Secretary Report_November 2014 - Granton & District Community

Granton & District Community Council
Secretary’ Report – November 2014
Apologies Received by Secretary: Kevin Ross (Granton YC), Mark Lazarawicz MP, Malcolm
Chisholm MSP,
Community Engagement/Partner Involvement
Self-Assessment Questionnaire requested by Council on how the Community Council
engages with the community. This has been completed. One area that requires further
development by the community council is how to get a broader mix of individuals and groups
actively involved in the community council. Our current engagement plan is part of this process –
see Items 1.3
1.3(a) Budget Consultation Event
At the last meeting I was tasked with arranging an event that did two specific things:
1. Raise awareness of the budget cuts proposed and the impact on our community
2. Raised our profile
To this end we have arranged a ‘drop in’ all day event at Royston & Wardieburn Community
Centre on Tuesday 9 December – from 10 – 7. In discussions with the Centre – this is one of the
busiest days that they have – so many people will be passing.
1.3(b) To publicise this event – we have produced 2000 leaflets to undertake a targeted leaflet
drop across our area. We have also produced posters. The web site and our e mail distribution list
and other partners will also be asked to promote this event.
A press release will be issued tonight announcing this major consultation event.
1.3(c) The North office is to provide a display board for our use. We will provide opportunities for
people to say what they think about key proposals via ‘voting’ using ‘stickers’ – these will be handed
out by the volunteers on the day who will be on hand. There will also be the opportunity to write
comments. These will all be collated and passed to the council.
Social Media Update – Website goes from strength to strength. This month we have
managed to increase the views on the site to over 500. Highest total since we launched.
In early November we launched a Twitter account – we have 46 followers so far – which is a decent
Twitter - @GrantonDistCC
Advert in Spartans FC Programme – Officers agreed that we would put an advert in the
Spartans FC programme for the rest of the season. Hope to have first one for the Morton match this
20mph – Consultation – Lower Granton Road
In September we agreed to support the 20mph campaign and in particular the problems
around Lower Granton Road. We provided a submission to the council about this. We have been
invited to a meeting on Tuesday 25th at the council offices along with Trinity CC to discuss our
concerns. I have accepted this invitation and also suggested that a representative from the local
residents attends – which was agreed by the council and someone will be in attendance.
On a related development – I found out via a resident on Lower Granton Road about a
meeting that had been arranged by the council directly with residents in the Lower Granton Road
area. I found out about this on 16th November – with the meeting due to take place on the 18th.
Subsequently Fred Marinello, David Millar and myself attended the event on behalf of the
community council. This event asked those present to identify issues of concern and possible
solutions (including 20 mph). The council will be contacting us in the future with possible solutions –
though it was clearly recognised that there are wider transport issues in the north Edinburgh area –
and perhaps a more thorough review is needed – particularly in light of the continuing development
of the Granton Waterfront area.
I wrote to Councillor Day regarding the lack of consultation with either Granton CC or Trinity
regarding this event. (I advised Trinity CC of the event). We did receive an apology and Councillor
Day stated he would be happy to meet with representatives of the community council to endeavour
to find ways to ensure that this does not occur again.
Granton Harbour Heat Pumps: City of Edinburgh Council’s Economic Development.
We have been advised that the above were unsuccessful in their bid to establish a local low
carbon/renewable energy project at Granton Harbour.
Edinburgh Community Mediation Service
Letter reminding us of their service. More details on
Worth noting that the council currently use this service. One of the options in the budget
consultation is to take the mediation service ‘in house’.
Granton Waterfront Development
EDI – ‘Walled Garden’
At last month’s meeting we were provided with information from the ‘Friends of Granton
Castle Garden’. I received other communications from them and subsequently wrote to EDI about
the lack of communication and consultation with this community council – as it was clear that EDI
had meetings with the ‘Friends’ group and ‘Granton Improvement Society’ but as a statutory
consultee this community council had not been involved in any discussions. I received a letter from
Eric Adair, Operations & Finance Director, The EDI Group Limited who stated he and Mark Harris
would be happy to engage with us. We have confirmation that they will be at the meeting
scheduled for the 24th November.
Granton Harbour Development – Event planned for 3 December (to be confirmed)
Following on from the Regeneration Conference at Edinburgh College on the 27 September
2014, many of the community representatives in attendance expressed a desire to engage more
with those carrying out regeneration in Forth. Granton Central Development who acquired Forth
Ports’ holdings in Granton Harbour have met with the Programme Manager of North Edinburgh
office and proposed to hold a drop-in event for the community ahead of submitting a planning
application for a revised masterplan for the Granton Harbour area. Their intention is to submit this
early next year.
Granton Youth Centre has been provisionally booked from 3-7pm on the 3 December. I have asked
that the time scale is longer to allow for those unable to attend in the evening to go along. Await
confirmation of event and timings. We will publicise when confirmed.
Road Adoption in areas of Waterfront
I received correspondence from Harbour Green Residents Association in response to a letter
I sent them suggesting I attend one of their meetings. In reply they suggested that due to level of
business that they have to get through this may be a challenge. I was asked to investigate road
adoption in the area – which again seems to be problematic. I wrote to the council and received a
reply from Professional Officer – Transport. Apparently negotiations are ongoing with the current
owners and their agents with clarification pending on road adoption.
Neighbourhood Partnership
Local Community Plan Priorities – Improve the way we engage with and support our
communities sub-committee meeting
We attended a meeting on 4 November – the auspices of which was not initially clear but
apparently falls within the context of the Local Community Plan priorities for 2014-17. There are
four priorities:
 Increase Opportunities for all to live healthy lifestyles
 Improve employment opportunities – with a particular focus on young people
 Positively engage and support young people
 Improve the way we engage with and support our communities
This meeting was to consider initially from a community council perspective what could be done
better by the FP ‘office’ in relation to communications. The discussion focussed on two main areas:
(a) How can the Neighbourhood Partnership improve how it communicates with communities?
b) How can the NP help improve the capacity of Community Councils and other
voluntary/community groups to communicate with the public and engage with Partnership activity?
This community council have discussed at length and even met in the summer with Mr Turley (past
head of Communities and Neighbourhoods) about concerns that we had regarding communications
not just from the north local office but also that there appears to be communication gaps internally
– that impacts on outward facing communications. We await developments and hopefully clear
Forth Partnership Meeting – 26th November
Papers have been circulated for this meeting and will cover:
Neighbourhood Environment Programme update
Local Community Plan Priorities
Regeneration in Forth – Progress Report – includes #
Total Craigroyston Report
North – Contact in the Capital (see Item 7)
North Edinburgh News
To note that the next paper edition is due out early December. There will be one more paper
edition before the pilot ends around end of February 2015. This will be followed by an evaluation of
the project with a report going forward to the Communities and Neighbourhood Committee.
The new NEN website – which is a vital element of the ‘Contact in the Capital’ pilot is due to go live
in the near future.
Community Council Governance
To remind both elected councillors and nominated groups on constitution in relation to
Disqualification of Membership
“Disqualification of membership is automatic under the following circumstances:
Relocation which renders invalid the residency qualification for membership.
Failure to attend any community council meeting, with or without submitting apologies,
throughout a period of 6 months.
If absence is due to ill health or any other reasonable circumstance e.g. planned holidays, work shift
patterns etc., an approved leave of absence not exceeding 6 months for community council
members may be approved at the discretion of the community council.
Registered interest groups shall ensure that their nominated representatives conform to the
attendance clause above and must remain voluntary, active members of the group”
Crewe Road North – it appears that what is planned for this area is a ‘build out’ rather than
a crossing as such. This is disappointing. I have received confirmation that there have been
objections and the Transport Officers will be resubmitting the proposal to the Transport and
Environment Committee in January 2015.
Madelvic House- 14/00813/FUL | Erection of 232 residential units including associated
roads, parking and open space. Development comprising 4, 5 and 6 storey flatted blocks, 2 and 3
storey terraced houses and colony style flats. Partial demolition of B listed factory building and
conversion into residential units. | Former Production Block Madelvic House Granton Park Avenue
Edinburgh. I have sought confirmation about this – again due to rumours. I received a reply that
was what would be called a ‘holding’ reply – in that it did not confirm or otherwise.
10.1 Last meeting of the Licensing Forum took place on 13 November. Elizabeth Richardson and
Jamie Pearce (Edinburgh University) spoke about the links between availability and alcohol-related
harm in Scotland. There was a paper from Economic Development for discussion. Await minutes for
Survey on Youth and Crime
The Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice is an independent national centre, funded by the Scottish
Government and hosted by the University of Strathclyde.
Each year they engage with key stakeholders (the youth justice workforce, young people involved in
offending and communities). This exercise helps them understand their stakeholders better, and
helps set priorities and work plan for the next financial year. As part of this exercise they would like
to hear from community councils across Scotland about the issues that are important.
They have created a short online survey (10 questions) that can be accessed via a link and would like
one response from each community council.
The deadline for completing this survey is Friday 19th December 2014. The information that is
provided will remain anonymous.
Crime Prevention Leaflets
Received electronic versions of crime prevention leaflets – these will be posted on the web site and
situated within the CC noticeboards.
Dave Macnab
Appendix 1 – Summary of Decisions
Budget Consultation
Spartans Advert
20mph – Consultation – Lower
Granton Road
Granton Harbour Heat Pumps:
City of Edinburgh Council’s
Economic Development.
Neighbourhood Partnership
CC Governance
All councillors to attend event
if possible at some time on 9
December – Secretary to
draw up rota
Agree geographical spread for
leaflet drop
Crime survey
Crime leaflets
Meeting with CC no longer
Guest Speaker November
Next edition
Secretary to write as
Ongoing items
Complete questionnaire
Highlight on web site
To Note