Diagnosis & Treatment Course

TMJ Seminar
TMJ Disorder
Diagnosis & Treatment Course
An Approved Course from the Dental Board of California
Chun K. Kim, DDS
Diplomate, American Board of Craniofacial Pain
Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management
Diplomate, American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
Diplomate, Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Discipline
Diplomate, American Board of Craniofacial-Dental Sleep Medicine
Debunk the Myths of TMJ Disorders and Learn
a Simple and Effective Treatment Technique
Advanced Practical Clinical Hands-on Course
This is NOT an Introductory Theoretical Course. Participants will learn the unique
Splint Treatment Technique, which will enable them to treat the following TMJ
symptoms exhibited in over 90% of the patients who visit the office:
 Clicking, Popping, Clenching, Grinding
 Jaw pain, Pain when Chewing, Uncomfortable Bite
 Limited Mouth Opening, Locked Disc
 Chronic Headaches, Neck pain, Facial pain,
 Ringing in the Ear, Dizziness, Loss of Balance
 Trigeminal Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia
To those who are already treating TMJ patients, this course will raise your clinical
skills and patient care to a new competence level. To those who are looking to
create a new “TMJ Disorder Program” within their general dental practice, this
course will enable them to start treatment right away, provide a clear guide on
what to study to build up a core foundation, and save years of learning time.
Current Treatment Modalities:
Splint Therapy and Dilemmas
Splint therapy is the most common treatment modality for TMJ disorders. However,
many different types of splints confuse practitioners, the learning techniques and
clinical applications of each splint are difficult, the treatment progress is nominal, and
there is no prediction of maximum medical improvement. Due to these issues, patients
and practitioners lose confidence in splint therapy and seek other treatment modalities.
Comprehensive Treatment
Pharmacological Management
Nerve Blocks/Epidural Injections
TM joint/Trigger Point /Botox Injections
Physical therapy, Chiropractic adjustment, Acupuncture.…
Unfortunately, these treatment modalities provide temporary symptom relief and do
not eliminate the underlying causes.
Consequently, it has been concluded that there is no proven treatment modality for TMJ
disorders and that the combination of splint therapy and comprehensive therapy is the
recommended treatment modality.
The Neuromuscular Splint Technique
This new splint technique was developed as a result of discovering the ‘Trigeminal Nerve
Response to 1/100mm Discrepancy in Occlusion’.
The efficacy of this technique is dramatic: symptoms begin to improve immediately after
the splint treatment is started and reaches maximum medical improvement within 3-4
months, without the use of heavy medications, injections, physical therapy or any other
treatment modalities.
If you are able to learn this revolutionary technique, it will not only solve current
treatment dilemmas but it will also change the way you treat TMJ disorders, transforming
your office into a life changing practice, and immeasurably helping your patient’s health
and lives.
Registration Form:
Chun K. Kim, DDS
35900 Bob Hope Dr. #110 •Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Phone: 760-770-4033 • Fax #: 760-770-3975 • Email: tmjdrkim@yahoo.com
Name ________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________ State ________ Zip ________________
Phone _____________________ Fax ______________________ Email ____________________________
Tuition (4 days): $0,000.00
Includes: Lecture and Hands-on Exercise Course, Practice PowerPoint from Lecture, Course Syllabus
and Forms, Lab fabricated splint for practice, Necessary instruments and materials- no need to bring
or purchase anything, Take home materials to start treatment, Meals- breakfast, lunch, dinner,
beverages and snacks
Payment Option: (All information is kept confidential and is only used by Dr. Kim’s TMJ Seminars)
 Check enclosed $______________ (payable to Chun K. Kim, DDS)
 Visa  MasterCard • Account # _______________________________________Expires______ /______
Cardholder Name (exactly as it appears on the card) ___________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Course Date (please check one):
 March 1–4, 2016 Mon-Thu  April 4-7, 2016 Mon-Thu  May 2-5, 2016 Mon-Thu
Course Location: Advanced Technology Center
2111 Kenmore Ave. Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 748-2091
Note: Each course is limited to 10 participants to ensure competence skills are achieved
through personal attention and intensive drill. Register in advance to reserve a seat and
receive preparation materials.
These 4 days of compelling education and exercise course will conclude by
setting the stage for the ability to treat TMJ patients in over 90% of clinical
cases with over 90% success rate.
Live Patient Care:
Participants may bring an existing patient or a new
patient for Evaluation and Assessment. Please inform Dr. Kim’s office in advance
Lectures and Hands-on Exercise Topics:
Review: Anatomy, Image, Pathophysiology, Dynamics of TMJ Movement
Review: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Modalities
Points of Examination, Testing, Evaluation and Assessment for Diagnosis
How to formulate a predictable Treatment Plan?
The Key Factors of Successful Splint Treatment
Trigeminal Nerve Response to Resultant Force Vector in Occlusion
What is the “1/100mm Discrepancy in Occlusion”?
What is the “Functionally Balanced TMJ”?
What is the “Homeostasis in Occlusion”?
The Role of CO/CR/VDO in TMJ Condyle Position
Biomechanical Functional Test, Muscle Palpation, Pain Neutralization Technique
Phase-II Case Finish- Preparation and Treatment Options
Course Time will be divided by 20% Lecture and 80% Hands-on Exercise
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Achieve a technique and skill to be able to treat over 90% of the clinical cases confidently
Evaluate, Diagnose, and Formulate a Treatment Plan
Fabricate and Deliver the Neuromuscular Splint
Adjust splint up to 1/100mm discrepancy in occlusion
Assess the Efficacy of Treatment Progress
Rehabilitate and Reestablish the TMJ into a Symptom-free Position
Relieve Pain, Improve Function, and Stabilize the Occlusion
Reach Maximum Medical Improvement within 2-4 months and get ready for Phase-II Case
 Follow-up Care and Long-term Care
This course is an approved 28 CE Course Credit from the Dental Board of California
Reference: www.tmjdsm.com * www.tmjandheadcahe.com * www.aacfp.org