Talks and workshops during first week
Day 1 Monday
1) 9.30-11.00 Interactive Workshop Seminar Group.
Introductions to each other. Each student group introduces cultural artefacts that represent understandings of ICD in everyday lives and works.
2) 2) 11.00-12.00 Mini Talk 1. Introduction to the learning programme and enquiry and assessment processes of the IP.
Including question and answer session
3) 2.30 – 3.00 Mini Talk 2. Definitions of ICD and EU policy strands. Communication with the world in our community and fostering inclusive values and practices (drawing on case studies)
Staff slot
1 (2 groups)
Day 2 Tuesday
4) 4) 9.00–9.30 Mini Talk 3. Exploring the themes of conflict, resilience, diversity, social justice and eco justice. Plus 2.30-3.30
Interactive Workshop Seminar Groups. Role plays to explore the themes of ‘global issues in local lives’, ‘ICD’, ‘citizenship’
4 (2 groups)
(including historical, social, economic and work-based perspectives).
Day 3 Wednesday
6) 9.00-9.30 Mini Talk 5. Conceptions of Citizenship in a
Changing World.
3.30-4.00 Mini Talk 4. ICD in at work Békéscsaba
3.30-4.00 Interactive Seminar Groups. Feedback from mini enquiries in Békéscsaba
8) 8) 4.00-4.30 Mini Talk 6. Developing the Competences
Framework with reference to ECE. (2011). Learning for the Future.
Competences in Education for Sustainable Development,
(ECE/CEP/AC.13/2011/6). Plus 4.30-5.30 Seminar groups.
5. Local colleague
7 (2 groups)
8 (2 groups)
Activity to develop the ‘Competences Framework’, collecting ideas from students about competences related to ICD and citizenship for justice, peace and sustainability that now need to be included.
Day 4 Thursday
9) 5.00-6.00 Interactive Workshop Seminar Groups citizenship.
Explore work of artists whose outputs relate to the theme of ICD and
9 (2 groups)
Day 5 Friday
10) 9.00-9.30 Mini Talk 7. Guidance on conducting a collaborative enquiry
11) 10.00-12.00 Interactive Workshop Seminar Group.
Further interactive discussion documentation about the field trip on
Thursday. Presentation of dramas, mime shows, puppet shows to express an essence of their learning from the field trip drawing out different disciplinary understandings.
12 ) 1.15-2.00 Mini Talk 8. Introduction to the theme of cognitive justice – the need for plural forms of knowledge and knowing. Including case studies about justice, peace and sustainability worldwide Plus 2.00-3.30 Interactive
Workshop Seminar Groups. Expressing the experiences of the IP in terms of new knowledges and new ways of knowing through visual media.
11 (2 groups)
12 (2 groups)
Talks and workshops during second week
Day 6 Monday
13) 9.00-9.30 Mini Talk 9. Exploring dissonance through dialogic communication Plus 9.30-12.00 Interactive
Workshop Seminar Groups. Group discussions to explore areas of disagreement that arise in everyday lives and works. Exploring rationales that underpin the different world views identified.
14) 1.00-1.30 Mini Talk 10 Ethics in Social Research
15) 4.00-5.00 Interactive Workshop/Seminar Groups.
Cross-national / cross-disciplinary groups present their enquiry proposals to the rest of the group and get feedback from other students and from tutors.
Day 7 Tuesday
16) 1.00-1.30 Mini Talk 11. Conceptual frames for analysing data related to different paradigms of ICD and citizenship. Plus
1.30-3.00 Interactive Workshop / Seminar Groups Crossnational / cross-disciplinary groups present their data to the rest of the group and consult each other about approaches to analysis of these data
Day 8 Wednesday
17) 9.00-9.30 Mini Talk 12 Review of the framework of competences Including feedback on student ideas to date
9.30-12.00 Interactive Workshop Seminar Groups Updating the framework of competences to include reference to lives and works of others worldwide working through ICD and citizenship for justice, peace and sustainability
Day 9 Thursday
Student presentations and submissions
Day 10 Friday
18) 9.00-10.30 Whole Cohort workshop. Review of learning programme and implications of ICD and citizenship for disciplines and future work
Staff slot
13 (2 groups)
15 (2 groups)
16 (2 groups)
17 (2 groups)
18 (2 groups)