OHFT Libraries Membership Form 2015 OHFT Libraries Membership Services Title Oxford Health Libraries support the information needs of OHFT Miss Mr agreements exist. Visit our website at www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/library for a full range of services. Key services delivered by skilled library staff including... Access to online books and journals with an NHS OpenAthens log in: http://tinyurl.com/mcoohqp . All NHS staff and placement students can self-register, via the NHS Evidence website, for 24-hour internet access from work or home, to a range of clinical databases and full-text electronic books and journals. Literature Searching Services: assisted searches via 1x1 or group sessions are available. OHFT librarians also offer high quality, in-depth literature searches to agreed deadlines for eligible current library members. For further information see: http://tinyurl.com/kmo47ru Dr Other Last name First & Middle names Job Title Dept Division Site (main) staff, students on placement and staff in external organisations where Mrs Employer OHFT OU Other (please state) Your contact details Address Postcode______________________ Email/alt email Tel. Work & or Mobile Course / Placement /Short term contract (delete as appropriate) Course name/Supervisor: University: Start End __ /___/___ __/___/____ Training and Knowledge Support for: Journal clubs, tailored information skills training, copyright advice, using reference software, service and team events. Member’s Declaration. I have read and agree to abide by the library membership Find a book: View books and journals on all health topics via the online SWIMS catalogue http://www.swims.nhs.uk/webview/?ssi=624 and request them by emailing: library.enquiries@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk **view online: Membership Rules: http://tinyurl.com/keag9kd KnowledgeShare. Overwhelmed by information or not sure how to keep upto-date? OHFT libraries will provide you with bulletins and notifications of the latest research and publications in your field. Our KnowledgeShare notifications are highly personalised and targeted to you. Focusing on the evidence that will change practice, and the latest publications on quality, safety, education and the patient experience, our aim is to bring you what you need to know and no more. Sign up overleaf to start receiving knowledge alerts. Or sign up at http://tinyurl.com/powwsho rules** I agree to my data being held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) for use by South West, Thames Valley and Wessex NHS Libraries. Service standards: http://tinyurl.com/l32xcgg User’s Charter: http://tinyurl.com/lhsctfs or email us to request a copy via library.enquiries@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk Signed............................................................Date............................ Please return completed form to Warneford Library, Warneford Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX; email: library.enquiries@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk; OR Whiteleaf Library, Whiteleaf Centre, Aylesbury HP20 1EG. Email: whiteleaf.library@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk KnowledgeShare sign up – complete the form below: Please indicate your professional and/or research interests: This information is used to notify you about new resources in your area. Feel free to be as comprehensive/specific as you like. Condition(s)/Risk Factors (e.g Stroke, Diabetes, Alcohol misuse): Age Groups Neonates Children & Adolescents Adults Elderly All Patient Settings (e.g. GP, Hospital Ward, Community, Population health) Professional interests: (e.g. Education, Patient safety, Leadership): Other factors/restrictions May we make your contact details and interests visible in KnowledgeShare* in order to promote knowledge sharing? Please select preferred option: Any NHS staff and students Library Staff and students at my organisation Library and Knowledge Service staff only I the undersigned, agree to my data being held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) on the SWIMS library system and KnowledgeShare. Signature Date *KnowledgeShare includes 2k+ members from different NHS organisations. LIBRARY USE ONLY Barcode Registered Expiry date ID shown Requ.acce On KShare U______________ ___/___/_____ ___/___/______ Yes/ No ss (Lit) __/__/_ Information Informed previous Athens Entered Checked Home Library pack given library Advice by....... by...... Code......... Services Oxford Health Libraries Membership and KnowledgeShare www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/library