
MRC Confidence in Concept Fund 2015
Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium: Expanding and Accelerating Product
Through the complementary skills at each institution, we will create the critical mass necessary
for UK researchers, interested in translating their research into health benefits, to compete in
an increasingly competitive international market. The aim of the partnership is to deliver a high
number of scientifically excellent translational proposals.
We would see the outcome of the funding being the prioritisation of translational research
based on potential medical impact and ‘developability’ and a significant acceleration in time to
product delivery.
The MRC Confidence in Concept (CiC) scheme provides funding to institutions to support the
earliest stages of translational research projects. The Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium
has been successful in gaining an award of £500k under the scheme which will be allocated
to eligible projects via an open, competitive and externally peer reviewed process.
The fund will provide awards, typically in the region of £50k, for projects (lasting 6 – 18 months)
that accelerate the transition from discovery science into the early/late stages of therapeutic,
diagnostic and vaccine development by supporting key feasibility studies to establish the
viability of an approach or generate the materials/technologies for ongoing translational
activity. The fund is intended to accelerate relevant translational activities so projects should
aim to provide sufficient preliminary data to establish the viability of an approach and the
market need for its outputs – i.e. to provide confidence in the underlying concept that would
leverage more substantive funding from external funders.
Projects within the following categories will be eligible to apply:
Vector control tools
Translational focussed Informatics
Translational enabling technologies
CLOSING DATE: 16th June 2015
Version: 3 FINAL AF150506VCCiC
Application Form: Research Committee, Purpose: MRC Confidence in Concept Fund
Date of circulation: 06/05/2015. Issued: RO
Page 1 of 4
Projects should be at the stage whereby CiC funding would develop the approach to a point
where it would be capable of successfully applying for larger external translational funding
sources e.g. MRC DPFS.
The funding is not intended to support:
early stage “blue skies” research
entire translational projects;
staff between posts (i.e. bridging support) or PhD studentships;
continuation of research grants;
Projects that have already failed in a competitive grant applications (without
clear justification)
costs relating to commercialisation or the protection of intellectual property.
Applications are required to have a Principle Investigator from one of the Consortium’s partner
institutions. Applications from more than one partner institution are encouraged. Applications
with SMEs/Pharma are also encouraged but must be led by the academic PI. Eligible
applications will be reviewed by an External Scientific Advisory Committee comprising of
academic and industry experts in translational activities and the Senior Management Group
of the Consortium.
Selection Criteria
The CiC Assessment Panel will review, assess and decide on the appropriateness of the
project for funding under the CiC programme. Criteria for assessment and ranking of the
applications will include:
Do the activities align to the CiC programme and are they the context of
Tropical Infectious Disease
Evidence of an acceptable development pathway for the invention
Evidence of engagement with external partners in proposed outcomes
Evidence of engagement with additional partners within the consortium
Evidence of innovation/novelty in the approach being proposed
The quality of the project plan.
The perceived value for money.
The potential to secure significant additional follow on funding.
Potential for impact
The Closing date is 16/06/2015.
It is anticipated that decisions on awards will be issued end June 2015.
Informal enquiries – Professor G Biagini, LSTM ( or
LSTM Research Office
CLOSING DATE: 16th June 2015
Version: 3 FINAL AF150506VCCiC
Application Form: Research Committee, Purpose: MRC Confidence in Concept Fund
Date of circulation: 06/05/2015. Issued: RO
Page 2 of 4
Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium - Confidence in Concept (CiC)
Application Form 2015
Project Title (Short descriptive title for the project - max 50 words. Please note the full
application should displayed in Arial, font size 11)
Principal Investigator
and Co-Investigators
(including affiliations)
Project Summary (max
100 words)
Project start date
Project duration
Previous projects List any previously funded project(s) that provides the basis for
your current proposal.
Project Description (max 1000 words)
What need is being addressed from this project and how does it align within the
context of Tropical Infectious Diseases? (max 200 words)
Intellectual property issues and freedom to operate (max 150 words)
Give details of any IP ownership issues or potential restrictions on commercialisation
or freedom to operate.
Regulatory/Ethical Issues (max 100 words)
Give details of any regulatory/ethical issues to be addressed prior to commencing
the project.
CLOSING DATE: 16th June 2015
Version: 3 FINAL AF150506VCCiC
Application Form: Research Committee, Purpose: MRC Confidence in Concept Fund
Date of circulation: 06/05/2015. Issued: RO
Page 3 of 4
Project Plan (1 page A4 max)
Briefly outline the activities within the project, details of the proposed methodology
and an overview of the key work packages.
Outcomes (What measureable outcomes do you anticipate from the project) (max 150
Follow on funding mechanisms (max 150 words)
(Upon successful delivery of the project outcomes, what appropriate follow on
funding sources and pathway have you identified)
Potential for impact (Have the outcomes significant potential to deliver impact)
Include market need and competitor landscape – max 150 words
Total amount requested
Budget outline
Add budget headings as
(room rental,
Justification of
(max 300 words)
Signature of PI
CLOSING DATE: 16th June 2015
Version: 3 FINAL AF150506VCCiC
Application Form: Research Committee, Purpose: MRC Confidence in Concept Fund
Date of circulation: 06/05/2015. Issued: RO
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