
Name ________________________________________Date _____________________ Class _____________
Chapter 5 “Heredity” Key Terms Glossary: heredity, dominant trait,
recessive trait, gene, allele, phenotype, genotype, probability, homologous
chromosome, meiosis, sex chromosome, pedigree
Ch 5:1 Mendel and His Peas
“Section Review” page 119 #1-10
Ch 5:2 Traits and Inheritance
“Section Review” page 125 #1-9
Chapter 5:3 Meiosis
“Section Review” page 133 #1-10
Trait Wheel
Mouse Genetics
Adopt a Zork
Zork Genetics
More Zork Gentics
One-Eyed Easy Temper Loser Monster (Dihybrid Crosses)
The Case of the Hooded Murderer (Pedigree)
Zork Pedigree
Genetics Part I Test
Genetic Web Labs
Chapter 6 “Genes and DNA” Key Terms Glossary: DNA, nucleotide, RNA,
ribosome, mutation, deletion, insertion, substitution, genetic engineering,
DNA fingerprinting
Ch 6:1 What Does DNA Look Like?
“Section Review” page 147 #1-8
Ch 6:2 How DNA Works
“Section Review” page 155 #1-11
Codominance & Incomplete Dominance (Dr. Suess & Smiley)
The Case of the Long Lost Son (Multiple Alleles/Blood)
Meiosis – Internet Lesson
DNA – The Double Helix (Information/Questions/Color Coding)
“What is your DNA Alias?”
Snorks: How Does DNA Determine the Traits of an Organism? (DNA
Replication & Protein Synthesis)
Banana Split AKA Extracting DNA LAB
How DNA Controls the Workings of the Cell (Mutations)
Fictitious Genetic Disorder Poster Project
Karyotyping Patients
DNA Fingerprinting - Virtual Lab