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November 18, 2010
Help SCAG Improve Regional Open Space Data
SCAG is partnering with the non-profit organization GreenInfo Network ( to
improve open space data throughout the six-county region.
SCAG commissioned GreenInfo, who publishes the California Protected Areas Database (CPAD), to
help improve the available data. Once the updates are complete, a new version of CPAD will be
released and made available to all SCAG members.
Here’s where we need your help: SCAG is inviting all member agencies to review the CPAD data
using GreenInfo Network’s new tool, MapCollaborator.
MapCollaborator is a simple online mapping system that allows users to choose an agency, view an
agency’s holdings on a web map and use online tools to make notes, draw new parks or propose
realignments of existing data, edit current shapes and even upload your own GIS files to the map, to
assist with the regional data update.
To use the SCAG MapCollaborator application, go to
For questions or more information on MapCollaborator contact, Christine Fernandez at or (213) 236-1923
National Funding Assistance Program
On November 2, 2010, the EPA issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the National Funding
Assistance Program, with approximately $32 million in available funds nationwide. The published
RFP, with a closing date for receipt of proposals by Thursday, January 13, 2011, can be accessed at
Earlier this month, SCAG provided the guidelines for this grant to member cities to consider either
applying individually or coordinating with SCAG on a potential regional proposal. If a jurisdiction
wishes to partner with other jurisdictions in the SCAG region on this funding opportunity, they
should contact Rosanna Bayon Moore at SCAG at 213-236-1967 by Friday, November 19, 2010.
SCAG will coordinate with member cities wishing to participate in a regional proposal for this $32
million nationwide EPA funding.
Partnership for Sustainable Communities Awards
Grants to Build Infrastructure Nationwide
Partnership for Sustainable Communities - which consists of the U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) – has been releasing local grants to support sustainable living nationwide.
The combined sum of the agencies’ grants is $409.5 million.
Over the past year, HUD, DOT, and EPA have worked together to promote better outcomes for
communities and more effective federal investments through better targeted federal resources,
removal of existing federal regulatory and policy barriers to smart and sustainable development, as
well as aligned agency priorities that will ensure lasting collaboration. In the coming weeks, the EPA
Administrator and HUD, and DOT secretaries will travel across the country to announce local
grants. For more information on the grants visit the HUD.GOV - U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development webpage.
California Sustainability Alliance Seeks Award
The California Sustainability Alliance is currently accepting nominations for its 2010 Sustainability
Showcase Awards. This is an opportunity to showcase your jurisdiction and its accomplishments
and inspire other California communities, local governments and public agencies to achieve their
sustainability goals.
The Alliance recognizes leaders in four areas:
commercial buildings
local government
multifamily housing
water agencies
Deadline for submitting applications is December 1, 2010.
For more information about the Showcase Awards visit
If you have questions about the California Sustainability Alliance or the Sustainability Showcase
Awards, contact
Living Cities Working Group Launches $150
Million Sustainable Communities Effort
Living Cities, a consortium of major foundations and financial institutions, has announced that it’s
‘Investors for Sustainable Communities’ working group will coordinate up to $150 million in
investments to build stronger communities grounded in more resilient regional economies.
Since 2008, Investors for Sustainable Communities participants — including Morgan Stanley and
the Ford, Surdna, Rockefeller, and McKnight foundations — invested more than $100 million in
Transit-Oriented Development.
Over the next three years, participants will coordinate their investments, aligning them as
appropriate with federal grant programs, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development's Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Program, and invite other groups to invest
alongside them. The effort will benefit from the participation of national nonprofits such as the
Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities and Reconnecting America, which
works to integrate public transportation into communities. For more information, visit
California Healthy Cities and Communities Annual
The California Healthy Cities and Communities Annual Conference will take place April 21, 2011 at
The California Endowment’s Center for Healthy Communities in Los Angeles, CA. The theme of this
year’s conference is, Taking Action - Communities moving forward, engaging residents, and
building a healthy future! If you have an idea for a session presentation, you can fill out a
submission to be considered for inclusion in the conference program. For more information and to
download the submission form, visit
25th-26th Thanksgiving Holiday ObservedSCAG Offices Closed
30th National League of Cities 2010
Congress of Cities and Exposition
2nd Economic Summit: Southern California's
Road to Economic Recovery
24th Christmas Holiday Observed - SCAG
Offices Closed
31st New Year's Day Holiday Observed SCAG Offices Closed
SCAG Main Office
818 West Seventh Street, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 236-1800 | Fax: (213) 236-1961
County Regional Offices
Imperial | Orange | Riverside | San Bernardino | Ventura
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