Unit 7 : Chp. 7.1-7.5 – Chemical Quantities 7.1 7.2 7.3 The Mole Avogadro’s Number Relating Formula Units and Avogadro’s Number Calculating Number of Molecules in a Mole Calculating Moles of Particles in a Formula Unit Molar Mass Calculating the Molar Mass of a Compound Calculations Using Molar Mass Converting moles of an element or compound to grams (mass) 7.4 7.5 Converting grams (mass) of an element or compound to moles Converting grams (mass) or moles to particles Converting particles to grams (mass) or moles % Composition and Empirical Formulas Calculating % Composition Calculating Empirical Formulas Molecular Formulas Relating empirical and molecular formulas Calculating molecular formulas I Can Statements: (7.1) THE MOLE 1. I can use Avogadro’s number to determine the number of particles in a given number of moles. 2. I can recognize that 1 mole of a substance is equivalent to 6.02 x 1023 units of that substance. 3. I can understand the mole as a manageable quantity that is used to count a large number of very small particles. (7.2, 7.3) MOLAR MASS and CALCULATIONS USING MOLAR MASS 1. I can relate the unit of previously studied molecular mass in atomic mass units (a.m.u.) to molar mass in grams per mole (g/mol). 2. I can use molar mass to make calculations and conversions involving elements and compounds 3. I can use the periodic table to calculate molar mass for compounds given their formulas. 4. I can use molar mass as a conversion factor to convert between mass in grams to amount in moles. 5. I can recognize the ratio of moles of the elements that make up a compound given the formula. 6. I can calculate the moles of a particular element in a compound when given the total number of moles of the substance. 7. I can use molar mass and Avogadro’s number to convert between mass, moles, and number of particles. (7.4, 7.5) PERCENT COMPOSITION, EMPIRICAL FORMULAS and MOLECULAR FORMULAS 1. I can use molar mass to calculate the percent composition of a compound by mass. 2. I can define and contrast empirical formulas and molecular formulas of a compound. 3. Given the relative masses of elements in a compound, I can determine the empirical formula. 4. Given the empirical formula and the molar mass of a compound, I can determine the molecular formula. Vocabulary 6.022 x 1023 Avogadro’s number element ratio empirical formula formula unit molecular formula molar mass mole mole ratio percent composition 1 Achievement Scale Goal 7.1 The Mole 7.2 Molar Mass 7.3 Calculations Using Molar Mass C Level Given the molar mass and a flow chart of conversions, I can calculate the molar mass when given a chemical formula and perform one step conversions using the molar mass or Avogadro’s number as conversion factors. B Level I can calculate the molar mass when given a chemical formula and perform multistep conversions using the molar mass or Avogadro’s number as conversion factors. Given the molar mass and number of atoms of each element, I can calculate percent composition for a compound. Given the molecular formula, I can determine the empirical formula of a substance. Given the molar mass and chemical formula, I can calculate percent composition for a compound. Given the percent composition, I can determine the empirical formula of a substance. I can use Avogadro's Number and Mole Mass to determine Chemical Quantities. 7.4 % Composition and Empirical Formulas 7.5 Molecular Formulas I can calculate Percent composition of a compound. I can calculate empirical and molecular formulas for a substance. A Level I can perform multistep conversions using the molar mass or Avogadro’s number as conversion factors, including conversions from molecules to individual elements within the molecule. Given the chemical formula, I can calculate percent composition for a compound. Given the percent composition and the molar mass, I can determine the empirical and molecular formulas of a substance, including formulas with multipliers. 2 Sample Questions and Test Grade Recovery for 7.1 – 7.5 C Level: 1. What are formula units and moles and how are they different from one another? 2. 3. What are the element ratio and mole ratio in (NH4)3PO4? (a) Calculate the number of iron atoms in 2.50 moles of iron. Follow ALL math work rules! (b) Calculate moles of water molecules represented by 3.55 x 1025 water molecules. Follow ALL math work rules! 5. 𝑔 (a) Convert 4.55 moles of MgCO3 to grams. The Molar mass of MgCO3 is 84.32 𝑚𝑜𝑙 (b) Convert 75.0 g of MgCO3 to mass in grams. 3 (c) Calculate the % composition of MgCO3 7. What is the empirical formula of each of the following? a) C6H12O6, glucose b) N2H4, hydrazine c) C6H6, benzene d) NH3, ammonia 8. Phosphine is a highly toxic compound used for pest and rodent control. If a sample of phosphine contains 0.0147 mol of P and 0.0436 mol of H, what is the empirical formula? Follow ALL math work rules! 4 1. Glyoxyl, used in textiles has the empirical formula, CHO. What is the molecular formula if glyoxyl’s molecular molar mass is ≈ 58 g/ mol? Follow ALL math work rules! B Level: 1. (a) What is the molar mass of allyl sulfide, (C3H5)2S 5 (b) How many grams of allyl sulfide, are in 4.20 x 1023 molecules of allyl sulfide? Follow ALL math work rules! (c) How many particles of allyl sulfide are there in 15.0 g of allyl sulfide? Follow ALL math work rules! 2 Sulfate of potash is the common name of a compound used in fertilizers to supply potassium and sulfur. What is the empirical formula of this compound if it has a percent composition of 44.9% K, 18.4 % S, and 36.7 % O? Follow ALL math work rules. 6 3. The insecticide lindane has a percent composition of 24.78 % C, 2.08 % H, and 73.14 % Cl. If its molar mass is about 291 g/ mol, what is the molecular formula? Follow ALL math work rules! 7 A Level: 1. Calculate the empirical formula for the following substance. Follow ALL math work rules! 19.8 % C, 2.20 % H, and 78.0 % Cl 8 2. Chloral hydrate, a sedative, contains 14.523 % C, 1.828 % H, 64.303 % Cl, and 19.346 % O. If it has a molecular molar mass of about 165 g, what is the molecular formula of chloral hydrate? Follow ALL math work rules! 9