Chapter 5: Female Reproductive Strategies in Non-Human Species 1. R vs K Reproductive Strategies a. Courtship and epigamic selection i. Considering the fact that female mammals make a minimum possible investment in their offspring, she needs to choose her mate wisely. ii. Most animals engage in courtship rituals, with the male trying to sell himself and the female acting as a choosy “shopper.” iii. the process where she picks and chooses the best mate for herself, she is controlling the process of sexual dimorphism. b. Organisms have two different reproductive options: either have a great number of offspring, but provide minimum to no parental care nor investment or have few offspring, but provide a great amount of parental care and investment. c. The higher the number of offspring and the lower the parental investment, the higher the offspring mortality. On the other hand, due to increased parental care, the offspring survive longer. d. R: multiple offspring, limited parental investment, high mortality e. K: limited offspring, great parental investment, low mortality f. humans: ultimate k strategist. Commit up to 18 years of efforts to raise their offspring 2. Evolution leading to K-Strategists a. At first, there were only r-strategists with asexual cloners, that provided no parental care. b. They became sexual reproducer r-strategists. c. After, reptiles evolved on land and began laying eggs that evolved to have hard shells to avoid being dried up. d. The hard exterior of these eggs prevented sperm penetration, so fertilization had to be done internally, which ultimately limited the number of offspring. e. Internal fertilization led to internal gestation and live births, which also limited the number of offspring. f. Finally, these social mammals developed skills and intelligence that they passed on to each offspring. 3. Female Choosiness a. When females have a choice in her mate, it is because in that particular species the males are not aggressive, do not force the female into a relationship and show secondary sexual characteristics-things that stand out to the female such as colors, decorative behavior and courtship displays. b. A female must choose a mate, even when the characteristics are not present in one occasion. She must use her cognitive skills to remember 4. the characteristics she had seen in that particular male. c. Females must be selective for choosing her mates for multiple reasons: i. increase her reproductive success ii. the likelihood of her offspring survival and access to resources. Picking the right mate means ultimate access to resources, that could potentially help her offspring survive as wella s increase her reproductive success, which has proven to be favored in natural selection. d. It is important to note that the consequences that a male suffers from bad mating is no where near what a female experiences. The male invests a short time during copulation and provides the sperm, he does not spend the time to nurture and raise offspring. More So, he could move on to additional available mating possibilities, leaving the female with the offspring. Female Problems: Assessing Health, Genes and Behavior a. Solution: Looking for Good Genes i. Females have evolved to be attracted to good genes. Signs of genetic fitness in males reflects their ability to survive and reproduce, things that a female values greatly. Signs of good genes include obvious physical cues and behavior. Females rely on characteristics they can see, such as strength, age, health and agility. Behavior cues would be portrayed with a larger, older healthy male who defends his territory. This male will be more attractive to the female compared to a smaller male who cannot prove himself. b. Solution: Looking for Signs of Good Health i. Females are more susceptible to signs that indicate good health. If a male is sick, a female would not consider him to be a good suitor. Health is an important factor to a female because in order to reproduce and take care of her offspring, she must live a long time to do so. Thus, to be certain that her offspring would be as healthy as possible, she needs a healthy mate that could potentially ensure that the offspring would get those qualities. Observable factors in males are great indicators of health, because these cannot be faked, this can be called “honest advertising”. For a male to grow and have a high level of attractiveness, he must acquire resources. A male that fails to do so, is showing females that he does not have resources to allocate. 5. 6. 7. c. Solution: Looking for Good Behavior i. Females use behavioral signs to further evaluate his gene quality. These behavior signals are reflections of a male’s competence. Birds that are not healthy are not going to be able to show good behavior, therefore they are not wanted by females. d. Solution: Getting Males to Compete (and Choosing the Winner) i. Females are able to choose the best mate with the best quality by creating competition among the males and then deciding the winner. It is presumed that the healthier male would be the one to win and therefore the female would be able to choose a healthy mate. Thereby, by choosing the winner, with the healthier genes, she is maximizing the chances that her offspring will be protected, have resources and even inherit some of her mate’s great qualities. e. Solution: Finding High Status Males Attractive i. Ultimately, females aim to mate with high-status males. High status differs per species and can range from dominance, ornamentation, size, territory size, health etc… A male that has survived the rigors of life will likely be more attractive to the female. It is possible that a female mates with a lower-status mate, but that is often during times where she is not fertile, rather she reserves those fertile times to mates with high status to ensure her reproductive success f. Solution: .Looking for Males that Other Females Find Attractive i. Many females look to mate with males that are also wanted by other females. This means that he has desirable traits that are obvious to many and mating would him would be the best decision. Females believe that it the traits that male has can be passed on to her offspring then future females would be attracted to her sons and she would end up with many grandchildren. This is also known as the “sexy-son hypothesis.” g. Solution: Avoid Incestusous Matings Problem: Attracting Best Possible Mate Problem: Divert Male Aggression a. harassment can lead to stress b. Solution: reduce aggressive signals with vulnerability c. Solution: invest in offspring I Securing Male Investment in Offspring a. Solution: Find resource-rich males attractive i. willingness to give resources reflects his ability to parent b. Solution: Find good father behavior attractive i. behavior reflects whether they would be good fathers 8. 9. c. Solution: Enforce Long courtship before copulation i. test commitment d. Solution: Solicit gifts i. willingness to give out resources is a good sign that he will provide for offspring in the future e. Sneaky Solutions: Cuckoldry f. Sneaky Solutions: Confusing Paternity g. Sneak Solutions: Competing with Other Females i. sexual ii. direct harassment iii. social status Problem: Choosing Best Time for Pregnancy h. Solution: Do not get pregnant during hard times i. Solution: Space Pregnancies Problem: Investing in Offspring a. Solution: Weaning b. Solution: Allocating resources among offspring i. offspring with greater potential=given more resources