PGDG Proposals: External activities ECON in 2016

Directorate C: Legislative Works
Commission for Economic Policy
Brussels, 14 September 2015
The secretariat of the ECON commission has received two proposals for the organisation of external
activities during 2016. The Commission for Economic Policy is asked to make a decision regarding
these proposals at its 5th meeting to be held on 29 September 2015. The proposals are enclosed.
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Proposal 1:
Type of activity proposed (select one):
External meeting and conference
Study visit (12 members)
Title and subject matter of the proposed activity:
Smart Regulation – Smart Growth: Employment, growth and innovation through cutting
red tape
Both the present and the previous European Commission made smart regulation one of their work
priorities. Smart regulation is vital for creating an environment in which economic growth and
innovation are possible on a long-term basis. SMEs, which provide 2/3 of jobs and create almost 60%
of added value in the European Union, are disproportionately affected by an excessive regulatory
Firstly, the seminar shall aim to present the current state of the EU-level debate and the role of smart
regulation for employment, growth and innovation, especially with regard to SMEs. Secondly,
examples of best practice from cities and regions shall aim to show how administrative burdens on
SMEs can be reduced.
Link between the proposed activity and the Work Programme and political priorities of the
ECON commission and the CoR:
Smart growth is a priority of the Europe 2020 strategy and one of the ECON commission's key areas
of activity. Smart regulation is increasingly recognised and acknowledged as one of the central themes
of the efforts to promote employment, growth and innovation, as it contributes to employment, growth
and investment and also plays an important role in creating a deeper, fairer internal market with a
strengthened industrial base; finally, cutting red tape improves the competitiveness of SMEs in
Political objective of the proposed activity:
EU efforts to improve growth and employment through smart regulation must be made more
compatible with cities and regions. The seminar shall firstly clarify the EU-level debate and in
particular the contribution that regions and cities can make. In addition, it will focus on the key role
that smart regulation plays for SMEs. 99.8% of businesses in the EU are SMEs; they are a driving
force for growth, innovation and employment. At the same time, an excessive regulatory environment
has a significantly greater effect on SMEs than on large firms.
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Strategic relevance of the proposed activity (interinstitutional calendar, ECON activities):
The European Commission describes smart regulation as one of the corner stones of its activities to
2020; the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy has highlighted the on-going need for smart
regulation in order to improve competitiveness in the regions. In May 2015, the Commission
published its Better Regulation Package, which contains numerous new proposals.
Local and regional authorities play a very important role for SMEs. The seminar aims to involve
regional and local authorities and SMEs in the European debate and thus to encourage greater
Added value of proposed activity:
In 2013, the CoR's ECOS commission held a discussion in Styria on the role of innovation for
sustainable growth in automotive regions1. At this conference the importance emerged of having
closer cooperation between CoR members and businesses. In that same year Styria was the European
Entrepreneurial Region. The proposed seminar can and shall aim to build on this. Styria has an R&D
rate of 4.8%. The regulatory environment has a significant bearing on capacity for innovation,
particularly in the case of SMEs.
Political context:
Please indicate if there are any elections planned within 3 months before and/or after the event,
and if so, the date and type of election (e.g. local, regional, national).
Elections planned:
Date(s) of these elections:
Additional remarks:
Proposed place:
Styria (Graz or the Red-Bull Ring, Spielberg) tbc
Planned date:
September-November 2016 tbc
Proposed by (name of member):
Dr Christian Buchmann, regional minister
External meeting of the ECOS commission and conference on a Competitive and sustainable automotive industry in the regions.
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Proposal 2
Type of activity proposed (select one):
External meeting and conference : X
Title and subject matter of the proposed activity:
External commission meeting and a conference: "Entrepreneurship based on innovation - directions
for the development of companies in Europe."
The topic of the conference links directly to one of the commission's priorities: Increasing
employment, growth and investment. The conference will consist of presentations and panel
discussions on the following themes:
Innovation and modern technologies as key elements of the development of companies and
regional economic growth
Smart specialisations and directions for the development of companies in Europe
Internationalisation of businesses - functioning of European enterprises in global markets
European Union policy to stimulate the development of enterprises in Europe
The role of regions in promoting the development of SMEs and large companies
The speakers of the conference will be representatives of the ECON commission, the Committee of
the Regions, the European Commission, the Polish government, international and Polish experts in the
area of entrepreneurship and innovation as well as investors.
A study visit scheduled for the second day of the ECON commission external meeting will be a great
opportunity to discuss the role of business supporting institutions and R+D infrastructure in supporting
innovativeness of SMEs in Europe and enhancing their competitiveness.
Link between the proposed activity and the work programme and political priorities of the
ECON commission and the CoR:
The conference will be dedicated to the role of innovation and new technologies in the development of
modern enterprises, as well as their impact on the functioning of companies in global markets.
Promoting jobs, growth and investment is one of the commission's priorities. Analysing cases of
successful regions in the field of job creation through attracting investment and supporting SMEs
would be valuable for other regions of Europe.
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The ECON commission focus on the need to enhance SME competitiveness by improving access to
finance, reducing administrative burdens and strengthening entrepreneurial culture indicates that such
a conference would be welcome.
The commission is also entrusted with promoting the CoR European Entrepreneurial Region award
(EER) as an instrument facilitating the implementation of the Small Business Act and the promotion
of entrepreneurship at local and regional level. Malopolska holds this title for 2016.
Political objective of the proposed activity:
Building a larger coalition to safeguard key factors of regional growth.
Fostering cooperation between regions in order to promote successful solutions.
Strengthening relations between members of the recently created ECON commission.
Strategic relevance of the proposed activity (inter institutional calendar, ECON activities):
The European Fund for Strategic Investments will soon be fully operational so there is a window of
opportunity for European regions to develop further their investment strategies built on reliable
Added value of proposed activity:
Małopolska Region will be hosting the 9th Investment Forum in Tarnow (23-24 May 2016). ECON
commission members will participate in selected panel discussions and meetings of this Forum. The
Conference will also be a part of the Forum – a two-day event gathering representatives of EU
Member States governments, prominent economists, investors and journalists discussing global
challenges. The Forum is one of the most important economic conferences in Poland.
The meeting in Malopolska Region will also be a great opportunity to visit selected sites and centres
presenting the innovative potential of the region, alongside a very rich cultural programme offered by
the cities of Cracow, Tarnow and Wieliczka.
Political context:
Please indicate if there are any elections planned within three months before and/or after the
event, and if so, the date and type of election (e.g. local, regional, national).
Elections planned:
Date(s) of these elections:
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Additional remarks:
The conference will be an important part of the EER award strategy of the Malopolska Region.
Proposed place: Cracow/Tarnow, Poland
Indicative date: 23-24 May 2016
Proposed by (name of member): Marek Sowa
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