Planning Committee - 24/04/2014 UPDATES ITEM 21 Planning Ref: W/14/00631/PN Proposal: Site: Land at, 31-33 Newland Road, Droitwich Spa, WR9 Ward Councillor Cllr Mike Barratt Cllr Bob Brookes Recommendation Approved Planning Resubmission of application W/13/02330/PN (amended house types) Officer: Vicky Stone Parish/Town Council: Droitwich Applicant: Mr Dugan Consultation Responses Town Council The Town Council consider it would be inappropriate to comment upon this application in view of the close connection with the applicant who is a Town Councillor. Council’s Engineers No objections raised however according to the Environment Agency surface water maps the far eastern boundary may be at medium risk from surface water flooding therefore the applicant should ensure the floor level of the nearest plot is not affected by any potential surface water issues. County Highways The Highway Authority requires that the shared access drive to be a minimum of 3.5m in order to comply with the residential design guide. Subject to this no objections have been raised to the grant of permission. Representations Received Mr & Mrs R.C. Lewis of 29 Newland Road, Droitwich Spa Mr & Mrs B Cornish of 27 Newland Road, Droitwich Spa Representations Made - the three bedrooms dwellings already approved are the maximum that should be allowed - concerned over excessive traffic movement and the inevitable pollution and noise nuisance due to close proximity to boundary - concerned over the positioning of the parking/turning area close to the boundary and the disruption to residential amenities - boundary hedge should be maintained between application site and No.29 Newland Road as the loss of the hedge would have a devastating effect on the ecology - request a condition is attached should permission be granted that removes all future permitted development rights including additional garages, outbuildings or extensions - request that the strict conditions which were attached to the previous permission will be reattached Update Officer Appraisal Response to representations received The amenities of neighbouring properties has been carefully assessed and it is considered that the introduction of two four bedroom properties to this site would not cause demonstrable harm to the amenity of the occupiers of the surrounding properties. Furthermore, it is considered that the potential traffic generation, to serve two dwellings would be acceptable in respect to the impact upon neighbouring properties. The same conditions which were attached to the previous planning permission are considered to be necessary and reasonable for this scheme. This includes a condition removing permitted development rights for Class A, B and C and a condition regarding the boundary treatment to ensure the council has control over the retention of the hedgerow between the application site and the adjoining property, 29 Newland Road. Impact upon Drainage and Flooding The application site lies in Flood Zone 1 where there is a low risk of flooding. The council's Engineers have stated that whilst there are no site specific details of flooding at this location, the Environment Agency (EA) surface water maps identify the far eastern boundary may be at medium risk from surface water flooding. It is worth noting at this point that the EA's maps are based upon the worse case scenario and a series of storm events for certain periods of time and do not take into consideration site specific issues. Taking into account the EA maps it is likely that a small section (the north-east corner of Plot 1) of the built form may fall within this area and therefore the council's Engineers have requested that this property would need to provide finished floor levels at least 300mm above current ground conditions. It is considered that raising the floor levels of Plot 1 would not have a harmful impact upon residential amenity of the surrounding properties or upon the visual amenity of the locality therefore a condition requesting details of the floor levels is considered necessary. It is noted that there is some medium risk of surface water flooding on part of the access road to the new dwellings. The access road, would have its own drainage measures which are considered to be acceptable therefore it is not considered that the vehicular access of the site would be adversely affected by surface water flooding. Additional Condition The precise floorslab levels of Plot 1, relative to the existing development on the boundary of the site shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of the development. Reason - In order to ensure that the dwelling would not be adversely affected by surface water flooding. Recommendation As per committee report with the addition of the above condition.