SF-P Tres Rios Ranch

Greater Rio Grande Watershed Alliance Project Proposal
Project name: Tres Rios Ranch
Project type: The project is a secondary treatment to remove exotic species from Alamo Creek,
La Cienega Creek and the Santa Fe River. Alamo Creek and La Cienega Creek are tributaries of
the Santa Fe River, within the traditional community of La Cienega.
Project proponent: Santa Fe Pojoaque Soil and Water Conservation District
Project location: The project is located at the end of Camino Capilla Vieja in the village of La
Cienega, approximately 15 miles southwest of the City of Santa Fe, in Santa Fe County. See
Exhibit A (attached) for acreage to be treated.
Landowner: The landowner is Tres Rios Ranch, and is managed by Bob Cochran and Alonzo
How is this site accessed? The site is accessed through a locked gate at the end of Camino Capilla
Vieja, for which the land managers can be contacted to provide access.
Project objective: The objective of the project is to restore the riparian corridor on the ranch
which consists of portions of Alamo Creek, La Cienega Creek and the Santa Fe River to a healthy
condition by removing invasive vegetation such as Salt Cedar, Russian Olive and Siberian Elm
trees. The landowner would also like to see Juniper, a native upland species, removed from the
Size of project: This project proposal is intended to re-treat the full extent of Alamo Creek, La
Cienega Creek and the Santa Fe River that is located within the ranch property. The total area in
this request is approximately 50 acres.
Current site description: Alamo Creek and La Cienega Creek are perennial streams fed by springs
in the area, and the Santa Fe River is fed by both treated effluent and perennial spring flows.
The invasive vegetation was previously treated in 2007, but substantial re-growth has occurred
along the aforementioned streams. The majority of the property is under crop cultivation,
excepting the areas considered to be riparian under this proposal.
Desired site condition : The primary goal of the project is to greatly reduce, or eliminate, the
invasive plants which hinder the maintenance of a natural riparian environment.
Justification: The project is needed to improve the overall health of Alamo Creek, La Cienega
Creek and the Santa Fe River. The project will reduce the invasive seed source that currently
exists along these three tributaries to the Rio Grande.
Is this project adjacent or near previous restoration projects? Yes. This project area is comprised of
two spring fed creeks and an effluent and spring fed river which drain to the Rio Grande, and
are downstream of several projects undertaken by the Santa Fe-Pojoaque SWCD in previous
years, along all three waterways.
Is there any baseline data (vegetation, ground water monitoring, etc.) available for this site?
There is no current baseline data for the property.
How and by whom will the project be maintained? The project will be maintained by the
landowner under the conditions prescribed by the Santa Fe-Pojoaque SWCD and the GRGWA.
SWCD board member/representative signature