Re: Alaska Public Health Summit 2016 Sponsorship Invitation Alaska Public Health Association is hosting the 33rd Annual Health Summit on February 2 through 4, 2016 at the Hotel Captain Cook. The theme is "Health Across the Generations.” Our tracks for 2016 are: Policy and Advocacy, Social and Economic Determinants of Health, Interdisciplinary and Partnerships, Research and Evaluation, and Health Promotion/Communication/Education. The Alaska Health Summit is one of the largest gatherings of health professionals in Alaska and provides educational opportunities for health care providers, public health practitioners, policy makers and legislators on current topics of interest that influence the health of all Alaskans. This conference event has evolved as an important networking and training opportunity for people in all levels of health systems, as those systems evolve to meet the current and future health challenges in Alaska. Also, the success of this event is credited largely to our sponsors, who lend their names and financial support to the event. As a sponsor of the Alaska Health Summit you are entitled to several benefits at various level of sponsorship. Some benefits include complimentary conference registration, recognition of sponsorship, exhibit table (at most levels of sponsorship), and being listed in printed conference materials and the ALPHA website. As a sponsor of previous Health Summits, we are counting on you to once again become an important part of the 2016 Health Summit by continuing your sponsorship. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Attached please find the sponsorship information and submission form. Thank you in advance for your willingness to support the efforts of the Alaska Public Health Association and to make a difference in our community. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or our Summit Support Team at (907) 450-2457(Deb) or Sincerely, Jayne Andreen Alaska Health Summit Chair and President Elect c/o Information Insights, Inc. 212 Front St, Ste 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Alaska Health Summit Sponsorship Form Hotel Captain Cook – Anchorage, Alaska February 2, 3, 4, 2016 So you want to be a sponsor: The 33rd annual Alaska Health Summit held in February 2016 is one of the largest gatherings of public health providers in Alaska. The purpose of the Summit is to provide educational opportunities to health care providers, public health practitioners, policy makers and legislators on current topics of interest that influence the health of all Alaskans. Chart of Benefits by Level of Contribution Features Denali Level $10,000 or higher Foraker Level $5,000$9,999 Fairweather Level $2,500$4,999 Marathon Level $1,000$2,499 Juneau Level $500-$999 Listed on signage at hotel Organizational ALPHA membership * * * * * * Complimentary Conference Registrations Sponsorships announced at conference opening Advertisement in conference program Exhibit Space 3 2 1 1 * * * * Full page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Recognition of sponsorship on ALPHA website Listed in printed conference materials One-eighth page ad (business card size) in the program Advertiser $150 1 *1/8 page (business card size) Have a special interest? Perhaps you have a special interest and would like to sponsor it. Custom packages are available at any level. Please contact Summit Chair Lisa Aquino at: or Debbie Mowrey at: (907) 450-2457 to discuss your custom design. Who do we work with on your Sponsorship Contract: _______________________________________________ Please complete all sections of the next page and return with payment to ALPHA Health Summit, c/o 212 Front St, Ste 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701 or fax to (907) 450-2470. For questions, please contact Debbie Mowrey at (907) 450-2457 or c/o Information Insights, Inc. 212 Front St, Ste 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Contact Information (for correspondence only) Company Name: ______________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________City/State/Zip: ________/_____/__________ Phone:________________________ ext._______ Fax: __________________________ Email: ________________________ SPONSORSHIP LEVEL (Circle one): Denali >$10,000 Foraker $5,000 to $9,999 Fairweather $2,500 - $4,999 Marathon $1,000 - $2,499 Juneau $500 - $999 Advertiser $150 Event sponsorship table assignments are on a first-received, first-choice basis. Some sponsored events will have multiple sponsors assigned to the event. Questions can be directed to: Debbie Mowrey at (907) 450-2457. Payment Full payment must accompany this Sponsorship Contract. No refunds. Check (please make checks payable to ALPHA Health Summit Credit Card (circle one): Visa MasterCard Card Number: ________________________________ Security Code:______ Billing Address (if different than contact address listed above): ___________________________________ City/State/Billing Zip:____________/_____/___________ Name on Card: _______________________________ Expiration Date:____/______ Upon acceptance by ALPHA, this agreement will become a contract between the sponsor and the 32nd annual ALPHA Health Summit. The sponsoring company and its representatives agree to abide by the terms and conditions listed. Authorized Signature: ________________________________ Printed Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________ Conference Program Listings and Website The information provided below will be used for the conference program listing, conference website and follow up communications. Company Name to be Listed in Website & Materials: _________________________________________________ Contact Person for billing: ______________________________________ c/o Information Insights, Inc. 212 Front St, Ste 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Mailing Address: ___________________________________City/State/Zip:___________/____/_______ Phone: _________________________ Fax:____________________________ Company URL: ________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Description Please provide a brief description (up to 35 words) of the services and/or products offered by your organization. (Type or print clearly). Point of contact for logo, ad & exhibit table if applicable: (name, phone and email) Company Logo Email a company logo to by November 15, 2015. Your company logo will be used for the conference program. All company logos for any sponsorship are subject to approval by conference management. Complimentary Registrations As one of the many benefits of sponsorship, your company can receive up to three complimentary registrations based on the level of your sponsorship. Complimentary registration will be confirmed upon the completion of the sponsorship forms. Additional registrations can be purchased at the published registration rates. Details regarding registration, name tags and meal tickets will be sent at a later date. c/o Information Insights, Inc. 212 Front St, Ste 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701