Root and Affix Stations

Learning Target: I can use common, grade appropriate Greek or Latin
affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Center # 1: Word Hunt
Materials Needed: Books, Textbooks, Magazines, etc., and Vocabulary Sheet
Directions: Using the dictionary, classroom books, and textbooks find new words that
correctly use the roots, prefixes and suffixes. As you complete your hunt: record the prefix,
root or suffix you are hunting, and then the word you found. Next highlight the prefix, root, or
suffix within the word. Finally, define the word that appropriately uses the root, prefix or
suffix. Combine your group’s best words and put on the word wall.
Prefix/Root/ Suffix
Learning Target: I can use common, grade appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and
roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Center # 2: Puzzle Master
Materials Needed: Timer, Word Parts Puzzle Pieces, Vocabulary Sheet
Directions: Looking at the list of prefixes, roots, and suffixes generate as many words as you
can in five minutes. When the buzzer goes off, stop creating the list and split up the words to
look up on either or in the dictionary in the classroom. Any words that are not
real, cross out with a red pen. Put your final list, including definitions, on the Word Wall.
After you have played with the roots, prefixes, and suffixes from the current and past units,
what words did you create? Record and define. Then, highlight the prefix, root, and/or suffix
that you used in the word. (Hint: use different colors to show prefix, root, or suffix in the
Learning Target: I can use common, grade appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and
roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Center # 3: The Riddler
Material’s Needed: Vocabulary Sheet
Directions: Create least five analogies based on the list of prefixes/roots/suffixes. Record your
two best on your vocabulary sheet. Put a paper copy of your group’s best analogy on the Word
Wall. Record two analogies that you or your group created to help you understand the
relationship between words.
1. _______________: _____________________:: __________________:_________________
a. Relationship Type:
2. _______________: _____________________:: __________________: _________________
a. Relationship Type:
Learning Target: I can use common, grade appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and
roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Center #4: Charades
Material’s Needed: Bucket #4, Vocabulary Sheet
Directions: Pick a word out of the bucket that properly uses the prefixes, suffixes and roots. In
turn, each student should select a word and then that student has one minute to act it out
while your teammates guess. Then using words that properly incorporate a root, prefix or
suffix, write three sentences, one word per each, that shows your understanding of the
meaning of the word. (HINT: Use strong context clues).
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Learning Target: I can use common, grade appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and
roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Center 5: Sketch to Stretch
Material’s Needed: White Boards, Bucket#5, Vocabulary Sheet
Directions: In turn, each student should select a prefix, root, or suffix and create a sketch in
ninety-seconds that reveals the meaning of the word while your teammates guess. Find
three words that properly use a prefix, root, and suffix from this and/or previous units.
Write the word in the top box. Then in the box below, draw an image that shows the
meaning of the word.