EPPING SCHOOL DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL SPECIALIST EXPECTATIONS RUBRIC Name: Epping School District teachers are expected to meet standards as defined by proficient. The “exceeds standard” level is reserved for truly exceptional performance. Teachers actively serve on committees, volunteer with students, share expertise with colleagues, serve as mentors to new teachers, and demonstrate teacher leadership. Teachers’ students meet or exceed their annual learning growth. The “needs improvement” level is indicative of performance that needs to change. The “does not meet standard” denotes unacceptable performance that will result in job action. Instructional Specialist: Instructional Specialist is responsible for the implementation of the school-wide Instructional Plan and Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan. If the Instructional Specialist has assigned classroom responsibilities, the Teacher Expectations Rubric also applies. Planning and Preparation Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Current Trends in Area and PD School Program and Teacher Skill Resources Instructional Specialist Expectations Rubric Proficient Defined Demonstrates thorough knowledge of current trends, ideas, and research in instructional area and professional development Demonstrates thorough knowledge of the school’s curriculum/program and of teachers’ abilities in delivering the curriculum/program Demonstrates knowledge of and provides students and teachers with resources available in the school, other schools, community, and online to advance program goals, teachers’ skills, and Approved: 07-17-14 Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Reference Job description Job description, District competencies, School instructional program, School grade level summaries, School course syllabi Job description, RTI plan Page 1 of 5 student learning Establishes instructional program goals that are clear and appropriate to meet the needs of students and school staff and the mission and vision of the school and district Provides a well-designed instructional program plan aligning with district and school goals, integrating with overall school program, and improving teachers’ instruction and students learning Uses clear goals and evidence to evaluate the degree to which program goals have been met Program Goals Program Plan Program Evaluation Educational Environment Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Creates a welcoming, service-oriented environment and makes use of physical space to provide quality individual and group learning activities for students and staff Establishes a culture conveying the importance of ongoing instructional improvement and promotes instructional assistance in person and using print and electronic media Establishes routines and procedures for effective access to and facilitation of student and teacher instructional support including, but not limited to materials and equipment, technology, consulting services, etc. Communicates clear norms of mutual respect for professional interactions; communicates expectations for and monitors student behavior for compliance to school and district standards and disciplines students appropriately and respectfully Trains, supervises, and evaluates support staff so that everyone is clear as to their role Environment Culture Procedures Behavior Norms Support Staff Delivery of Services Proficient Defined Job description, RTI plan Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Instructional Specialist Expectations Rubric Proficient Defined Approved: 07-17-14 Reference Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Reference Page 2 of 5 Initiates collaboration with classroom teachers in the design of instructional lessons and units, team teach units as requested, and provide timely feedback Oversees student instructional intervention programs, recommends interventions including technological tools, and if applicable provides support to students per the school schedule and student plan Guides and encourages the acquisition of new instructional skills and student learning with effective modeling, activities, grouping strategies, and materials Collects, analyzes, and shares student data from state, district, and school sources to inform teaching and group students, to address learning gaps, and advance teacher instructional skills Shares expertise with model lessons, individual and/or team consults, student work evaluation, assessment design, student data analysis, and professional development of high quality and relevance to improve teaching skills and student learning Designs, coordinates, and conducts parent and family workshops; provides supplemental instructional materials in instructional area to improve student learning Locates and inventories instructional and professional resources for individual and groups of teachers in support of instructional improvement Revises instructional program when needed to meet student, teacher, and school needs Teacher Collaboration Student Intervention and Support Student and Staff Engagement Student Data Share Expertise with School Staff Share Expertise with Parents and Families Resources Flexibility and Responsiveness Accountability for Student Learning Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Responsibility Instructional Specialist Expectations Rubric Proficient Defined Takes responsibility for students who have not mastered curriculum/program by developing and implementing additional or alternative Approved: 07-17-14 Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Job description, RTI plan Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Reference Policy IF & GA, Job description, RTI plan Page 3 of 5 Reflection Student Performance instruction and/or activities Reflects on the effectiveness of instructional program, suggests improvements, and continuously works to improve student learning Provides evidence of appropriate student achievement throughout the school year by using at least two of the following measures: Classroom assessments (tests, work samples, portfolios, etc.) District assessments (common) State assessments (NECAP or equivalent) National assessments (AP, NAEP, SAT, etc.) Job description, RTI plan NHDOE Effective Teacher, Policy GA, Job description, RTI plan Exceeds Meets Professional Standard Standard Responsibilities Proficient Defined Attendance Reliability Practices good attendance and punctuality habits Policy GA & GBE Submits requisitions, budgets, reports and other requests; cares for and protects school property; insures the safety and welfare of the students at all times Behaves in an appropriate manner considerate of one’s self and community, is accountable for one’s actions and choices, is truthful and courteous, and takes pride in one’s work Uses good judgment regarding relationships with students both in and out of the school context; maintains confidentiality with student records and student issues Maintains professional boundaries with students, parents, and staff in daily interactions and in electronic communications Respects the institution and avoids conflicts of interest Communicates promptly and respectfully with students, parents, staff, and community as required by and within guidelines of school and district policies Shares responsibility for grade-level and/or content team and school wide activities and volunteers to serve on instructional and other Policy GBE Professionalism Confidentiality Judgment Boundaries Ethics Communication Teamwork Instructional Specialist Expectations Rubric Approved: 07-17-14 Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Reference Policy GA Policy GBEA Policy GBEBB & GBEBD Policy GBEA Policy GBEF & GBEF-R, Job description Policy GA, Job description Page 4 of 5 district and school committees Keeps administration informed of successes, challenges, and needs of instructional program; follows school and district chain of command; and is open-minded about change by participating in the process and supporting the end result Supports and enforces policies of the Board and School Administration Keeps abreast of emerging technologies in instructional area and uses technological tools effectively and respectfully for instruction and communication as is required by district and school policies Openness Responsibility Technology Professional Learning Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Responsibility Collaboration Self-assessment Certification Instructional Specialist Expectations Rubric Proficient Defined Respects the right to learn and takes responsibility by participating in school and district professional learning opportunities (PD days, faculty meetings, committees, etc.) Collaborates with other instructional specialists within the district; participates as a member of a Professional Learning Team being responsible for personal learning, but also that of others by providing professional development opportunities based on assessment of school staff and student needs Reflects on professional practice and seeks areas for growth Follows the procedures in the district’s Professional Development Plan to maintain NH certification Approved: 07-17-14 Policy GBD & GBK Policy GBE Job description Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Standard Reference Policy GA and GCI, Job description Policy GA, PD Master Plan, Job description Policy GA, PD Master Plan, Job description Policy GA, PD Master Plan Page 5 of 5