Liquid fuel - Clean Energy Regulator

Liquid fuel combustion in the operation of a facility:
Determining use for stationary or transport energy
V1.0 12/03/2015
The methods available to estimate emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide
(N2O) released from the combustion of liquid fuels (other than petroleum based oils and petroleum based
greases) in the operation of a facility are specified in Part 2.4 of the National Greenhouse and Energy
Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 (Measurement Determination).
This fact sheet has been prepared to assist reporters in identifying whether liquid fuel is combusted for
stationary or energy transport purposes where method 1 is used to estimate emissions.
Stationary energy or transport energy?
The Measurement Determination includes the following definitions when using Method 1:
stationary energy purposes means purposes for which fuel is combusted that do not involve transport
energy purposes.
transport energy purposes includes purposes for which fuel is combusted that consist of any of the
transport by vehicles registered for road use
rail transport
marine navigation
air transport.
(See Subsection 2.41(2) of the Measurement Determination)
Stationary and transport energy purposes are identified separately in the Measurement Determination,
because the emission factors for CH4 and N2O differ depending on the purpose of use.
To determine whether fuel combustion from the operation of a facility is for 'transport energy purposes',
consider whether the purpose consists of any of the activities listed in the definition above. The term
'transport' has its ordinary meaning and can refer to carrying, conveying or removing a thing or person from
one place to another.
Whether vehicles are registered for road use is a key consideration. For example:
if a vehicle registered for road use is used within the facility to transport things or persons, the fuel
combusted from that vehicle use would be for transport energy purposes.
if a vehicle is used for the same activity within the facility, but is not registered for road use, the fuel
combusted from that use would be for stationary energy purposes.
The emissions factors for CO2, N2O and CH4 for use with Method 1 are:
listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the Measurement Determination for stationary energy purposes; and
listed in Division 4.1 of Schedule 1 to the Measurement Determination for transport energy purposes.
These are the only emissions factors permitted for use with Method 1.
Alternative emission factors for CH4 and N2O can be used with Method 2 estimations in either of the
following circumstances:
combustion of fuel by vehicles manufactured after 2004 (Division 4.2 of Schedule 1 to the Measurement
Determination), or
combustion of fuel by trucks that meet specified design standards (Division 4.3 of Schedule 1 to the
Measurement Determination).
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601
1300 553 542
(see Section 2.48 of the Measurement Determination)
Some activities that may be considered as being for transport purposes
A number of industry sectors1 that are used to define a transport activity are listed in subregulation 2.19(3)
of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008.
While not determinative in the context of subsection 2.41(2) of the Measurement Determination, the
industry sectors may still help identify what types of activities constitute ‘transport energy purposes’.
These industry sectors are:
Air and space transport (ANZSIC Code 490)
Postal and courier pick-up and delivery services (ANZSIC Code 510)
Rail freight transport (ANZSIC Code 471)
Rail passenger transport (ANZSIC Code 472)
Road freight transport (ANZSIC Code 461)
Road passenger transport (ANZSIC Code 462)
Scenic and sightseeing transport (ANZSIC Code 501)
Waste collection services (ANZSIC Code 291)
Water freight transport (ANZSIC Code 481)
Water passenger transport (ANZSIC Code 482).
1 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601
1300 553 542