Feedback - jerrylearns2learn

The session of value and ethics for me was a waking up session. Where I actually woke up and came
to know about my duties and rights towards my country as well as how to stand up firmly against
the wrong happenings around me. Being a student of a management school I will be working for any
company rather a good company! Good in the sense that I will make sure that the product or
services provided by the company do not ruin or destroys’ any one’s life. I also learnt how to lead a
how to initiate for anything which is wrong rather than being just pity. I already wanted to join a
NGO, but now I’ll make sure I join a genuine NGO which actually helps the nation. Me being a citizen
of this country, criticizes the system but never thought to take a stand to oppose or to correct it, all
because of the thought that what will happen or what will I change it being alone but now I have
learned how to go about it and I am very glad about it. I/we need to begin it from our
neighbourhood to reach it to the national level. I had a great experience with Jerry Sir!
I learnt that there is a story behind every person and situation. I also learnt that 90% of Indians are
I thought the presentation was informative and presented a view of NGOs that I hadn’t previously
experienced in a presentation before the fact that there is a lot of emotive marketing involved and
how disconnected member of wealthy NGOs are to the groups of the people their companies are
supposedly helping really interested me. To hear real life anecdotes made me consider how I should
conduct myself now and in the future with dignity and the knowledge that I must blow the whistle of
there is anything wrong. However, I found it a little contradictory that the speaker emphasised the
use of marketing a child’s face to foreign potential donors and how this is a “scam”-yet I found the
video largely pictured children/women’s face crying for help. I understand that this necessary to tell
the story of a victim etc. I just thought this is worth considering.
Coming to India has been amazing. I think this far it’s been more of a holiday. Your talk really shook
me out of that mind set, and really opened my eyes to what is really going on around me. Seeing a
glimpse of what people go through really woke me up and made want to help make a change, but
not in a naïve way. Thanks you!
That was just the spark the group were looking for, you giving new meaning to their journey ahead.
It could be quite shocking to some volunteers on day 2 in India. They haven’t yet felt the compound
so it was a nice final comment to encourage each to make up their own mind, show or find the
dignity in each group or individual they come across. Thanks
It was a very powerful experience. It opened my eyes to a lot of things. In particular the scam that is
child sponsorship. I believe it has changed and made me think more in depth about my placement
and how I plan to contribute my time in India. The injustice saddens me and no one should be
subjected to live in such conditions. I would love to be able to listen or support some people in any
way that I possibly can. I hope this brings about positive change and lots of introspective thinking
which sparks change. All the best.
First things First….WOW!! What a fantastic presentation! It was a fascinating, heartbreaking,
inspiring and so much more. A true eye opener. To hear your life story was so inspiring, through all
the obstacles you faced you never gave up on what you believe, I was wrapped around every word
you spoke and learnt so much. I never really saw suffering and poverty passed Africa which is
incredibly ignorant of me. That is why I am here in India, to see for myself the suffering that is so
easily ignored by so many people. I wish to stay in India until the end of my visa and want to
volunteer in a children’s home in Goa, You have given me much more motivation to do anything I
can to help. Please keep in touch!
I found the presentation very powerful and interesting and I would love to know more about the
organisation and how we can volunteer and help.
Eye opening – Inspirational – Heart Breaking.
Thank you, a very insightful and intelligent presentation, appreciated that you didn’t try and make
everything seem idealistic. The fact that you were so open about your personal journey, and making
us think about our own, helped to make me think honestly about my perception of aid work. Thanks.
I found the presentation interesting and well thought out. However a little contradictory after
complaining about the companies uses children’s face to gain support and sympathy. The video at
the end did that same thing with using a child’s face to gain sympathy. The whole presentation was
effectively enjoyable and questioned us as volunteers about what are the main reasons we are in
fact volunteering. Thanks
I really enjoyed listening to your story and your views on NGOs and social justice. The video that you
share with us was very moving and impacted greatly on my emotions. You presented greatly and I
loved the joke you threw in.
I enjoyed listening to his successful life experiences and it really touched me and seeing the videos.
Thanks for coming.
The session was well organised in terms of material and example to aid in the learning. Very good
practical exercises which enabled us to feel more about the concepts rather being totally theoretical.
Also good knowledge on different aspects other than the subject. Good to know about the various
concepts and examples in practice. Helped to identify my own SWOT in term of interviewing skills.
Jerry has vast knowledge on communication and interviewing skills. He made the session effective
and enjoyable for the attendees. The exercises and games were very effective to understand the
meaning and effectiveness of the course. The session has changed the way I used to think about
interviewing till 2 days back.
I found the 2 day course very fascinating and gave quite some insight about the art and science of
interviewing skills. It was much thought provoking and much more than were a formal training
session. It taught us as how to become a citizen, a great employee and a soulful person
remembering our duties and goals in life. Hope to have more sessions like this in future.
Very educative session. Structured interview session, how to plan, implement, select and close.
Many insights into how candidates, knowledge, skill, attitude should be assessed, to be used for
deciding on selecting a candidate. Learned many things we were not doing earlier, should do in
It was a nice experience. The session is regarding interviewing skills. Now I feel after this session I am
a better interviewer. Also this session helps us to dig into the moral and ethical values which
ultimately make this world a beautiful place to live in. thanks a ton session is priceless.
A very big thanks for the fantastic session. I lean a lot respect to the way an interview should be
conducted. It will definitely help me to correct myself and recruit the correct people for my
PRADIP MUKHERJEE – – 8017990448
When I came to the class, I was thinking that a 2 days session on Interview is not needed. My
perception changed on the class and I learned the finer details of the process. I will be doing further
checks on the lessons.
I find the 2 days workshop useful and it helped me a lot in understanding the techniques and process
of taking good interview. The workshop opened up few aspects of interviewing which I never used to
exercise before. Overall it was a very good experience for me and a good learning.
EMELE MUKHERJEE – – 9830267807
I was a very exciting session for me where you made us do a self evaluation and at the same time
helped us to improve our interviewing skills. I loved the way that you kept us engaged throughout
the session and conducted the training.
The session on the interview skills was one of the best sessions I have attended till date. Jerry’s
interaction with us and his skills on conducting session was amazing, we learnt how to take interview
bit in actual scenarios we might not follow those techniques but try to follow them wishing to meet
jerry again.
My takeaways from this session are - Understood the importance to go for an interview in structural
manner. It is important to respect the interviewer. Body language speaks a lot. Overall it was a good
journey this session reminds me not to focus too much on the destination but also enjoy the beauty
we see on both side in our journey.
It’s a good learning experience not a copy book kind of training but a lively and interactive one.
Thanks Jerry for such a wonderful training.
Entire training session was very informative, ppt., docs were well defined and especially Trainer Mr.
Jeroninio has driven workshop very efficiently and has give practical examples as well.
NAVIN KUMAR SHARMA – – 9874618333
It is very nice experience. Though I have missed some part. It is very useful for both my personal and
professional stuff.
RAMYAJYOTI SANKAR – – – 9433014465
In these three days I have came to know about what exactly our fundamental rights and duties and
responsibilities are and according to these fundamental rights and duties what are our duties which
we have to follow or perform as being an Indian citizen. In the span of three days I came to know
about that doing business or any activity to get your target or to win is important but the more
important this is to perform that activity or business ethically. I have also learned that mutual
respect and understanding is necessary to perform a task in a group and it’s not all about to become
a leader but the right thing is to make or form more leaders within your group. Ethics and values are
very important and essential for us because these are basically the principles and moral values by
which we came to know about that what we are doing is right for ourselves and as well as for the
society too. And if you want to do something than you have to take an initiative you cannot wait for
anyone to take initiative if you want become leader.
Learning for the 3 day session (Value & ethics)
Always do things which give positively effects to the society and the citizens.
Be proactive and try to start the things, others will automatically follow you if it is good &
Never lose the hope. Hope will definitely lead to success.
Have mutual and equal respect or all. No matter he/she is rich or poor.
Importance of Values and ethics –
For the success, values and ethics are very important. Values come from within. Hence for
doing good, values are important,
To be proactive values are important,
To get respect from other having respect and values are important
In 3 classes of value and ethics I learnt about what is a purpose of one life and how we should work
upon to achieve the purpose through value and ethics rather than by money. I learnt that how we
should perceive the world how to differentiate between realities and the things which we want to
see. It teaches is how to build our self to change the world to take an initial step by various
examples. It teaches us how to achieve the purpose by realizing the potential which we have or
which everyone has but the thing is we have still not realize the potential. We learnt to realize the
potential that a man can do everything what he want to do.
The values and ethics as we understood more better now is an important part of life which cannot
be put aside ever irrespective of whatever we are. We can be proud and feel good once we know to
apply those in life. These 3 days teaching has given a new understanding of what is life and how are
we supposed to live it. I have been able to know the parts of life which was previously unknown the
joy of living does not lie in huge or big things but small things that we can do for others and the
society. I have also learnt that to see the around me I have to be the change, take the initiative and
stand against the wrong and act selflessly. Because what they are suffering now will affect us
someday. And comparing our little suffering to the lakhs and crores of the people outside who share
are ill and lack basic amenities, my suffering are nothing. All I can do is contribute to a little to up
bring the society around me and do a little good and go back home with a happy face and send back
few home with happy face. The class overall has given a new perspective to life and the way of living
it. This all is really going to help me throughout my life to bring positivity in my life and do some
good to the society. As it is said “What you give comes back to you“.
I have learnt a lot from this session and class not only about ethics and values , I also came to know
what alone I can do or what can I do in group or in team. I came to know like all of other person. I
am also having leadership quality I am also having that much potential to do a change or to take
initiative. I felt much more confidence in myself after attending this session. And I also came to know
much more about the ethics and values, what are our fundamental duties, rights and responsibility.
Blaming others is not going to make any change, if you have to blame someone then first blame
yourself and take initiative to change that. Without ethics and values everything is going to mess up,
which will be more horrible than we thought. So make right to every wrong thing, atleast contribute
how much you can but please contribute, It was really a pleasure to learn form you sir.
The very first thing that I have learnt during these 3 days is behaviour is a direct response of your
values and principles, ones processes or possesses are reflected by their behaviour. Today we all can
identify the problems as others problems but we do not own them considering we would be able to
flee but someday its surely going to affect our lives in a apparent way. So we first need to own all
those problems. I must take initiative to bring my bit in existence, to earn my own respect first. I
should be all those changes that I want to see. I can tell a lie to everybody but not to myself. So I’m
going to be honest to my own self first. Honest in terms of efforts irrespective of others whether
they come up with their responsibilities or not.
By values and ethics I understood the basic code of conduct which should be followed in life. Values
are basic of behaviour which is shown to the society. The values and ethics can contribute to the
behaviour of ones personality. Values are created by environment and surrounding of the person
which leads to creation of behaviour of a person. The conduct we should be maintaining should be
equal for each and every one i.e for rich and poor( strong or weak ) we should also be ethical in
doing the things or any work. We should be performing our duties to the constitution society and
family in a ethical mean. Good ethics and values creates confidence in ones personality and makes
him to feel better and enjoy his job and work which does not burdens ones with work, and when he
enjoys the work he excel and succeeds in that work. By this session I understood that we should also
do something for the society and for needy people, we should be humble in work and that would
help me in future endeavour and we should enjoy our work. We should also have a mutual respect
for each and everyone in society.
The past 3 days were very enlightened. I had a wonderful experience having interactive session with
you. To be frank I was unaware of my rights and to practice them; my duties and realising the
importance of standing up to them. Truth brings confidence. Initiating and starting things is the only
way to bring someone good to us and the human kind. I learnt we fail only when we fail to try. I
really enjoyed the activities and understood the motive behind them. Its about nurturing our values
and practicing then in lives in our behaviour. We can put mask for something but being true human
brings the power within us. There’s a lot I coud be able to learn, understand and think ablout. I am
really very thankful to you for giving me this wonderful experience and the chance to be
enlightened. I would surely keep practice these values and keep the spirit high inside.
Values and ethics are the most important part of one’s life. Without values and ethics a person can
become rich, wealthy but can never earn respect for himself/herself. I a person earns money with all
the fair means and nurtures his value and ethics, even though he is not the richest but surely the
most respectful and happiest person. The values and ethics of a person show what kind of individual
he/she is and what he does and wants from his life. As the values and ethics teaches an individual
the moral principles and how he should behave. A person with the good values and ethics will
always think about everyone and not himself only, he can never be selfish. So we should have and
improve & nurture our values and ethics so that we can live a life which is worth living and enjoying
and let others also live their life with respect and joy. As every individual has the same rights and we
are no one to destroy others lives. So living our life and letting others live their lives with happiness,
love and peace. We should work and live with good values and ethics. Rather than being selfish and
thinking about our good only and destroying the lives of others, one should think about every single
individual and the world.
The learning acquired during the classes of value and ethics was firstly one of the best as for the 1st
time today we got time out to truly know ourselves which is the most important aspect. We
understood the most important aspect of life i.e. to be right and do not support wrong. Secondly, as
an individual I also supported the cause for which sir has stood and enjoyed to know more about the
hard core reality which we are not aware of. I helped to move out of the idealism and truly face
reality. Thirdly, the initiative that was brought was the best part. The cleaning of roads was the best
experience which created the spirit of giving the ignite to take a step ahead and do something.
Fourthly, the 1st session was also a good experience where we learnt so many things like respect
others the importance of being attentive, knowing that performance is a continuous process. Fifthly,
we truly came to know how big is the role of ethics and values in ones life. We saw so many videos
which can truly inspire people to do good and proudly say I am so and so. I as a person would love to
already love to live with my head high but a small change I would adopt to enrich that feeling is to
do something for others which creates a difference. I truly aspire to open an NGO and earn respect
and the recognition of proudly holding the Karmaveer award one day and empower others also to
get one for them too. Today I hold respect for you sir and would surely like to contribute to your
purpose right at any cost and would always wish you to continue the spirit in you and ignite people.
All the best.
I have learnt a experienced a lot in these 3 session class. These 3 days taught me how to give mutual
respect and how to be a leader as everyone has a leader in it we just have to take that leader out. I
have also learnt what the companies are doing just to earn profit. People are dying of hunger in our
country and we just sitting in our ac rooms doing nothing. In these 3 days I completely got educated
of all my rights and duties. I came to know the pity condition of my country for which we are proud.
We are proud of being Indian but inside there are many loops which I was not aware of. I would
rather say these 3 days were not enough, to know completely about our values and ethics. I have
understood all the facts that we as an Indian or as a citizen not doing anything. We are just sitting on
our sofas enjoying our tea and telling these politicians, govt. servants are corrupt. But on the other
hand we are the one who are motivating them to take the bribe. A person can do anything to get
success but this wrong and these are against the values and ethics which I have learnt in these 3
On 01-04-2012 I saw a time table where it was mentioned that valuea and ethics class will be held
for 3 days. I was too excited because I wanted to know about this subject. On the initial day we had a
class outside for continuously 2 hours @ 35-38 degree Celsius temperature. I didn’t knew myself
that well where I can say I can attend lecture for continuously 2 hours and that too in hot summer. I
learned about my behaviour at that point of time. Awe played a game where group participation and
co- ordination was compulsory. And I was amazed that how well did we participated, we forgot our
personal grudges and complteted that activity. I learned GROUP BEHAVIOUR. Question was asked,
Do you want to clean the streets outside?” Initialy I rejected that proposal by saying. “We are paying
taxes”. ( I still laugh at my basic instinct). Then I realized at the end of the class my mother just gave
me birth! Why she nurtures me? Why does she care about me? At this point I learned there are
some basic things in our life that even we should take step outside our created psychological
atmosphere. And at the end of that activity I just want to say; “Karke Dekho yaar acha lagta hai“. I
also learned about the group behaviour and how an energised group changes other persons
perception in seeing the things and making them contribute to the activity. Individually we try to win
but with group we just want to know what we need to win. I had the perception before where I
knew how to look things for me. I always saw glass half full rather than half empty. But after this
session now instead of looking at things why it is full I started to see why it is empty. What is the
reason for that? Just last thought; why be a member of change why not the reason for change?
Last 3 days I learnt something real, which is good for me in terms of changing my view towards small
issues, criticising to anyone for its job etc. Now I want to obey on the learning which I got during
these days in my life. So that I can live happily, proudly with my parents and friends. Ethics, ideals
and similar kind of words seems to me as a part of moral science book, but after looking and
listening some interesting stories in which these words play a huge role in the success of that
individual life and through that it affects on others positively. During the learning I came to know the
importance of education that its is not meant only to win from others, it is meant to win with others.
Only the perception of my has need some change.
I have gained a lot of things, new ideas, culture of Indian aspect, responsibilities and duties of a
citizen and many more things in 3 days session. It was a nice sensible or goo lecture for us to grow
our self and make a new India. I have learnt that our responsibility and duties as a citizen of India.
This lecture help me to take as a initiative to change our behaviour Respect our self and respect
others also learnt that the respect of our culture and nation and most important thing that love
people. To work simple make big difference. Talking about ethics and values its very important for
everybody to make good life and know the difference what is right and what is wrong.
These 3 days I have learned lot of thing i.e. ethics and values which tells about principles and how
we follow it. From 1st day we watched a video ‘ A respect of National Anthem’ which inspired us very
much. We know about what are right and wrong and follows these our life. Its means if you don’t
respect the National Anthem then you never respect our country. In 2nd day you learned about begin
or initiate the work. Your small beginning teach you a lot of things, don’t think today you started
then tomorrow it will be or not i.e. BROOM ACTIVITY such a inspired in my whole life. You see lot of
videos which are really nice and inspired me. Really these videos watched yesterday twice..thrice..!!
in 3rd day you learned about decision what we taken, who are good for us. Also begin yourself.
Believe yourself and one day you call its myself. Mundaji Ma’am, George lots of person which don’t
know all the persons but they really a great personality. Ethics and values follows all the person if
they works on heart not showing for all of them. Sir really it’s a very unique and learning class for my
whole life.
It was a wonderfull experience to hear the goods and bads in the society as well as in the business.
Values are the set of role of conduct and inner respect of yours and other. What the other people
thinks about you in a good and bad sense. Ethics are applied set of condition or we can say principle
that purpose is living. Business ethics are very crucial to understand the individual’s need and others
needs. I have learned from the example which were discussed in class like 200 workers killed the
CEO just because they did not fulfil the people hunger and satyam examples also. Some of the Indian
managers unable to speak up with their boss because they don’t have confidence and integrity to
convince their boss, that they did right. The videos had shown in the class tells us about the Indian
society, what we actually all and are we all about the Indian people. The dowry system that kind of
system create gaps but they forcefully pushed because their relative are telling to do that. From this
session, I realise actually what are the duties and rights of Indian citizen.
Earlier I used to believe that being a good human being is limited to oneself. But now I feel that
taking an initiative to educate and motivate others to be good is what makes an individual a good
human being. Respecting others gives us the maximum happiness of life and to gain respect, respect
should be given to others too. You cannot ask anyone to practice a good habit and leave other bad
habits if you are practicing the bad habits on your own. This session has made me learn and feel
happy about myself that I can do many good things that can help humanity to grow and flourish. A
single initiative can change the whole humanity all together. A simple thought can bring a huge
change in reality. I have learnt about my roles and responsibilities not only as an individual but also
towards my nation and to the entire humanity. And although I practiced feeding stray dogs of my
colony since childhood. I never thought that I can do this on a bigger level and I will definitely do that
to contribute towards humanity.
I this session of 3 days, I understood one thing which is very important for my future is taking a stand
and say that “I can do it”. It gives the power with you and helps to perform your roles and
responsibilities. Values and ethics truly make you honest with yourself at least. But, if I perform my
roles and responsibilities, I need to be motivated enough to face the worst situations. And one more
thing that, I have learnt is that first perform your duties then ask for your rights. Everything should
come internally and it should not be burden. “See the things as they are don’t see the things as you
want to see them”.
I could see the world from a different perspective that means when before today I was aspiring for a
multinational company, I didn’t know the real picture of what they do in the background. So now
that I know I will be aware before joining any company. I could know what my rights and duties are
and could practice that. “We see things how we want to see not how they are” will always keep this
in mind and accept any change. Will take the initiative to do something selflessly for the needy
because the real India is not the way as it seems. Initiation is very important, it might seem small but
it does make a difference. In future i will make sure that I am the initiator.
In this 3 day of class I understand that it’s your inner will and passion which drives you to do
something. We should not always think about ourselves, we should also do something for a social
cause. Because from when you are gaining should also be nurtured. One can not only receive from
their resource. He should take responsibility and nurture his resource. As all of us are well grown and
mature to understand what is wrong and what is right. So why don’t support for right. The most
precisely I learnt is not to fail without trying. Its much more important that you try and fail so at least
you make an effort and understand where you stand. And be original for what you are, take initiative
regardless what others would think or what they are doing. Stand against the wrong and make them
Values and ethics have so much importance in personal life of a person. For example like us we are
just about to start our professional life these teachings are like a base for us. We understand that no
matter what your surroundings or your society thinks about you, it’s just important for an individual
to take the initiative. We have seen that half knowledge does not work anywhere and it distracts
from our main aim. People have to believe on reality based on facts and figures not on what heard.
We have so many lives examples which teach us how life is purposeful and always try to live for
others and help everyone. People are much concerned about the money and all the luxuries. We
learned that these are the secondary things, the main thing is to know yourselves who you are and
what you have done for this society and for your nation.