Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016

Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016
Ages/ Grades
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature
of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical,
mental, social and
spiritual health; human
relationships including
families, friends,
communities, and
cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it
means to be human.
Toddler Class
(Ages 2-3)
(All year unit)
Central Idea:
Over time we learn, grow
and develop ourselves
and become members of
a group.
Key concepts:
Function, change,
Related concepts:
Self, belonging,
Lines of inquiry:
* Who we are
*What we can do
*Working together
June 15, 2015
Where we Are in Place
and Time
An inquiry into orientation
in place and time;
personal histories; homes
and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations
and migrations of
humankind; the
relationship between and
the interconnectedness of
individuals and
civilizations, from local
and global perspectives.
How we Express Ourselves
How the World Works
An inquiry into the ways in
which we discover and
express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in
which we reflect on,
extend and enjoy our
creativity; our
appreciation of the
An inquiry into the natural
world and its laws, the
interaction between the
natural world (physical
and biological) and
human societies; how
humans use their
understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of
scientific and
technological advances
on society and on the
(All year unit)
Central Idea:
We all have and express
feelings and ideas in
different ways.
Key concepts:
Causation, reflection
Related concepts:
Cause and effect,
Lines of Inquiry
*Feelings we have
*Expressing our feelings
*Different ways to express
our feelings and ideas
How we Organize
An inquiry into the
interconnectedness of
human-made systems
and communities; the
structure and function of
organizations; societal
economic activities and
their impact on
humankind and the
Sharing the Planet
An inquiry into rights and
responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite
resources with other
people and other living
things; communities and
the relationship within and
between them; access to
equal opportunities; peace
and conflict resolution.
(All year unit)
Central Idea:
Exploring and investigating
designs, shapes and
function in nature help us
appreciate and interact
with the world.
Key concepts: form,
connection, responsibility
Related concepts:
aesthetics, textures,
components, classification
Line of Inquiry:
*shapes and textures in
*Lines and designs in
*How things change in
Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016
Ages/ Grades
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature
of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical,
mental, social and
spiritual health; human
relationships including
families, friends,
communities, and
cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it
means to be human.
(Ages 3-4)
(Ages 5-6)
Central Idea:
We are alike and different
in many ways but all of us
are unique.
Key concepts:
perspective, connection
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry:
*What we are like
*What others are like
*How we are unique
Central Idea:
We use our senses to
understand and
appreciate the world
around us
Key concepts:
function, connection,
Related concepts:
health, safety, aesthetics,
Lines of Inquiry:
*Our senses
*How we learn through
our senses
*Learning and
appreciating through
sensorial experiences
June 15, 2015
Where we Are in Place
and Time
An inquiry into orientation
in place and time;
personal histories; homes
and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations
and migrations of
humankind; the
relationship between and
the interconnectedness of
individuals and
civilizations, from local
and global perspectives.
How we Express Ourselves
How the World Works
An inquiry into the ways in
which we discover and
express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in
which we reflect on,
extend and enjoy our
creativity; our
appreciation of the
An inquiry into the natural
world and its laws, the
interaction between the
natural world (physical
and biological) and
human societies; how
humans use their
understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of
scientific and
technological advances
on society and on the
Central Idea:
Light enables us to see
and interact with color.
Key Concepts:
Form Function, causation,
Related Concepts:
Creativity, exploration,
Lines of inquiry:
*Light and color
*Color relationships
*Using color and light
Central idea:
We can express ourselves
by creating works of art.
Key Concepts: form,
reflection, causation
Related Concepts:
creativity, interpretation,
Lines of Inquiry
*Expressing ourselves
*Creating art work
* Appreciating art work
Central Idea:
Our city shows evidence
of its transformation over
Key concepts:, form,
causation connection
Related concepts:
Symbols, landmarks,
Lines of inquiry:
* Our city
*Changes over time
* Urban spaces and stories
Central Idea:
Poetry allows us to craft
and play with words, and
to express ideas and
Key concepts: form,
perspective, reflection
Related concepts:
feelings, appreciation
Lines of inquiry:
*Appreciating poetry
*Forms and word choice
*Creating poetry
Central Idea:
Reflection and shadow
influence how we interact
with light.
Key Concepts: function,
perspective, change
Related Concepts:
relationships, cause and
effect, pattern
Lines of Inquiry
*Interacting with light
* Light sources, positions
and shadows
*Reflection, Refraction
How we Organize
An inquiry into the
interconnectedness of
human-made systems
and communities; the
structure and function of
organizations; societal
economic activities and
their impact on
humankind and the
Central Idea
The varied nature of jobs
sustains the complex
needs of a community.
Key concepts
Form, connection,
Related concepts:
Systems, service,
Lines of Inquiry
*How jobs serve our needs
*Jobs within a community
* Interconnectedness of
Sharing the Planet
An inquiry into rights and
responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite
resources with other
people and other living
things; communities and
the relationship within and
between them; access to
equal opportunities; peace
and conflict resolution.
Central Idea:
Living things grow, change
and need specific things to
survive and keep healthy.
Key Concepts: form,
change, responsibility
Related Concepts: growth,
life cycles,
Lines of Inquiry
*Living and non-living
*Growth and change
*Our responsibilities
Central Idea:
In urban spaces parks
provide a connection to
nature and access to living
Key concepts:
Form, responsibility,
Related concepts:
appreciation, harmony,
Lines of Inquiry:
*How parks work
*Interacting with living
things and the natural
* Built and natural spaces
Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016
Ages/ Grades
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature
of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical,
mental, social and
spiritual health; human
relationships including
families, friends,
communities, and
cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it
means to be human.
Where we Are in Place
and Time
An inquiry into orientation
in place and time;
personal histories; homes
and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations
and migrations of
humankind; the
relationship between and
the interconnectedness of
individuals and
civilizations, from local
and global perspectives.
How we Express Ourselves
How the World Works
An inquiry into the ways in
which we discover and
express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in
which we reflect on,
extend and enjoy our
creativity; our
appreciation of the
Central Idea
Stories about people,
places and events in our
city are told in a variety of
Key Concepts:
connection, reflection
Related Concepts:
expression, imagery, style,
trans mediation
Lines of Inquiry:
* Stories of places and
* Common themes
* How stories are told in
different ways
Central Idea
Authors and illustrators use
language and images to
express ideas.
Key Concepts: form,
function, connection
Related Concepts: trans
mediation, imagery
Lines of Inquiry:
*picture books
*How language and
images work together
*Styles of writing and
An inquiry into the natural
world and its laws, the
interaction between the
natural world (physical
and biological) and
human societies; how
humans use their
understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of
scientific and
technological advances
on society and on the
Central Idea:
Materials, both natural
and manufactured have
different properties, which
determine their potential
for certain functions.
Key concepts: form,
function change
Related concepts:
Lines of Inquiry:
* Natural and
manufactured materials
*Properties of materials
*Interaction of materials
Grade 1
Central idea:
Relationships are
enhanced by effort and
Key concepts: causation,
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry:
*Relationships with
*Relationships with people
*Relationships with
Central Idea:
Personal histories have
shaped who we are now.
Key concepts: change,
Related concepts:
history, chronology
Lines of Inquiry:
*Our personal histories
*Primary and secondary
evidence of our histories
*Who we are now.
Grade 2
Central Idea:
Our health is affected by
factors within and beyond
our control.
Key Concepts: form,
responsibility, causation
Related concepts:
initiative, action, balance,
Lines of Inquiry:
* Health and balance
* Factors which influence
our health
* Impact of choices and
Central Idea:
Our family histories allow
us to discover our cultural
origins and develop
historical and
geographical awareness.
Key Concepts: change,
connection, reflection
Related Concepts:
relationships, evidence
Lines of Inquiry:
 Our families’ origins and
 Our families’ stories
*Evidence of the past
June 15, 2015
Central idea
The Earth is constantly
evolving which impacts
the topography and life
on the planet.
Key concepts: change
Related concepts: form,
force, impact,
Lines of inquiry:
* Earth’s structure
* Impact of the evolving
earth on the environment
* Impact of the evolving
earth on living things.
How we Organize
An inquiry into the
interconnectedness of
human-made systems
and communities; the
structure and function of
organizations; societal
economic activities and
their impact on
humankind and the
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea:
Food comes from many
different places and over
time has been a central
element of global
Key Concepts: change,
causation, connection
Related Concepts:
Growth, sequences,
cultural ties, taste
Lines of Inquiry
*Origins of food
*Systems that involve food
*The role of food in culture
Central idea:
Animals have unique
features allowing them to
be self sufficient yet
interdependent .
Key concepts:
Form, causation,
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry:
*Physical features
*Classification of animals
Central Idea:
Services and systems
sustain our city and are
Key concepts:
function, connection,
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry:
*Systems and services
*Components and
Central Idea:
The use and disposal of
materials can have an
impact on our planet.
Key Concepts: causation,
responsibility, reflection
Related Concepts:
consequences, impact,
citizenship, action
Lines of Inquiry:
* Materials which are
* Biodegradable materials
*Reduce, reuse recycle
An inquiry into rights and
responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite
resources with other
people and other living
things; communities and
the relationship within and
between them; access to
equal opportunities; peace
and conflict resolution.
Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016
Ages/ Grades
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature
of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical,
mental, social and
spiritual health; human
relationships including
families, friends,
communities, and
cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it
means to be human.
Where we Are in Place
and Time
An inquiry into orientation
in place and time;
personal histories; homes
and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations
and migrations of
humankind; the
relationship between and
the interconnectedness of
individuals and
civilizations, from local
and global perspectives.
How we Express Ourselves
How the World Works
An inquiry into the ways in
which we discover and
express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in
which we reflect on,
extend and enjoy our
creativity; our
appreciation of the
Grade 3
Central Idea:
The effective interaction
between human body
systems contributes to
health and survival.
Key concepts:
Function, connection,
Related concepts:
Systems, health,
Lines of Inquiry:
* Body Systems
*How body systems
are interdependent
*Impact of choices
Central Idea:
Life in different locations
impacts on people in a
variety of different ways.
Key concepts: change,
Related concepts:
Community, belonging,
innovation, adaptation
Lines of Inquiry:
*Human settlements
* geography and
*How communities
change over time
Central Idea:
Personal experiences,
culture and surroundings
influence how artists
Key concepts:
Reflection, , causation,
Related concepts:
Interpretations, styles
Lines of Inquiry:
*Experiences that shape
*Appreciation of the arts
*Exploring different
techniques and styles
An inquiry into the natural
world and its laws, the
interaction between the
natural world (physical
and biological) and
human societies; how
humans use their
understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of
scientific and
technological advances
on society and on the
Central Idea:
People use their
knowledge of forces and
motion to make work
easier and more efficient.
Key Concepts: form,
function, change
Related Concepts:
systems, relationships,
Lines of inquiry:
* Forces present in our
everyday lives
* Simple machines and
how they work
*Solving problems and
finding solutions
Grade 4
Central Idea:
Rights are connected to
Key Concepts:
Connection, responsibility
Related Concepts:
citizenship, rights and
roles, balance
Lines of Inquiry:
*rights and responsibilities
*our responsibilities to
ourselves and others
*How constitutions define
the rights of citizens
Central Idea:
Belief systems have many
commonalities, but have
stories, traditions, rituals
and artefacts that are
Key concepts:
Perspective, reflection
Related concepts:
belonging, traditions
Lines of Inquiry:
*belief systems
*components of belief
*traditions and rituals
Central idea:
The visual, performing arts
and literature reflect the
unique features of
Key Concepts:
connection, perspective,
Related Concepts:
pattern, interpretation,
Lines of Inquiry:
*Case studies of cultures
*How the visual and
performing arts and
literature reflect unique
Central Idea:
Humans use energy to
benefit civilization;
however there can be
Key Concepts: function,
causation, responsibility
Related Concepts:
consequences, impact
Lines of Inquiry:
*Forms of energy
*How energy is used
*Environmental problems
and solutions
June 15, 2015
How we Organize
An inquiry into the
interconnectedness of
human-made systems
and communities; the
structure and function of
organizations; societal
economic activities and
their impact on
humankind and the
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea:
Culture, history,
geography and people,
shape the development
of communities around
the world.
Key Concepts:
connection, change,
Related concepts:
systems, citizenship,
Lines of Inquiry:
*Community components
* Communities systems
*How communities are
similar and unique
Central idea:
Cities grow and change
in response to a variety of
Key concepts: function,
change, causation, r
Related concepts:
migration, employment,
progress, wealth
Lines of inquiry:
*Our city’s history
*Changes in our city over
*Influences which cause
growth and change
Central Idea:
We have a responsibility to
understand the relationship
between all living things as
we are all interdependent
and share finite resources.
Key Concepts:
Connection, Causation
Related Concepts:
consequences, impact,
Lines of Inquiry:
*Living things on our planet
*Needs of living things
*Human impact on the
Central Idea:
Biodiversity relies on
maintaining the
interdependent balance of
organisms within systems.
Key concepts:, change,
Related concepts:
adaptation, preservation,
Lines of Inquiry:
*How ecosystems, biomes
are interdependent
*The impact of imbalance
An inquiry into rights and
responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite
resources with other
people and other living
things; communities and
the relationship within and
between them; access to
equal opportunities; peace
and conflict resolution.
Pine Street School Progam of Inquiry 2015-2016
Ages/ Grades
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature
of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical,
mental, social and
spiritual health; human
relationships including
families, friends,
communities, and
cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it
means to be human.
Grade 5
Central Idea:
Throughout history our
world has been shaped
and reshaped by the
regular movement of
people, away from the
known and into the
Key Concepts: causation,
connection, reflection
Related Concepts:
consequences, impact,
rights, humanity
Lines of Inquiry:
*Migration over time
*Different reasons for
*How migration shapes
and reshapes the world.
June 15, 2015
*culture and beliefs
Where we Are in Place
and Time
An inquiry into orientation
in place and time;
personal histories; homes
and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations
and migrations of
humankind; the
relationship between and
the interconnectedness of
individuals and
civilizations, from local
and global perspectives.
features of these cultures
How we Express Ourselves
Central Idea:
The geographical
position, natural resources
and potential for
development have an
impact on the past,
present and future of
Key concepts:
connection, change,
Related concepts:
sequences, patterns,
Lines of Inquiry:
* physical geography
*natural environment
* the impact of humans
*resources and
*Conflicts and resolutions
Central idea:
Images coupled with
sound can be used to
impact an audience
Key concepts: form,
connection, perspective
Related concepts:
persuasion, imagery,
Lines of Inquiry:
*Expressing ideas using
*Matching images to
*Expressing ideas through
a composition of images
and sound
An inquiry into the ways in
which we discover and
express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in
which we reflect on,
extend and enjoy our
creativity; our
appreciation of the
How the World Works
An inquiry into the natural
world and its laws, the
interaction between the
natural world (physical
and biological) and
human societies; how
humans use their
understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of
scientific and
technological advances
on society and on the
Central idea:
Materials, both physical
and chemical, undergo
changes, which present
challenges and benefits
for people and the
Key concepts: function,
change, causation,
Related concepts:
pattern, impact
Lines of Inquiry:
*The features of materials
*Changes materials go
*How this impacts people
and the environment
How we Organize
An inquiry into the
interconnectedness of
human-made systems
and communities; the
structure and function of
organizations; societal
economic activities and
their impact on
humankind and the
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea:
All over the world,
colonizers had long
ranging impact on the
countries even when they
became independent.
Key concepts: causation,
connection, change
Related concepts: power,
systems, relationships,
Lines of Inquiry:
*colonizers and colonies
*colonial legacies
*colonial organizational
Central Idea: (Exhibition)
Cooperative and
purposeful teamwork
enables and empowers
people to improve their
lives and communities.
Key Concepts: function,
responsibility, reflection
Related Concepts:
consequences, impact,
Lines of Inquiry:
*People’s needs
*Sustainable community
*Effective teamwork
An inquiry into rights and
responsibilities in the
struggle to share finite
resources with other
people and other living
things; communities and
the relationship within and
between them; access to
equal opportunities; peace
and conflict resolution.