CERN LIU Project Document No. LIU-LHC- CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland CERN Div./Group or Supplier/Contractor Document No. TE/ABT the EDMS Document No. LHC Injectors Upgrade - project Date: 2005-04-04 Functional Specification DRAFT 2.0 SPECIFICATION FOR KICKER SYSTEMS FOR 2.0 GeV PSB TO PS BEAM TRANSFER Abstract As part of the LIU project the extraction kinetic energy of the PSB will be increased from 1.4 to 2.0 GeV. This gives an increase in the beam rigidity of a factor of 1.30, accompanied by a reduction in the physical beam size by a factor 1.14. The purpose of the present document is to specify the requirements for upgrade of the BE.KFA14L1 PSB extraction kickers, the BT.KFA10 and BT2.KFA20 recombination line kickers, and the PI.KFA45 PS injection kicker. The key kicker parameters of ∫B.dl, rise time, fall time, flat-top length and flat-top ripple are defined, together with the justifications for the values. Prepared by : Wolfgang BARTMANN TE/ABT Jan BORBURGH TE/ABT Brennan GODDARD TE/ABT Simone GILARDONI BE/ABP Klaus HANKE BE/OP Giovanni RUMOLO BE/ABP Luc SERMEUS TE/ABT Rende STEERENBERG BE/OP Checked by : Alfred BLAS BE/RF Etienne CARLIER TE/ABT Heiko DAMERAU BE/RF Laurent DUCIMETIERE TE/ABT Thomas KRAMER TE/ABT Bettina MIKULEC BE/OP Hannes BARTOSIK BE/ABP Approval Group Members: (to add) Approval Group Leader: Malika MEDDAHI TE/ABT LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 2 of 9 History of Changes Rev. No. Date Pages Description of Changes 1.0 11/11/14 Draft version 1.0 created 2.0 09/12/14 Version 2.0 including some comments LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 3 of 9 1. SCOPE This document specifies the parameters for the kickers used for the beam transfer between the PSB and the PS, in the context of the LIU upgrade project. The document: describes the motivation for the upgrades; outlines the existing kicker systems; describes the relevant PSB and PS beam parameters, for all beams; specifies the performance requirements including tolerances; describes the timeline. The document does NOT describe the technical solutions which will be used to meet these requirements – so for instance the option of augmenting the KFA45 strength with a second KFA53 kicker is not explicitly covered. The detailed technical implementation will form the subject of separate engineering specifications for the individual systems, based on the need to meet the requirements in this document. 2. INTRODUCTION The increase of the PSB extraction energy from 1.4 to 2.0 GeV is one of the cornerstones of the LIU project [1], and will enable the limitation in intensity due to the space-charge tune shift in the PS to be overcome [2]. The extraction systems of the PSB, the recombination beamlines and beam transfer elements, and the injection system of the PS will all need to function at the new higher beam energy. 2.1 MOTIVATION FOR KICKER UPGRADE The kicker systems in the PSB extraction, BT recombination lines and PS injection all need to provide 30% more ∫B.dl, to allow the transfer of the 2.0 GeV beam with a rigidity of 9.28 Tm. At the same time, the rise and fall times of the kickers must be compatible with the required bunch lengths and filling schemes for the HL-LHC era beams, and with the present specifications for the beams for other fixed-target users in the PS complex and the SPS. The driver for the upgrade is the LIU nominal 25 ns beam, and the most important parameters to respect are those required for this beam. Clearly, the changes to the kickers should also not degrade the performance available for the SFTPRO beams for the higher intensity, larger emittance beams used for other users than LHC. Finally, alternative (backup) solutions for LHC such as the BCMS beam [3] may take advantage of the upgraded baseline parameters, but should not define the extreme limits of the parameter space. 3. PSB TO PS BEAM TRANSFER AND KICKER SYSTEMS The transfer from PSB to PS is shown schematically in Figure 1. 3.1 EXTRACTION FROM PSB The BE.KFA14L1 kicker ejects the beam from the PSB. The rise time must be short enough to fit into the shortest gap between the two longest bunches. Note that the PS harmonic number determines this shortest gap, and not the PSB harmonic number. The flat-top length is approximately one PSB turn, minus the rise time. The fall time is not constrained. LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 4 of 9 3.2 RECOMBINATION OF THE 4 PSB RINGS The two BT.KFA10 kickers each recombine two of the PSB rings into a single beamline. The rise time must be short enough to fit into the shortest gap between the two longest bunches. Note that the PS harmonic number determines this shortest gap, and not the PSB harmonic number. The flat-top length must be approximately one PSB turn, minus the rise time. The BT2.KFA20 kicker recombines the two beams thus generated – the rise time specification is the same, but the flat-top length approximately twice as long. For both recombination kicker types KFA10 and KFA20 the fall time is not constrained. 3.3 PS INJECTION KICKER The PI.KFA45 kicker injects the beam into the PS. The rise time must be short enough to fit between the two longest bunches on the highest PS operational harmonic (h=9). The flat-top length is approximately four PSB turns. The fall time needs to be similar to the rise time (in fact it is constrained by the h=8 bunch spacing and length as there is no missing bunch in the PS bunch train). Figure 1. Schematic of beam transfer between PSB and PS, illustrated for the HL-LHC BCMS scheme (top), and the SFTPRO high intensity beams (bottom). Note that the order of PSB rings injected into the PS always follows “3 before 4 before 2 before 1”. This means that the fall times of the recombination kickers are never critical. LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 5 of 9 4. PSB AND PS BEAM PARAMETERS While rise and fall times “short as possible” are clearly tempting to specify, it is crucial to define the actual system requirements in view of the beam types planned for the HL-LHC era after LS2. The rise/fall times are key parameters along with gap field, and affects strongly the technical choices, cost and performance of the planned upgrades, plus the overall feasibility and risk, in the context of many simultaneous activities with limited resources. The bunch lengths and gaps between bunches in the two machines are a function of the harmonic numbers, of the beam momentum and also of the beam type (intensity and longitudinal emittance/RF voltage). To alleviate the space charge limitations in the PS, the LHC type beams will be transferred at 2.0 GeV with the maximum possible bunch lengths. This reduces the lengths of the RF buckets, due to the slight reduction in revolution periods with higher relativistic . The option of 1.4 GeV beam transfer is also explicitly retained, and the aperture design of the injection elements needs to accept the larger physical emittances at the lower energy. For completeness the parameters are specified also at this beam momentum. The PSB will operate at h=1 with long bunches for the nominal LHC beams, with h=2 for the high-intensity Fixed Target beams, and at h=1 for the low emittance BCMS beams [3]. The h=1 operation requires 2 injections into the PS (double-batch transfer), while h=2 operation requires only a single injection into the PS (single batch transfer). 4.1 BASIC PSB AND PS BEAM PARAMETERS The basic PSB and PS beam parameters relevant for the PSB-PS beam transfer for 1.4 GeV and 2.0 GeV are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Table 1. 1.4 GeV PSB and PS beam parameters for PSB-PS beam transfer Parameter Value Beam kinetic energy [GeV] 1.4 Beam rigidity [T.m] A PSB revolution period [ns] B PS revolution period [ns] 7.14 571 2286 Table 2. 2.0 GeV PSB and PS beam parameters for PSB-PS beam transfer Parameter Beam kinetic energy [GeV] Beam rigidity [T.m] A PSB revolution period [ns] B PS revolution period [ns] Value 2.0 9.28 552 2210 LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 6 of 9 4.2 BUNCH LENGTHS AND DERIVED KICKER RISE, FALL AND FLAT-TOP TIMES The set of parameters for the PSB-PS beam transfer kickers for 1.4 GeV and 2.0 GeV transfer are given in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Values are rounded to the nearest ns. Note that 6 bunches are injected into h=7 for the nominal LHC beam production scheme, while 8 bunches are injected into h=8 for fixed-target type beams, and 8 bunches into h=9 for the LHC high brightness BCMS beam. Importantly, for h=2 the bunches in the PSB are not equally spaced – the fundamental RF frequency is also used to modulate the bunch spacing prior to extraction, to fit the PS harmonic number. This means that the rise time available for the PSB kicker depends on the difference between the PSB revolution period and the PS bunch spacing, and so is shorter for lower harmonic number in the PS. Table 3. 1.4 GeV bunch lengths and derived parameters for PSB-PS beam transfer kickers 1.4 GeV Basic parameters Bunch lengths Rise times Fall times Flat tops C D =B/C E F=A-D G H =A-G =F-H =D-G =D-H =D-G = D x (1 + C - E) - G = D x (1 + C - E) - H =G =D+H =G =D+H =D+G =3xD+H =3xD+H = D x (E - 1) + H Parameter PS harmonic number PS bunch spacing [ns] PS bunches filled PSB 2nd spacing on h2 [ns] Bunch length h1 [ns] Bunch length h2 [ns] PSB extr h1 [ns] PSB extr h2 [ns] Recomb h1 [ns] Recomb h2 [ns] PS inj h1 [ns] PS inj h2 [ns] PS inj h1 [ns] PS inj h2 [ns] PSB extraction h1 PSB extraction h2 Recomb 10. h1 Recomb 10. h2 Recomb 20. h1 Recomb 20. h2 PS injection h1 PS injection h2 7 327 6 244 223 140 348 104 104 187 104 430 513 222 467 223 467 550 1120 1120 1773 Value 8 286 8 285 170 170 401 115 116 116 116 116 116 170 456 170 456 456 1027 1027 2170 9 254 8 317 150 150 421 167 104 104 104 358 358 150 404 150 404 404 912 912 1928 LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 7 of 9 Table 4. 2.0 GeV bunch lengths and derived parameters for PSB-PS beam transfer kickers 2.0 GeV Basic parameters Bunch lengths Rise times Fall times Flat tops Label C D =B/C E F=A-D G H =A-G =F-H =D-G =D-H =D-G = D x (1 + C - E) - G = D x (1 + C - E) - H =G =D+H =G =D+H =D+G =3xD+H =3xD+H = D x (E - 1) + H Parameter PS harmonic number PS bunch spacing [ns] PS bunches filled PSB 2nd spacing on h2 [ns] Bunch length h1 [ns] Bunch length h2 [ns] PSB extr h1 [ns] PSB extr h2 [ns] Recomb h1 [ns] Recomb h2 [ns] PS inj h1 [ns] PS inj h2 [ns] PS inj h1 [ns] PS inj h2 [ns] PSB extraction h1 PSB extraction h2 Recomb 10. h1 Recomb 10. h2 Recomb 20. h1 Recomb 20. h2 PS injection h1 PS injection h2 7 316 6 236 205 125 347 111 111 191 111 426 506 205 441 205 441 521 1072 1072 1704 Value 8 276 8 276 165 165 387 111 111 111 111 111 111 165 441 165 441 441 994 994 2099 9 246 8 306 135 135 417 171 111 111 111 356 356 135 381 135 381 381 872 872 1854 5. KICKER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Using the data in Tables 3 and 4 the main performance requirements for the different PSPSB beam transfer kicker systems are summarised in Table 5. Note that the voltages specified are required ones, for the existing system magnet configuration, and not necessarily compatible with the system maximum operational voltages, specified rise times or flat-top ripple. All rise and fall times are given as 1-99 % values, which like the limits for the ripple on the flat-top, are empirically derived. At present it is assume that the transverse damper for the PS [4] is NOT used to damp injection oscillations. The damper may eventually provide more margin for longer bunches to be injected into the PS, at a future date. LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 8 of 9 Table 5. Main PS-PSB beam transfer kicker system performance requirements [5, 6] Parameter Unit Value BE.KFA14 BT.KFA10 BT2.KFA20 PI.KFA45 Nominal kick angle mrad 7.19 8.57 5.41 4.3 Max. kick angle mrad 7.83 8.8 5.6 4.4 Max. Beam rigidity T.m 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 Max. ∫B.dl (2 GeV) T.m 0.073 0.082 0.052 0.041 Magnetic length m 1.76 1.548 1.548 0.884 Max. gap field (2 GeV) T 0.041 0.052 0.033 0.046 1.4 GeV Rise time ns 104 104 104 104 2.0 GeV Rise time ns 111 111 111 111 1.4 GeV Fall time ns - -/- -/- 116 2.0 GeV Fall time ns - -/- -/- 111 1.4 GeV Flat-top length ns 467 467 1120 2170 2.0 GeV Flat-top length ns 441 441 1072 2099 Flat-top ripple (peak) % ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2 Timing jitter (peak) ns ±1 ±1 ±1 ±2 The following important points are to be noted: The maximum 135 ns bunch length for the 2.0 GeV BCMS scheme (injecting 8b into h=9 with h=2 in the PSB) at 2.0 GeV is defined by the 111 ns rise/fall time limits for the recombination kickers and the PS injection kicker rise time; The 111 ns fall time limit for the PS injection kicker is defined by the 8b into h=8 in PS for the SFTPRO beam, and limits the bunch length for the SFTPRO beam at 2.0 GeV to 165 ns. This will still represent an important increase in the performance potential for this beam compared to 170 ns at 1.4 GeV; Importantly, the fall times for the BT.KFA10 and BT2.KFA20 kickers are not relevant, and can be long, as the order in which the different PSB rings are recombined is never changed; If needed (for example if the PFL cables are eventually consolidated) the present PSB extraction kicker pulse length of 1600 ns can be reduced significantly. The maximum length required for extracting h2 at 1.4 GeV is 467 ns. 1 PSB turn at 1.4 GeV is 571 ns. So, there is absolutely no need for pulse flat-top length longer than ~600 ns. The present BT.KFA10 recombination kicker pulse length of 1600 ns could also be reduced significantly. The maximum length required for combining h2 at 1.4 GeV is 467 ns. The present BT2.KFA20 recombination kicker pulse length of 3000 ns could also be reduced significantly. The maximum length required for combining h2 at 1.4 GeV is 1120 ns. The present PI.KFA45 injection kicker maximum pulse length of 2600 ns could be reduced somewhat. The maximum length required for injecting h2 at 1.4 GeV is 2170 ns. LIU Project Document No. LHCPage 9 of 9 6. SCHEDULE The upgraded kicker systems need to be in installed and commissioned at the latest in LS2, at the end of the LIU project, to be ready for beam commissioning at the start of LHC Run3. 7. REFERENCES [1] reference to LIU TDR [2] reference to PS tune shift brightness limitation [3] reference to BCMS beam scheme [4] reference to PS injction damper specification [5] K.-D. Metzmacher, L. Sermeus, The PSB Ejection and Recombination Kicker Systems for LHC, CERN [6] K.-D. Metzmacher, L. Sermeus, The PS injection Kicker KFA45 Performance for LHC, PS/PO/Note 2002-015 (Tech.), CERN PS Division