CERES: Cnr Roberts and Stewart Streets, Brunswick, Victoria Friday Registration 8:30 9:00 am Keynote Panel – The state of Philosophy in Victoria Conference Presentations, Workshops and Seminars. Saturday Registration 8:30 9:00 am Keynote speaker – Peter Worley, Author and Founder of The Philosophy Foundation Conference Presentations, Workshops and Seminars. Presentations/workshops/seminars are on topics related to the teaching of philosophy and ethics in school, as well as philosophy for children and the teaching of critical and creative thinking in schools. This year’s conference will have presentations to suit Primary and Secondary Schools. Due to the arrival of the Victorian Curriculum’s Ethical Capability and Critical and Creative Thinking there will be a focus on the delivery and implementation Topics include: Changes to the VCE Study Design Texts Philosophy in Middle Years curriculum Philosophy in Primary schools Ethical Capability across the Curriculum Wisdom, Goodness and Knowledge Philosophy and Youth Science and Philosophy Presentations include: Preparing Teachers for Ethical Capabilities Overview of the new 2016 VCE texts Exams and Assessment Teaching Logic and reasoning Sandpit sharing sessions Research papers As part of the Conference there will also be: A fantastic lunch supplied by The Merri – CERES catering. Sandpit sharing sessions: Bring a thinking tool, philosophy lesson plan that worked well, an activity to encourage thinking on a USB to share with your colleagues. Conference Social Evening: Please tick the expression of interest on the registration form if you are interested and for more information. Please fill in the registration details over leaf to register or contact the VAPS conference convener at vapscommittee@gmail.com REGISTRATION CLOSES 24th MARCH, 2016 Supported by VAPS CONFERENCE 2016 REGISTRATION FORM Please tick to indicate which day/s you wish to attend: Friday 22nd of Apr: Presentations, Workshops and Seminars, CERES. Saturday 23rd of Apr: Presentations, Workshops and Seminars, CERES. MEMBER RATES: NON-MEMBER RATE: CONCESSION RATES: $190 FOR 2 DAYS $210 FOR 2 DAYS $110 FOR 2 DAYS $110 FOR 1 DAY $130 FOR 1 DAY $60 FOR 1 DAY *Cost includes morning tea and lunch. *No GST applies Conference Social Evening: This will be a dinner booked at a local pub or restaurant at a nearby venue and will be booked based on the number of expressions of interests received. Information regarding this relaxed and enjoyable event will be emailed to those that have expressed an interest. I am interested in attending the Conference Social Evening on Saturday 23rd April. Please send me more information via the email address supplied below. NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________ INSTITUTION or PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT (as necessary): ________________________________________ I enclose a cheque, payable to ‘VAPS’ for $ ________.________ I have included a cheque with my registration form. Registration can be emailed to vapscommittee@gmail.com and payment can be made online via the following address: Direct bank account deposit. Complete payment online or through a bank branch. Please include your name in the payment reference. Account name: Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools BSB: 063 157 / Account number: 10230050 PayPal Online http://vaps.vic.edu.au/events/vaps-conference-2016-wisdom-and-goodness Signature: ______________________________ Date: / / VAPS ABN: 77896901691 This form may be used as a Tax Invoice. PLEASE REGISTER AND PAY BEFORE 24th OF MARCH FOR CATERING PURPOSES For Office use only Date received: Secretary ___________________ Treasurer ___________________ Education Officer ___________________ Participant registered: [ ]