Note on Market Monitoring Article 11 of Regulation 713/2009 commits ACER to monitor the “internal markets in electricity and gas, in particular the retail prices of electricity and natural gas, access to the network including access of electricity produced from renewable energy source, and compliance with the consumer rights laid down in Directive 2009/72/EC and Directive 2009/73/EC”. Therefore ACER started developing a set of indicators covering the aforementioned issues to identify barriers to the completion of the internal markets. These indicators will be used to collect information on the above aspects, mainly from or through NRAs. The outcome of the monitoring exercise will be published in an annual report. To strictly avoid any duplication of effort, the set of indicators takes into account already existent monitoring activities by the European Commission, NRAs and other relevant authorities. The monitoring exercise will be conducted by taking advantage of the platform for data collection already developed by CEER and currently managed by E-Control, the Austrian NRA. In this way there will be single communication channel for monitoring conducted by CEER and ACER. Therefore, the set of indicators will be included in CEER’s database of national indicators. To develop a stable market monitoring system ACER is currently having meetings with CEER, consumer organisations and the European Commission to gather as much feedback on the draft indicators as possible. The set of indicators shall be finalised by the end of 2011, the first annual report shall be published in 2012 relating to 2011 data. The table below provide a preliminary list of indicators to be used for monitoring purposes. Table: Draft list of market monitoring indicators as of 07 September 2011 Topic Access and connection Overview of items monitored total energy, renewables, priority access of storage/ LNG/biogas/biomethane facilities: average time to connect, capacity (not) connected, requests for connection, number of refusals, reasons for refusals Prices average European consumer (price index), average consumer in the country, average consumption, available contract types Switching requested switches, switches in and out regulated prices, refusals, delayed switches (>3 weeks), time to complete incorrect/wrong switching data, time between request of switch and fulfilment Smart metering Number of consumers (households and total) equipped with intelligent metering system Billing alternative payment methods, number of payment methods free of charge, time for final closure after switching supplier, bills based on selfreading/load profile/estimated values, number of corrected bills Customer information timeframe of informing customers on prices changes, termination of contract in case of price changes, information on consumption and costs, transparent and objective information Complaints out-of-court dispute settlement procedures, timeframe for settling complaints Contracts number of customers having chosen a different pricing plan from the same supplier (household/non-household), choice of product Energy poverty, vulnerable customers and supplier of last resort definition of terms, customers being supplied under these pricing regimes, description of national action plan, disconnections due to delayed payments