Bio248 Syllabus 2012 Bio248S - From Genes to Genomes Instructor: Office: Tel: Email: Text: Jinnie M. Garrett SC 2083 x 4716 Lectures: MWF 10:00 -10:50am, SCCT 2048 Lab: W 1:00 -3:50pm, SCCT 2091 Office hrs: Sun 7:00-8.00pm, R 10:30-11:30am. Help sessions: Some Sundays 7pm SCCT 2048 Genetics: From Genes to Genomes. 4th Ed. Hartwell et al, McGraw-Hill 2011 Lecture Outline Week Date Day Lecture Topic Chapter(s) 1 1/16 1/18 1/20 M W F Course introduction MLK Day Human genetics: history - eugenics Mechanisms of inheritance 1,2,3 ** 2 2 1/23 1/25 1/26 M W F Basic principles: linkage, recombination, mapping Basic principles: 3-point crosses Genetic mapping, recent examples 4, 5 5 5 3 1/30 2/1 2/3 M W F DNA & chromosome structure DNA & chromosome replication Recombination – homologous & specialized 6, 12 6, 12 6 4 2/6* 2/8 2/10 M W F Mutations – chromosome level. Mutation – classification and causes DNA repair 14 7 7 5 2/13 2/15 2/17 M W F Gene complementation analysis TBA Newborn genetic screening PKU 7 ** 6 2/20* M 2/22 W 2/24 F Problems and help session for Exam 1 Gene expression: mRNA synthesis Gene expression: protein synthesis ** 8 8 7 2/27 2/29 3/2 Recombinant DNA Molecular determination of genotype GM plants & animals 9 9 9 M W F 1 Bio248 Syllabus 2012 Week Date Day Lecture Topic Chapter(s) 8 3/5 3/7 3/9 M W F 10 10 ** 9 3/26 3/28 3/30 M W F Genomics – genetic & physical maps Global analysis of gene products DNA & the Law SPRING BREAK DNA variation & its detection Genomics – positional cloning Cont, problems 10 4/2* 4/4 4/6 M W F Haplotypes: molecular population studies TBA Genetic analysis in prokaryotes 21 11 4/9 4/11 4/13 M W F Genetic regulation in prokaryotes Cont. Gene regulation in eukaryotes: transcription 17 17 18 12 4/16 4/18 M W 18 18 4/20 F Gene regulation in eukaryotes: post- transcription Epigenetics; ‘Ghost in our Genes’ 7.30pm Required seminar – Dr. Dorothy Roberts DTC testing ** 13 4/23 4/25 4/27 M W F Cell cycle & cancer genetics Genetic counseling Genetics of development 19 ** 20 14 4/30 5/2 5/4 5/7 M W F M Genetics of development Gene therapy & cloning GMHs: Our posthuman future FINAL EXAM 7pm 20 ** ** NOTE 11 11 11 15 Required seminar 7:30pm KJ Aud. 4/18/2012 Dr Dorothy Roberts Northwestern University “TBA” Choice Seminars 4:10pm SCCT3024 2/6/12 Dr Engda Hagos, Colgate University. "Genetic Instability in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts" 2/20/12 Valerie Valant ’09, Mass. General Hospital. “An Introduction to Medical Genetics: Using a comparative approach to differentiate Alzheimer's Disease from Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy” 4/2/12 Dr Eddy Rubin, Joint Genome Institute. “"Dark matter of the human genome and bit of the Neanderthal genome"” 2 Bio248 Syllabus 2012 Laboratory Outline Week Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1/18 1/25 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 2/29 3/7 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18 4/25 5/2 Laboratory Assignment Intro to lab/ safety/ methods Techniques in bacterial genetics Mutagenesis – Ames test 1 – known mutagens Mutagenesis – Ames test 2 – test unknowns DNA- The Genetic Material EXAM I PCR/clone libraries Plasmid preps/ digests – Pandora’s Box Bioinformatics EXAM II Gene Expression – The lac operon Gene Expression – nitrogen catabolite repression Lab test Model mutant presentations Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4 Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6 Summary Evaluation 3 exams @ 100pts each 300 8 Problem sets (5pts) & class participation 60 Seminar summaries (2 @10pts) 20 1 required (Dorothy Roberts, 4/18) + 1 choice Model mutant presentation & paper 20 Lab worksheets (unequal value) 75 Lab test 25 Total pts 500 Exams: will be primarily problem-based and require interpretation and analysis of data rather than memorization of a particular set of facts. In class exams will be taken during the lab period and will be open book, you may bring your textbook and class notes. Problem sets: covering the week’s subject matter will be assigned on Monday and should be handed in during the following Monday’s class for full credit. Seminar summaries: You are required to attend the seminar on 4/18 and 1 other of the three seminars listed on the previous page. In both cases you should write a 1 page summary of the information presented, concluding with one question that you could have asked the speaker. Model mutant presentations: Working in groups of four, you will be required to select a recent paper discussing a topic covered in the first half of the semester in which one of the ‘model organisms’ (yeast, Arabadopsis, C.elegans, Drosophila, mouse) is used as the 3 Bio248 Syllabus 2012 experimental organism. You should prepare an overview of the research to present to the class during lab as an 8-10min oral presentation and also hand in a 2 page summary of your paper. Lab Worksheets: You will be given a copy of the worksheet in lab to record observations and measurements. There will be an electronic copy on BlackBoard and you should transfer your data and fill in the interpretation of the results on a clean worksheet, print it & hand it in. Do NOT hand in the scruffy hand written notes from lab – I will not give them a grade. Lab work is often done in groups and your data should be identical to your partner, however, the data interpretation and all calculations should be done independently so your lab worksheets should not be identical! Course participation: You are allowed 2 unexplained class absences. You will be deducted 10pts per class missed over the 2 permitted. Students who are members of winter athletic teams should notify me in writing of required class or lab absences for athletic events by the end of week 1 (1/20/12). Spring athletic team members should notify me in writing of required class or lab absences for athletic events by the end of week 6 (2/24/2012). Students with disabilities: Hamilton College will make reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented disabilities. If you are eligible to receive an accommodation(s) and would like to make a formal request for this course, please discuss it with me during the first two weeks of class. You will need to provide Allen Harrison, Associate Dean of Students (Elihu Root House; ext. 4021) with appropriate documentation of your disability. 4