Sample Letter - Equip for Equality

John James
Parent Report
IEP Meeting
October 30, 2008
I want to make sure that the IEP Team discusses the following concerns: (1)
Inappropriate Use of the Time Out Room; (2) Behavior Planning dictated by a Board
Certified Behavioral Analyst; as well as, (3) Discrimination in the area of being excluded
from attending Field Trips due to problematic behaviors.
1. Inappropriate Use of Time Out Room.
Present situation: Under Illinois law, “Isolated time out…only to the extent that [it is]
necessary to preserve the safety of students and others. Neither isolated time out nor
physical restraint shall be used in administering discipline to individual students, i.e., as
a form of punishment.” (23 Illinois Administrative Code 1.285)
Student is presently placed in the Time Out Room any time that a more severe behavior
occurs regardless of function of the behavior. For example: During a Halloween
Dance, Student was described as scared because of the noise and dark atmosphere
started to scream. He was taken to the Time Out Room as a result. The school seems
to be using the Time Out Room as a first resort for Student’s behavior, rather than
solely when it is
”necessary to preserve the safety of students and others.” The Time Out Room is one of
the most restrictive forms of behavioral management and should not be used to the
extent that it is currently.
Possible Solution: Determine function of behaviors before implementation of the Time
Out Room is used. A Board Certified Behavioral Analyst is skilled in determining
function of behaviors and implementing a more appropriate behavioral course of action
in order to decrease behaviors so that the Time Out Room can eventually be eliminated
2. The need for a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst.
Present situation: We have seen an increase in the frequency and severity of Student’s
behaviors. The incidents of abusive behaviors, both self-inflicted and towards staff/other
students, and property destruction have increased. The increase that we have seen in
Student’s behavior puts both staff and student in very harmful situations. Student does
not seem to be getting the support that he needs at school to decrease these harmful
behaviors and, as a result, he is not able to benefit from the instruction at school.
Suggestion for improvement: We recognize that the school needs more guidance and
training in order to provide the level of behavioral support that Student needs to benefit
in school. We have suggested and continue to believe that it is imperative that the
school contract with a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst to review current behavioral
planning and guide staff in implementation of a more appropriate, as well as effective
behavioral treatment for the severe behaviors that have been noted over the last year
and a half and appear to be increasing. We have worked with a Behavioral Analyst in
our home to assist us with Student’s home behaviors and have seen improvement.
3. Discriminatory Exclusion from Field Trips.
Present Situation: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability. Under Section 504, the school cannot prohibit access to a program
on the basis of a disability. Student is currently being excluded from all Field Trips
unless his mom attends each individual Field Trip. I was not informed that he was going
to be excluded and was not aware that Student's behaviors prohibited his attendance.
As Student’s behavior is a direct result of his disability, the school is currently
discriminating against him based on his disability by not allowing him to attend all Field
Suggestion for improvement: The IEP Team needs to develop a plan to build in
strategies for success on smaller time periods building up to larger time frame in the
community (e.g. - swimming pool, Happy Joes Pizza Party and any and all other
scheduled field trips). Student needs to know that by following the plan and learning
appropriate behavior, he will be able to participate in Field Trips in the future.
Thank you for your time and cooperation and building towards a successful rest of the
year for Student as well as the staff and other students.
Student's mom