
“Turiba University” LTD
Unified registration No.40003135880
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV-1058
“Turiba University” LTD
Chairman of the Board
06.02.2014 Order No.4
“Turiba University” LTD
1. General provisions
These Regulations shall stipulate the rights, obligations and behavior standards for
tenants and visitors staying in the “Turiba University” LTD (hereinafter referred to as BAT)
Youth Hostel at 68 Graudu street, Riga.
Responsibility for non-compliance with these Regulations as well as behavior standards
while staying at the BAT territory is stipulated in the BAT Standing Order Regulations.
To live in the Youth Hostel, a tenancy contract or guest registration card should be
concluded upon production of identity paper providing for the person's name, surname,
photograph and identity number.
Upon conclusion of the tenancy contract and payment of the monthly rent the Youth Hostel
administrator shall issue the tenant a hostel pass. The hostel pass has to be retained
during the whole term of tenancy or period of guest registration. The hostel pass is a
document that should be shown to the administrator while taking the keys to the room. In
case the hostel pass is lost a temporary pass will be issued for 3 (three) days. A new
hostel pass will be issued upon payment of a fine for loss of the pass.
The Youth Hostel daily payment hour shall be 12.00. If a tenant stays in the Youth Hostel
after 12:00, the tenant shall pay the daily fee at the rate of ½ of the room or bed
accommodation pay. If a tenant stays in the Youth Hostel after 17:00, he/she shall pay the
rental fee for full 24 hours.
If a tenant leaves the Youth Hostel for a known time period (period of field studies, leisure
time), he/she shall have an obligation to vacate the room or bed accommodation and give
it over to the Youth Hostel administrator. The room vacation and giving over shall be fixed
in the tenancy contract. If no room giving over is fixed in the tenancy contract, the tenant
shall pay a full rental fee for the relevant time period.
While arriving at the Youth Hostel, the tenant's visitors should make the relevant tenant's
name, surname and room number known to the Youth Hostel administrator who checks
whether the tenant is in the Youth Hostel. The administrator shall keep the visitor's identity
paper until the visitor leaves. The tenant's visitor is allowed to stay in the Youth Hostel
from 7.00 to 23.00; if the visitor wants to stay in the Youth Hostel after 23.00, he/she shall
conclude a tenancy contract and pay the rental fee. Each tenant shall bear personal
responsibility for one's visitor (the Youth Hostel tenant should make the Youth Hostel
Standing Order Regulations known to one's visitor).
The Youth Hostel shall be entitled to refuse extending the tenancy contract or guest
registration card and terminate the tenancy contract, if the tenant fails to perform the
obligations stipulated in the tenancy contract or guest registration card, fails to observe the
Youth Hostel Standing Order regulations, or the bed accommodation is required for a BAT
student or employee;
The Youth Hostel is entitled to immediately terminate the tenancy contract with any person
who has committed a serious or repeated infringement of the BAT internal regulations as
well as request the person to immediately leave the premises of the Youth Hostel.
Persons who have committed serious and repeated infringement of the BAT internal
regulations and with whom the tenancy contract has been terminated could be prohibited
from entering and being in the Youth Hostel premises and such persons have been issued
a written warning about the same.
2. Rights of the tenant
To observe the Republic of Latvia legal norms, contractual relations with BAT, these
Regulations as well as other BAT standing order regulating documents.
To use the room, amenities, facilities given over to him and premises of common use
(kitchen, shower rooms, lavatories, etc.) for their intended purposes.
To use other services rendered by BAT in the Youth Hostel building.
To make the Youth Hostel administrator informed about proposals, observed drawbacks in
the economic activities or inconsistencies in the Youth Hostel and recorded the same in
the Register of Occurrences and Proposals available from the Youth Hostel administrator.
3. Obligations of the tenant
To hand over the room and linen and/or any equipment to the housekeeping service or
administrator of the Youth Hostel upon termination of the tenancy contract.
To take care of the Youth Hostel material resources. A person faulty for material damages
shall be liable to the full extent. If any fixtures are missing or damaged, an executive of the
Youth Hostel shall make a report. Chairman of the BAT Board shall be entitled, having
regard to the case circumstances and degree of the person's fault, to determine
compensation for damages up to five times the amount or for minor thefts - up to ten times
the amount of the thing value. The damages should be compensated during 7 (seven)
days as of the moment when the measure of damages is made known to the faulty
On request of BAT personnel, to introduce oneself giving one's name and surname and
produce the Youth Hostel pass, have the visitor's identity paper verified by the Youth
Hostel administrator as well as to show the things born along and fulfill instructions of the
Entering the Youth Hostel, to produce the Youth Hostel pass (to bear the pass along) to
the administrator; leaving the Youth Hostel, to give the room key over to the administrator.
To follow BAT personnel instructions and decisions according to the BAT internal
regulatory acts.
Leaving the Youth Hostel room, to lock the door.
Not to allow unauthorized persons staying in the room in absence of the room tenants.
To keep to the standards of mutual relations.
Underage tenants should be in their rooms after 23:00.
To keep silence from 2300 to 700 - not to make noise, not to play musical instruments, not
to use radio receivers, players, magnetic tape recorders or other audio devices, and not to
make any other actions giving rise to loud sound in order not to disturb or trouble other
tenants. At the other time, above things are allowed within norms so that other tenants or
teaching process are not disturbed.
It is forbidden to use alcohol, incl. beer or other intoxicating substances in the Youth
Hostel rooms or premises of common use.
It is only allowed to smoke in specially arranged and marked places intended for that
To observe basic norms of cleanness and tidiness and to air the rooms. Not to litter in the
rooms or the premises. To leave the kitchen in a clean condition after its usage. To empty
waste paper bins in specially provided place for waste disposal – waste disposal bins,
regularly not less than once a day. It is strictly forbidden to leave waste bags in the
kitchen, toilets or washing rooms.
Not to place things on window sills and not to put the same out of the windows.
It is forbidden to move or rearrange furniture, equipment and devices without permission,
drive nails into the wall, stick or pin items on the walls or inventory such as stickers or
posters, draw on the walls or in any other damage the wall constructions, wallpapers or
paint in the Youth hostel rooms or in any other rooms on the Youth Hostel premises.
Not to bring animals to the Youth Hostel premises.
Not to keep one's personal things in the Youth Hostel passageways, areas or staircases,
i.e. outside the rented room.
It is forbidden to carry out any equipment or other objects of material value belonging to
the Youth Hostel independently without approval from one’s room.
To show to the room the Youth Hostel employees, security service employees or
household department employees for making fixtures, sanitary equipment or other devices
repaired or their condition checked as well as for the control of compliance with these
Regulations or other BAT standing order regulating documents.
It is forbidden to carry out any unsanctioned repair or improvements in the rooms or
common rooms. The administrator or housekeeping of the Youth Hostel must be informed
regarding any changes made to the room equipment.
Not to use electrical heaters or other electrical devices without coordination with the Youth
Hostel Manager.
To make the Youth Hostel Standing Order Regulations known to one's visitor.
To inform relevant BAT officials about any observed non-compliances with these
Regulations or other inconsistencies in the Youth Hostel and record the same in the
Register of Occurrences and Proposals available from the Youth Hostel administrator.
To pay for extra services after the BAT approved quotations.
To close the window, turn off the light, radio and other electrical appliances on leaving the
room for studies or moving away.
4. Other provisions
It shall be an obligation of the Youth Hostel and BAT employees while settling down any
differences or conflicts to introduce themselves giving their name, surname and occupied
position as well as to inform the tenant or visitor about their rights to appeal against
decision or actions against them.
The Youth Hostel employees are entitled to enter the Tenant’s room in his/her absence in
teams of two people (one in case of an emergency) to check the condition of the room
(prevent an emergency) and the observance of the regulations herein as well as other
BAT internal regulations.
The Youth Hostel administration shall be entitled, whenever required, to move the tenants
to another room, if the household conditions are changed or a household conflict has
arisen between the room tenants or habitation of other persons in the same room
becomes impossible with a person infracting the space and resource base use
Youth Hostel Manager