
Grace Lutheran Church
245 West Wardlow Road
Long Beach, California 90807
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
ARTICLE I – NAME ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
ARTICLE II - CONFESSIONAL STANDARD ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
ARTICLE III – CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERSHIP……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
ARTICLE IV – DUTIES OF MEMBERS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
ARTICLE V – TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP………………………………………………………………………………………….4
ARTICLE VI – VOTING MEMBERSHIP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
ARTICLE IX – DUTIES OF THE CONGREGATION…………………………………………………………………………………………6
ARTICLE X – SYNODICAL AFFILIATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
ARTICLE XI – PROFESSIONAL KINGDOM WORKERS………………………………………………………………………………….7
ARTICLE XII – LITERATURE AND BOOKS……………………………………………………………………………………………………8
ARTICLE XIII – OFFICERS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
ARTICLE XIV – DIVISION, DISSOLUTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………8
ARTICLE XVI – THE AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS………………………………………………………………………………9
The Constitution of Grace Lutheran Church Long Beach, California was adopted on March 23, 1945.
Since then the Constitution has been revised on the following dates: January 11, 1965; January 9, 1972;
June 15, 1981; January 1, 1983 and January 11, 1988. Currently the Constitution is under revision.
Whereas the Word of God demands that a Christian congregation conform to the Word of God in
doctrine and practice (Psalm 119:105, Galatians 1:6-8, 2 Timothy 4:1-5) and that all things be done
decently and in order ( 1 Corinthians 14:40), therefore we the members of Grace Lutheran Church of
Long Beach, California, in order to fulfill the Lord's command, "Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have command you," (Matthew 28:19), set forth and subscribe to this
document as our Constitution in accordance with which our congregational affairs, spiritual and
material, shall be conducted and regulated.
The name of this congregation shall be Grace Lutheran Church of Long Beach, California.
This congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as
the inspired Word of God, and the confessional books of the Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of
Concord (1580), as a true and sound exposition of Christian doctrine, drawn from and in full agreement
with the Holy Scriptures.
No doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is at variance with Holy Scripture and
the following confessional writings: the Apostolic, the Nicene and the Athanasian Creeds; the Unaltered
Augsburg Confession; the Apology of the Augsburg Confession; the Smalcald Articles; Luther's Small
Large and Small Catechisms; and the Formula of Concord. According to these confessions, all doctrinal
controversies or disputes which may arise shall be adjudged and settled.
A. Baptized Members
Children and adults who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God.
B. Communicant Members
Only such persons may be and remain communicant members of this congregation and enjoy the
rights and privileges of such membership who:
1. have been baptized in the name of the Triune God;
2. accept all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and as
only divine rule and standard of faith and life;
3. are familiar with the doctrines of Holy Scripture at least to the extent as they are set forth in
Luther's Small Catechism and declare their acceptance thereof;
4. who lead a Christian life ( Galatians 5:22-25), and abstain from manifest works of the flesh
(Galatians 5:19-21);
5. attend divine services faithfully (if physically able) and partake of the Lord's Supper frequently;
6. are willing to accept brotherly admonition when having erred, offended, or have become
delinquent in the duties of membership;
7. are not members of, affiliated with, or supporters of any organization, the principles, teachings or
practices of which conflict with the Word of God (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:11-12; 2 John 9;
Romans 16:17; and ARTICLE II.
It shall be the duty of every member of this congregation:
1. to attend divine services regularly, if physically able;
2. to partake of the Lord's Supper with due frequency;
3. to contribute according to ability "as God hath prospered him" ( 1Corinthians 16:2) for the support
and maintenance of the church, and in general to assist in meeting all expenses of the congregation and
in supporting the work of the church at home and abroad;
4. to help the poor and needy and to visit the sick and the strangers;
5. to help in providing adequate religious instruction for the children and youth, and in the case of
parents, to take advantage of
6. to take an active interest and part in the program and work of the church, and to serve the
congregation as an officer or otherwise when duly elected or appointed, if qualified and able to serve;
7. to receive and heed willingly all directions of the ministry in accordance with Holy Scripture,
whether that be instruction, reproof, correction, or encouragement (1 Thessalonians 5:11-13; Hebrews
13:17); to avoid and guard against all factious activities in the congregation; and to charitably take up all
matters of offense, whether real or supposed, with the person(s) concerned, according to Matthew
8. in general, to lead a life in conformity with the Word of God, avoiding offense, praying earnestly for
the up building of Christ's kingdom, striving to be faithful in the stewardship of life, time, talents, and
possessions, and seeking to promote the welfare of the congregation and of the church at large.
A. Excommunication
Should a member of this congregation, after fruitless admonition in the various grades prescribed by the
Word of God (Matthew 18:15-20), where the observance of such grades has been possible, if he/she
shall have been expelled by unanimous vote of the voters present, at a regularly scheduled Voters
Assembly meeting, such person shall have forfeited all privileges and property rights as a member of this
congregation as such, or upon any part thereof, as long as he or she is not again received into
membership by the congregation. The same shall apply to such members who refuse to submit to
church discipline and are excommunicated.
B. Removal, Release, Resignation
Members who sever their connection with this congregation by resigning, by moving to another locality
(except where such removal is temporary or limited and membership is maintained), or who obtain a
release, also relinquish the rights of membership and all claims upon the property of this congregation.
A. Right to Vote
Communicant members of this congregation who are confirmed and who have been accepted by the
Voters Assembly and who have signed to Constitution and By-Laws of this congregation shall have the
right to vote.
B. Privileges of Women
Women who hold membership in this congregation may serve as officers and as members of Boards and
committees. Accordingly, they shall not serve as Pastor, as a member of the Board of Elders, or as
President or Vice President of this congregation.
This corporation is a religious corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is
organized under the Non Profit Religious Corporation Law exclusively for religious purposes.
A. Administration
The congregation, represented by its voting members, shall have the supreme power in the internal and
external administration and management of its own spiritual and material affairs. Any member may
appeal to it in regard to any matter relating to the affairs and government of the congregation, but its
decisions shall be final and binding. Whatever may have been ordered or decided by individuals or
minor bodies (Board, Committees) within the congregation under a power conferred by the
congregation, shall be subject to the revision and final decision of the congregation. Not even the
congregation shall be empowered to order, enact, or decide anything contrary to the Word of God and
the confessions of the Lutheran Church and any such action, enactment, or decision shall be null and
B. Calls and Elections
The congregation, represented by its voting members, shall have the right of calling tenured workers,
and of electing all other officers of the congregation. This power shall never be delegated to an
individual or to a minor body or group within the congregation; however, selection may be delegated to
the Synodical Board of Assignments.
C. Removal from Office
The congregation, represented by its voting members, shall have the power to remove from office any
officer, Board member, tenured (called worker) or non-tenured (contracted or employed) kingdom
worker in a Christian and proper manner (by ballot). Valid reasons for removal or discharge are:
persistent adherence to false doctrine, a manifest scandalous life, persistent willful neglect of official
duties, and clearly proven inability to perform the duties of office. ( See ARTICLE XI , Paragraph D.)
D. Property Rights
The congregation, represented by its voting members, shall have the power, under its charter granted
by the State of California, to own, buy, inherit, rent, or receive lands, buildings, or other property and
valuables to have and hold them for its use for churches, schools, parsonages, teacherages, parish halls,
income, and the like; to hold title to, manage, improve, sell, dispose, encumber, or transfer any such
property or part thereof over its seal and the signatures of the legal officers as provided in ARTICLE VIII,
paragraph 2.
A. Ministry of the Word
It shall be the duty of the congregation as such to establish and maintain the ministry of the Word of
God in public and private, for young and old, and for those who are ill or distressed. In the absence of a
pastor, proper pulpit supply or teacher, reading services shall be conducted under the supervision of the
Elders of the congregation.
B. Christian Education
It shall be the duty of the congregation to provide thorough and systematic instruction in the Bible, in
Christian doctrine and worship, in Christian living, stewardship, and service, by promoting a good
program of Christian education in all phases on all age levels for children, youth, and adults, and to this
end avail itself of such educational agencies as the Sunday School, parish, school, systematic instruction
of children and adults for confirmation, a home training or family life program, Bible classes, study
groups, and any part-time agencies or combination of agencies that will promote and insure the most
adequate program of religious instruction and training for all age groups.
C. Missions
It shall be the duty of the congregation to organize and carry on an intensive and effective local mission
program, and to cooperate with other congregations of Synod and other legitimate agencies in carrying
out the Lord's command to disseminate the Gospel among all nations by helping establish missions at
home and abroad; to train and support Pastors, missionaries, teachers and other workers for this
purpose; to disseminate the Word of God and Christian literature in extending Christ's Kingdom on
D. United Parish Program
It shall be the duty of the congregation to plan, develop and promote a well-organized and coordinated
parish program in all departments and phases in accordance with the Word of God and the basic
purposes and objectives of a functional Christian congregation.
E. Church Discipline
It shall be the duty of the congregation to exercise proper church discipline as prescribed by the Word of
God, and with due care and Christian love.
This congregation shall hold membership in, honor and abide by the constitution, by-laws, rules, and
regulations of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, as long as such Synod remains true in doctrine and
practice to the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions enumerated in ARTICLE II. It is understood,
however, that such Synod or its representatives shall exercise only advisory influence over this
A. Eligibility
Professional kingdom workers are those members of the staff engaged in the preaching and teaching
ministries. Only such professional kingdom workers shall be called or contracted by this congregation
who are in full accord with the confessional standard set forth in ARTICLE II, who have received the
education and training necessary for their office and are well qualified for their work, and who are or
promise to become active members of this or another Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation.
Only Pastors who are on the synodical roster shall be eligible for a call. Principal and teacher candidates,
Ministers of Music, Youth, etc., who are graduates from a synodical college or have completed the
colloquy program shall be eligible for a call. Others who do not have a Lutheran Diploma shall be
classified lay teachers and shall be contracted. All professional kingdom workers shall be pledged to
faithful adherence to the Word of God and Confessions of the Lutheran Church in the written
agreement extended to and accepted by them.
B. Duties
1. The Pastors of this congregation shall be authorized and obligated to proclaim the whole Word of God
and administer the Sacraments according to Christ's institution; to exercise general spiritual supervision
of the congregation; to faithfully discharge the functions of the pastoral office in accordance with the
Word of God and as specified or indicated in their divine call (Acts 20:27-28; Titus 1:7-9).
2. The other kingdom workers shall be authorized and obligated to perform the duties of their offices
faithfully according to the Word of God and the needs of the congregation as specified or indicated in
their call or contract, ad shall perform such other duties as may be resolved and mutually agreed upon.
They shall serve under the supervision of the Pastor and respective boards.
C. Rights
1. Because of the divine call to his office, the Pastor shall rightfully expect of this congregation and its
members that they regard him as a servant of Jesus Christ; accord to him the honor, love, and obedience
which they owe him as such according to the Word of God ( 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13;
Hebrews 13:17), accept his preaching, teaching, admonition, and exhortation (when in accordance with
God's Word) not as the word of man, but as it is in truth, the Word of God (1 Corinthians 4:1; 1
Thessalonians 2:13); support him in all his ministerial duties; and provide conscientiously according to
their ability for his temporal needs. The Pastor shall automatically be an advisory ex officio member of
all Boards and Committees of the congregation, and shall have access to all meetings of the various
organizations and their committees.
2. The other kingdom workers shall rightfully expect that this congregation and its members honor, love
and respect them as servants of the Word; support them in the performance of their duties; and provide
conscientiously for their temporal needs.
D. Removal from Office
1. A Pastor or other kingdom worker may be removed from office by the Voters Assembly, by a twothirds majority vote by ballot in Christian and lawful order, for one of the following causes: persistent
adherence to false doctrine and teaching, an ungodly life, unfaithfulness, or inability to perform his
official duties or willful neglect of them.
Only such hymns, prayers, liturgical forms, books of instruction, or literature which conform to the
Confessional standard of ARTICLE II shall be used in the public services and in all Christian doctrine
instruction of this congregation.
1. The officers of this congregation shall be: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
2. The legal officers of this congregation are the President and Secretary. In the absence of the
President, a Vice President may serve as a legal officer; and in the absence of the Secretary, the
Treasurer may serve as a legal officer of this congregation.
A. Division
If at any time a division shall occur in this congregation on account of doctrine, the property of the
congregation, the titles thereto, and all benefits or interests connected therewith, shall remain with
those members who steadfastly adhere to this Constitution and, in particular, to ARTICLE II and III-B.
The officers of synodical district in which the congregation holds membership shall be the arbiters of any
controversy that may arise (1 Corinthians 6).
B. Dissolution
The property of this non-profit corporation is irrevocably dedicated for charitable and religious
purposes, and on dissolution none of its assets shall inure to any individual but shall be distributed to
the Southern California District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, or its successors, whose
property is dedicated to exempt purposes as specified in Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 214.
A. Unalterable Articles
ARTICLE II of this Constitution shall remain unchangeable and irrepealable in content.
B. Amendments
This Constitution may be amended in the following manner (except such Amendment shall not be in
conflict with ARTICLE II):
1. The proposed amendment is mailed to each voting member so as to be received one week prior to
the meeting at which the amendment is brought before the Voters Assembly.
2. The proposed amendment shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the voters present at two
voters meetings no less than 30 days apart.
C. By-Laws
This congregation by action of the Voters Assembly may adopt such by-laws as may be necessary to
accomplish its purposes and regulate its affairs.
The agent for service of process for this congregation is the President of the Congregation.