“A gospel-centered community living on mission.” Gabe Dodd | (770) 846-4600 | gabe@thebranchdahlonega.com www.thebranchdahlonega.com | Twitter/Instagram- @branchdahlonega Who Are We……………………………………………………………………..……… 2 Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………... 3 Timeline ……………………………………………………………………………….…. 3 Mission Statement Defined ...……………………………………………….….. 4 Our “Why” ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5 The Church Culture …………………………………………………………………. 6 We Need You! ………………………………………………………………………..7-8 Why Church Planting?............................................................................... 9 Meet The Team…………..……………………………………………………….10-11 1 Who Are We? The Branch Church is a “gospel-centered community living on mission” in Dahlonega, Georgia. We believe that it is our role as a church is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:12) It is no longer up to the pastor and a few people of the church to make disciples. It was Jesus’ intention in the great commission for all believers to make disciples. We think that an authentic gracefilled, gospel-saturated community is very contagious. Life should not be done alone. Discipleship should not be done alone. Community is more than a Bible study, it is doing life with friends, neighbors, and colleagues. These communities are never inward focused, but living on mission to show people the power of the gospel. When we are living on mission, people come face to face with the saving work of the gospel, and they are welcomed into community. The community is living on mission, the gospel is spread, and the cycle continues. The cycle that was started by Jesus will be lived out in Dahlonega and the world. Gospel •An individual/community living on mission shares the gospel with an unbeliever through word, deed, and rhythms. On Mission •The community is constantly living on mission looking for ways to advance the gospel into the community. Community •The unbeliever/new believer gets invitied into community and sees grace and love lived out. 2 Micro v Macro Our mission is to be a “gospel-centered community living on mission” in a Micromovement and a Macro-movement. Micro or Ground Attack ‘The gospel-centered community living on mission” will consist of eight to fourteen people doing life together all over the city and county. They will meet not only meet once a week for a Bible study but will also live in a gospel rhythm. That is, they will plan their lives where they are doing life together and can invite others into their rhythms. “Missional Communities (MC’s) are how we do church.” Macro or Air attack “The gospel-centered community living on mission” will be our weekly gathering. It will be celebration, teaching, and responding to the gospel through tithing, communion, and baptism. While this is important, we stress that living in community is essential to grow in your faith. Timeline (This is a tentative timeline. The dates my be sooner or later.) January 2014-August 2014- Meet weekly and grow as a core team/launch team. During this time, we will be praying and training on Missional Communities, The Branch Church’s Vision and Culture, and preparing for the launch of Missional Communities and Sunday Gatherings in August. August 2014- Launch Sunday Gatherings. January 2015- Have 50 in Missional Communities (MC’s) January 2016- Have 100 in Missional Communities (MC’s) January 2017- Have 175 in Missional Communities (MC’s) August 2017 - Plant second church in strategic college town in Georgia January 2018- Have 250 in Missional Communities (MC’s) August 2020- Plant third church in strategic college town in Georgia August 2020 - Plant fourth church (from the second church planted) ***Every church will plant a new church every 3-4 years. 3 What Does Your Mission Statement Mean? Gospel-Centered Sin separates us from God and from each other. God’s response to this was to take on human flesh in the form of Jesus. Jesus lived the perfect life free from sin that we could never live, died a death that we deserved for our sin, and rose again offering us His perfect record in our place. We call this message the gospel and it is the means by which God is reconciling the entire world to the way it was supposed to be. This good news is the motivation for everything we do. To be gospel-centered means to focus on Jesus, who he is and what he has done, not on who we are and what we have done or will do for God. To hold this gospel message as “of first importance” is what it means for one’s theology to be “gospel-centered.” Therefore, our friendships, gatherings, service, events, and life are all centered and motivated by the person and work of Jesus. The gospel saves us and sustains us. It is both the means of meeting Jesus and the means of growing in Jesus. Community We worship a triune God, Who has eternally existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In identifying the tri-unity of God, we recognize that God is communal. Bearing the image of God, mankind is called to reflect this reality. We are called to be communal creatures imaging the community of our Creator. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived alone. We were made for community – relationship with God and with each other. The local church is not merely a place that we attend, but a people to whom we belong. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people. Living in community is a radical call that involves getting messy, being vulnerable, confessing sins, and growing in our relationship with the Lord and one another. This is not just a social group, but a community encouraging one another to transformation. When there is sin that is separating us from God and one another, we push each other towards Jesus, who is the answer to sin. Community is a place where it’s okay to not be okay, but not okay to stay that way. We love each other, so we want to see each other grow. Living on Mission Some of Jesus’ last words to the church were to make disciples. Practically, that means we want people who know Jesus to help more people know Jesus. We want to see new Christians and maturing Christians. Jesus’ command to make disciples was for all believers, not just a few. Living on mission isn’t putting aside an hour a day to serve the community, but making it a lifestyle. In other words, living on mission is not about doing different things. It’s about doing the same things differently. It’s about bringing the gospel to bear on all of life for all people amid life’s normal rhythms, things like celebrating, eating, listening, working, blessing, and suffering. For too long churches have been known as places to escape from the culture of the city. Our desire is to be a church that does life in and around our city and serves our city in every way possible. 4 Our “Why” Why is The Branch Church here? Why do we exist? What motivates us to plant churches? What keeps us up at night and what guides every decision we make? People Matter Your Story Matters Jesus is Everything 1. People Matter – In Genesis 1:26, God says, "Let us make mankind in our image.” So no matter who the person is, what they have done, what they have not done, where they have been, who they aren’t, whatever- they matter! They have value! Their life counts. People Matter. 2. Your Story Matters- Ephesians 4:12 says that the role of the church is “ to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” As a Christian, God has empowered you to live a life that counts. Evangelism, baptism, and discipleship aren’t jobs for just the pastors, but for every believer. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” The great commission is for all believers. God’s plan for the world is to “seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10) and he has invited us to play a part in his story. Don’t sit on the sidelines: your story matters. 3. Jesus is Everything- We can never forget or move beyond Jesus. He is the foundation. He is salvation. He is grace and truth. He is the reason we are breathing and our hearts are beating. He is the love that surpasses all understanding. He is our motivation and our closest friend. In Him, we have the power to accomplish the impossible. Without Him, we are nothing. Jesus is everything. 5 The Branch Culture 1. Deep Roots- We are not going to be a quick, beautiful flower that dies in the morning, but a slow oak that is strong and secure. We are focused on the long term- we want to develop healthy, deep roots. 2. Real- We want to be naked! We don’t want to be a culture of fakers. We will be H.O.T. (Honest, Open, and Transparent). 3. Confession- It is a lost art in our day. The Bible commands us to confess our sins so we will. (James 5:16). 4. Honor- Out do one another in showing honor. (Romans 12:10) 5. Teamwork- If we are for making much out of God and not ourselves, then teamwork comes easy. We will protect each other’s back, not gossip, and be a team focusing on the same goal. 6. Dream Big!- Jesus is a creative God that owns everything. We will dream God sized dreams. 7. Multiplication- Disciples make disciples that make disciples. Leaders make leaders that make leaders. Churches plant churches that plant churches. 8. Resourceful- Jesus changed the world while he was homeless. We don’t need all this extra fluff. Be great stewards of what God has entrusted us with. 9. Accountability- We take sin seriously and we let our yes be yes and no be no. We understand that we are human and need help staying on track. We encourage people to hold us accountable. 10. Excellence- We do everything like we are doing it for the Lord. (Colossians 3:23.) We hustle. There is work to be done. We hustle on and off the field. 11. Priorities- God. Family. Church. We will not put the church before our family. We take Sabbath- weekly. We will retreat as a staff and church (either entire church or Missional Communities (MC’s)). 6 We All Have a Part to Play Where can I plug into The Branch Church? 1. Prayer Support We want to see a move of God so great in Dahlonega and through the other churches that we plant that no one can take the credit it for it except for God. We know that we are just a group of normal people planting a church, but we serve a God that can literally do anything through us. Please pray for us. Pray for wisdom, guidance, the city, financial donors, leadership, our team, and those far from God. Pray that God will move in a huge way and change our lives, the city, and the South for His Glory. 2. Financial Support We are starting this church plant from scratch. Because of that, our goal is to raise $240,000 over the next 3 years ($80,000 a year). That will pay salaries, rent, start up costs, etc. We know that after three years, we may need some of you to continue to give. We are planting in a college town and are not exclusively going to be a “college church”, but are unashamedly going after the University of North Georgia. We realize that college students don’t give to churches, but that is an awful excuse not to plant churches in college towns. They need Jesus, too! Then, after four years, we will be sending missionaries all over the globe! 100% $5,000 90% $30,000 80% $55,000 70% $100,000 60% 50% $135,000 $80,000 40% Tithes Donor Support $80,000 30% $80,000 20% $35,000 10% 0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 $0 2018 7 We need one-time givers but mostly monthly gifts from individuals, families, and partner churches so we can keep our mission stable. God has a big plan for Dahlonega, but it can’t happen without you. If you can give, please email or mail your name, number, email, address, and giving commitment to thebranchdahlonega@gmail.com. You can mail checks to: The Branch Church- P.O. Box 2424 Dahlonega, Ga. 30533 You can also give online at www.thebranchdahlonega.com. 3. Come With Us! Move to Dahlonega and help us plant! We believe that the strength of the church isn’t just how strong the pastors are but how strong the average person in the church is. We need business leaders, stay at home moms, “nine to five” employees, students, EVERYBODY! We want to introduce people to the real Jesus not only on Sundays but, more importantly, throughout the week! If you know of any high school student looking for a great college to attend or transfer to, encourage them to go to the University of North Georgia! It is an incredible school and God is doing great things here! Instead of students looking for what school they want to go to, lets encourage them to pray and see where God needs them to engage in ministry! We would love to be a place for college freshman to get involved and make an impact for the kingdom! 8 Why Church Planting? (The following is adapted from New Church Initiatives, “Does the U.S. Need More Churches? by Glenn Smith, http://nciglobal.org/morechurches/index.htm.) The United States of America… a country known across the world as a Christian Nation. “In God We Trust” is printed on every coin and bill, and church steeples boldly darken our skylines. So why do we need more churches? Between 50 and 75 U.S. churches close their doors every week. More than 80% of the churches in the U.S. have plateaued or are declining. In the United States alone, there are over 200 million unchurched people, making the U.S. the third largest mission field in the world. Since 1991, the number of adults in the U.S who do not attend church has nearly doubled. The largest unreached people group in America are the twentysomethings. 51.9 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 20-38 are not connected with existing churches. (Gallup Poll) Eight million twenty-somethings alive today will no longer attend church by the time they turn 30. Our nation leads the world in every category of violent and domestic crime and social decay. (Nationbuilder.com) *Unless otherwise stated, these statistics are used with permission from Barna Research Online. We do not need more of the same type of church, but we do need new churches! As Rick Warren says, “We need all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.” C. Peter Wagner says in his book, Church Planting for a Greater Harvest, that church planting is “"the single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven." 9 Lead Pastor/Church Planter Vision/Teaching/Multiplication/Missional Communities Gabe Dodd gabe@thebranchdahlonega.com @gabe_dodd (770) 846-4600 Gabe Dodd is the lead pastor at The Branch Church. He has been in student ministry for five years in Alpharetta and Gainesville, Ga. He fell in love with church planting in college when he worked summer staff for three summers for a group called PowerPlant. The group traveled across the country doing week long camps where they connected youth groups to church planters in the certain city. Through this experience, Gabe fell in love with church planting and all that it stood for. September of 2012, Gabe and his wife, Bre, resigned as student pastor and told the Lord they would plant anywhere. After much praying and traveling to the Northwest, God led them to Dahlonega, Ga. They are very early into the plant but are very expectant that God will do incredible things and draw many to Him. They are partnered with the Chattahoochee Baptist Association and the North American Mission Board as a SEND church planter. They have two kids, Aubryn and Grady. 10 Pastor Communication/Administration/Missional Communities Kyle Worthy Kworthy3@Liberty.edu @kyleisaworthy (404) 314-9266 Kyle Worthy is a pastor at the Branch Church. He is currently finishing his seminary degree at Liberty University, where he will be focusing on New Testament studies on the early church. Upon beginning these studies, Kyle fell in love with the early church model and felt called to plant a church with a model that reflected those qualities. Kyle had served in student ministry with his fiancé Jennifer Maddox, when they asked the Lord to send them wherever to serve his Church. They will be married this September and are eagerly looking forward to being a part of church planting in Dahlonega, Ga. They cannot wait to see what God will do through The Branch Church, and see the countless lives that the Lord will restore through His Son’s love. Pastor Worship/Care/Missional Communities Matthew Thomas 11 Mathom170@gmail.com @mthomasmusic (770) 539-4763 Matthew graduated from North Georgia University with an art degree in 2012 and has since been leading worship for various churches. During that time he felt a strong call toward church planting as an effective method to reach the unreached and share the good news of the gospel. The Branch will be the second church he has helped plant, and he's excited to see how the Lord uses it to reach the community of Dahlonega, Ga. 12