Designing and Implementing Arabic WordNet Semantic-Based Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy and Wajdi H. Al-Jideebi Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, SA Abstract The major aim of this research is to propose, design and implement linguistic foundations for an English-Arabic dictionary and to explore the demands of this dictionary, to be used in the international languages, taken into consideration both computation and computerization. The major focus of analysis, design and implementation, is on the English-Arabic pair. However, the theoretical model within which this analysis has been made, we believe, can be extended to other language pairs. This proposal presents designing and implementing an Arabic WordNet based on semantic. A relational database is employed to store the lexical and conceptual relations, giving the database extensibility in Arabic language. The proposed model is extended beyond an Arabic replication of the word/sense relation to include the morphological and lexical roots and patterns of Arabic. Consequently, the model investigates the meaning, synonym, antonym, meronym, hypernym, hyponym, principle, attribute and pertains structures of the Arabic words. 1. Introduction Accounts of earlier versions of the design are given in [1-3], they include: embedded grammar tags, natural language interaction on the web [1], facilitating semantic web search with embedded grammar tags is presented in [2], and dynamic context generation for natural language understanding is described as a multifaceted knowledge approach. The EuroWordNet [4-5] approach to multilingual resource development has emphasized the separate integrity of the dictionaries in different languages and provided an additional bilingual index to support the search for translations. The effort reported here is on an altogether more limited scale, and stores the data for different languages in the tables of a single database. Before we talk about languages, let us remember that the word is the primary component in any text or language. The best known way to find out a word is to use a dictionary. We can use it to find out word spell, meaning, synonyms-prefixes and suffixes...etc. 1.1 Introduction to WordNet WordNet is a lexical database, it provides a large repository of English lexical items, which is available online. The WordNet was designed to establish relations between the main four types of Parts of Speech (POS): noun, verb, adjective and adverb [4-6]. The synset represents the smallest unit in WordNet, which describes a specific meaning of a word. It includes the word itself, explanation and the synonyms of its meaning. A specific meaning of one word under one type of POS is called a sense [6]. Each sense of a word is in a different synset. Synsets are structures containing sets of terms with synonymous meanings. Each synset has a gloss that defines the concept it represents. As an example, the words night, nighttime and dark constitute a single synset that has the following gloss [6]: the time after sunset and before sunrise, while it is dark outside. Synsets are connected to one another through explicit semantic relations. Some of these relations (hypernymy, hyponymy for nouns and hypernymy and troponymy for verbs) constitute kind-of and part-of (holonymy and meronymy for nouns) hierarchies [5, 6]. For one word and one type of POS, if there are more than one sense, WordNet organizes them in the order of the most frequently used to the least frequently used [4-6]. 1 Synonym-substitution algorithms have been developed for the purpose of matching source vocabulary terms with existing Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) terms during the integration process in [7]. 1.2. Introduction to Arabic WordNet Arabic WordNet is a lexical database, which is structured along the same structures as the Euro WordNet [4] and Princeton WordNet [5, 8]. As mentioned in researches, WordNet contains information about nouns, verbs and adverbs in English. Such WordNet is organized in synset structure. The synset is a set of words with the same Part-Of-Speech(POS), that can be interchanged in a manner context. As an example, { عربة, سيارة, تاكسي, سيارة نقل, ... etc} form Arabic synset because they can be used to share the same meaning. Consequently, synsets can be related to each other by semantic relations, such as synonymy, antonymy, hyponopmy, meronymy, … etc., as illustrated in Figure 1. { Transport } { Vehicle } { سيارةCar } { } سيارة شرطة { عربة, سيارة, تاكسي, } سيارة نقل { } سيارة نقل الموتى Figure 1: Synsets related to {Car } سيارة Each of these synsets is related and linked to other synsets as is illustrated for {Car } سيارة, {Vehicle } and { Transport }. Therefore, all word meanings in a language can be interlinked, interconnected and constitute a relation network (language-internal relations) or WordNet. 1.3. Arabic WordNet Groups In Arabic WordNet, we initially worked in five groups: KAU (Saudi Arabia: faculty of Computing and Information Technology), Cairo University (Faculty of Computer and Information), Ain Shams University (Faculty of Engineering), Azhar University (Systems and Computers Engineering Dept.) and RDI groups. The Arabic WordNet lexical database will be integrated with such groups. We expect that Arabic WordNet will open up a whole range of new tools, applications and services in Arabic countries in national translation and cultural translation levels. Also, Arabic WordNet will give non-native users the possibility to navigate through the vocabulary of language with new ways. Finally, it will be used in information retrieval, question/ answer systems, language understanding, expert systems, language modeling, document computing and 2 summarizer to automatic translation tools and resources. In this paper, we will use a general description of the standard database of the WordNet and create a suitable database of Arabic WordNet. The following sections design the proposed Arabic WordNet database (section 2). The general methodology, including database structure of the proposed WordNet is illustrated in section 3. The WordNet internal relations are described in section 4. The design and implementation of the proposed model are introduced in section 5, as well as the overall structure. Whereas, section 6 presents conclusion remarks. 2. The Proposed Model Architecture The proposed model is based on morphological Arabic template grammar [13, 14]. Such grammar can be applied on the word level (morphological engine). The morphological engine employs the Arabic template grammar and allows affixes processing to find out different alternatives of word input [14]. Lexical disruption engine is used to map between lexical meanings (words). It is important in case of natural language processing and machine translation [14]. Also, the proposed model is based on interlingua between the used distinction languages. Equivalence relations between the synsets are made explicit in the so called Inter-Lingual-Index (ILI) or semantic deep structure. The model structure consists of languages WordNet which uses the internal semantic deep structure (inter lingua). The semantic inter-lingua represents inter-relations between languages WordNet. Figure 2 describes the different modules and their inter-lingua relations. 1. English Word Net, 2. Language Translation Module 3. Arabic Word Net English Word Net Dictionary 1 Language Dependent Lexicon 2 Lexical Descriptions 3. Relation Links Arabic Word Net Language Translation Module ILI Semantic Relation Relation Rules 1 Language Dependent Arabic Dictionary 2 Lexical Descriptions Arabic Lexicon 3. Relation Links Figure 2: The Proposed Model Architecture Both the translation module and the semantic relation can be transferred via the equivalence relations of the ILI-records to the language-specific meanings, as shown in Figure2. The semantic relation uses group of language specific lexicons related to the ILI-record concepts. Such lexicons employ their specific concepts. Therefore, the main purpose of the semantic relation module is to provide a common framework for the most important concepts between all the WordNets. It consists of x basic semantic 3 distinctions that classify a set of ILI-records representing the most important concepts in the related WordNets. The next sections will describe the semantic relation and its motivation. 2.1 Experimental Relations The goal of the proposed model is to integrate with the existing WordNet in the other languages; like English and Euro WordNet. Therefore, the methodology is based on using existing WordNets, and integrating such WordNets with the Arabic WordNet. The proposed model experiments this process on sequences of string matching and string manipulation stages as in Figure (3). Stage 1: Search and/or match for Arabic word in the standard translation dictionary Translate the Arabic word to translated equivalent word in other languages Stage 2: Apply morphological analysis to find Arabic root and associated features Find the equivalent Synsets for the other languages Stage 3: Search and/or match for Arabic root in the standard translation dictionary Stage 4: Generate Arabic Synset Languages Dictionary English and Euro WordNets Group of Synsets in different languages Match and link between equivalent Synsets Figure 3: Overall Flow for Processing Arabic WordNet relative to other Languages The first two stages serve to filter out language terms that can be found in other WordNets. Stage 1 uses conventional matching techniques to find an exact string in other languages (using languages dictionary). The second stage uses morphological rules and Arabic rules to find root(s) and associated features. However, such stages can only be made by a domain expert, and our concern here is primarily on the results of the synsets stages: stages 3 and 4. 4 2.2 Semantic Relations The proposed model will describe the previous modules in more details, but we summarize here in order to provide clear picture of the events. The ILI is a list of meaning, taken from WordNet. Each ILI record consists of a synset, specifying the meaning and the reference to its source. Two separate language independent links are linked to ILI records: 1. Top Ontology, which contains concepts, semantic distinctions, such as Object, Substance, Location, Dynamic and Static. 2. Domain Ontology, which includes group of meanings in terms of topics or scripts, such as Traffic, Road Traffic, Air-Traffic, Sports, Hospital and Restaurant. Any word can belong to multiple synsets, as the following format: Index Word: [Word] [POS] : meaning + ; “example”+ ; Where: POS: [Verb] | [Noun] | [Adjective] | [Adverb] +: more than one time WordNet is focused on relationships between synsets, and verbs can be related to verbs, nouns to nouns, … etc. The semantic relationships available in WordNet are as the following: 1. All parts of speech a. Synonymy الترادف: the words that have similar meanings. b. Antonymy التضاد/التنافر: the words that have opposite meanings. c. Glossary: is used to store a gloss for every synset. d. Similar : connects synsets that have similar meaning. 2. Verb only a. Troponymy المجاز: is a semantic relation of doing something in the manner of something else. b. Entailment االستتزاا: is a relationship between verbs doing something that requires doing something else. c. Principle: defines and arranges the relation between verbs and adjectives. 3. Nouns only a. Hypernymy االشتتما: refers to a hierarchical relationship between words. (e.g. furniture > chair) b. Hyponnymy التضمين: is the opposite of hypernamy. c. Meronymy االشتقاق: is part/whole relationship. ( e.g. paper > book) d. Attribute: describes the relation between noun and adjective synsets. 4. Adjectives only a. Participle: defines and arranges the relation between verbs and adjectives. b. Pertainتعزّق: describes a lexical relation between two words. c. Attribute: describes the relation between noun and adjective synsets. 5. Adverbs only a. Pertain: describes a lexical relation between two words. As stated in MT translation, the interlingua (ILI) has well known advantages: 1. New language can be integrated without equivalent considerations and relations for other languages. 5 2. The ILI can be adapted as a central resource to make matching more efficient and precise. The equivalence relations of the ILI-records can be used by the Top and Domain Ontology to the language specific meanings, as shown in Figure 2. The Top and Domain ontology can be further inherited by all other related language-specific concepts. Consequently, the main purpose of the Top ontology “is to provide a common framework for the most important concepts in all WordNets” [9]. The Top Ontology consists of “63 base semantic distinctions that classify a set of 1300 ILIrecords representing the most important concepts in the different WordNets [9]. 2.3 Arabic WordNet Synsets Most synsets are connected to other synsets via a number of semantic relations (based on word types), and include [5, 8, 9]: Nouns o hypernyms: Y is a hypernym of X if every X is a (kind of) Y o hyponyms: Y is a hyponym of X if every Y is a (kind of) X o coordinate terms: Y is a coordinate term of X if X and Y share a hypernym o holonym: Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y o meronym: Y is a meronym of X if Y is a part of X Verbs o hypernym: the verb Y is a hypernym of the verb X if the activity X is a (kind of) Y (travel to movement) o troponym: the verb Y is a troponym of the verb X if the activity Y is doing X in some manner (lisp to talk) o entailment: the verb Y is entailed by X if by doing X you must be doing Y (sleeping by snoring) o coordinate terms: those verbs sharing a common hypernym Adjectives o related nouns o participle of verb Adverbs o Pertain: root adjectives The morphology functions of the software distributed with the database try to deduce the lemma or root form of a word from the user's input; only the root form is stored in the database unless it has irregular inflected forms. 3. Database Design of Arabic WordNet The structure of the Arabic WordNet database is based on the layout structure of the Princeton WordNet. Therefore, the main semantic relation of the WordNet (Synset) will be taken into our consideration. However, some specific changes will be made to the database design, which are devoted to the following objectives: to reuse the existing resources of WordNet; to create multilingual databases [9]; to be used in MT (language specific relations in WordNet); to add an equivalent relation for each synset with respect to Euro WordNet. 6 The database relations can be made across part-of-speech. WordNet maintains a strict division between different part-of-speeches. 3.2.1 Synonym Structure The first main file is synonym, which stores the synset information of the WordNet corpus. The first column represents SynSetID with 7 digit length, indicating to which synset the word belongs. As discussed in many researches [5, 8, 9, 10], words belonging to the same synset are synonyms. For example, synset starting with 1225000 identifies an Arabic synset ( القبتتو: acceptance). The words in a synset are numbered serially, starting with one. Therefore, the second column represents Arabic synset (may be code or word). The third column is the Arabic word itself (morphological pattern). The fourth column stores the synset category. The synset categories – in Arabic WorldNet- are limited to verbs, nouns, adjectives, and characters. There are no any pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions or interjections. Figure 4 shows the proposed Arabic synonym file structure. SynSetID 1225001 1225002 Synset القبو/ acceptance القبو/ acceptance Arabic Word أجاب أقر Category (Type) verb / فعل verb / فعل Figure 4: The proposed Arabic synonym file structure It may be needed to add last column, which indicates how common a word is in relation to a text in a test corpus. Consequently, the higher is the number, the more common the word. WordNet also provides the polysemy count of a word: the number of synsets that contain the word. If a word participates in several synsets (i.e., has several senses) then, typically some senses are much more common than others. WordNet quantifies this by the frequency score: in which several sample texts have all words semantically tagged with the corresponding synset, and then a count provided indicates how often a word appears in a specific sense. 3.2.2 Glossary Structure The second file is used to store a gloss for every synset. Therefore, this file may contain an explanation, definition and example of Arabic sentences. The structure of this file contains SynSetID, the second column allocates a gloss in an array structure, as shown in figure 5. SynSetID Glosses (Gloss [ ] ) 1225001 “”أجاب الدعوة 1225002 ""أقر المعاهدة 1225012 ""سزم باألمر الواقع Figure 5: Arabic Glossary File Structure 2.2.3 Antonym Structure While semantic relations apply to all members of a synset, because they share a meaning but are all mutually synonyms, words can also be connected to other words through lexical relations, including antonyms (opposites of each other in meaning) and derivationally related, as well. Consequently, Antonym file is used to store all relations between words that are antonyms. So antonym is a lexical relation, it relates two words no two synsets. The antonym file structure is shown in Figure 6. 7 SynSetID1 SynSetID2 1225001 1225112 Figure 6: Arabic Antonym File Structure 3.2.4 Hypernym and Hyponym Structure Hypernym is a relation between synsets, and it is a semantic relation. The hypernym of a hypernym of a word is also a hypernym of the word (hypernym chain). The hypernym file consists of two columns SynSetID1 and SynSetID2, see Figure 7. SynSetID1 SynSetID2 Figure 7: Arabic Hypernym File Structure 3.2.5 Hyponym Structure The hyponym is the reversing structure of the hypernym structure (i.e., SynSetID1 becomes SynSetID2 like Figure 7. 3.2.6 Similar Structure The structure of this file connects synsets that have similar meaning. The structure consists of two synsets IDs as arguments, it is like hypernym structure. 3.2.7 Meronym Structure Sometimes a meronym relation is called part/whole relation. This relation is only applied in nouns. An Arabic word A is a meronym of another Arabic word B if A is-a-part of B. The structure of meronym consists of two synsets IDs as arguments, it is like hypernym structure. This structure is explained in the original Prolog documentation of WordNet [8,10]. 3.2.8 Attribute Structure This structure describes the relation between noun and adjective synsets. An attribute is a noun that has values and is described by adjectives. For example, the noun ( حجتمsize) is an attribute with the values ( قزيتلlittle), ( صتييرsmall), ( ضت مbig( and ( كبيترlarge). Therefore, the relation between nouns and adjectives are defined by attribute operation, and it is similar to antonym, hypernym, hyponym and similar structures. Consequently, the synset 2225009- as an examplecontaining the noun ( وزنweight) is an attribute relation to the adjectives of the synset 311008, containing the word ( خفيفlight). Therefore, the attribute relation between nouns and adjectives is semantic. 3.2.9 Principle Structure This structure defines and arranges the relation between verbs and adjectives. The operation of this structure arranges the participle relation and therefore describes the verb-adjective semantic relation. The past participle adds “ ”وto the root of the verb, e.g., the verb ( فعتلdid) becomes the adjective ( )فعتو. The structure of the participle is composed of four arguments to specify two words, as shown in the following Figure 8. SynSetID1 Word1 SynSetID2 Word2 Figure 8: Principle Structure 3.2.10 Pertain Structure This structure describes a lexical relation between two words. It indicates where a word pertains to another word. The structure defines two words by their synset ID and word number. 8 The lexical indicator for the first word uses the first two columns; it can be an adjective or an adverb. If the first word is an adjective- as a POS, then the second word must be noun or another adjective. As an example, the first two columns could refer to the adjective lexical word ()يوميتا, which pertains to noun ( )يتو, defined by the third and fourth columns. If the first two columns describe an adverb, therefore the assigned second two columns are the adjective. Lexical Word1 Lexical Word2 SynSetID1 Word1 SynSetID2 Word2 3222010 يوميا/ adjective 2111015 يو/ noun 3222011 أسبوعيا/ adjective 2213009 أسبوع/ noun 4123009 مرتفعأ/ adjective 3123011 مرتفع/ adjective Figure 9: Pertain Structure 3.3 Database Entity Types Euro WordNet makes a functional difference between 3 types of entities [9,10,11,12]: 1. First Order Entity: Any concrete entity perceivable by senses can be represented in 3-D space. (e.g., object, animal, plant, man, woman, instrument). 2. Second Order Entity: Any static or dynamic situation, which cannot be seen, felt, grasped, heard as an independent physical thing. They can take place in time rather than exist (e.g., be, cause, move, continue, occur, apply). 3. Third Order Entity:Any unobservable proposition independently of time and space, and it can be true or false or real. It can be remembered, forgotten, asserted or denied (e.g., idea فكرة, thought تفكير, theory نظرية, plan ت طيط, information معزومات, intention مقصد, goal )هدف. 4. The WordNet Internal Relations In WordNet and Euro WordNet, the most important relation is synonymy, which is already implicit in the notion of a synset. As an example, Figure 10 gives the relations encoded in Win 1.5 together with examples for various POS. Relation ANTONYM HYPONYM MERONYM ENTAILMENT TROPONYM CAUSE DERIVED FROM ATTRIBUTE SIMILAR TO PARTICIPLE POS noun / noun; verb / verb; adjective / adjective noun/noun noun/noun verb/verb verb/verb verb/verb adjective/adverb noun/adjective adjective/adjective adjective/verb Example man/woman; enter/exit slicer/knife head/nose buy/pay walk/move kill/die beautiful/beautifully size/small ponderous/heavy elapsed/ elapse Figure 10: The Relations Encoded in Win 1.5 together with Examples for various POS The POS contains :N = noun, V = verb, Adj = Adjective, Adv= Adverb, and PN = pronoun or name. 5. Designing and Implementing Arabic-English WordNet One way to construct a bilingual WordNet is to have new tables constructed to manipulate both WordNet synsets and Arabic words, roots and patterns, as well as via synonym, hyponymy and WordNet relations. Therefore, the morphological analyzer takes place to analyze each Arabic word, according to Arabic Template Grammar [13, 14, 15, 16-18]. 9 Figures 11 and 12 illustrate the overall flow processing of the Arabic word " "قارئand therefore, the translated meaning in English is "reader". Figure 11: Overall Flow for Translating Arabic Words " "قارئand " "م ططto other Languages Figure 12: Overall Flow for the Translated Word "reader" to the related synsets 6. Conclusion Arabic WordNet is designed to be especially easy to use; it has the simple structure of WordNet and its underlying representation is based on natural language fragments. Motivated by the range 10 of concepts available in Arabic dictionaries commonsense knowledge base, the content of Arabic WorNet reflects a far richer set of concepts and semantic relations than those available in standard dictionaries. This proposal has designed and implemented an Arabic WordNet based on multilingual dictionary and semantic relation of standard WordNet. A relational database was employed to store the lexical and conceptual relations, giving the database extensibility in Arabic language. The proposed model is extended beyond an Arabic replication of the word/sense relation to include the morphological and lexical roots and patterns of Arabic. We hope that this paper has encouraged the reader to consider using Arabic WordNet within their own projects, and to discover the benefits afforded by such large scale semantic resources like in [19-25]. Acknowledgements I would like to thank IT deanship for support, guidance and insights that have contributed tremendously to this paper. Also we would like to acknowledge Basil A. Ba-Aziz and Seef AlHarthi for their programming efforts. Many thanks to: WordNet Princeton, for using some results of their research papers. 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