Teacher: School: Essential Question(s) Grade/Subject: K/ Science Week of: What type of severe weather can you name? How can you prepare for severe weather? NGSS Some kinds of severe weather are more likely than others in a given region. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that the communities can prepare for and respond to these events. (K-ESS3-2) Lesson Objective Opening/ Do Now Description of Each Instructional Component I can Explain the cause and effects of a hurricane by using detailed journals for 3 out of 4 storms. Circle Time Youtube Video Sesame StreetHurricane https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=9zjrAnsa3K Q (1:30-3:30) 1.Mini- Lesson (I Do)Teacher introduces “Hurricanes ” and “Hurricane Safety” by use of a Power point. (Slides 66-71 and 134-138) http://www.trenton.k12.nj. us/files/_7PBup_/f2bf7f12 eca5e1f33745a49013852ec 4/Unit_6__Severe_Weather__Presentation_Slides.pdf SWBAT Compare the causes and effects of various storms Have students draw a picture of what precipitation they may see with a hurricane? The teacher will read over slides, thinking aloud, “What is a hurricane? How can I prepare for a hurricane? “Introducing key words weather, storm, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone. Teacher will introduce and read passage “A Hurricane is a Big Storm” http://www.readworks.or g/passages/hurricane-big- Formative Assessments: Checks for Understanding 1. PowerPoint Questions (Slide8890 and 127-128) 2. A Hurricane is a Big Storm Question Sheet 3.Journal Entry/ Here comes a Hurricane Activity Differentiation/ Modifications Closing/ Reflection/ Assessment Special Education and or ELL*Pacing(provide ample time post journal writing) *Simple Language *Create Vocabulary cards with vocab terms and pictures *Teacher can create a large font anchor chart for severe weathers using language including pictures and key terms *Deliver minilesson in small groups *Group students with partners to complete lab observations *Modify journals questions *Create a semantic map of severe Severe Weather Journal Post : *What is the storm name *What is a cause of the storm Materials/ Resources Used Computer Youtube Severe Weather Powerpoint Journal *What are the effects of the storm *What is an important detail about the storm? A Hurricane is a Big Storm Reading Materials storm 2.We Do- See formative assessment 1 3.Severe Journal / Hurricane Activity (You Do) Unit 6-Severe Weather Students will keep a journal of the various storms they learn about each day. They will write the name of the storm, the causes of the storm, the effects of the storm and any other details they think is important. Hurricane ActivityStudents will draw pictures for the Here comes a Hurricane Activity Sheet (Slide 79) storms (blizzard, hurricanes, tornadoes, sand storms) *Model journal entries *Allow oral responses for journal entries or drawn responses Visual- Use pictures of a hurricane ;Create vocabulary flashcard with words and pictures that depict each word Bodily KinestheticUse manipulatives and body to act out motions of a hurricane Musical- Listen to Youtube weather song) InterpersonalGroup students together with a partner to complete journal entry encouraging students to discuss what they learned and or knew through prompted questions and turn and talk discussions. IntrapersonalAllow student to write entry independently with moderate prompting and discussion. Linguistic-Have students write journal entry announcing vocabulary terms as they spot them. Logical- prompt students to explain possible reasons and or season of a hurricane