Student Name Friday Activity Completed Monday Activity Completed Tuesday Activity Completed Wednesday Activity Completed Points Needed Activity Vowel Recognition Word Connection Off Hand Word Dots Poetry in Motion Points Points Points Points 15 Congratulations!!! Your Total Points Description Write each word and circle the vowels. Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words. Write your word with the hand you do not usually write with. Write the spelling words in dots. Then connect the dots with a colored pencil. Create THREE Acrostic Poems using three different spelling words. An acrostic poem uses each letter of a word to begin each line of the poem. Here is an example of an acrostic poem for the word BED: Being comfortable Every night from Dusk until dawn Points 2 2 2 2 3 Practice, Practice, Write each spelling word FIVE times. 3 Practice Word Jumble Choose five different spelling words. For each word, mix up the letters to try and form as many new words as you can! Here is an example of a Word Jumble using the word PLANET: P L A N E T 3 Plan, Plane, Net, Tan, Pan, Nap, Lap, Pet, Pen, Ten, Tap, Tale, Plate, Lane, Pane Picture Place Letter Tiles Create a Word Search Spelling Dictionary Flash Cards Spelling Detective Draw a picture for each spelling word. Write the spelling word above the picture. Use letter tiles or something similar to spell the words three times. Type in all of the week’s spelling words and then search/complete the puzzle using this cool resource from Discovery! ( Find each word in the dictionary – write the word and then the word before and after the spelling word. Create a flash card for each spelling word and then drill three times. Parents write each spelling word misspelled and have the student find and make corrections using a dictionary or some other resource. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Rhyming Words Sorting Syllables Sorting by Length Short Story Word/Letter Association Word Challenge Word in a Sentence Write a minimum of three rhyming words (if possible) for all the spelling words. 3 Write words in ABC order three times. Write each word in syllables. (dic-tion-ar-y) 3 3 Write your words in order from the shortest to the longest three times. 3 Write a short story, journal entry, or sentences using at least SEVEN spelling words. When you use a spelling word in your story, you MUST underline it. Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word. 3 Write each spelling word. Next to each word, write two additional words of at least four letters that can be spelled using the letters in the spelling word. 3 Use each spelling word in a sentence. 4 Practice Makes Better 3 Write each spelling work FIFTEEN times. 5 Go to and take pre-test or play a game. Parents sign on line below: Spelling City 5 X ________________________________________________________________________ Presentation Word Look Up Type It Mnemonic Devices Pyramids Write a Letter Pyramid Power Four Square Create a PowerPoint presentation with voice – create a slide for each spelling word, and record your voice saying each word. Look each work up in the dictionary and write the definition. Use a computer to type each word five times. Write a mnemonic sentence to help you remember each of your spelling words. Each letter of the word should start a word in the sentence. For example, a mnemonic sentence for the word THROW might be Ted Has Rented One Wheelbarrow. Create word pyramids using ALL of your spelling words. This activity will give you the best practice for the spelling test. Here is an example of a Pyramid for the word FREE: F F R F R E F R E E Write a letter to a friend using all the spelling words (the letter must have a date, a greeting, a body with at least five sentences, a closing, and a signature) Write the words in order of difficulty. Write the easiest word once at the top of the paper, the next easiest twice, and so on. You will have a pyramid shape when you are finished. Draw a large square with four sections for each spelling word. Write the spelling word in the top left section, write its definition in the top right section, write its part of speech in the lower left section, and use it in a sentence in the lower right section. Do this for all the spelling words. 5 5 5 6 6 10 10 10