
WHEREAS, Gulf Regional Planning Commission is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the
Mississippi Gulf Coast encompassing two urbanized areas, the Gulfport-Biloxi Urbanized area and the
Pascagoula Urbanized area as well as the balance of the three coastal counties of Hancock, Harrison and
Jackson; and
WHEREAS, Gulf Regional Planning Commission administers Surface Transportation Program Funds (STP)
to the local jurisdictions within the MPO’s designated urbanized area and under the guidance and
direction of the Technical Coordinating Committee and the Transportation Policy Committee; and
WHEREAS, Goals and Objectives adopted for development of the Gulf Coast Long Range Transportation
Plan are consistent with both the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)
requirements and Complete Streets policy elements; and
WHEREAS, the number one goal of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Long Range Transportation Plan is to
“Enhance Transportation System Mobility, Accessibility and Quality for All Roadway Users and Modes”;
WHEREAS, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan component of the Long Range Transportation Plan is
intended to build on local, state, regional, and national initiatives which seek to improve opportunities
for walking and bicycling safely in the local communities; and
WHEREAS, this Compete Streets Resolution supports several of the livability principles of HUD, DOT and
EPA’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities and the MPO’s regional partnership Plan for
Opportunity-Building a Regional Constituency for Long-Term Prosperity; and
WHEREAS, the nation’s Let’s Move campaign and Mississippi’s Let’s Go Walking campaign encourage
local governments and residents to create opportunities for active living such as walking and biking in an
effort to reduce obesity; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) supports the development of fully
integrated, active transportation networks and encourages communities to go beyond the minimum
roadway design standards to create safe walking and biking standards; and
WHEREAS, the Mississippi Legislature, in order to improve upon the safety of bicyclists, passed the John
Paul Frerer Bicycle Safety Act which clearly states the rights and duties of both motorists and bicyclists;
WHEREAS, the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) invested in complete streets with
construction of bike lanes along Mississippi Highways 67 and 605, sidewalks on Beach Boulevard and the
popular shared-use pathways on both the Leo W. Seal Memorial Bridge and the Biloxi Bay Bridge on US
Highway 90; and
WHEREAS, The Mississippi Transportation Commission passed a Bicycle/Pedestrian Resolution to
promote the construction of multi-purpose trails or wide paved shoulders on new construction and or
reconstruction projects; and
WHEREAS, the Coast Transit Authority’s successful Bike and Bus Program continues the popular service
to bicyclists along fixed transit routes; and
WHEREAS, Gulf Regional Planning Commission recognizes the number of cost-effective improvements to
existing roads that can increase access and safety, including crosswalks, bicycle Lanes, wide shoulder
lanes, signage, bulb outs, refuge islands, on-street parking, connectivity improvements, access to transit,
adding trees, and modifying speed limits, changing the signalization of traffic lights; and
WHEREAS, the Complete Streets guiding principle is to design, operate, maintain streets to promote safe
and convenient access and travel for all users, including residents who do not or cannot drive, to include
sidewalks, bicycle lanes, shared use pathways, transit stops as well as vehicle lanes; and
SECTION 1. That the Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Committee recognizes
the importance of creating complete streets within the public right-of-way that enable safe travel by all
users, including pedestrians and bicyclists, public transit riders, and those in traveling in freight vehicles,
emergency vehicles and automobiles, accommodating people or all ages and abilities including children,
older adults, and individuals with disabilities, as follows:
1. That local planning, public works, and engineering departments, should make complete streets
practices a routine part of everyday operations, approaching every transportation project (both
new and retro-fit projects, including design, planning, maintenance, and operations of entire right of way )
and program as an opportunity to improve all public streets and the transportation network for
all users in a context sensitive approach while working in coordination with other departments,
agencies, and jurisdictions to achieve complete streets.
Gulf Regional Planning Commission will work with local governments, MDOT, FHWA, and local
advocacy groups toward development of complete streets policies and/or transportation
improvement projects including establishing performance standards with measurable outcomes
while evaluating how well the streets and networks are serving each user.
During Gulf Regional Planning Commission’s STP application process, GRPC will award bonus
points to those applicants that incorporate Complete Streets principles to improve travel
conditions for bicyclists, pedestrians, vehicles, transit, and freight within the context that
supports the surrounding community.
To maximize project benefits to all users, Gulf Regional Planning Commission will require a
project design review committee representative of local officials, engineers, planners,
contractors, emergency personnel, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, etc. to encourage the
latest and best design criteria and guidelines that compliments the context of the community,
recognize the need for flexibility in balancing user needs while contributing to a safe,
convenient, or comfortable travel experience for users, including but not limited to features
such as: ADA compliance, sidewalks; shared-use pathways; bicycle Lanes; automobile lanes;
paved shoulders; accessible curb ramps; bulb outs; crosswalks; refuge islands; pedestrian and
traffic signals, and public transportation stops and facilities.
As recommended in GRPC’s TIP Handbook, to incentivize local government implementation
toward building safe Complete Streets, Gulf Regional Planning Commission will set-a-side 10% of
the annual Metropolitan Planning Organization Surface Transportation Program funding under
Independent Safety Projects Group to be used on planning and construction of safety related
projects for all modes and will set-a-side 10% under Independent Bicycle and Pedestrian
Projects Group for bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
GRPC will host webinars and/or design workshops to provide training opportunities for planners
and engineers responsible for design and construction of streets and bridges in how to
integrate, accommodate, and balance the needs for all users.
SECTION 2. The following exceptions to the Complete Streets policy are as follows:
1. Cost of accommodation is excessively disproportionate to the need or probable use
2. Accommodations are not necessary on corridors where non-motorized use is prohibited, such as
3. Severe existing topographic, natural resource, or right-of-way constraints exist that preclude
construction of complete street infrastructure without incurring excessive costs
This, the _____ day of ______________, A.D., 2012
The above and foregoing resolution, after having been first reduced to writing was introduced by
_______________, seconded by ________________, and was adopted by the following vote to wit:
The Chairman thereby declared the motion carried and resolution adopted this _____ day of
_____________, 2012.
Vice Chairman