syndrome anesthesia

Dr. Ali Amoushahi, MD, Anesthesiologist
Birth Date: 1971
Birth Place: Isfahan, IRAN
Medical Physician: 1997
Anesthesiology: 2000
1- Neonate phototherapy with open eye, an innovation method. Nimrouze , the journal of Medical
science university of Zahedan .
2- Comparison anesthesia duration in spinal anesthesia with and without pethidine addition to
3- Priority of spinal analgesia with 125 microgram fentanyl to epidural anesthesia with 0.125%
bupivacain in painless labor.
4- A case report of cauda equine syndrome after spinal anesthesia with 3.5 ml marcaine 0.5%.
Anesthesiology journal, Iran, 2008
5- A Randomized, Prospective Comparison of End-tidal CO2 Pressure during Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in Low and High Flow Anesthetic System: Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica. 2003.
6- A comparative study of morphine and pentazocine for postcesarean patients controlled analgesia:
neurobehavioral outcomes among nursing neonates. Accepted at pain congress2009 USA
7- A comparative study of epinephrine and dopamine effects on the blood pressure during pump-off
in cardiac surgery. Research in medical sciences. Isfahan. 2000.
8- Epidural analgesia efficacy and side effects on length of labor and neonatal outcome. Iranian
Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Mashad. 2003.
1- Total inhalation sedation with N2O for phaco surgery in cataract, an innovation method. 1st
Iranian ophthalmologic anesthesia, Tehran, 2008.
2- The evaluation of prioprative re-infarction in elderly patient in femore surgery under spinal
anesthesia. 1st Iranian cardia anesthesiology, Shiraz, 2008.
3- Mortality rate and major complications of ultra rapid opiates detoxification (UROD). 10 Iranian
congress of anesthesiology, Tabriz, 2008.
4- Pain less labor, the regional analgesia methods. 9 Iranian Congress of anesthesiology. Mashhad,
5- A case report of traumatized difficult intubation. 6 Iranian Congress of anesthesiology, Isfahan,
6- Priority of spinal analgesia with 125 microgram fentanyl to epidural anesthesia with 0.125%
bupivacain in painless labor. Accepted at pain congress 2009 USA (WIP2009).
7- A case report of Cauda Equina syndrome after spinal anesthesia with 3.5 ml marcaine 0.5%.
Accepted on ESRA congress 2008, Italy-Genoa.
8- The evaluation of pain fearing on the pregnant women and selection of the elective cesarean in
Iran. 8th annual meeting of the pain. Tehran. 2008.
Pain less labor. Drug and Non-drug methods.
Under anesthesia opiates detoxification.
National guide line for mother friend-sheep hospitals in Iran. Authors group.
Mothers must be known “Pain Delivery Reduction”. Zahra Khashavi, Ali Amoushahi.
Theses Supervision
1- The maternal and neonatal effects of Entonox during labor analgesia.
2- The study of epidural analgesia on the fetal heart rate, newborn Apgar score and
neurobehavioral index.
3- Evaluation of epidural analgesia on maternal hemodynamic factors, duration of stage 2 of labor
and labor out-come during delivery pain relief.
4- Comparison anesthesia duration in spinal anesthesia with and without pethidine addition to
5- A Randomized, Prospective Comparison of End-tidal CO2 Pressure during Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in Low and High Flow Anesthetic System: Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica. 2003.
1- Total Inhalation Sedation in Phaco surgery for cataract.
2- Spinal analgesia with intrathecal 125 microgram fentanyl, an alternative method for epidural
anesthesia with bupivacaine in labor pain relief.
3- Automatic pneumatic chest compressor and lung ventilator device for cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).