Code B: US3D During the past twenty years, Candler and his collaborators have been developing implicit methods for the simulation of hypervelocity nonequilibrium flows. This work started with singleblock grids for two-dimensional and axisymmetric flows on serial vector computers; it then moved to scalable implicit methods for parallel computers, and to a full three-dimensional multiblock grid capability (the NASA DPLR code [37] was originally developed by the Candler group). During the past seven years, the Candler group has been developing a next generation implicit parallel line-relaxation method for use with unstructured grids [13,14]. This new code, UnStructured 3D (US3D), is now fully functional and is being used for a wide variety of transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flow simulations. The main features of the US3D code are: 1. The code uses an unstructured grid data structure. A standard grid partitioning approach is used and MPI protocols are used to communicate data across partition boundaries. Grids composed of hexahedra, prisms, pyramids and/or tetrahedra may be used. 2. It has a wide variety of numerical flux functions for compressible flows; these include a form of flux vector splitting that is widely used in the re-entry flow community and a novel high-order (up to 6th order on hexahedral grids) low-dissipation kinetic energy consistent method [33]. 3. It has many different time integration methods, including implicit line-relaxation for highReynolds number wall-bounded flows, second-order point-implicit methods that are useful for many classes of large-eddy simulations, 2nd and 3rd order Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) methods, and standard high-order Runge-Kutta methods. We are experimenting with implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods, which may have utility for the ICF problem. 4. US3D has a variety of high-temperature and non-ideal gas thermochemical models and associated boundary conditions. It includes finite-rate internal energy relaxation and chemical kinetics models for standard gas mixtures relevant to re-entry flows and combustion. It is straight-forward to extend the thermochemical models to other gases. 5. The code was designed for scaling to large problems – at least within the compressible aerodynamics community. We regularly run on 4000 cores with 500 million unstructured hexahedral elements; we have not had access to larger machines, but we anticipate that code will continue to scale well beyond this size. 6. Great care has been taken to make the code as efficient as possible (at least within a conventional grid partitioning and programming approach). We have shown that US3D is approximately 50% faster than the structured multi-block NASA DPLR code. 7. US3D has been extensively used for DNS and LES of turbulent flows; examples will be discussed below. It includes a variety of subgrid-scale models and wall-modeled LES approaches. The high-order methods have been validated for a range of high-speed turbulent flow applications. 8. The I/O, post-processing, and data-management/analysis tools for statistical analysis were designed for large-scale simulations. The Candler group has been performing hybrid RANS-LES simulations since 2004. The work started with detached eddy simulations (DES) of supersonic base flows with and without bleed [29, 30], jets in supersonic cross flow [15-17, 21-23, 34, 35], supersonic combustors [19, 20], the base region of the re-entry flight experiments [3, 26], CEV capsule base flows [2, 4], and the aerodynamics of spinning projectiles [8]. To get a sense of our present hybrid RANS-LES simulation capability, let us focus on the recent combustion duct simulations [36]. The flow conditions are representative of flight and correspond to experiments being conducted in the CUBRC Inc. LENS shock tunnel facility at about Mach 7. In this work, we use the improved delayed detached-eddy simulation (IDDES) formulation of Shur et al. [25] with the compressibility-corrected [7] one-equation SpalartAllmaras model [27] as the background RANS model. The simulation was performed in three steps: first a RANS simulation of the inlet was used to provide mean turbulent boundary layer data to an unsteady simulation of the isolator. Data were collected and used as inflow to the injector region simulation, which was performed on a grid composed of 137.5 million elements. The near-wall spacing wa were approximately 14 cells per injector diameter; a 10 ns time step was used resulting in a global CFL of 25 and a local CFL of about 0.01 in the active region of the flow. This calculation was run on 1200 2.8 GHz Nehalem cores, and required 13.8 hours per domain flow-through time (corresponding to 90 injector diameters). Figure 1 shows several slices with injectant mole fraction (hydrogen) in color and a gray-scale showing density gradient magnitude. This flow field is extremely dynamic with complex shock interactions and highly unsteady and intermittent plume behavior. As far as we understand, these simulations represent the state-of-the-art of hybrid RANS-LES for high-speed air-breathing propulsion systems. We have also performed finite-rate hydrogen combustion simulations for this flow field and for the NASA Langley SCHOLAR experiment [19] using a laminar flame model (no chemistry-turbulence interaction). Because of space constraints we have not included comparisons with experimental data, but this approach has been shown to reproduce the fuel-air measurements made by Lin et al. [11], as well as LDV and PIV data [24]. We should also mention that US3D is being used at Sandia National Labs for the simulation of ablating re-entry vehicles (POC: David Kuntz). Figure 1. Instantaneous injectant mole fraction for CUBRC Combustion Duct with 5 injectors operating; gray-scale is density gradient magnitude [36]. [1] Ascher, U.M., S.J. Ruuth and R.J. Spiteri, “Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 25, pp. 151167, 1996. [2] Barnhardt, M., and G.V. Candler, "Detached Eddy Simulation of Hypersonic Base Flows During Atmospheric Entry," AIAA 2006-3575, June 2006. [3] Barnhardt, M., and G.V. Candler, "Detached Eddy Simulation of the Reentry-F Flight Experiment," AIAA-2008-625, Jan. 2008; accepted in Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. [3] Barnhardt, M., G.V. Candler, M. MacLean, "CFD Analysis of CUBRC Base Flow Experiments," AIAA-2010-1250, Jan. 2010. [4] Barth, T. and P.O. Frederickson, “Higher Order Solution of the Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids using Quadratic Reconstruction,” AIAA Paper 1990-0013, January 1990 [5] Brock, J., P.K. Subbareddy, and G.V. Candler, “Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Base Flow,” AIAA-2011-4028, June 2011. [6] Candler, G.V., "Unstructured Grid Approaches for Accurate Aeroheating Simulations," AIAA2007-3959, June 2007. [7] Catris, S., and Aupoix, B., “Density Corrections for Turbulence Models,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2000, pp. 1-11. [8] Doraiswamy, S., and G.V. Candler, "DES and RANS Calculations of a Spinning Projectile," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 935-945, Sept.-Oct. 2008. [9] Ikeda, T. and P. Durbin, “Mesh Stretch Effects on Convection in Flow Simulations,” Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 199, pp. 110-125, 2004. [10] Kennedy, C.A., and M.H. Carpenter, “Additive Runge-Kutta Schemes for ConvectionDiffusion-Reaction Equations,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 44, pp. 139-181, 2003. [11] Lin, K-C, Ryan, M., Carter, C., Gruber, M., and Raffoul, C., “Raman Scattering Measurements of Gaseous Ethylene Jets in Mach 2 Supersonic Crossflow,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 26, No. 3, May-June 2010, pp. 503-513. [12] Mavriplis, D.J., “Unstructured Mesh Discretizations and Solvers for Computational Aerodynamics,” AIAA Paper 2007-3955, June 2007. [13] Nompelis, I., T.W. Drayna, and G.V. Candler, “Development of a Hybrid Unstructured Implicit Solver for the Simulation of Reacting Flows Over Complex Geometries,” AIAA-20042227, June 2004. [14] Nompelis, I., T.W. Drayna, and G.V. Candler, “A Parallel Unstructured Implicit Solver for Hypersonic Reacting Flow Simulation,” AIAA-2005-4867, June 2005. [15] Peterson, D., P. Subbareddy, and G.V. Candler, "DES Investigation of Transverse Injection into Supersonic Crossflow using a Hybrid Unstructured Solver," AIAA-2006-903, Jan. 2006. [16] Peterson, D., P. Subbareddy and G.V. Candler, "Simulation of Injection Into a Supersonic Crossflow using DES with Synthetic Inflow," AIAA-2006-3326, June 2006. [17] Peterson, D., P. Subbareddy, and G.V. Candler, "Detached Eddy Simulations of Flush Wall Injection into a Supersonic Freestream," AIAA-2006-4576, July 2006. [18] Peterson, D., P. Subbareddy and G.V. Candler, "Assessment of Synthetic Inflow Generation for Simulating Injection Into a Supersonic Crossflow," AIAA-2006-8128, Nov. 2006. [19] Peterson, D., and G.V. Candler, "Hybrid RANS/LES of a Supersonic Combustor," AIAA2008-6923, Aug. 2008. [20] Peterson, D., and G.V. Candler, "Supersonic Combustor Simulations Using a Hybrid RANS/LES Approach," AIAA-2010-0411, Jan. 2010. [21] Peterson, D., and G.V. Candler, "Hybrid RANS/LES of Normal Injection into a Supersonic Crossflow," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 533-544, Mar. 2010. [22] Peterson, D., E. Tylczak, G.V. Candler, "Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged and Large-Eddy Simulation of Scramjet Fuel Injection," AIAA-2011-2344, April 2011. [23] Peterson, D., and G.V. Candler, "Numerical Simulations of Mixing for Normal and LowAngled Injection into a Mach 2 Crossflow," AIAA Journal, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 2792-2804, Dec. 2011. [24] Santiago, J. G., and Dutton, J. C., “Velocity Measurements of a Jet Injected into a Supersonic Crossflow,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1997, pp. 264-273. [25] Shur, M. L., Spalart, P. R., Strelets, M. Kh., and Travin, A. K., ‚ “A Hybrid RANS-LES Approach with Delayed-DES and Wall-Modeled LES Capabilities,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2008, pp. 1638-1649. [26] Sinha, K., M. Barnhardt, and G.V. Candler, "Detached Eddy Simulation of Hypersonic Base Flows with Application to Fire II Experiments," AIAA 2004-2633, June 2004. [27] Spalart P.R., and S.R. Allmaras, “A One-Equation Turbulence Model for Aerodynamic Flows,” AIAA 92-0439, Jan. 1992. [28] Spalart, P. R., Jou, W-H., Strelets, M., and Allmaras, S. R., “Comments on the Feasibility of LES for Wings and on a Hybrid RANS/LES Approach,” Advances in DNS/LES, 1 st AFOSR International Conference on DNS/LES, Greyden, Columbus, OH, Aug. 4-8 1997. [29] Spalart, P. R., Deck, S., Shur, M. L., Squires, K. D., Strelets, M. Kh., and Travin, A., “A New Version of Detached-Eddy Simulation, Resistant to Ambiguous Grid Densities,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 20, 2006, pp. 181-195. [30] Subbareddy, P., K. Sinha and G.V. Candler, "Detached Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Base Flow with Base Bleed," AIAA Paper 2004-0066, Jan. 2004. [31] Subbareddy, P., G.V. Candler, "Numerical Investigations of Supersonic Base Flows Using DES," AIAA 2005-0886, Jan. 2005. [32] Subbareddy, P., D. Peterson, G.V. Candler and I. Marusic, "A Synthetic Inflow Generation Method Using the Attached Eddy Hypothesis," AIAA-2006-3672, June 2006. [33] Subbareddy, P., and G.V. Candler, "A Fully-Discrete, Kinetic Energy Consistent Finite Volume Scheme for Compressible Flows," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 228, pp. 1347-1364, 2009. [34] Tylczak, E., D. Peterson, and G.V. Candler, "Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Transverse Jet in Supersonic Crossflow with Laser Energy Deposition," AIAA-2010-4856, June 2010. [35] Tylczak, E., G.V. Candler, D. Peterson, "Simulation of Plasma-Spark-Enhanced Mixing in Jet in Supersonic Crossflow," AIAA-2011-398, Jan. 2011. [36] Tylczak, E.B., D.M. Peterson, and G.V. Candler, "Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Injection and Mixing in the CUBRC Combustion Duct," AIAA-2011-3216, June 2011. [37] Wright, M.J., D. Bose, and G.V. Candler, “A Data-Parallel Line Relaxation Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 9, 1603-1609, Sept. 1998.