DATE: 8TH & 9TH AUGUST 2015 VENUE: George Riding Club, Glenwood Avenue, George CONVENORS: Mark de Villiers 071 687 0677 Kathy Jolliffe (Dressage) 083 288 2861 Linda Gouws (Jumping) 082 789 8035 JUMPING JUDGE: COURSE DESIGNER: DRESSAGE JUDGES: ENTRIES TO: payment. SHARRON TREUB MARK TREUB TBA or fax 086 619 6965 together with proof of Jumping Entries: Enter on line at: ENTRIES WITHOUT PROOF OF PAYMENT WILL BE DISCARDED. BANKING DETAILS: George Riding Club, Absa Bank Acc no: 404 763 1113 Branch Code: 630 114 PLEASE USE YOUR SURNAME AS A REFERENCE! ONLY SAEF RIDERS MAY USE THIS BANK ACCOUNT FOR ENTRIES ENTRIES CLOSE: WEDNESDAY, 22ND JULY 2015 PRIZE MONEY: A minimum of 40% of entry fee will be paid out to all graded classes after all Levies have been deducted. ENTRY FEE: SEE CLASS SCHEDULE AND ENTRY FORM. JUMPING Normal Comp. FEI Art 238.2.2; 2 Phase FEI Art 274.5.1; Accumulator FEI Art 269; Championship FEI Art 238.2.2. Graded Pony Rider Classes will cost R115 per entry (including the following levies plus VAT: R5.13 EDTS levy, R11.40 SJSA levy). Pony Rider 70cm & Junior and Adult 80cm classes (Recreational) will cost R100 (including the following levies plus VAT: R5.13 EDTS levy, R11.40 SJSA levy). There will be no prize money for theses classes. All 90cm - 1.10m classes will cost R130 including the following levies plus VAT: R5.13 EDTS levy, R34.52 SJSA levy). All open classes (ie above 1:20m) will cost R140 per entry (including the following levies plus VAT: R5.13 EDTS levy, R53.01 SJSA levy). All graded classes will contribute to Medic Levy of R30 and Official Levy of R30. Recreational Riders do not pay a fee when registering with SASJ. PLEASE ENTER ONLINE AT: WWW.SASHOWJUMPING.CO.ZA (GRADED CLASSES PONY RIDERS FROM 70CM AND JUNIOR & ADULTS FROM 80CM) ALL OTHER ENTRIES MUST BE DONE ON GRC ENTRY FORM CLASS NO PONY RIDERS 14 YEARS & UNDER & PONIES UNDER 150CM CLASS NO GRADED CLASSES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PR0:70m Normal Comp PR0:70m Accumulator PR 0:70m Championship PR0:80m Normal Comp PR0:80m Accumulator PR 0:80m Championship PR0:90m Normal Comp PR0:90m Accumulator PR 0:90m Championship PR1m Normal Comp PR1m Accumulator PR 1m Championship PR1.10m Normal Comp PR1.10m Accumulator PR1.10m Championship JUNIOR & ADULT CLASSES GRADED CLASSES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Novice Horses 80cm Normal Comp 80cm Accumulator 80cm Championship 90cm Normal Comp 90cm Accumulator 90cm Championship 1m Normal Comp 1m Accumulator 1m Championship Medium Horses 1.10m Normal Comp 1.10m Accumulator 1:10m Championship 1.20m Normal Comp 1.20m Accumulator 1:20m Championship Open Horses 1.25m Normal Comp 1.25m Accumulator 1:25m Championship 1.30m Normal Comp 1.30m Accumulator 1:30m Championship DRESSAGE R150 per Adult graded class, R130 per Jnr/Child & PR Graded Class and R100 per ungraded class. Entry Fees include the following levies plus VAT: DSA Levy: R51.30 ( Adult Graded Classes), R11.40 (Entry Level & Training Classes), R17.10 (Jnr/Child & Pony Rider Graded Classes) & R5.13 EDTS Levy; R10 Judges Fee . Temporary Day Membership for Non Registered DSA Riders – R50. Please read point 8 under the general regulations. Please note that there are new dressage rules in effect, they are available on the website: CLASS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PONY RIDER CLASSES PR Prelim 2 PR Prelim 4 PR Novice 2 PR Novice 4 PR Elementary 2 PR Elementary 4 PR Elem.-Medium 3 PR Elem-Medium 5 PR Medium 1 PR Medium 2 CLASS NO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 JUNIOR CLASSES Prelim 2 Prelim 4 Novice 2 Novice 5 Elementary 2 Elementary 5 Elementary-Medium 2 Elementary-Medium 5 Medium 2 Medium 5 Advanced 2 Advanced 4 Junior Team Test CLASS NO 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ADULT CLASSES Prelim 2 Prelim 4 Novice 2 Novice 5 Elementary 2 Elementary 5 Elementary-Medium 2 Elementary-Medium 5 Medium 2 Medium 5 Advanced 2 Advanced 4 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a. b. c. d. e. We regret that no horse may enter the show without a horse flu vaccination and AHS, please complete details (date & batch number) on entry form. NO refunds will be made in respect of cancellations and scratchings after closing date of entries. Please Note: the Organizing Committee reserves the right to combine, vary, divide or cancel classes if insufficient entries are received. . Insofar as possible, the program and conditions relating thereto will be adhered to. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to make alterations in the event of unfavorable weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances and should the show be cancelled for any reason only 50% of entry fees will be refunded. No entries will be refunded if the show is postponed. SAEF, the DSA, SASJ, SASA & SAEQA & the GRC, the organizers and any officials appointed by these shall in no way be held responsible for any damage, loss, injury sustained by owners, competitors, members of the public or any other person or persons or their property at the George Riding Club for the duration of show. In all jumping classes young riders and adults will be combined. Depending on entries; classes may be combined and/or handicapped and separate prizes will not be awarded. This applies to jumping and dressage classes. PLEASE NOTE: DRESSAGE CLASSES: All Elementary, Elementary-Medium, Medium and Advanced Classes will be subject to the availability of Judges. By entering a stallion at the GRC, the competitor & owner agree to the following conditions & agree to abide by the following protocol: Competition stallions remain the responsibility of the owner & rider at all times & they are expected to have public liability against any loss, injury or damage that might be caused by the stallion. It is the responsibility of the owner & rider to ensure that the stallion cannot exit the stable allocated to it on its own/or with the help of another horse or uninformed person. The stallion may only be removed from the stable during the show for exercise & preparation/competition & only in the presence of a responsible handler or rider. Under NO circumstances shall the covering of mares be allowed to take place at the GRC premises. All stallions must wear a yellow tag on their bridle at all times. PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME SATURDAY 8TH AUGUST, 2015 DRESSAGE - PRELIM & NOVICE CLASSES JUMPING – ALL NORMAL & ACCUMULATOR CLASSES 18H00 STEAK BRAAI - R70 PER PERSON SUNDAY 9TH AUGUST, 2015 DRESSAGE - ELEMENTARY - ADVANCED CLASSES. JUMPING - CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES.