1215, vol.84, no.9, September 1996 "Signal conditioning techniques for robust speech recognition," with M. Rahim, Wu Chou and E. Buhrke, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, V.3, No.4, pp.107-109, April 1996 "Signal bias removal by maximum likelihood estimation for robust telephone speech recognition," with M. Rahim, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, V.4, No.1, pp.19-30, January 1996 "Discriminative utterance verification using minimum string verification error (MSVE) training," with M. Rahim, C. H. Lee and Wu Chou, Proc. ICASSP-96, Atlanta, May 1996 "An overview of automatic speech recognition," with L. R. Rabiner and C. H. Lee, in Automatic speech and speaker recognition: Advanced topics, Lee, Soong and Paliwal (eds.), Chapter 1, Kluwer Academic, 1996 "Speech recognition by machine," with L. R. Rabiner, to appear in CRC Handbook on Applications of Signal Processing, CRC, 1996 "Discriminative methods for speech recognition," with W. Chou and C. H. Lee, in Automatic speech and speaker recognition: Advanced topics, Lee, Soong and Paliwal (eds.), Kluwer Academic, 1996 "Recent developments in robust speech recognition," Modern Methods of Speech Processing, Ramachandran & Mammone (ed.), p.231-250, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995 "Model compensation for robust ASR," with R. Rose and C. H. Lee, Proceedings IEEE ASR Workshop, Snowbird, Dec. 1995 "A vocabulary independent discriminatively trained method for rejection of non-keywords in subword based speech recognition," with Rafid Sukkar and C. H. Lee, Proceedings EuroSpeech, 1995 "Utterance verification," with Mazin Rahim and C. H. Lee, Proceedings EuroSpeech, 1995 "Hidden Markov models for speech and signal recognition," with R.C. Rose, J. American EEG Society, April 1995 "Deployable automatic speech recognition systems - advances and challenges," with D. Thomson and R. J. Perdue, AT&T Technical Journal, Vol.74, No.2, 1995 "A training procedure for verifying string hypotheses in continuous speech recognition," with R. C. Rose and C. H. Lee, Proc. International Conf. Acoust., Speech & Signal Processing, WA02.01, pp. Detroit, May 1995 "Robust utterance verification for connected digit recognition," with Mazin Rahim and C.H. Lee, Proc. International Conf. Acoust., Speech & Signal Processing, WA02.02, pp.285-288 Detroit, May 1995 "A Study on Minimum Error Discriminative Training for Speaker Recognition," with C.-S. Liu, C.-H. Lee, W. Chou, and A. E. Rosenberg, Jour. Acoust. Soc. Am., Dec. 1994 "Minimum Error Rate Training of Inter-word Context Dependent Acoustic Model Units in Speech Recognition," with W. Chou, and C.-H. Lee, Proc. ICSLP-94, pp. 439-442, Yokohama, Sept. 1994 "Filtering of spectral parameters for speech recognition," with Climent Nadeu, Proc. ICSLP-94, pp. 1927-1930, Yokohama, Sept. 1994 "Recent technology developments in connected digit speech recognition," with J. G. Wilpon, Proc. ICSLP-94, pp. 2135-2138, Yokohama, Sept. 1994 "A high resolution N-best search algorithm using inter-word context dependent models for continuous speech recognition," with Wu Chou, T. Matsuoka and C. H. Lee, Proceedings ICASSP-94, Adelaide, Australia, April 1994 "Signal bias removal for robust speech recognition," with Mazin Rahim, Proceedings ICASSP-94, Adelaide, Australia, April 1994 "A study on minimum error discriminative training for speaker recognition," with C. S. Liu, C. H. Lee, Wu Chou and A. E. Rosenberg, Proceedings ICASSP-94, Adelaide, Australia, April 1994 "A minimum error rate pattern recognition approach to speech recognition," with W. Chou, C. H. Lee and F. K. Soong, Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Speech Recognition for Different Languages, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 5-31, 1994 "Statistical and discriminative methods for speech recognition," Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute, A. Rubio (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1994 "On the bias of the Turing-Good estimate of probabilities," with S. H. Lo, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.42, No.2, 496-498, Feb. 1994 "A study of minimum error rate pattern recognition approach to speech recognition," with W. Chou and C.-H. Lee, IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition, Snowbird, December 1993 "Discriminative feature extraction for speech recognition," with Alain Biem and Shigeru Katagiri, Neural Networks for Signal Processing III, IEEE Workshop NNSP-93, pp.392-401, IEEE, Piscataway, September 1993 "Discriminative analysis of distortion sequences in speech recognition," with P. C. Chang and S.H. Chen, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, SAP-1, No.3, pp.326-333, July, 1993 "Discriminative training of dynamic programming based speech recognizers," with P. C. Chang, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, SAP-1, No.2, pp.135-143, April 1993 "Optimal quantization of line spectral pair parameters," with F. K. Soong, IEEE Trans. Speech & Audio Processing, SAP-1, No.1, pp.15-24, Jan. 1993 "Signal analysis and representation for speech recognition," Acoustical Society of America Spring Meeting, Paper 2pSP1, pp.2317, April 1993 "Minimum error rate training based on N-best string models," Proceedings of International Conf. Acoust. Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP-93, pp.II-652-655, Minneapolis, MN, April 1993 "Statistical and discriminative methods for speech recognition," in Speech Recognition and Understanding, Rubio (ed.), NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993 Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, with L. R. Rabiner, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1993 (Book) "Line Spectral Pair (LSP) and speech data compression," with F. K. Soong, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, pp.15-25, vol.1, no.1, Jan. 1993 "The use of cohort normalized scores for speaker verification," with A. E. Rosenberg, J. DeLong, C-H Lee and F.K. Soong, 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Proceedings ICSLP-92, pp.599-602, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1992 "Hidden Markov models with first order equalization for noisy speech recognition," with K. K. Paliwal, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.40, No.9, pp.2136-2143, Sept. 1992 "Discriminative learning for minimum error classification," with S. Katagiri, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.40, No.12, pp.3043-3054, December 1992 "Discriminative training," with S. Katagiri, invited paper for Special Issue on Discriminative Training for Speech Recognition of the Journal of Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol.13, No.6, pp.333-339, November 1992 "Continuous speech recognition based on combined string models," with Wu Chou and C-H. Lee, Proceedings of ARPA Microelectronics Technology Workshop on Continuous Speech Recognition, pp.65-69, Stanford, CA, September 1992 "Spectral representations for speech recognition by neural networks," with L. R. Rabiner, Neural Networks for Signal Processing II, IEEE Workshop NNSP-92, Kung, Fallside, Sorenson & Kamm (eds.), pp.214-222, IEEE, Piscataway, August 1992 "Hidden Markov models for speech recognition – strengths and limitations," with L. R. Rabiner, in Speech Recognition and Understanding, Laface and De Mori (ed.), NATO ASI Series, pp.3-29, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992 "Discriminative template training for dynamic programming speech recognition," with P. C. Chang, Proceedings of International Conf. Acoust. Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP-92, San Francisco, CA, March 1992 "Vector equalization in hidden Markov models for noisy speech recognition," with K. K. Paliwal, Proceedings of International Conf. Acoust. Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP-92, San Francisco, CA, March 1992 "Segmental GPD training of HMM based speech recognizers," with Wu Chou and C. H. Lee, Proceedings of International Conf. Acoust. Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP-92, San Francisco, CA, March 1992 "A minimum error approach to speech and pattern recognition," with S. Katagiri, Proceedings 25th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 1991 "Minimum error rate training for dynamic time warping & hidden Markov model recognizers," with Wu Chou and P. C. Chang, 1991 IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition, Arden House, NY, Dec. 1991 "Discriminative multi-layer feed-forward networks," with S. Katagiri and C. H. Lee, Proceedings 1991 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, pp.11-20, Princeton, NJ, Sept. 1991 "New discriminative training algorithms based on the generalized probabilistic descent method," with S. Katagiri and C. H. Lee, Proceedings 1991 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, pp.299-308, Princeton, NJ, Sept. 1991 "Discriminative analysis of distortion sequences in speech recognition," with P. C. Chang and S. H. Chen, IEEE ICASSP-91, 12.S8.6, pp. 549-552, Toronto, May 1991 "Adaptive discriminative learning in pattern recognition," with W. Chou, submitted for publication in the IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 1991 "Speech recognition in adverse environments," Computer Speech & Language, vol. 5, pp.275-294, 1991 "Hidden Markov models for speech recognition," with L. R. Rabiner, Technometrics, vol.33, no.3, pp.251-272, August 1991 "Issues in using hidden Markov models for speech recognition," with L. R. Rabiner, Advances in Speech Signal Processing, Furui & Sondhi (ed.), p.509-554, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991 "A study on speaker adaptation of the parameters of continuous density hidden Markov models," with C. H. Lee and C. H. Lin, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol.39, no.4, pp.806-814, April 1991 "Recent developments in speech recognition under adverse conditions," Proceedings International Conf. Spoken Language Processing, pp.1113-1116, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 1990 "A generalized probabilistic descent algorithm," with S. Katagiri and C. H. Lee, Acoustic Society of Japan, Fall Meeting, pp.141-142, Sept. 1990 "Hidden Markov models for speech recognition - Strengths and Limitations," with L. R. Rabiner, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), ASI Proceedings, 1990 "The segmental k-means algorithm for estimating parameters of hidden Markov models," with L. R. Rabiner, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-38, no.9, pp.1639-1641, Sept. 1990 "Optimal quantization of LSP parameters using delayed decision," with F. K. Soong, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-90, pp.185-188, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1990 "Speaker recognition based on source coding approaches," with F. K. Soong, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-90, pp.613-616, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1990 "Statistical segmentation and word modeling techniques in isolated word recognition," with S. A. Euler, C. H. Lee and F. K. Soong, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-90, pp.745-748, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1990 "A study of speaker adaptation of the parameters of continuous density hidden Markov models," with C. H. Lee and C. H. Lin, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-90, pp.145-148, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1990 "On the application of hidden Markov models for enhancing noisy speech," with Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-37, No.12, pp.1846-1856, Dec. 1989 "A family of distortion measures based upon projection operation for robust speech recognition," with D. Mansour, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-37, No. 11, pp. 1659-71, Nov. 1989 "Speaker independent isolated word recognition based on acoustic segmentation," with S. Euler, C. H. Lee and F. K. Soong, International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, A.4.6, Erlangen, F.R. of Germany, September 1989 "Speech enhancement based upon hidden Markov modelling," with Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-89, 23.S7.2, pp.353-356, Vol.1, Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989 "HMM clustering for connected word recognition," with L. R. Rabiner, C. H. Lee and J. G. Wilpon, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-89, 24.S8.5, pp.405-408, Vol.1, Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989 "Some new recognition results using a segment model based approach," with C. H. Lee, F. K. Soong and L. R. Rabiner, Proceedings IEEE ICASSP-89, 42S12.22, pp.683-686, Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989 "The short-time modified coherence representation and its application to noisy speech recognition," with D. Mansour, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ASSP-37, No.6, pp.795-804, June 1989 "Design and performance of trellis vector quantizers for speech signals," IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ASSP-36, No.9, pp.1423-1431, Sept. 1988 "Hidden Markov models with imbedded equalization for noisy observations," Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, S. Lake Tahoe, CA, Sept. 1988 "Large vocabulary speech recognition using a segment model based approach," with C.-H. Lee and F. K. Soong, Proceedings, 1988 IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition, Arden House, Harriman, NY., May 1988 "A globally optimal quantizer design," with F. K. Soong, Abstracts of Papers, International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-88), pp. 38, Kobe, Japan, June 1988 "The short-time modified coherence representation and its application to noisy speech recognition," with D. Mansour, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, pp.525-528, Vol.1, Apr. 1988 "A family of distortion measures based upon projection operation for robust speech recognition," with D. Mansour, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, pp.36-39, Vol.1, Apr. 1988 "A segment model based approach to speech recognition," with C. H. Lee and F. K. Soong, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, pp.501-504, Vol.1, Apr. 1988 "On the application of hidden Markov models for enhancing noisy speech," with Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, pp.533-536, Vol.1, Apr. 1988 "Optimal quantization of Line Spectral Pair (LSP) parameters," with F. K. Soong, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, pp.394-397, Vol.1, Apr. 1988 "Some properties of autoregressive model related cepstrum," with David Mansour, Journal of Acoust. Society of America, Suppl. 1, Vol. 81, Fall 1987 "On the use of bandpass filtering in speech recognition," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-35, No. 7, pp.947-954, July 1987 "Performance evaluation of a connected digit recognizer," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 3.10, pp.101-104, April 1987 "Signal restoration by spectral mapping," with L. R. Rabiner, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 6.6, pp. 2368-2372, April 1987 "An investigation on the use of acoustic sub-word units for automatic speech recognition," with J. G. Wilpon and L. R. Rabiner, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 20.7, pp.821-824, April 1987 "A vector quantization approach to speaker recognition," with F. K. Soong, A. E. Rosenberg, and L. R. Rabiner, AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 66, issue 2, pp. 14-26, March/April 1987 "A model-based connected-digit recognition system using either hidden Markov models or templates," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, Computer Speech & Language, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.167-197, December 1986 "Matrix quantization for very low data rate voice coding," with D. Y. Wong and D. Y. Chen, Journal of Acoust. Society of America, Suppl. 1, Vol. 80, Fall 1986 "A segmental k-means training procedure for connected word recognition," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, AT&T Technical Journal, Vol.65, Issue 3, pp. 21-40, May/June 1986 "Vector quantization, hidden Markov models and speaker independent recognition of speech," Technology Session on Current Research in Speaker Independent Recognition, Speech Tech '86, New York City, April, 1986 "Design and performance of trellis vector quantizers for speech signals," IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 9.1, pp. 437-440, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1986 "On the use of bandpass filtering in speech recognition," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 14.18, pp. 765-768, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1986 "Mixture autoregressive hidden Markov models for speaker independent isolated word recognition," with L. R. Rabiner, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 2.1, pp. 41-44, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1986 "A continuous training procedure for connected digit recognition," with L. R. Rabiner and J. G. Wilpon, IEEE ICASSP Proceedings, 21.1, pp. 1065-1068, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1986 "Speech coding - review and outlook," Annual Conference of Chinese Institute of Engineers, New York, Nov. 1985 "Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate mixture observations of Markov chains," with S. E. Levinson and M. M. Sondhi, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol. IT-32, No.2, pp.307-309, Mar. 1986 "An introduction to hidden Markov models," with L.R. Rabiner, IEEE ASSP Magazine, Vol.3, No.1, p.4-16, Jan. 1986 "Mixture autoregressive hidden Markov models for speech signals," with L. R. Rabiner, IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-33, No. 6, pp. 1404-1413, Dec. 1985 "Maximum likelihood estimation for mixture multivariate stochastic observations of Markov chains," with S. E. Levinson and M. M. Sondhi, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Brighton, England, June 1985 "On application of vector quantization to speaker recognition," with F. K. Soong, A. E. Rosenberg, and L. R. Rabiner, IEEE International Conference on Communications 1985, paper 45.8, Chicago, June 1985 "Recent developments in the application of hidden Markov models to speaker-independent isolated word recognition," with L. R. Rabiner, S. E. Levinson, and M. M. Sondhi, IEEE ICASSP-85 Proceedings, pp. 9-12, Tampa, Florida, March 1985 "A vector quantization approach to speaker recognition," with F. K. Soong, A. E. Rosenberg, and L. R. Rabiner, IEEE ICASSP-85 Proceedings, pp. 387-390, Tampa, Florida, March 1985 "Recognition of isolated digits using hidden Markov models with continuous mixture densities," with L. R. Rabiner, S. E. Levinson, and M. M. Sondhi, AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 6, Part 1, pp. 1211-1234, July-August 1985 "Continuous density hidden Markov models for speaker independent recognition of isolated digits," with S. E. Levinson, L. R. Rabiner and M. M. Sondhi, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, JASA Supp. 1, Vol. 76, Fall 1984 "Some properties of continuous hidden Markov model representations," with L. R. Rabiner, S. E. Levinson, and M. M. Sondhi, AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 6, Part 1, pp. 1251-1270, July-August, 1985 "A probabilistic distance measure for hidden Markov models," with L. R. Rabiner, AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 391-408, February 1985 "Maximum likelihood estimation for mixture multivariate stochastic observations of Markov chains," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 6, Part 1, pp.1235-1250, July-August 1985 "Line Spectral Pair - its deterministic and statistical properties," with F. K. Soong, IEEE ICASSP-84 Conference Proceedings, 1.10.1-4, San Diego, CA, March 1984 "On hidden Markov model and dynamic time warping for speech recognition - a unified view," AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 1213-1244, Sept. 1984 "On using the Itakura-Saito measures for speech coder performance evaluation," AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 8, pp. 1477-1498, October 1984 "Line Spectral Pair - its deterministic and statistical properties," with F. K. Soong, Acoustic Society of America, Semi-annual Meeting Record, Cincinnati, May 1983 "Very low data rate speech compression with LPC vector and matrix quantization," with D. Y. Wong and D. Y. Cheng, IEEE ICASSP-83 Conference Proceedings, pp. 65-68, Boston, Apr. 1983 "Speech enhancement with harmonic synthesis," with B. A. Hanson and D. Y. Wong, IEEE ICASSP-83 Conference Proceedings, pp. 1126-1129, Boston, Apr. 1983 "The acoustic descriptive encryption method - a new class of analog secure voice communication techniques," Technical Memorandum, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Oct. 1982 Vector/Matrix Quantization for Narrow-band Digital Speech Compression, with D. Y. Wong, Final Report Contract F30602-81-C-0054, Signal Technology, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA., July 1982 "Multiple stage vector quantization for speech coding," with A. H. Gray, Jr., IEEE ICASSP-82 Conference Proceedings, pp. 597-600, Paris, May 1982 "Voice coding at 800 bps and lower data rates with LPC vector quantization," with D. Y. Wong, IEEE ICASSP-82 Conference Proceedings, pp. 606-609, Paris, May 1982 "An 800 bps vector quantization LPC vocoder," with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., IEEE Transaction Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-30, no. 5, pp. 770-780, Oct. 1982 "Distortion performance of vector quantization for LPC voice coding," with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., IEEE Transaction Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-30, no. 2, pp. 294-304, Apr. 1982 "Dynamic range observations in wideband satellite communication," with A. H. Gray, Jr. and D. Mansour, Network Speech Compression (NSC) Proceedings No. 146, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), September 1981. An 800bps LPC Vector Quantization Vocoder, with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., Final Report Contract N00039-76-C-0450, June 1981. Vector Quantization for Linear Predictive Voice Coding, Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA., May 1981. "Recent developments in vector quantization for speech processing," with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., IEEE ICASSP-81 Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-4, Atlanta, March 1981. "An 800 bps speech compression system based upon vector quantization," with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Abstract of Papers, pp. 147, Feb. 1981. Voice Response Aids for the Handicapped - An Innovative Approach, with D. Y. Wong, National Science Foundation, SBIR Award No. PFR-8009724, Final Project Report, Feb. 1981. "Comparison of vector and scalar quantization techniques for LPC speech compression," with D. Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., JASA, vol. 68, Suppl. 1, p. 588, Nov. 1980. "An 800 bps speech compression system based on vector quantization," with D.Y. Wong and A. H. Gray, Jr., JASA, vol. 68, Supl. 1, p. 588, Nov. 1980. "Cepstrally based pitch and voicing estimation with statistical assistance," with J. D. Markel, Network Speech Compression (NSC) Proceedings No. 140, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), Oct. 1979. Multirate Processor Voiced/Unvoiced Decision Optimization, with C. C. Hsiao and D. Y. Wong, Signal Technology Inc. Technical Report, Aug. 1979.