22nd April 2015 - Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Future

Colin Crosby
Andrew Booth
Claire Bruce
Professor Sir Ian Diamond
Bill Duguid
Jeanette Forbes
Adrian Gillespie
Councillor Jim Gifford
John Harris
Councillor Jenny Laing
John Michie
Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski (items 3i – 9)
Rob Wallen
Eddie Anderson
Carol Benzie
Douglas Craig
Robin Davies
Paul de Leeuw
Danny Logue
Jim Savege
In attendance:
Margaret Smith (items 1-3i)
Stephen Archer
Chris Brodie
Robert Collier (items 1-3i)
Lucy Johnston (items 1-3i & 4-9)
Derick Murray
Angela Scott
Rita Stephen
Richard Sweetnam
Maggie McGinlay
Martin Barry
Caledonia Public Affairs
Aberdeenshire Council
Skills Development Scotland
Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce
Aberdeenshire Council/ACSEF Comms Officer
Aberdeen City Council
ACSEF Development Manager
Aberdeen City Council
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise/ACSEF co-ordinator
Welcome & Apologies
The Chairman thanked Aberdeenshire Council for hosting the meeting.
He welcomed John Harris and Jeanette Forbes to their first meeting as
Board members. He also noted Douglas Craig has been appointed but
was unable to attend. He also welcomed Margaret Smith of Caledonia
Public Affairs to present on the item on the review of ACSEF’s public
The Chairman asked the Board to note that the original agenda item 4
– ACSEF Future Focus – had been withdrawn as many of the issues
that would have been raised would likely be captured under agenda
items 2 and 3.
The Chairman also noted that the standing items on AWPR, Aberdeen
Harbour Board, AECC, and City Centre Regeneration would now only
be placed on an agenda by exception.
The apologies listed above were noted.
ACSEF Action Plan Refresh
The Chairman advised that a draft of the updated Action Plan had been
submitted by SQW following their presentation at the March Board
meeting. He noted that for the purposes of moving this work forward,
we should make the assumption that the City Region Deal will be
landed, and that discussions that have been had regarding
infrastructure will be dealt with through it. The Chairman commended
the partners for getting the City Region Deal to the phase that it is at.
Rita Stephen gave a summary of the work to date, outlining that that
the remit for the SQW work was to both refresh the Economic Action
Plan, and review the role of ACSEF. It is intended that the SQW report
be an internal document that is used to inform the update of the current
Economic Action Plan
The review of ACSEF’s role has been outlined in the draft as fitting
under three distinct areas – identifying strategic priorities, shaping
support, and communication.
In terms of the Action Plan review, stakeholder engagement has
confirmed that what is the current Plan is on the right track. The
updated Plan will have a sectoral focus, but with the additional themes
of innovation, infrastructure, skills, and investment cutting across. The
findings of the current key sector reviews which are being carried out
will be fed into the document once they are completed, along with
public affairs requirements.
The updated Plan will also have to reflect the new Scottish Government
Economic Strategy, and highlight the added value through the City
Region Deal.
The Heads of Economic Development from both Councils, and Scottish
Enterprise will review the current Economic Action plan under the
auspices of the Management Team, with a final version of the updated
Plan would coming back to the Board for final sign-off following the
Management Team
completion of this process.
To ensure the Plan is monitored effectively, Management Team will
develop “dashboards” to measure performance of the plan, show
Management Team
progress, and help inform the Board’s future business.
In discussion, in terms of the three areas that had been identified as
key to ACSEF’s role, Bob Collier stated that the partnership was good
at identifying strategic priorities, rather peicemeal with regards to
communications, but shaping support was the area that needed
Claire Bruce commented that shaping support and communcations
should not be seen in isolation. The issues are not exclusive locally,
but also nationally, and ACSEF should have a significant national role.
Adrian Gillespie said that the Plan should look to capture detail within
some of the national strategies, and what the North East can bring to
the areas of focus. This could allow ACSEF to fast track some
initiatives and create a defined set of opportunities. ACSEF needs to
be innovative about developing opportunties and we should be more
explicit is gaining support from businesses.
Andrew Booth stated that the Food and Drink strategy will be about
what the region needs, but not forgetting there is a national strategy.
We should not get hung up on whether ACSEF or Scotland Food and
Drink is seen as the key body, rather the strategy is about what is best
for the North East.
Angela Scott highlighted that the national strategies gave a direction of
travel, and that horizon scanning is how we will identify the “future” part
of the partnership’s work, beyond the here and now. This is the core of
where we need to go.
John Harris commented that as a new member, the draft Plan had
given him a good overview of ACSEF. It was at a significantly high
enough level, and although needing some clarifications, it was heading
in the right direction, although sub-groups would be required to deliver
the detail.
In terms of the measurement of the Plan, Chris Brodie highlighted that
the Skills Strategy would cover a lot of the indicators noted and that the
partners should be able to cover this, rather than going out to market.
Maggie McGinlay commented that there should be comparisons to
Scottish and UK levels, and that we should position our performance to
the national level.
The Chairman proposed that the private sector members of the Board,
and the College and University Principals, meet before the next Board
meeting in June to align their views, and also be clear on their asks of
Scottish Enterprise – who would also attend – as the Regional Advisory
M Barry
The Chairman summarised by stating there was general consensus
amongst the Board that the draft Plan was along the right lines which
would allow the Management Team to work it up towards a final version
to be approved by the Board.
Public Affairs Review
Margaret Smith of Caledonia Public Affairs outlined the key findings
from the review of ACSEF’s public affairs stating that this should be
seen as a flexible approach, with ACSEF needing to decide what
should be done and the resource levels to be dedicated.
It is important that facts, not slogans, are at the forefront of ACSEF’s
messages. Representatives of the partnership need to be clear and
confident about what ACSEF is and what it wants to achieve. Public
Affairs should not be seen as a bolt-on, rather an integral part of what
we do, and our business.
The key recommendations to ACSEF were set out:
Decisions on final key messages should follow adoption of the
SQW Action Plan refresh. ACSEF should develop 2-3 key
messages in each sector with input from Board Champions
ACSEF should include sector focussed public affairs within
Sector Work Plans as well as in the overall Engagement
Strategy – These should cover the key drivers, barriers, asks
and aims within each sector. We’ve identified decision makers
to be targeted in the strategy
Prioritised stakeholder engagement plan should be reviewed by
Board quarterly
Within this, there were some immediate actions that could be carried
out – certainly pre-General Election. If ACSEF was to follow up on the
recommendations then time is of the essence as post-May will be a key
time to target newly elected MPs and appointed Ministers.
Recommendations for the first year of a public affairs programme were
set out, with one of the recommendations being that a specialist
profressional agency be contracted to assist due to the significant body
of work required in the first year.
In her presentation, Margaret Smith had noted that there are generally
low levels of awareness of what ACSEF is and what it does – her view
was that the ACSEF brand did not describe what we do. Andrew Booth
asked how awareness levels could be raised.
Margaret Smith
responded that there was a generally positive view of ACSEF once it
was explained what it was, but only then was recogniton achieved. The
lesson from this was that there is a need to ensure more immediate
recognition and awareness levels of what we want to achieve. A light
re-branding exercise may assist in this.
Sir Ian Diamond questioned whether we need to raise the brand
awareness of ACSEF, and that building up projects and then working to
achieve them was more important. We should be honest that we are
helping partners to deliver them, not badging them as ACSEF projects.
The Chairman commented that we should be clear that ACSEF
supports partners, but also that there are specific tasks for ACSEF,
such as around Place Promotion.
Councillor Laing said that ACSEF needs to have confidence in who we
are. The key messages should be about what we want to promote that
will get projects moving, and that collaborative and partnership working
is what we do. Councillor Laing stated that during discussions on the
City Region Deal, the joint public and private sector voice had been
well received by Government.
The Chairman thanked Margaret Smith and Caledonia for their work
and concluded by stating the Board had endorsed the review of Public
Delivery of ACSEF Public Affairs
Lucy Johnston left the meeting for this item.
The Chairman asked Angela Scott for the Management Team view on
the delivery of ACSEF communications and public affairs. Angela
stated that the view was that external capability should be brought in,
and that a line for this had been included within the 2015/16 ACSEF
With regard to communications, it was proposed that
Aberdeenshire Council Communications Team have their contract
extended by a year to align with a one-year public affairs contract which
would be put out to tender as none of the public sector partners had the
capacity to carry out the contract. Management Team would be tasked
with overseeing the contract process, with the ACSEF Development
Manager and Co-ordinator requested organise the procurement
R Stephen/M Barry
process as a matter of urgency.
Adrian Gillespie asked it to be noted that ACSEF should be specifying
the contract is for “influecing”, rather than “lobbying”. Also that where
awareness raising is required we should be looking at what internal
resources and networks, skills and experience can be utilised for this.
Claire Bruce stated that we should be looking to use industry groups
where possible as this will provide a broad perspective.
The Chairman noted the influencing piece should be explicit as ACSEF
is an apolitical body therefore we need to be clear on that.
Angela Scott stated that it should be clear that the eventual contractor
should raise and advise on any issues that ACSEF should respond on
as a collective. This will be made clear in the Invitation to Tender.
Bill Duguid requested that any requirements for Board member training
and support be built into the Invitation to Tender.
Claire Bruce stated there needs to be close collaboration between the
Communications and Public Affairs contracts.
Jeanette Forbes asked that measurement of the performance of the
eventual contractor is ensured.
Board Champions Update
Rob Wallen handed over to Chris Brodie to update on the Regional
Skills Strategy which is being developed by TERU and SDS. Eight
workshops covering the five sectors identified in the refreshed
Economic Action Plan, along with Care, Construction, and Public
Sector are due to be held. The Steering Group will meet on 16th May to
inform the proposition, before reporting to the ACSEF Board on 26th
Claire Bruce informed the Board that the VisitScotland Expo was being
held at the AECC on 22nd and 23rd April. The Tourism Review Steering
Group will meet Blue Sail, the consultancy carrying out the review, to
update on the ongoing work which will return to the Board once
Ferdinand von Prondzynski informed the Board that the Steering Group
has recently held discussions on its remit, and a document is being
F von Prondzynski
pulled together to outline this and will be shared with the Board.
Food & Drink
Andrew Booth highlighted that the Food and Drink strategy work is
ongoing and will report back at the June Board meeting.
Stephen Archer updated on the Housing workstream, asking the Board
to note that the Key Worker Housing study is ongoing, with a policy
definition of what a key worker is being discussion between the
Councils and Scottish Government. The Housing Needs and Demand
Assessment is due in 2016, but discussions will look at options to
accelerate this. Meetings are taking place with the Scottish Futures
Trust around funding for affordable housing, and Aberdeenshire
Council are currently also discussing issues with their Registered
Social Landlords.
Ports and Harbours
The Chairman noted that whilst Eddie Anderson had submitted his
apologies he was keen to find out whether any Board members had
updates on the Ports and Harbours workstream. Adrian Gillespie
stated that the Scottish Enterprise Ports Study was due for completion
and would report back. Richard Sweetnam informed that he was A Gillespie
attending the Project Board in the days following and would also report
R Sweetnam
back any issues.
The Chairman informed the Board that he would request Jeanette
Forbes to update on Digital matters at future meetings.
John Michie highlighted that he had previously been the City Centre
Board Champion, however as he was no longer involved in the key
discussions he felt it more appropriate for another to take forward.
Ferdinand von Prondzynski reminded the Board that several members
sat on the City Centre Regeneration Working Group and could
feedback. The Chairman and Angela Scott would discuss the issue C Crosby / A Scott
and feeback to the Board
Note of Previous Meetings
The Minutes of the ACSEF Board meetings of 24th February and 31st
March were approved, and matters arising deemed dealt with.
ACSEF Management Team Activity Report
The Board noted the Activity Report that had been tabled.
Angela Scott asked the Board to note that discussions were ongoing
with RGU regarding ACSEF participation in their proposed Economic
Stephen Archer advised the Board that the 2014/15 budget was close
to full spend and that budget focus was much tighter now than in
previous years.
External Communications from Board Meeting
As the Board meeting had been very much internally focused by
necessity, it was agreed that there was no need for any external
communications as a result of discussions.
Councillor Gifford noted that the Routes Europe conference had been
held to wide acclaim from attendees, and commended the AECC for its
efforts in hosting. Jeanette Forbes informed that her company had won
contracts as a direct result of the region hosting the event. Claire
Bruce asked whether it would be possible to do a report measuring the
total gain to the region against the cost of hosting.
The Chairman will look to forward a copy of the speech given by Steve M Barry
Harris of Visit Aberdeen at the recent SCDI Influencers Dinner, which
focused on portraying a positive image of the region.
Ferdinand von Prondzynski informed the Board that he had attended
the Oil & Gas UK Parliamentary Election Hustings event on ACSEF’s
behalf prior to this morning’s meeting.
Ferdinand von Prondzynski also informed the Board that a firmer plan
of the proposed Economic Summit was forthcoming and would be
shared with the Management Team in due course.
Date of Next Meetings
Informal Meeting of the Board – 26 May, 9.30 – 11.30,
Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House, Aberdeen
Formal Meeting of the Board – 26 April 9.30 – 11.30,
Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House, Aberdeen