yooper classic cattle show regulations

1. Eligibility of Exhibitors and Entries:
Open to all youth ages 7 to 21 as of January 1, 2015. All cattle are to be solely owned and shown
by the exhibitor making the entry. All exhibitors and parent/guardian must sign the entry form for entry to be accepted. Signing
entry indicates that exhibitors understand and agree to abide by all rules and consequences.
2. Entries and Entry Fees:
There is a $50.00 entry fee for each animal entered on or before May 18, 2015. Entry Fees are nonrefundable and must be postmarked (no postage meters) on or before May 18, 2015. A $30.00 fee will be charged for all returned
checks. Any envelopes postmarked after May 15, 2015 will be mailed back to the exhibitor.
* Late entries for steers and heifers will only be accepted on site with an additional late fee of $10 per head. Do not mail late
3. Registration Papers:
Registration applications or photocopies WILL NOT be accepted. NO FAXES WILL BE ACCEPTED. ONLY ORIGINAL
REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Tattoo information provided on registration paper MUST match the tattoo in the
animal’s ear. All animals not matching the registration paper have the opportunity to show in the commercial heifer class or
crossbred steer class. Animals will not be allowed to return to stalling area and be rechecked for appropriate identification after
entering a check in chute.
4. Check-In:
Check-in of all cattle will from 3pm to 6pm on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Exhibitor packets will be distributed from the
check in table. All registered cattle will have tattoos checked with registration papers during this time in designated check in chute
by designated show personnel.
Weighing procedure will be as follows:
-There will be no official weigh in
-Market animals will be shown by declared weight
-Declared weight cards must be turn into registration table by 10 p.m. Saturday night.
-Once weight cards are turned in there will be no changing of weight
-1st, 2nd and 3rd place animals in each class will be re-weighed immediately following the class.
-A 5% variance will be allowed from declared weight
-Animals exceeding the 5% variance will be disqualified from show and all other animals will move up one place. Should an animal
weigh outside the guidelines set forth, the animal will be removed from scale, and scale will be balanced and the animal will be
immediately re-weighed. There is a maximum allowance of two times across the scale immediately following the class. This weight
will be the official and final weight.
-All animals will also be re-weighed prior to the overall Championship Drive. There is a maximum allowance of two times across the
scale if the 5% variance is not met.
5. Awards:
Awards will be given to Champion and Reserve breed divisions and Champion and Reserve crossbred divisions and overall
champions. The top 5 steers and top 5 heifers will be selected from the Champion and Reserve Champion in each division.
Committee reserves the right to combines classes with five or fewer entries.
6. Showmanship:
All exhibitors are welcome to participate in Showmanship. Showmanship will be conducted on Sunday morning at
9:00 AM. Showmanship will be a jackpot of $5.00. Sign-up will be available until 6:00 PM on Saturday, February 28, 2015. $5.00 will
be due at sign-up. Showmanship classes will be divided by age determined as of January 1, 2015: Junior 7-11, Intermediate 12-15,
and Senior 16-21. Exhibitor must show their own animal.
7. Showmanship Clinic: There will be a hands-on fitting and showing clinic on Saturday, June 6 from 9:00 until noon. Cost is $50 per
participant. All exhibitors are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to register and attend. Cost of this clinic includes lunch and a “Yooper Classic
Cow Camp” t-shirt. All exhibitors registered for the clinic will be sent a packet with event details, as well as an equipment list. Clinic
participant’s steer/heifer must be washed and blown dry prior to 9:00 am. Clinic Participants do NOT have to enter the market show.
7. Stalling of Animals:
Open stalling will be available; exhibitor wishing to show directly from their trailers are welcome to do so.
Exhibitors are expected to show good sportsmanship and keep their stall/ trailer area picked clean throughout this event.
8. Control: Animals must be under control of the exhibitor at all times.
Removal of an animal deemed dangerous will be at the sole
discretion of the show committee. If an animal gets loose three times in the show ring and/or makeup area, the exhibitor and
animal will be excused from the ring/make up area.
9. Facility Rules: Butt fans will not be allowed behind the cattle or in the aisles unless suspended overhead.
A maximum of one fan per
three head of cattle allowed.
Dogs are not permitted in the facility at any time during this event, except service animals.
Smoking on the grounds is strictly prohibited.
10. Responsibility:
The Yooper Classic Cattle Show committee and the Kinross Fairgrounds are not responsible for any losses by theft,
sickness, death, injury, crippling, bruises or condemnation.
All exhibitors as well as their parent/guardian must sign the entry form regardless of exhibitor’s age. Signing this entry indicates
that the rules and information provided in this packet have been read and that the exhibitor and parent/guardian will abide by the
rules and understands the consequences.
12. Photography Release:
All pictures or videos captured by official Premier Showdown photographers may be used by Premier
Showdown for promotional or other consideration. Signing the entry form constitutes a full release to Premier Showdown of official
pictures or videos of you or your animal’s likeness.
13. Market Heifers may also be shown in the breeding show. Separate entry fees must be paid for each category.
14. Generators:
Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to bring generators and extension cords, as this event is held at the fairgrounds,
and power in the barns is limited.
Health Requirements
- All cattle must be dehorned if horn length is greater than two inches.
- Cattle infected with a communicable disease may not be brought to the show. To meet the health standards required to show,
animals need to be free of illness including, but not limited to:
*Clinical signs of respiratory disease (watery eyes, nasal discharge, elevated temperature, excessive slobbering)
*Active ringworm and/or warts
*Identifiable external parasites
-Evidence of surgical, conformation, or any other unethical alterations will result in the animal and exhibitor being disqualified from
- Castration procedure must be completely healed showing no sign of swelling, discharge or decay.
- Animals not meeting these standards are to be removed from the facility immediately upon notification to the exhibitor and/or
- All cattle participating in the 2015 Yooper Classic Cattle Show must be tagged with official electronic identification (RFID) tag
approved by the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
- TB Requirements: Please refer to the 2015 Health Requirements for Livestock Exhibited in Michigan at www.michigan.gov/mdaexhibitinfo.
Angus Heifer & Steer: Purebred- Angus Registration Papers
Chi Heifer & Steer: Chi Registration Papers
Hereford Heifer & Steer: Purebred- Hereford Registration Papers
Maine Heifer: 75%- Maine Registration Papers (Brown)
Maine Steer: 25%- Maine Registration Papers
Maintainer Heifer: 25%- Maintainer Registration Papers (Green)
Shorthorn Heifer & Steer: 15/16- Shorthorn Registration Papers
Shorthorn Plus Heifer & Steer: 50%- Shorthorn Plus Registration Papers
Purebred Simmental Heifer: 7/8- Simmental Registration Papers
Percentage Simmental Heifer: 50% -Simmental Registration Papers
Simmental Steer: 50%- Simmental Registration Papers
AOB- Any animal that doesn’t meet above requirements but possesses a valid Breed Registration Paper.
Registration requirements:
All steers entered in a specific breed must be registered solely in the name of the youth exhibitor with their
respective national breed association. Registration certificates or appropriate performance pedigrees must be presented at check-in
time. All breed steers must be tattooed and tattoos must correspond to registration papers. All steers entered in a breed division
will abide by the guidelines for registry by the respective national breed association. Shorthorn Plus division includes all “appendix”
registered shorthorns with 50% or greater Shorthorn as well as registered Durham Red. Steers that are not registered will be shown
in the Crossbred division.
Order of Show*
Jackpot Showmanship show will start at 9:00 SHARP on Sunday, June 7, 2015.
Senior Showmanship (Ages 16-21)
Intermediate Showmanship (Ages 12-15)
Junior Showmanship (Ages 7-11)
A single Jackpot Showmanship/ Overall winner will be chosen from the Grand and Reserve winners from each age division.
Breeding Heifer Show will directly follow showmanship.
Show Order: AOB, Angus, Chi, Hereford, Maine, Maintainer, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Percentage Simmental, Purebred
Simmental, and Commercial Heifers.
Heifers will be shown by breed and then youngest to oldest except commercial heifers, which will show by weight.
Eligibility: Heifers born from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014 are eligible to show.
Registration requirements: All heifers entered in a specific breed must be registered solely in the name of the youth exhibitor with
their respective national breed association. Registration certificates must be presented at check-in time. All breeding heifers must
be tattooed and tattoos must correspond to registration papers. All heifers will abide by the guidelines for registry as established by
the respective national breed association. Registered, low percentage heifers that are dual registered can show with only one breed
and must be entered as such. Shorthorn Plus division includes all “appendix” registered shorthorns with 50% or greater Shorthorn
as well as registered Durham Red.
Commercial Heifers: Breeding heifers that are not registered will be shown by weight in the Commercial division.
Bred & Owned Heifer Show will run concurrently with the breeding heifer show. Eligibility: Any heifer that is bred and owned
by the exhibitor may participate in this show. Only registered heifers are eligible, no commercial heifers. Heifers MUST be bred and
owned by the exhibitor. The show will run simultaneously with the regular heifer show. After each breed champion selection and
overall champion selections, a bred and owned will be selected if the champion or reserve do not qualify. No extra entry fee is
necessary, just check the box on the entry form if your heifer is bred and owned.
Market Prospect Show will directly follow Breeding Heifer Show.
Show Order: Crossbred, AOB, Angus, Chi, Hereford, Maine, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Simmental, market heifers.
Cattle will be shown by breed and then by weight.
Market heifers: Market heifers will be shown by weight. Market heifers may also be shown in breeding classes, but must pay entry
fee for both market prospect show and breeding heifer show.
*Any breed with less than 3 entries will be shown in AOB.
Yooper Classic Cattle Show Schedule
Friday, June 5, 2015
Fairgrounds open at 4:00 for camping and registration. There will be a designated area for participants to receive their welcome
packet, which will include camping location, stall assignments, and additional directions.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
9:00am-12:00pm- Hands-on Fitting and Showing Clinic. All exhibitors are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to participate. Cattle
participating in this event MUST be washed and clean prior to the start of this event.
8:00am-5:00pm Concessions available for breakfast and lunch.
3:0pm0-6:00pm- Weigh in and registration of all entries.
5:00pm-8:00pm Come-As-You-Are barbecue. Tickets $10 per person. Includes a barbecue with all the fixin’s, beverages, and
9:00pm-12:00am- Barn Dance in the Show Ring
10:00 pm-
Weigh cards must be turned into registration table
Sunday, June 7, 2015
7:00-11:00am Breakfast Concessions available
U.P. In Smoke will be on site with concessions throughout the day.
9:00 Jackpot Showmanship
Seniors, Intermediate, Juniors, Overall
Breeding Heifer Show will follow showmanship.
Show Order:
AOB, Angus, Chi, Hereford, Maine, Maintainer, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Percentage Simmental, Purebred
Simmental, and Commercial Heifers. B&O Heifer Show will run concurrently.
Market Animal Show
will follow breeding heifers.
Show Order: Crossbred, AOB, Angus, Chi, Hereford, Maine, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Simmental, market heifers.
Cattle will be shown by breed and then by weight.
Yooper Classic Cattle Show Entry Form
June 6-7, 2015
Kinross Fairgrounds, Kincheloe, MI
Due: May 15, 2015
Please print legibly. Include all exhibitor information requested. Use one entry form for each youth entering.
Exhibitor Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________
Birthdate: ____________________ Age as of January 1, 2015: ___________T-Shirt Size (circle) Youth: XL
Market Entries (No Limit)
Please indicate which Breed, X-Bred, or Market Heifer
Adult: S
Entry Fee
Breeding Heifers (No Limit)
Please indicate which Breed or Commercial
Entry Fee
Fitting and Showing Clinic
Jackpot Showmanship
Come-As-You-Are Barbecue Tickets
$50/ Participant
$50/ Head
$10 Each
$25/ night
Sub- Total
Grand Total:
Please make Checks payable to: Yooper Classic Cattle Show. Mail payment and entries to: Yooper Classic Cattle Show, 965 East 3
Mile Rd., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783.
Exhibitor Signature ________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________
***Both the Exhibitor and Parent/Guardian MUST sign regardless of age***
By signing this entry form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the entry packet and agree to be bound by its
Yooper Classic Cattle Show FAQ’s
Everything you need to know about the grounds, local accommodations, and attractions in the Kinross and Sault Ste. Marie Area (Or
everything we could think of, anyway…)
Kinross is a beautiful little fairgrounds, located less than 20 minutes from the Canadian border. There is a very nice
campground with full hook-ups available, and we suggest that you use it. You can even reserve a spot right on your
registration form!
2. Should you choose to stay in a hotel, the closest accommodations are in Sault Ste. Marie. We have made arrangements
with the Soo Locks Lodge, a very nice hotel with a large indoor pool and full complimentary breakfast, with a steeply
discounted rate of $75 per room per night. Also available are the Comfort Inn, Best Western, Holiday Inn, the Ramada Hotel
and others.
3. Mackinac City is about 45 miles away from Kinross. If you choose to stay there, please remember that you have to cross the
Mackinac Bridge every time you return to your hotel.
4. Mackinac Bridge fare with a standard double-axel trailer is $8 each way.
5. The nearest restaurant is about 20 minutes away. There will be concessions on site Saturday during the day, and we will be
hosting a Come-As-You-Are barbecue on Saturday night. Tickets are available on your entry form. We do hope to sell out,
so get them in advance if you can.
6. Participants are encouraged to bring their own generators to power blowers and clippers, as electricity is limited inside the
barns. (It is a fairgrounds, after all.) Don’t be that guy who keeps popping the breaker, leaving everyone else in the dark.
7. Everyone is expected to keep their own area neat and tidy, whether you show in the barn or off your trailer. We will have a
designated place for manure. Please throw a wheel barrow and a pitchfork into the back of your truck to bring with you.
8. If you wish to do some sightseeing, you can visit Tahquamenon Falls, the Sault Locks, or Mackinac. It is the first week in June
and Lake Superior will be about 35 degrees. If you swim, we want pictures.
9. The purpose of this show is to help kids learn from some of the best in the business, while exhibiting their market projects
in a positive competition environment. Help out your neighbor, make a new friend, and be a good sport, win or lose.
10. We are looking forward to showing you our little corner of the world, and hope you will make us an annual addition to your
show schedule. We LOVE your ideas! As the week progresses, please tell us your thoughts, and how we can make this the
very best annual cattle show in the Great Lakes region.
11. Welcome to da U.P!
About the Judge:
We are proud to announce that Dr. Scott Greiner will be judging the First Annual Yooper Classic Cattle Show! He is one of the best in
the business, and we are thankful that he is able to add us into his busy summer schedule.
Dr. Scott Greiner is an Associate Professor and Extension Animal Scientist in the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences at
Virginia Tech. Dr. Greiner received his PhD. in Animal Science from Iowa State University. Dr. Greiner was a member of the Iowa
State Meats, Livestock and Meat Animal Evaluation Teams. He was high individual and member of the winning team at the National
Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest in 1988, and went on to coach many successful livestock teams at Michigan State and Iowa
State, including two National Champion Teams at ISU. Dr. Greiner s currently on faculty at Virginia Tech. As an Extension Animal
Scientist, he designs and delivers educational programs in beef cattle and sheep to adults and youth, and conducts applied research.
Greiner has judged national, regional, state, and local livestock exhibitions in over 30 states. He is currently Superintendent of the
National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest held annually at the North American in Louisville, KY.