North Korea Debate Prep Background: Ever since the “end” of the Korean War in 1953, North and South Korea have uneasily coexisted on either side of a tense and heavily fortified demilitarized zone. The US has kept a significant military presence in the area in both South Korea and Japan. Recently, North Korea has successfully tested nuclear weapons and has threatened both the US and her allies. In addition, North Korea has been charged with “crimes against humanity” for its treatment of its own citizens. Many groups around the world urge the US to take action against North Korea for both its internal and external behaviors. The Resolution: The United States should directly confront North Korea for the threat it poses to Asia and the US through military action. The Task: Using the text provided, the internet links, and other classroom materials, take notes that support both of the sides listed below. Day 1: Introduce topic and watch video in class HW: Have students take notes on video note sheet and record questions or ideas At the end of the video quickly discuss student questions and ideas Assign students to read articles: In Focus: North Korea’s Nuclear Threats How North Korea Became So Isolated Using the attached forms A summary of EACH article Analyze EACH article to highlight facts that would support the use of US military intervention AND facts that would show that force would be bad or that another way would be more effective in dealing with the problem Day 2: Computer lab time: Using the links on the assigned pages read and take notes on the information there that would support the use of US military intervention AND facts that would show that force would be bad or that another way would be more effective in dealing with the problem Homework: Taking all of the materials gathered in class and in analysis of articles, sort the information into the two following categories: Agree (Yes, the solution to NK requires military force) Disagree (no, the solution must be diplomatic, economic, or humanitarian) Day 3: Silent Debate in class – Homework: Complete reflection on performance and your written final position on the topic The Resolution: The United States should directly confront North Korea for the threat it poses to Asia and the US through military action. In the space provided below list as many ideas and supporting facts as possible to: Agree (Yes, the solution to NK requires military force) with the statement above. In the space provided below list as many ideas and supporting facts as possible to: Disagree (no, the solution must be diplomatic, economic, or humanitarian) Video National Geographic Inside North Korea Source: __________________________________________ Credibility: good History Present Situation fair Date: poor Questions or Comments In Focus: North Korea’s Nuclear Threats Source: __________________________________________ Credibility: good fair poor Date: How North Korea Became So Isolated Source: __________________________________________ Credibility: good fair poor Date: North Korea Holds Massive Rally Against UN Human Rights Resolution Source: __________________________________________ Credibility: good fair poor Date: Name________________________________________ Period __________ Silent Debate Self-Reflection Preparation A. How did you prepare for the debate (give examples)? Attach/staple notes to this handout as evidence. (5 points) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ B. Were your preparation methods helpful? Why or Why not? Explain. (5 points) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ C. How might you prepare differently for a future Silent Debate? (5 points) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ D. Having now studied this topic in depth, write a clear, well-argued final position on the topic. You must use at least two specific arguments to support your position and you must defend your position with specific evidence from your research ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Silent Debate (Judges Form) 1. As the debate takes place on the screen, make notes on the arguments posed on both sides. (Responses should address what the person said with either a contradictory statement or an acknowledgement of the point and a redirection of the debate (yes, but…) 2. When the debate is over, scroll through to make sure you did not miss anything. 3. Assign points for the best arguments or rebuttals 4. Total up the scores and make last comments: (What did each side do well? What would have made this debate better?) positive pt negative Topic #1 Topic #2 Topic #3 Last comments: (What did each side do well? What would have made this debate better?): pt Silent Debate Organizational Chart 1. Research in preparation for a 25 minute silent debate. Bring notes to class on assigned day. 2. Teacher Assigns Position- Take 5 minutes to pick your top 3-4 arguments for the side you have been assigned. Place them in the chart to help organize yourself for the silent debate. 3. Review and Highlight any information on the “other side” that you will anticipate coming up and think about how you would like to respond to it 4. Rebuttal – Any response should address what the person said with either a contradictory statement or an acknowledgement of the point and a redirection of the debate (yes, but…) (Anticipate possible arguments Topic Details to support your argument against this point) Argument #1 Argument #2 Argument #3 Silent Debate Rubric Performance Indicator Preparation Performance Indicator Participation Performance Indicator 4 Exemplary 10 Clear evidence of the following: Took notes prior to debate Brought notes to debate Made notations on prep sheet 4 Exemplary frequently contributes meaningfully to the discussion uses specific references to the materials builds on another's point explains ideas thoroughly explains ideas clearly makes direct references to points made by other student 4 Exemplary _______/30 3 Proficient 9-8 Good evidence of the following: Took notes prior to debate Brought notes to debate Made notations on prep sheet 3 Proficient 2 Developing 7-6 Little evidence of the following: Took notes prior to debate Brought notes to debate Made notations on prep sheet 2 Developing No evidence of preparation 1 Deficient occasionally contributes to the discussion refers to the text or film in general ways occasionally refers to another's point attempts to explain ideas may initiate a new idea rarely contributes to the discussion shows little evidence of knowledge regarding the research materials presents unexplained ideas makes tangential remarks no evidence of knowledge regarding the research materials speaks off topic makes personal criticisms of the ideas of others shows disrespect attempts to obstruct the debate process 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Deficient Reflects on preparation and participation. Reflection is superficial and/or lacks sincerity Reflection Thoroughly and thoughtfully reflects on preparation and participation. 1 Deficient 5 or less Does not complete selfreflection handout