Written Review

Biology Written Final Review
You have noticed that the cute little furry bunnies that used to come around your yard and drink the runoff
from the nuclear plant that just opened next door, are now killing the javelina that also used to wander near your
yard. The adorable bunnies have mutated and grown large canine teeth and are leaving a mess in your yard that
your mother makes you pick up every morning before school. You suspect the nuclear waste may be
1. Identify the problem:
2. Write a hypothesis that could be tested to possibly find out what is causing the problem.
3. What materials would you need to perform an experiment?
4. Write a brief procedure for an experiment that might show what is causing the problem.
5. Make a data table with ten pieces of data that might hypothetically be collected.
6. Draw a graph of the data.
7. What is an independent variable?
8. What is your independent variable?
9. What is a dependant variable?
10. What is your dependant variable?
11. Restate your hypothesis and say whether your hypothesis was supported.
12. Use your data to support whether your hypothesis is possibly correct or not.
13. What is a control?
14. What is your control?
15. What are constants?
16. What are your constants?
Cell Cycle
1. Draw the cell cycle
Include: The three parts of interphase, the specific steps of mitosis and cytokinesis
2. What is Mitosis?
3. How is meiosis different that mitosis?
4. Draw how meiosis divides, starting with a single cell.
1. Define biological evolution.
2. Describe 5 pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution.
Evidence: __________________. How it supports evolution
Evidence: __________________. How it supports evolution.
Evidence: __________________. How it supports evolution
Evidence: __________________. How it supports evolution.
Evidence: __________________. How it supports evolution.
3. Who is the “Father of Evolution”?
4. Use examples from nature to explain how three of his ideas regarding evolution support his theory.
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
Idea 3:
Define organism.
Define population.
Define community.
Define ecosystem.
Define biome.
Write a paragraph explaining the interdependence between biotic and biotic factors, and biotic and
abiotic factors in a desert biome.
1. Define genotype:
2. Define phenotype:
3. Define allele:
4. Define homozygous:
5. Define heterozygous:
6. Draw a punnett square for a monohybrid cross between two parents who are both heterozygous for
furriness. Furriness is dominant over baldness.
7. What percent are genotypically homozygous dominant _______, homozygous recessive_____, and
heterozygous _____.
8. What percent are phenotypically furry ______, what percent are phenotypically bald _______.
9. Draw a punnett square for a cross between one parent who is homozygous dominant for
furriness and one parent who is bald.
10. What percent are genotypically homozygous dominant _______, Homozygous recessive_____, and
heterozygous ________.
11. What percent are phenotypically furry ______, what percent are phenotypically bald _______.
12. Draw a punnett square for a cross between one parent who is heterozygous for furriness, and one who is
13. What percent are genotypically homozygous dominant _______, Homozygous recessive_____, and
heterozygous _______.
14. What percent are phenotypically furry ______, what percent are phenotypically bald _______.
15. Draw a punnett square for cross between one parent who is heterozygous furry and one who is
homozygous furry.
16. What percent are genotypically homozygous dominant _______, Homozygous recessive_____, and
heterozygous _______.
17. What percent are phenotypically furry ______, what percent are phenotypically bald _______.
18. Draw a Punnettt Square for a dihybrid cross between two parents who are heterozygous for two traits
(Furriness dominant over baldness and Tallness dominant over Short)