EEB Evaluation Committee Monthly Meeting DRAFT Agenda –2 hour MEETING Monday November 9, 2015 – 10:00-12 noon Normal room is Department of Energy and Environmental Protection – Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, Commissioner's Conference Room, OCC, 10 Franklin Sq., New Britain, CT Meeting Materials Available at folder: Call-In Number: 712/432-1680 Code 624802# WEBINAR ACCESS: AGENDA 1. Public Comment 2. Discussion of Notes from previous meeting provided if necessary. (not Approval of Minutes). Lisa provides notes with votes for information purposes only. 3. Non-Project Updates and Issues: 10 min a. Review Thursday report and highlights; b. Review of interim votes and meetings: Meetings include: 10/26 – Advance Letter Issue; 10/27 – Projects for Residential RFP c. Data requests – any issues? . d. Invoices from SERA e. Other items 4. Discussion of Projects / Status (and data) – see Gantt & Project summaries 25 min a. Quick update on any outstanding data elements (if any) / implications b. Walk-though of Projects / Monthly Status Report – focus on “changes” and status of new projects (including NEEP); update on results of call / meeting on “new” steps for projects Scott’s Projects – focus on Gantt Lori’s Projects – focus on Gantt Lisa’s Projects – focus on Gantt 5. RFP Progress a. Commercial RFP b. Residential RFP 6. 2016-2018 Evaluation Plan Update 7. Other items – 45 min 45 min *** Supporting Materials in Box folder and attached, including: Updated Gantt Chart & Project Status Summary E-votes / call notes Invoices RFP materials 2016-18 Evaluation Project List Latest Thursday report Meeting notes Lori wants to review the following elements of the Roadmap. Bullets from pages 9-10 Draft 2016-2018 Eval Plan Project list (not whittled down) for Evaluation Plan – Budgets (so list) still in flux. To be refined Draft List of Evaluation Projects - discussion in association with Residential RFP 1632 Process & Mkt Res of Integration of Financing & C&I EE Pgms; 1634 ECB Impact and Process (later period) 1633 EO Impact & Process (incl NEI) 1630 Large Projects Impact Eval (deferred from 2015) 1636 Assess C&I Lighting Structure for Capability regarding Hi Perf Lighting 1642 Evaluation of Upstream C&I Lighting 1646 C&I Hours of Use 1649 Commercial Upstream lighting study 1638 Possible process eval early cycle - Prime (consider if joint with 1641) 1631 PSD Review / Existing buildings; 1637 Mkt Research on Com'l EE Investments over time vs. Deep Savings at Once; 1640 C&I Coincidence Factor 1643 C&I Market Baseline Study 1644 C&I NTG study (Net to Gross / Free Rider / Spillover) 1680s NEEP incl C&I Loadshape / incremental cost studies & base; 1647 C&I Measure Lifetimes 1661 Demand estimation in C&I for eval sample sizes 1662 C&I New construction baseline 1639 SBEA Impact & Process, deferred from 2015 early cycle 1641 Com'l Sustainability Eval mid/late cycle 1620 Res Behavior study (HER) - impact on installation of longer-lived eqpt & impacts of gas behavior efforts* 1605* HER Trad'l Process eval (growth); 1606* HER Small follow-on impact / retention 1621 HES - Effects of providing HES score info to HHs* 1625 Residential HVAC Baseline 1603* HES & IE - Impact &Process, EUL, late cycle; 1604 HES & IE - Follow-up mold / H&S if needed earlier 1613 Res HVAC & DHW Upstream evaluation 1614* Res Heat Pump Water Heater Impact Evaluation 1624 Residential HVAC Coincidence study 1607 Res Mkt baseline/impact support 1615 Res Lighting NTG - LED update 1616 Res Lighting baseline & effective measure life 1609 MF Mkt Characterization 1617 Res DHPs / cold climate heat pump measure effects & cost-effectiveness 1622 Heating Equipment Loan Program Evaluation (?)* 1608 Res Wireless Thermostat Testing 1623 Res Renewables / efficiency integration and coordinated process evaluation, market baseline, and assessment* 1602* RNC Impact & Process, EUL (joint), 1619 Residential New Construction Baseline (UDRH)* COML C&I FINANCE COML ECB COML EO COM'L LARGE COML LITE COML LITE COML LITE COML LITE COML PRIME COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SECTOR COML SMALL COML SUSTAINABILITY RES BEHAV RES HER RES HER RES HES RES HES RES HES & IE RES HES & IE RES HES / OTH MEAS RES HES / OTH MEAS RES HES OTH MEAS RES LITE RES LITE RES LITE RES MF RES OTH MEAS RES OTH MEAS RES PRODUCTS RES RENEW RES RNC RES RNC 1601* RRP Impact(I) & Process (P), EUL (joint) 1648 Residential Residential Response Pilot Review 1610 PSD review / walkthrough considering deemed savings values & recomm; 1611 Process / impact fuel conversions; 1690 NEEP Residential studies (REED, etc.)& base; 1618 NEI residential research / IF claimable in CT RES RRP RES DR RES SECTOR RES SECTOR RES SECTOR RES SECTOR