1 Table of contents Acronyms and abbreviations ___________________________________________ 5 Abstract _______________________________________________________________ 6 Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 7 UEFA Euro Championship 7 Post-communistic country and tourists 8 Master thesis problem formulation 10 Case presentation ____________________________________________________ 12 What is tourism? 12 Foreign visitors in Poland- Overall information Tourism In Poland 13 14 Image of Poland on the international arena 16 Danish tourism behaviour 17 Danish Tourists in Poland 22 Year 2004 22 Year 2007 23 Year 2010 24 Summary 25 Theory- Brand and branding ___________________________________________ 27 Brand 27 Branding 27 Country/ destination image 28 Country brand 31 Country brand identity 31 Successful country brand 32 Mega event __________________________________________________________ 34 Sport mega events 35 Example of successful mega event- Australian Olympics 2000 38 Problems with mega events - Crowding-out effect 40 Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign _________________ 42 The aim of campaign 43 2 Types of advertising 46 Television 46 Press (newspapers, magazines) 48 outdoor (public transportation) 49 Tourist Fairs 49 Leaflets and tourist brochures 49 Internet- source available to everybody 50 Polish expectation during and after Euro 2012 52 Methodological standpoint ____________________________________________ 55 Ontological position 55 Hermeneutic Circle 56 Research method – Qualitative approach ______________________________ 59 Secondary data 59 Primary data 60 Validity/Reliability 60 Respondents profile 61 Why Danish? 62 Interview surroundings 62 Analysis _______________________________________________________________ 63 Section number 1 Danish tourism behavior 65 Section short conclusion: 71 Section number 2 Picture of Poland looked through Danish eyes Section short conclusion: 71 75 Section number 3 Euro 2012 and mega events 75 76 Section short conclusion: Section number 4 Polska. Move your imagination Section short conclusion: 77 79 Conclusion and discussion _____________________________________________ 80 Bibliography: __________________________________________________________ 83 Books 83 Articles: 84 Websites 86 PDF 86 Appendix _____________________________________________________________ 89 Interview guide 89 Transcript of interviews 91 3 1st interview: Birgitte 91 2nd interview: Cathy 96 3rd interview: Kristine 100 4th interview: Lisbeth 103 5th interview: Martin 106 6th interview: Simon 110 7th interview: Uffe 113 4 Acronyms and abbreviations EU- European Union EURO- European Football Championship EUROSTAT- European Statistical System PL.2012- Company responsible for organizing the Euro in Poland POT- Polish Tourist Organisation PZPN- The Polish Football Association UEFA- Union of European Football Associations UNWTO- World Tourism Organisation 5 Abstract Successful mega events can help establish country brand recognized on the international arena. Other words, presence of mega event means increase in amount of tourist awareness about hosting country. To that, it can build heritage, invent attractions and make a place magnetic. All of that may lead to the increase of tourism in the future. Within few days European Football Championship begins in Poland. Promotion of this sport mega event started many months ago appearing in European countries using social media, public transport, tourist fairs and many more. In the same time, Poland started separate campaign with use of the fact of upcoming Euro 2012, to brand herself as a tourist destination in Europe. Campaign called “Polska. Move your imagination” was created to fight stereotypes related to Poland, present the Slavic soul and hospitality of Polish people, through showing of positive image of country left in a tourist minds, who had visited Poland (word-of-mouth). One of these tourists is Danish couple spending active time on the beach in Gdańsk. As secondary data shows, Danish tourists travel a lot, willing to spend their money for place destination offered new experiences (visual, auditory, taste) and unique culture. Within this frame, data from interviews with Danish tourists was put into the context of theories to find how sport mega events like Euro 2012 can contribute to Polish brand image in eyes of Danish tourist. The major finding has to do with types of tourist attractions in a destination country, and the way of promotion. In this regards, Poland could increase in Danish tourists and be seen as strong brand. Keywords: Brand, mega event, tourism, Euro 2012, Poland, Denmark 6 Introduction UEFA Euro Championship The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC and since then many religious and sports events have been held. Nowadays, what is new about event tourism is that cities, regions, countries seem too specialized in creation of such an event because of economic benefits (Morgan, 2004, p.280). Sport is closely linked to tourism (Anholt S., 2007, p.5), and for the first time these relationships were described by H. Martyn's in 1969, which stated that the sports event attracts tourists wishing to take part in them actively or passively (Travassos D.F, 2008, p.24). Morgan N., et al., wrote that “...relationship between events and tourism has become intrinsically linked” (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.279). This is because, mega sport event1 brings: increase of tourism on the local and national arena increase of country recognition on the international arena increase visitation economic impact The UEFA European Championship is one of the world's biggest sporting events. “At the time that UEFA was born, in 1954, the impetus for a European championship was coming from the distinguished French sports newspaper L'Equipe, which proposed a competition with home-and-away matches to be played in midweek in the evening.”2 The competition finally became reality with the first match played at Moscow's Tsentralni Lenin Stadium on 29 September 1958.3 The UEFA European championships held every four years, last time Euro 2008 was hosted also by two countries: Austria and Switzerland (Active and adventure: Euro 2008 before and after, 2008). During the Euro 2012 games in Poland and Ukraine, UEFA expect about 1.4 million sport tourist at the stadiums, and the matches will be broadcast live in more than 200 territories around the world4. The UEFA EURO 2012 matches will be played in eight stadiums, four in Poland – Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw, Wroclaw – and four in Ukraine – Donetsk, Lviv, See chapter Mega event UEFA website 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 1 2 7 Kharkiv and Kyiv. The opening match will take place in Warsaw (Poland) on 8 June and the final on 1 July in Kyiv (Ukraine). In Euro 2012 competition takes part 16 football teams, each from different country. Among these teams there is also a national team of Denmark. Denmark has their own history with European Football Championship; in 1992 Denmark won championships defeating Germany, 2:05. On the all time list of clubs from 1992 to 2011, Fc København is on a 62 place and Aalborg BK on a 70th6, and the names of Danish football players and football teams are present in almost every ranking made by UEFA. This improve that football games are popular in Denmark and Danish people often are part of sports events. In order to fully understand topic of this project, besides this short information about EURO, in the introduction, reader can find basic knowledge on the problems associated with tourism in post-communistic countries combined with the comparison of expectations of Danish tourist going abroad. Post-communistic country and tourists Nigel Morgan, et al., says that “A country’s image results from its geography, history, proclamations, art and music, famous citizens and other features” (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.42). As we know from the history, Poland was under 123 years of annexation, Russian and German occupation and survived almost 50 years of communism; the year 1989 is the date of the end of communism not only in Poland but throughout Central – Eastern Europe. After the post-communism, after all political turmoil, Poland, like other post-communist countries, try to find out who they are as a nation (Olins W., 2006). They have a great need to be seen and see out of their own boarders; looking for a way to demonstrate to others that they have a tourist potential, to improve that it is worth for tourist to come and spend their leisure time and money (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.60-61). In the same time, the Western consumer starting to be more and more interest in culture of post-communist countries (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.33). Nordic, within Danish tourist, wants to experience big cities and different cultures7. They are seeking for unique experience like UEFA website/history UCL All-Time Ranking List by Clubs, UEFA website/uefa champions league 7 The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, 2011, PDF., p.18 5 6 8 trying local meals or meeting new people in their local surroundings8. Unfortunately, many of them still do not know much about Central and East European countries; where are they in Europe? Are they big or small? Slovakia is mistakenly taken for Slovenia or Baltic is confused with Balkans (Olins Wally, 2006). Central and Eastern European countries have been faced with few problems in order to attract tourist. One of the constraints is view of open, modern and inviting country (Morgan N., 2004, p.114). Next problem is that rest of the world tend to see post-communist countries as similar, having the same poor quality and limited product range (Morgan N., 2004, p.114-115); cheapness (food, transport, cloths) still dominate as a main valour in holidays travel agency brochures. While, according to report The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, 2011, indicate 54%9 of Danish tourist prefer to stay in high quality hotels (4-5 stars) since they want to keep the same luxury standard as they have back home.10 What is Polish image on the European area? According to Willy Olins, in 2004, perception of Poland in Western countries is still strongly influenced by stereotypes11 like: economic backwardness, anti-Semitism, communism. Poland was seen as poor economically and grey country with nothing exiting to see or do. In order to fight all problems associated with stereotyping view of country, and become a great tourist destination, Poland want to create a strong destination brand, which will attract foreign tourist12. This means that country wish to show self to West European nations as modern, ‘European’ country, being not only geographically in Europe but also mentally similar to West European nations; where standard of services is high quality, and tourist can happily spending their time and money, and when their vacations coming to the end, already consider re-visit in Poland. Using the fact of the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship Euro 2012, Poland chooses to run promotional campaign, which was launched on 8 June 201113 and its official slogan is: “Polska. Move your imagination”14. For Poland is one of many potential ways to “... change stereotypical thinking about Poland. The main idea is to provide a positive image of our country left with a tourist who had visited our country and met Ibid., p.22 Ibid., p.18 10 Ibid.., p.22 11 See chapter Image of Poland on the international arena 12 See chapter Polish expectation during and after Euro 2012 13 Kampania multimedialna 2011-2012 na rynku niemieckim, brytyjskim i francuskim, 2011, PDF. 14 Strategia marketingowa Polski w sektorze turystyki na lata. 2012-2020,2011, p.75, PDF. 8 9 9 welcoming, friendly and smiling Poles15”. Under ‘move your imagination’ slogan, Poland using few short movies to presents country and invite different target tourist groups: business, sport tourist and non sport tourist. Using this promotional campaign, Poland invite not only sport tourist, but also a regular tourist to visit country for the matter of UEFA Euro 2012, the event planned for a few years since the 2007 UEFA chose Poland and Ukraine co-hosts of Euro 201216. Master thesis problem formulation Post -communist countries which included Poland, need to establish safe, stable, welcoming environment for the tourist from West Europe, America, Asia. (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.111) in order to increase tourist market, and get Europeans to know where Poland is, and what can offer to the tourist from different group of age, and gender. Mega sport event is a way to increase the popularity of the country where the championships are held, using advertising and promotional campaign of the event. After communism countries start to open for tourists, business from West European countries but in a five years time substantial transformation had been dissipated (Morgan N., 2004, p.114); there was the absent of country brand destination with exception of Prague and Budapest, which cities stayed strong in their identities of urban-cultural cities (Morgan N., 2004, p.114). Such a sport events like European Football Championship next to World Football Championship and Olympic Games, are known to be the most important sporting events in the world (Active and Adventure: Euro 2008: Before and After, 2008) Using the fact of hosting European Football Championship, Poland have a chance to promote themselves on the European area as a modern country full of beautiful historic architecture, pristine nature and an open, friendly people. The aim of project is to find answer on the question: “How can big events such as EURO 2012 contribute to improving the image of Poland on the Danish tourist market?” 15 16 PL.2012 website UEFA website 10 To that, as a help for answering problem question, and make project more understandable, I will use two sub-questions: “What is the image of Poland as a tourism destination held by Danish tourists?” “What is the Danish tourism behaviour in terms of choosing destination place? “How does the national tourism board intend to exploit EURO 2012 in order to brand Poland as a tourism destination?” “How does the promotional campaign with use of Euro 2012 is perceived by Danish tourists? This project fits into intercultural dimension because it covers Polish and Danish tourism market. I choose to analyse just Danish tourist since firstly, it is impossible for me to analyse in such a short time more than one foreign tourist visiting Poland. In order to make my research valid, I choose to devoted all my time to the analysis the impact of Polish brand promotion with used of upcoming European Football Championship on Danish tourists. Secondly, I do live permanently in Denmark and it is easier for me to find Danish interviewees, than tourists from other country. Moreover, living in Denmark give me advantage in the form of better understanding Danish behaviour. 11 Case presentation What is tourism? Before I start writing about foreign tourism in Poland, and before specifying Danish tourists’ behavior, I would like to shortly mention about what actually is tourism? And who is a person called tourist? According to World Tourism Organization: “Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which imply tourism expenditure.” 17 Usual, environment mean geographical area in which person is living and working Visitor is a person who travel outside his/her usual environment for a less than year, in purpose of pleasure, business, health, or other. There are two types of visitors. First is called tourist, which mean that he/she stays overnight in a visited place. Second type is excursionist (or a say-day visitor), which mean that person is not staying for a night in a visited place. There are three basic forms of tourism18: domestic tourism visitor travel in the country of his/her residence inbound tourism non-resident travel in the foreign country outbound tourism visitor travel outside the country of his/her residence These can be linked with additional forms of tourism19: internal tourism resident and non-resident travel outside the country, as a part of domestic or outbound tourism trips national tourism resident travel in and outside the country of his/her residence, as a part domestic tourism or outbound tourism UNWTO website/ basic glossary Ibid. 19 Ibid. 17 18 12 international tourism resident travel outside the country of his/her residence, as a part domestic tourism or outbound tourism and non-resident travel in to the country on inbound tourism Foreign visitors in Poland- Overall information In 2010, 58,320 millions foreign visitors crossed Polish borders. Compare to previous year, there was a significant increase in arrivals from countries21 such as: - Neighbours from the East Europe: Russia, Belarus - New European Union countries22: Slovakia, Romania - overseas countries: USA, Australia, Japan While there was a decrease of guests from Estonia, Greece and Latvia23. The highest number of arrivals in Poland, coming from the German side- 25, 86024, moreover, from a couple of years now, first place belongs to Germany. On the second place ranks Czech Republic with 9, 24025, and on a third place Slovakia- 6,01026. From overseas countries the highest number of visitors comes from USA27. What is interesting that did not note any person from Cyprus or Malta arriving and visiting Poland28. According to report about foreign inbound tourism in 201029, tourists come to Poland mostly for: - business reasons 3,1 million - tourism and recreation 2,4 million - to visit places of origin 0,4 million - shopping 1,3 million - travelling transit through Poland 1,2 million Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2010, p.35, PDF. Ibid., p.35 22 ‘new’ mean countries joined European Union in 2004, the same year Poland become a member of EU. 23 Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2010, p.35. PDF. 24 Ibid., p.36 25 Ibid., p.36 26 Ibid., p.36 27 Ibid., p.36 28 Ibid., p.36 29 Ibid., p.70 20 21 13 Other purposes of stay are: health, job training, part-time jobs, religious affairs are rare. Tourism in Poland According to Country Brand Index, in 2010 Poland take a 29th place among European countries in terms of attractiveness and country brand image. As the best country in terms of tourism (includes resort and lodging options, food, attractions, value for money, beaches, nightlife and shopping) Country Brand Index in 2010, recognized Japan30. Italy and Spain were placed adequately on the second and third place31. From Polish neighbours, only one country found place in the ranking– Germany (12) 32. On the international area, foreign tourism arrivals reached 477 million33. Spain guests 52,677,000 tourists34, and Italy 43,626,00035, and lastly, Germany with 26,875,000 numbers of tourists. Polish Institute of Tourism noted about 12,5 millions visits36 in 2010. As we can see it is still big difference in numbers between this three countries and Poland. The most popular tourist group are German people- 4, 52037, next is Ukraine with 1,35038, and on the third position Belarus- 97039. From the overseas countries leads USA (24040). Overall, the most frequent visitors are among neighbours: Germany, Belarusians and Ukrainians41. Poland has revealed mixed tourism fortunes in recent years. Year 2009 was the worst for the tourism market; year 2006 brought the most visitors. If we look carefully on the bar chart under we can observe that Polish Institute of Tourism forecast increase of international tourist over next few years after Euro 2012. Country Brand Index, 2011, p.54, PDF. Ibid., p.54 32 Ibid., p.54 33 UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2011, p.7, PDF. 34 The World Bank, website 35 Ibid. 36 Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2010, p.37, PDF. 37 Ibid., p.37 38 Ibid., p.37 39 Ibid., p.38 40 Ibid., p.38 41 Ibid., p.77 30 31 14 Table no.1, Polish Institute of Tourism, 2011 Polish Institute of Tourism inform, in annual report from 2010, that the main reason for people from UE countries (without Germany, which is considered in report separately) to visit Poland are ‘professional or business affairs’ (28%)42, ‘Explore the country, rest’, which mean typical tourism: meet local people and culture, sightseeing, is on the second place with 24%43, and on the third place is ‘visiting relatives and friends’ have 22%44 from all purpose of stay in Poland. In 2010 average longitude of staying in Poland was 3,945, influenced by the fact that arrivals from overseas countries stays approximately 6,346 overnights but tourist travelling by land stays just 3 47 nights. Tourists from USA stay the longest; Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians stay for short time (due to reason of travelling-transit).48 Among tourist like Russians, Finns, Norwegians and Spanish, collective accommodation (within hotels) increased since previous year, but among the Greeks, Danes and the Swedes prevails a slight decrease49. From 9, 96950 people, using the accommodation in Poland, the majority- 7,10851 chose the hotel. Ibid., p.71 Ibid., p.71 44 Ibid., p.71 45 Ibid., p.73 46 Ibid., p.73 47 Ibid., p.73 48 Ibid., p.73 49 Ibid., p.39, 41 50 Ibid., p.40 51 Ibid., p.40 42 43 15 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% up to 24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 The age structure of foreign tourists in 2010 in Poland 65 and over Table no.2 Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2010, p.81, own work Lastly, the most popular age group of tourist visiting Poland is group between 35 and 44, which amounts 38%. Next group are tourist in their middle forties to middle fifties. The third group represents young people: just after the school (25 years old) up to 34 years old. Image of Poland on the international arena The project „Brand for Poland" commissioned in 2004 by the National Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Polish Brand, and done by Wally Olins52 team, reveal opinions of Western countries, about Poland53. The image of Poland is dominated by stereotypes; country is seen through the prism of past, not present. Strong role, both negative and positive, plays history. Respondents appreciate Polish courage and see country as an important player in “new Europe”. Simultaneously, Polish traditionalism and religiosity is seen as negative factor. Five years later, in 2009, new research reveal image of Poland and Polish people hold in minds of 13 countries54: Austria, Holland, Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, France, Norway, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy. According to findings, countries can divide into two groups: have a basic knowledge about Poland and countries Wally Olins is a chairman in Saffron Brand Consultants, guru of branding. W. Olins is working with Polish government from over 10 years, to find Polish Brand and make it known all over the Word. 53 Badania wizerunkowe Polski i polskiej gospodarki w krajach głównych partnerów gospodarczych, 2011, p.28, PDF. 54 Ibid., p. 38 52 16 with no or very little knowledge. The source of knowledge seems to be media: television, Positive • “Solidarność” the overthrow of communism • Pope John Paul II • trustworthy employees good work labor • "Trojan horse" in Europe has the potential to induce changes in Europe 2009 2004 internet and newspapers55. Positive • attractive places and beautiful nature • kindness and hospitality • "Solidarność" • Pope John Paul II • tasty food • sport--> great athletes Negative • poor country, unemployment • unattractive climate--> cold and grey • cheap labor--> illegal work • negative attitude towards Russia--> coming from history • stealing Negative • Economical backwardness • Physical labor force--> imigrants • A simple traditionalism • The dogmatic and fundamentalist Catholicism • Anti-Semitism--> history, II World War • stealing Table no. 3, own work Comparing to five years before, year 2009 brings new positive attachments like beautiful nature and places and kindness and hospitality of Polish people. In terms of negative factors not much has been changed: Western European countries see Polish people as a thieves and cheap labour, which is taking work places from natives. What is worth to mention, that astonishing amount of Dutch (43%), Russians (31%), Brits (29%) or French (28%), do not associate Poland with anything in particular56. Danish tourism behaviour According to statistics from Eurostat (European Statistical System), Danish people travel most of their lives. Table below shows the percentage difference between Danish tourist group ages, and as it can be seen the results are almost equally. 55 56 Ibid., p. 38 Ibid., p. 39 17 Table no.4, Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.13 For a holiday destination place, Danish tourist will consider place where warm climate is and where they can experience unique local culture and people (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.14). By the word ‘unique’ are hiding things that Danish people never try, for example local cuisine, or local, traditional dance (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.22). Danish tourists desire to gain more experiences, have their own point of view forward to not known things. Table no. 5, The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, Medieministeriet, 2011, p.22 As we can see in the table beyond, Danish people are not different from other Scandinavian nations when it comes to way of travel; here dominate package tours and city breaks. Package tours are very important among families with kids, where they can stay in a luxury hotel (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18). City breaks are popular or year around simply because of a variety of promotion for the fly tickets (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18). 18 It is treated like a small break from work and stress of everyday life. Next category shows that all of Nordic countries as preferred transport indicates air travel (see table above and also page 38 in Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System) and by land- hired cars or private57. Slightly differences are with important factors: Danish place climate on the top of the list but just behind is culture and local people. Last category shows that purpose of holidays are definitely to relax and sightseeing. For most popular countries to travel, Denmark indicates in Europe: Spain, Bulgaria; outside Europe: Turkey, Tunisia; across the ocean: USA, Canada or Thailand (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18, 22). Table no. 6, Statistics Denmark According to report from 2011 about The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, Danish people are becoming more open also for exotic places like Samoa or East Timor (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.22). But still, very important key to successful vacation is accommodation, more precisely luxury accommodation, usually hotelsaccording to data from 2011, 54 % of the Danish tourists prefer to stay at hotels when travelling58, according to data from 2008 this amount was 43%59, so the number of tourist happily staying in the hotel raise. Such a hotel need to meet several conditions not only for adults but for whole families: need to be children-friendly, have qualified staff to take care Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.39, PDF. Report The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, 2011, p.18, PDF. 59 Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.45, PDF. 57 58 19 of children, easy access to most of attractions like swimming pool, shops, and children clubs Medieministeriet, 2011, p.24). But it is not the only one form of accommodation; Danish tourists often stay at families or friend’s house, camping or rented home (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18). Table no. 7, Statistics Denmark During the whole year, parents do not have much time for a child, that is why it is so important for Danish people to spend holidays all together, where adults can relax and children are active and have a lot of fun together with their parents (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.24). Danish people like luxury standard of holiday, often choosing 4-5 stars hotels p.24; this is because of high standard of life back home. For instance, Danish travel spending is systematically growing, last three years this amount increase 63% (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.16). Moreover, Nordic tourists, within Danish tourists, are spending 90% more money for accommodation, food and attractions than average European tourist (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.16). Denmark close top five of countries from which residents spend the biggest amount of money spending for holiday abroad (1. 223,00 Euro60). Difference between an average European tourist and a tourist from Scandinavia is significant. As we see, Danish people are a market worth fighting for. To that, Danish people have usually 5 to 6 weeks holidays from which approximately 3 are spend during the summer holidays (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.16). The most popular travel months are July and August (“30 % of all Danish vacations in 2010 took place in July and August.” 60 Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.56, PDF. 20 Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18), the less popular are January and February (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18). Table no. 8 Seasonality in tourism: share of tourism nights spent in collective accommodation during the busiest and the lowest months, Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.52 Table no. 9, Statistics Denmark As we can observe on the 2 tables above, Danish tourist more often travel in July and August, than in a winter time, and it is a big difference between this two seasons. This difference remains also when we look at tourist place destination, whether tourist travel in or outside the country, January and February brings small movement in tourism market. It is worth to mention that, usually Danish tourist will stay in a holiday place destination no longer than one week (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.18). 21 Table no. 10, Holiday trips of Danish residents (aged over 15), by length of stay (share in total number of holiday trips in %), Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat, 2008, p.29 As mentioned earlier in this text, the most popular way of spending vacation is to go with whole family, but it is not the only one way. More and more single people or couples without children consider holidays alone or with other single person. Usually, the purpose of a holiday is to find new friends and social network, share experiences and also to find a partner for life (Medieministeriet, 2011, p.26). Danish Tourists in Poland At the outset, I would like to point, that main data in short characteristics of the Danish tourism in Poland comes from Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism61. The purpose of placement three different years and analysis of them is simple: I want reader to see how many changes, if any, happens over the years in Polish tourism market according to Danish tourists. Year 2004 In 2004, the year when Poland joined European Union, number of arrivals from Denmark amounted to 118 thousands62. As the main reason of visit, 41% Danes claim to be a business. On the overall scale pointing to a business as a major cause, Danish people are on 61 62 Ministry Of Sport And Tourism Of Polish Republic, website Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2004, p.77, PDF. 22 the top of the list together with Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden and Holland63. ‘Visiting relatives and friends’ claimed 22%64 of people. 25%65 of all found exploring the country and rest as a main reason to come to Poland. The number of average visit within in 2004 was estimate at 2,866, and number of overnights per person at 4,367. General characteristics of tourists from EU countries (without Germany) visiting Poland in 2004, in the group age was estimate 65,2% for age between 35 and 44, on the second place was group age 25-34 (18,2%)68. If it comes to Danish people, Report 2004 just mention about group age up to 34, which was around 16% of all group ages. What is interesting, that over 54%69 from all Danes stays during their visit in Poland, in hotels or motels. Again, it can be great merit of a high GDP70, where life standard is high. It is a high number although, compare to Hungarian, Italian, or Great Britain tourist, this number place Denmark low on the list of accommodation in hotels by country of origin of tourists71 Year 2007 Report from 2007 informs about 149,972 thousand Danish people coming to Poland. Almost 61%73 of them stayed just for 1 to 3 nights, which indicates short trips. 14% Danes came to see family and friends, 32,9%74 claim to come for holiday purpose: visiting country, and relax- this is a much higher number of percentage, than the total number consisting of the most popular countries, that have indicated the same reason75. That is why Demark together with Canada, Belgium, France, USA or Norway, is among the countries with the highest, over 30%76 share of arrivals for a typical tourist. Meanwhile, 39,4% came because of ‘professional or business affairs’. As we can see, it is rather small dominance between ‘business’ and ‘relax’ purpose, compare to year 2004 where difference was Ibid., p.50 Ibid., p.77 65 Ibid., p.77 66 Ibid., p.77 67 Ibid., p.77 68 Ibid., p.66 69 Ibid., p.77 70 The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, 2011, p.12, PDF. 71 Ibid., 2004, p.54 72 Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2007, p.23, PDF. 73 Ibid., p.100 74 Ibid., p.100 75 Ibid., p.57 76 Ibid., p.58 63 64 23 bigger. The average number of visit range is 3,477 times during the whole year, and a stunning 61,2%78 of visitor stayed in a hotel or motel. Most of the people (38,5%79) visiting Poland are in the age group between 35 to 44 80 , on the second place, with high average, are people between 25 and 34 years old (22,7%81). Year 2010 90 thousands82 of Danish people visited Poland in 2010 according to official statistic from Polish Institute of Tourism. 58%83 of them stayed for 1 to 3 nights, which mean that it is usually short visit in Poland, probably due to 64% of all Danish visitors indicating their trip as a business trip. While, just 10%84 of all people coming, as a purpose of the stay indicated ‘exploring the country, rest’, and just 7% ‘visiting relatives and friends’. It is tendency that we can observe also for other countries; business trips are most common visit purpose85. 18%86 of visitors were people in group age up to 34; just 8% were over 55 years old. Regular guests in Poland are above all, Germany and Polish neighbours: Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.87 Average number of visits per year, is estimate at 2.588. Compare to other visiting countries like Sweden, France, Great Britain, all reach a similar number from 2.1 (France89) to 2.7 (Sweden90). A stunning 78% of Danish people visiting Poland, stays for night at hotels, 91 which is the dominant factor for ‘old European Union countries’92 93. Ibid., p.100 Ibid., p.100 79 Ibid., p.101 80 The 2007 report is more detailed than the report from 2004 81 “Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski”, 2007, p.101, PDF. 82 “Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski”, 2010, p.99, PDF. 83 Ibid., p.99 84 Ibid., p.99 85 Ibid., p.71 86 Ibid., p.99 87 Ibid., p.77 88 Ibid., p.99 89 Ibid., p.96 90 Ibid., p.93 91 Ibid., p.99 92 Ibid., p.75 93 Word ‘old European Union countries’ means countries joined European Union before 2004. 77 78 24 Summary As we can see, over the years 2004, 2007 and 2010, the main purpose of Danish visitors coming to Poland is business and work trips. The highest percentage of such a trips was in 2010 when rich 64% of all indicators, the same ‘explore the country, rest’ recorded the lowest (from three analyzed years), 10% indicator. Unfortunately, any of three reports do not say if Danish tourists coming to Poland travel alone or with families. What I did find is that, Danish people visiting Poland are mostly young or middle age persons up to 44 years old, which is also the most popular group of people in the general settlement of foreign tourism in Poland94. In 2007 Poland recorded highest number of guest from Denmark, but year 2010 brought 40% less Danes. This means that the number of visitors from Denmark is declining. Chart found on Danish Statistics Bank95 website confirms the earlier assumption. Table no. 11, Statistics Denmark Decline occurred also in number of overnights spent in Poland- from 3,4 in 2007 drop to 2,5 in 2010. Other words, trips are getting shorter, which agrees with the reason for visit. Definitely, the most popular type of accommodation in which Danes stays is hotel- we can observe this over analyzed years. To that, below I placed bar chart with data from Danish 94 95 Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2010, p.81, PDF. Statistics Denmark, website 25 Statistics Bank96, which shows according to Danish government, that the most popular accommodation picked by Danes in Poland is hotel. Table no. 12, Statistics Denmark 96 Statistics Denmark, website 26 Theory- Brand and branding To fully understand next chapters of this project, it need to be explain what does the words brand and branding mean, and why this two words are so important for country and today tourism market. Brand Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or combination of them, intended to identify a product or service or organization (Anholt S., 2007, p.4, 2004, p.117; Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.15; Szondi G., 2007, pp.8-20), of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition (The American Marketing Association in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.41). Other words, brand is this what can distinguish one product from group of similar products; key-word after which you hear, you can immediately associate with product. For example “Colosseum” or “Eiffel Tower”, these are brand symbols of Rome (Italy) and Paris (France), and there is no mistake in indicating country of origin. They represent a unique characteristic and values, both functional and non-functional, linked to the country (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.61). Strong brand, like for example ‘Made in Germany, equal “customer preference, loyalty and financial gains” (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.41); it is also a promise of quality and symbol of persistent- customer can count on that expectation about product will be fulfilled (Anholt S., 2007, p.5; Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.18). While “'Made in Poland' or 'Made in Lithuania' still do not create strong and positive associations in the minds of the Western European consumers” (Szondi G., 2007, pp.8-20). Thus, we can conclude that brand is a perception of product, which stays in minds of consumers, unchangeable for a long time (Anholt S., 2007, p.5). Branding The process of branding is to build a competitive, strong and modern brand of a productthe most important feature is to present a true picture of a product (Anholt S., 2007, p.4; Szondi G., 2007, pp.8-20; Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.70), that has emotional and social 27 values for consumer (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.41, 60, Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.7). In other words, the aim of branding process is to design, plan and show identity in order to change the perception of a product, or by removing stereotypes and false judgments (Anholt S., 2007, p.4; Szondi G., 2007, pp.8-20). Moreover, branding can improve the image, which in the long term is translated into a high reputation and attractiveness of the country, while consequently increasing the GDP and value of the products (Dinnie 2008, p.17; Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.279, Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.6). That is why “branding is perhaps the most powerful marketing weapon available to contemporary destination marketers confronted by tourists...” (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.60). How important is for product to create and develop a successful brand may show an example from book called Brands and Branding (Clifton R., et al.,2009, p.6) :” the 100 most valuable brands in 2008 were worth over $1.2 trillion, which would make them the 11th biggest ‘country’ in the world in terms of GDP…”. The economic impact of successful brand is enormous- it influence costumers, investors, etc (Anholt S., 2005, p.116; Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.27). Example of branding strength is Las Vegas, city situated in the desert, famous for casinos, hotels, fun and known all over the world slogan “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”97, each year welcomes more than 35 million tourists and achieved revenues of 31 billion dollars (data from Horner, S., Swarbroke J., 2004, p.128). Country/ destination image In branding visual images or symbols plays important role (Anholt S., 2007, p.5, 2004, p.118; Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.47). People remember place because their emotions connected to certain places, but also because the unique symbol or unique way of presenting symbol, place will stay in their mind. For example New York have Statue of Liberty, do Poland have such a symbol? In chapter about Image of Poland on the international arena, reader can find that nothing in particular stayed in mind of potential foreign tourist when asked about Poland98. Unfortunately for the country image, there 97 98 Visit Las Vegas, website For more details see chapter Image of Poland on the international area 28 appearing quite a lot negative factors which may influence a decision about destination place. By itself, destination place is very important decision for tourist because he wants to spend his precious time and hard-earned money in a high value place. (Morgan N., et al., 2004, pp. 60-61). When people make a choice about particular product, including destination, are driven by emotions; it have to be emotional relation between person and destination image (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.60), which can inspire tourist to visit and re-visit (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.42, 65). Of course there have to be a positive emotions towards country, since the image of a country created in consumer’s mind can stay for a very long time (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.43, 61, Clifton R., et al.,2009, p.18) and as Simon Anholt99 says, the only remaining superpower is public opinion. Country image can be understood as “the sum of beliefs and impressions people hold about places” (Kotler, et. al., in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.42). Sometimes, the opinion shall consist of more impression from personal experience that solid fact. To that, impression might come from exception rather than from patterns, nevertheless it will influence a future tourist choice. Stereotypes- simplifications of information- are the most difficult to change, simply because they stayed in nations for a long time (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.42, Szondi G., 2007, pp.8-20). To that, travel experiences not only stay in consumer mind but also influence other opinions and holiday choices. People often benefit from the experience of others (word-of-mouth). Of course different people hold different view on a particular product, nation, culture, since it is subjective phenomenon because we live in a social construct word, and people are members of society which affects in a big way personal opinion. We can change the message but we can never be sure how this message will be understand by millions of other people, from thousands nations (Anholt S., 2007, p.225). To that, a country image benefits or suffer from many factors (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p. 34, 42), like: geographic position art and music famous citizens international sporting triumphs religion 99 Simon Anholt, website 29 history disasters stereotypes Many of these factors can work in a both ways- encouraging and discouraging tourist to visit. Let me explain this on the example from history- although many years after II World War, there are still tension on the line Poland-Russia or Poland-Germany100. But there is also positive image of Poland linked to history coming from French nation. Next factor is disasters. As most of the people could thing, such factor have definitely discouraging effect on a tourist flow, good example of opposite action is Japan- despite the devastation of natural disasters and nuclear emergency, in Country Brand Index 2011, Japan comes first under tourism category101. According to book “Destination branding: creating the unique destination proposition”, the main influences on destination image have: Destination image promotion happening sport events people experience tourism fairs tourist trials media websites TV commercials Table no. 13, Gartner1993,1996; Ross 1994 or Font 1996 in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.208 and Morgan N., et al., 2004,p. 59, own work 100 101 See chapter Image of Poland on the international arena Country Brand Index, 2011, p.54, PDF. 30 Country brand In today's world, there is many ways to promote most of the things, starting from water through the clothes, cars or events and ending on the country brand (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p. 52, Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.20). Girard Michel (1999) argues that “a country carries specific dignity unlike a marketed product...”, so people can not re-brand the country; it’s immutable (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.18). But then, if we look at Poland, country struggled from years of communism, partitions and wars. Now many years after, Poland try to fight the stereotypes and re-brand itself as a modern, open country, which have to offer many interesting places, events, or beautiful nature to tourist from all over the world102. In my opinion if we can brand a product, we can also brand a city or a country trough every day convenient act of showing for what a city or country stands for. But changing country reputation and building brand is not easy and require long term commitment (Anholt S., 2007, p.225; Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.6). Country brand identity Every country has unique culture, landscape, friendly people, qualified workers, 5 stars hotels and spa. So, now it raises the question: How to attract tourist to visit country? The answer to successful destination branding is to create unique identity of the place (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.60, 65); to find a niche, so original, irresistible and unforgettable that proposition is simply self-propelling. “Good destination branding is therefore original and different, but its originality and difference need to be sustainable, relievable and relevant” (Papadopoulos N., 2004, p.43). The fundamental issues affecting the reputation of the country in the world today are the image of the country and its recognition on the international arena. The direct implication of brand recognition is an increase in the number of countries investing in the country, growth in sales of domestic products and the development of the tourism potential of the country (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.4-5). The bigger interaction between tourist and place, the more successful destination brand will be (Anholt S., 2007, p.5, 2004, p.117; Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.70). So, the key to popular 102 See chapter Move your imagination – Poland promotional campaign 31 destination is to match expectations and priorities of tourists coming to the country. To that, destination brand need to be open for changes (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.70), and new clients, simply because people are changing and their expectation also. Successful destination branding lies in being fresh and open-minded, having new ideas but the roots are the same: consistent and unchangeable (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.64). For example, it is not the best idea to change the company name but it might be good conception to go spirit of the times and modernize logo (Shell company) (Clifton R., et al., 2009, p.15). Successful country brand Successful promotional campaign can have a huge influence on tourist choice. People get to know more about country, and if they like what they see, there is a strong probability that they will consider spending holidays in a promoted country. Problem comes with unplanned and uncontrolled publicity, which might impact on a destination popularity and changes fortunes on positively or negatively way (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.209). If the country brand is strong, like ‘Made in Germany’, ‘Made in Switzerland’, significant high quality product (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.41), country will survived bad press, and status of the brand will not be challenged (at least not immediately, not by a single event). Moreover, according to Simon Anholt (2006, p.3): “countries with powerful and positive reputations find it easier, cheaper and faster to attract (...) tourists (...) and to gain the respect and interest of the world’s media”. ‘Made in China’, ‘Made in Taiwan’, might raise doubts in tourist mind (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.41); a countries with less positive reputation may struggle with attracting tourists and media attention (Anholt S., 2006, p.3). There are countries which are successful brands themselves: Spain, Germany, and Ireland. Megabrand103 countries which does not need to change their country image: United States, Japan, Italy, and France. And countries which continue to re-brand their image: New Zealand, India, Taiwan, Croatia (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.29). Poland belongs to the last group; it is the country which try to overcome the view of associated with stereotypes and post-communistic countries104. The answer on the question how to change view of Poland and Polish people? lies in good communication that arouse the greatest interest and desire to visit, among tourists (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.209). As Simon Anholt says, through 103 104 Megabrand in this context mean world famous See chapter Image of Poland on the international arena 32 carefully chosen international cultural, sporting and political events “country can earn better and stronger reputation”105, Poland has decided on running country promotional campaign and try to change stereotypical thinking about Poles, using the fact of hosting upcoming mega sport event-European Football Championship Euro 2012. 105 Simon Anholt, website 33 Mega event Mega event is ‘a one-time or infrequently occurring event of limited duration that provides the consumer with a leisure and social opportunity beyond everyday experience. Such events, which attract, or have the potential to attract tourists, are often held to raise the profile, image, or awareness of a region’. (Jago and Shaw, 1998 in Morgan, 2004, p.280). Behind the word mega event are hiding sport championships, cultural festivals or gigantic music concerts. According to Simon Anholt (2006, p.103), culture is the component which is absolutely necessary in order to make any place properly satisfying as a brand. “Culture can often play a critical role in moving the current brand image of a country towards its desired brand vision” (Anholt S., 2006, p.103). Other words, presence of mega sport event means increase in amount of tourist awareness about hosting country, it can build heritage, invent attractions and make a place magnetic (Anholt S., 2006, p.105), which may lead, in the future, to the increase of tourism (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.281). But in order to do so, Simon Anholt says that, mega event either has to have “mature pulling power, built up through many years of excellence” (like Jazz Jamboree in Warsaw), or be “so and irresistible that its pulling power is intrinsic and born great, and needs only a very short time to become established” (like European Football Championship). That is, the event produces its own environment to attract not only lovers of the event, but also the tourists who have heard about the country thanks to the popularity of the event (Fourie J., SantanaGallego M., p.1364.) In the era of globalization, big sporting events are characterized by mass-participation, relatively long duration (not one day as is the case of other special events, concerts), and the importance of promotional and media. Currently, during major sporting events, travellers from around the globe come to visit the hosting country. “The use of events as a means to enhance consumers’ awareness of a destination is common reason that destinations seek to host event” (Whitson and Macintosh, 1996; Boyle, 1997 in Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, pp. 283-284). Which mean that, in many cases country often use events to change their image; events can be use a tactical leverage. If country brand image want use event as a way to strengthen its existing image “ it will choose events for which the association set is consistent with one or more aspect of the current destination image” (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.286). 34 “Mega-events are frequently used to kick-off branding campaigns or promote countries” (Szondi G. 8-20), and boost their confidence. The good example can be provide by Szondi (2007, pp.8-20), where in his paper called The role and challenges of country branding in transition countries. The central European and Easter European experience, he described case of Estonia and organized by Estonian people, European Song Contest Eurovision 2002. The country used this mega event to kick-off the 'Branding Estonia' initiative, and show to over 160 million viewers, how many big, positive changes happen over the years in the country. It was great deal for nation in order to boost their confidence and show how proud they can be- Estonian. However, it need to be realize, that events are not the only and sufficient factor106 in building up a destination's brand (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.287). The success of special events depends on fact that they match important changes in tourist demand for leisure activity: short term (Robinson and Noel,1991 in Morgan, et. al.,p.281) available for all ages (Robinson and Noel,1991 in Morgan, et. al.,2004, p.281) increasing interest in culture (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.281). increasing levels of average disposable income (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.281). increasing interest in experiential travel (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.281). Sport mega events Mega sport events are important not only for sport fans but also for tourism market in hosting country (Gursoy D., Kendall K. W., 2006, p.608). As mention before, sport mega event can raise country’s profile (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.215), and change positively country image. (Getz D., 2008, p.403) Each of the events is unique because of hosting country, promotional campaign, visual settings (Getz D., 2008, p.404). In chapter Move your imagination – Poland promotional campaign and Image of Poland on the international area, reader can find all details about promotional campaign and Poland as a post-communist country. 106 See chapter Country/destination image 35 OCCASIONAL MEGA-EVENTS High Tourist Demand and High Value PERIODIC HALLMARK EVENTS High Tourist Demand and High Value REGIONAL EVENTS (Periodic and one-time) Medium Tourist Demand LOCAL EVENTS (Periodic and one-time) Low Demand / Low Demand and Low Value Table no. 14 the portfolio approach to event tourism strategy-making and evaluation, Getz, 2005 in Getz 2007, p.407 We can definitely say, that European Football Championship occupying top category as occasional mega-events, since they are organized once per four years107 and range of this sport event is global. Short-term mega sport event, which is European Football Championship, is likely to have long-term impact on a hosting country and people (Gursoy D, Kendall K.W., 2006, p.608; Lee Ch-K, Taylor T., 2005, p. 596). Mega events are likely to stimulate both positive and negative impacts in several spheres: economic, tourism, physical, sociocultural (...) and political (Gursoy D, Kendall K.W., 2006, p.608). For instance, mega sport event can cause positive and negative impacts: 107 UEFA website 36 positive negative •change of country image •increase of tourism on the local and national arena •increase of country recognition on the international arena •increase of economy (higher GDP) •increase of quality of life •increase of sport facilities (stadia) •increase of cultural understanding between local people and tourists •increase of crime •increase of cultural misunderstanding between local people and tourists •poor sport facilities (built quickly and inaccurately) •misscalcualtion of economic benefits •over-crowded places (give up of traditional tourists) Table no. 15. Gursoy D, Kendall K.W., 2006, p.608, own work Looking from the tourism perspective, what is the most important positive impact from mega sport event is: increase of tourism on the local and national arena (Gursoy D., Kendall K. W., 2006, p. 608; Ritchie,1984; Getz,1989,1991; Tourism South Australia,1990; Hall,1992; Kang and Perdue,1994; Light,1996 in Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.282); increase of country recognition on the international arena (Gursoy D., Kendall K. W., 2006, p. 608; Ritchie,1984,1996; Burns et al.,1986; Kaspar,1987; Travis and Croize,1987; Witt,1988a-c; Hall,1990,1992,1996; Ritchie and Smith,1991; Roche,1994; Wells,1994; Backman in Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.282); increase visitation economic impact (Gursoy D., Kendall K. W., 2006, p. 608; Ritchie,1984,1996; Burns et al.,1986; Goeldner and Long,1987; Witt,1988; Hall,1990,1992; Getz,1991; Murphy and Carmitchael,1991; McCann and Thompson,1992; Faulker, 1993; Kang and Perdue,1994; Light,1996; Mules and Faulkner,1996 in Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.282). What more, mega sport event can also bring negative impact for the hosting country: increase of cultural misunderstanding between local people and tourists, and over-crowded 37 places which will make give up of traditional tourists108. By cultural misunderstanding, is understood consolidation of stereotypes. That is why, it is so important for hosting nation, to understand what positive impact can bring Euro 2012, and by working together make this event successful mega sport event (Gursoy D., Kendall K.W., 2006, p.605). Moreover, working together, country brand, as an element of relationship between country and sport mega event can be changed, enhanced or even strengthened (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.279; Olins W., 2006; Getz D., 2008, p.408). Organization of European Football Championship can attract tourist who otherwise would not have come. The images of a given place, shaped through sport mega event will stayed in minds of visitors, making the place (country) more recognizable. Mega sport event attracted mass media attention which spread the images from hosting country. In addition, the organization of mega sport event makes to the development of accommodation, roads or restaurants. Because of that, many more people's work, and even tourists can benefit from the many tourist centres with a high standard (z IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?, p.96). Morgan N., et al., says that destination brand is linked with success of the event and satisfaction of visitors (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.297). Tourist will hold values associated with mega event which will affect their future chose of destination; if they are happy they will return and moreover they will enhance friends, family to visit particular country. Example of successful mega event- Australian Olympics 2000 "Australia is the first Olympic host nation to take full advantage of the Games to vigorously pursue tourism for the benefit of the whole country. It's something we've never seen take place to this level before, and it's a model that we would like to see carried forward to future Olympic Games in Athens and beyond." Mr Michael Payne, Director of Marketing International Olympic Committee109 108 109 See chapter Problems with tourist at events Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.2, PDF. 38 Promotional campaign of Australia “Australia 2000 – fun and games110” implemented in the context of 2000 Olympic Games, assumed to show the view of Australia as a whole, not just Sydney, and it was the key to success of country branding (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.65). Main strategy was to: add “depth and dimension to Australia’s international image” increase of economy increase of tourists increase of employment111 To already existing country brand values like sun, beach or surfing heaven, Australian Tourist Commission added “culture, sophistication and cosmopolitan appeal”, brooding view of Australia (Morgan and Pitchard, 1999 in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.210). All of this enhanced country reputation and increase number of tourist, thanks to good, long- term PR, before and after Olympics, with use of Sydney Olympic Games as a main attraction. The International Olympic Committee marketing director said after Sydney Olympic Games 2000, that Australia took an advantage of the Games and make whole country benefit from tourists (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.293).“Records were set for the number of international visitor arrivals in the month of December and forward bookings were strong ... to the impact of the Games” (Brown, 2001 in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.297). Promotional campaign of Australia generated 11 per cent increase in visitor arrivals in 2000(Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.4), And in the next eight years Australia recorded an increase of foreign tourists and welcome according to different sources from 1.5 to 1.6 million visitors which spend between US$2.6billion (AUD 2.7 billion ) and US$3.5 billion (AUD 3.6 billion) (IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?, 2010, pp.36-37; Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.3). Olympic Games opened up to a new group of tourist and Australia’s marketing boost by a decade (Morse, 2001 in Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.293 and 210, Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.3). Olympic Games watched 3.7 billion global audiences (Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.3). It was amazing promotion for Australia as a country, thanks to work with the world’s broadcasters. 110 111 Ibid., p.2 All examples come from Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, 2001, p.2-3, PDF. 39 Olympic Games 2000 hosting in Australia shows in numbers, how one successful mega event can have big impact on a country destination branding boosting popularity and number of foreign tourist. Problems with mega events - Crowding-out effect An event which attracts millions of tourist can also displace similar number of regular visitors. This effect is called crowding out effect, which means that mega sport event might stop tourist wanted to visit country because of unexpected overcrowded places (Matheson V.A, Baade R.A., 2003, p.11; Matheson V.A,, 2006, p.10) and higher prices (Lee ChongKi, Taylor T., 2005, p.601); the expected increase in the number of tourists do not cover with real numbers. Regular tourist might be afraid of: very crowded cities (Matheson V.A,, 2006, p.10; Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) overcrowded accommodation places (Matheson V.A,, 2006, p.10; Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) increase in prices linked with tourism products and transport (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) more dangers terrorism (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) inappropriate fans behaviour drunk sport fans (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) Other problem might be co-hosting sport event with other country (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601). Part of tourist may go just to one country; residents from co-hosting country may stay home and does not travel since they already saw some matches alive in they own country. As an example Lee Chong-Ki and Taylor Tracy provide numbers from Word Cup 2002. Japanese tourist which, are a big part of Korean inbound market, during the championships preferred stay home, especially since Japan was co-hosting World Cup. A good example might be South Korea, country hosting World Cup 2002. This is how US Today describes situation at that time: “Consumer goods such as TVs and sporting goods sold well, while some casinos and hotels had drop-offs as regular customers and business travelers avoided World Cup hassles” (US Today, 2002). The total foreign visitors during 40 the Championships were estimated by The Korean Word Cup Organizers at 460,000 (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601; Golovnina 2002 in Matheson V.A, Baade R.A., 2003, p.11). However just 403,466 tourist112 arrived (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) for the period of World Cup. Moreover, it was 37% less (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) tourist than Korean organizers predicted, and about 12% less (Lee Chong-Ki, Taylor T., 2005, p.601) comparing to the same month one year before. As it proves, we can say that in case of Korean Word Cup crowding out effect could occur. 112 Number contains sport tourists and regular tourists 41 Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign Poland has a great need to demonstrate to other European nations, that there is tourist potential within country113; to improve that, it is worth for foreign tourist to come to Poland, and spend their leisure time and money (Morgan Nigel, et al., 2004, p.23). An event that could significantly affect Polish brand recognition is co-organized with the Ukraine, European Football Championship EURO 2012. It is a unique chance to appear on the world stage and an opportunity for socio-economic development and boost of tourism sector. It is very important that the analyzed event, next to FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games, is largest sporting events in the world (Active and Adventure, 2008, p.40). In other words, the success of this sport event with the corresponding media promotion, continued even after the Championships finish, makes it possible to increase the awareness of Polish brand in the world. “The coming football championship EURO 2012 taking place next June in Poland and Ukraine is viewed as the highlight of the year by the local tourism board. The experts believe that the event will not only boost the immediate tourism numbers, but even more importantly modify the structure of the arrivals in favour [sic] of more generous spenders, such as Austrians, British, and French”114. Using the fact of the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship Euro 2012, Polish Tourist Organization (POT) allocated 13.7 million euro115 ($17,9116) for the promotional campaign of tourist potential of Poland, called “Polska. Move your imagination”117. Campaign was launched on 8 June 2011118, in three European countries: Great Britain, Germany and France media119, using TV ads and appearing in newspapers or magazines120. However, those promotional activities have been identified and effective, they must be considered and targeted .The choice of markets was not accidental, because visitors from More information on this topic in introduction chapter Tourists in Poland spent 20% more in 2011, 2011 115 Poland will move your imagination, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic Of Poland 116 Conversion rates- April 2012 117 Strategia marketingowa Polski w sektorze turystyki na lata. 2012-2020, 2011, p.75, PDF. 118 Kampania Multimedialna 2011-2012 Na Rynku Niemieckim, Brytyjskim I Francuskim, 2011, PDF. 119 Polish Tourism Organization’s multimedia campaign changes images of Poland and Polish people, Pl.2012, 2011 120 Poland aims to ‘Move your imagination’, Thenews.pl, 2011 113 114 42 these countries generate strong tourist flow in Poland121. These markets were identified in the "Marketing strategy of Polish in the tourism sector for 2008-2015”122, on the basis of analysis and research, undoubtedly the most important is the German market, which followed the arrival of more than 4.5 million123. To that, “Polska. Move your imagination” campaign have an international character, that is why in other European countries like Denmark, Belgium, Holland and Sweden, visual projects of Poland and EURO 2012 are planned to occur in 2012 and 2013124. According to „tourist action plan for 2012-2013” publicized by Polish Tourist Organization125, planned promotion in Denmark, will occur in: Nordic TTG - a monthly magazine tourist industry with a circulation of 19.000 Travel News - popular in Scandinavia website for the tourism industry Herning- tourist fair called Ferie For Alle Rejseavisen.dk- promotional banner on website dedicated to tourism “Polska. Move your imagination” promotional campaign includes short promotional videos of European Football Championship games, but also films addressed to tourists and dedicated to promote nature, people and atmosphere of the selected nine Polish cities, from which four- Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk and Warszawa126- are hosting Euro 2012 football matches. The aim of campaign The campaign aims to show Poland as a vibrant, modern state, with friendly, smiley Polish people127 . Wally Olins says that, in order for country brand to be successful, concept behind promotional logo or slogan need to be as much realistic and inspirational for all group ages in a target group (Olins W., 2006). The purpose of the collage in official logo 121 Polska. Move Your Imagination. Bo przecież warto pochwalić się Polską!, 2011, PDF. Informacje o kampanii, 2011, PDF. 123 Polska. Move Your Imagination. Bo przecież warto pochwalić się Polską!, 2011, PDF. 124 Plan działań na 2011-2012, 2010, PDF. 125 Plan działań POT na lata 2013-2020, 2011, pp.129-135, PDF. 126 PL.2012, website 122 127Polish Tourism Organization’s multimedia campaign changes images of Poland and Polish people Pl.2012, 2011 43 from campaign is to show the multicoloured diversity, attractiveness and Polish heritage from different points of view, in a modern way, but also in the tradition of folk paper-cuts. Figure no. 1 Official logo from campaign “Polska. Move your imagination”,POT Figure no. 2 Official logo from campaign “Polska. Move your imagination”, POT The message behind “Polska. Move your imagination” slogan is varied and suited to all age groups, addressed for people seeking “new experiences, original ideas for leisure time, and often a place to calm and relax amongst virgin nature”128. Moreover, effective idea behind brand needs to works on an emotional level to reach the hearts and minds (Olins W., 2006). What we can find on one of the official web site describing Euro 2012 and Poland is that: “Emphasis throughout the entire campaign is placed firmly on the emotions and positive associations: a trip to Poland leaves no visitor indifferent with its experiences and impressions remaining long after in one's memory. Its aim is to change stereotypical thinking about Poland. The main idea is to provide a positive image of our country left 128 Kampania Multimedialna 2011-2012 Na Rynku Niemieckim, Brytyjskim I Francuskim, 2011, PDF. 44 with a tourist who had visited our country and met welcoming, friendly and smiling Poles.”129 According to these words, the main assumptions of POT (Polish Tourist Organization) strategy is based on referral guidelines promote the people, credible emotions and experiences, to show present, not past. There is strong emphasis on people, on the atmosphere, not on monuments130; the main idea behind campaign is to show people who already visited Poland, and they are recommending to other to do the same- promotional campaign is based on emotions and positive associations (word-of-mouth). Visit in Poland is something remarkable, exciting experience which remains in memory of tourist. Moreover, there is strong emphasis on fight stereotypes131 and show the Slavic soul and hospitality132. VISION •Attractive image of Polish people •Modern, positive vibrant country •Country full of exciting experiences, original ideas for leisure time and relax MISSION •Creating a positive image. Poland as a country attractive to tourists and welcoming to all visitors Table no.16, own work Polish Tourism Organization’s multimedia campaign changes images of Poland and Polish people Pl.2012, 2011 130 POT chce wykorzystać Euro 2012 do promocji Polski, Tur-info, 2009 129 131 132 See chapter Image of Poland on the international arena Informacja o kampanii, 2011, PDF. 45 Types of advertising Apparently, tourist might see country as a result of certain view presented in public media (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.28). This is called power of media, where words describing event have great strength. Using adequate words media can manipulate people emotions, and as it was mentioned before, emotions drive tourist to visit or re-visit place133. For branding destination it is important to have good public and media relation (PR), designed to lever the marketing impact of special events (Morgan N., et al., 2004, p.6). Positive words can significantly affect tourist decisions, while negative words effectively discourage them to visit country, place, and event. What we can find in press release on POT (Polish Tourist Organisation) official website is that “The choice of media in the campaign (...) is the result of a communication strategy for each market, which was developed at the request of the Polish Tourist Organisation before the campaign”134. Below, are showed types of advertising in the campaign "Polska. Move Your Imagination”, within context of Euro 2012 in Germany, Great Britain and France. Examples of advertisement in media, newspaper, websites, also in public transportation and tourist fairs, appeared in order to make sure that many potential tourist will, at least once135, come across Polish advertising, and ask themselves a question: “Poland, why I was not there yet?” 136. Television Main TV spot called “Polska. Move your imagination” shows 9 different cities through the eyes of the foreign tourists, who were already in Poland. The idea is to show names of the cities associated with one key-word describing city, and foreign person/s identifying with the city and the word. For example: Warszawa-Youth, Marten from Netherlands See chapter Ontological position Informacja o kampanii, 2011, PDF. 135 Ibid. 136 Ibid. 133 134 46 Gdańsk-Freedom, Agnes and Lutz from Denmark Wrocław-Music, Miles from France Poznań- Creativity, Michael from Germany Figure no. 3, You Tube Figure no. 4, You Tube The following TV names are examples of foreign media in which the promotional film was screened137: Germany: RTL, RTL 2, SAT 1, Vox; 137 Kampania- Press release, 2011, PDF. 47 France: TF1 - Eurosport / Eurosport 2, Disney Channel, France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5, TV5, E Entertainment, Discovery, Fox Life, Euronews, National Geographic Channel; United Kingdom: ITV1 (National), ITV2, ITV3; Press (newspapers, magazines) Germany: Bild Bild am Sonntag, Bild der Frau Brigitte, Computer Bild, Focus, Frau Aktuell, Gala, Kicker Sportmagazin, TV, Spiegel; Figure no. 5, Kampania- Press release, 2011 United Kingdom: Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, The Guardian, The Independent, The Sun, The Times, London, News of the World, The Observer, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Times; France: 20 Minutes, Direct Ville Plus, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris Match, L'Equipe Magazine, Elle, Marie Claire; 48 Outdoor (public transportation) Figure no. 6, Kampania- Press release, 2011 Tourist Fairs The promotional activities planned by the Polish Tourist Organisation associated with the UEFA Euro 2012, have been incorporated at a tourist fairs. It is directed to the participants of the fair and the people of a country town. For example, the ITB International Tourism Fair held in Berlin on 8-13 March 2011138, or in the future: TUR held in Sweden, FITUR in Spain and REISELIV in Norway139. This year Poland was Official Partner Country of Tourism Fair, which means that the eyes of the world were focused on our country. As part of nation stands, visual elements related to EURO 2012 will be placed. To that, there will be different competitions and animations140. Leaflets and tourist brochures Additionally, each in the cities hosting Euro 2012 has its own individual promotions in the form of leaflet published in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian141 Informacja o kampanii, 2011, PDF. Plan działań POT na 2012-2013, 2011, p.48, PDF. 140 Informacja o kampanii, 2011, PDF. 141 Plan działań na 2011-2012, 2010, PDF. 138 139 49 Figure no. 7, Plan działań na 2011-2012, 2010 Figure no. 8. POT Internet- source available to everybody Available for everybody, general and widely source of knowledge about Poland in the context of Euro 2012, is internet. Tourist can find official websites, dedicated to Euro 2012: http://www.2012.org.pl/, where concluded all needed information, starting with: what is Euro UEFA Championships news about Euro 2012 which cities in Poland are hosting Euro 2012, infrastructure- stadia, railways, airports, etc. organisation- safety and security, accommodation, etc. and many more 50 Or official tourist website: http://www.poland.travel/en/euro-2012/, where tourist can find all necessary information, beginning with facts about Poland, and ending with knowledge about Polish manners. Figure no. 9, PL.2012 Figure no. 10, POT 51 To that, on-line reality offers for tourists: guides to Poland – maps, pictures online game – using fun as a way to increased knowledge about Poland social networking – Twitter, Facebook, were people cab share their experiences blogs- memories of people visited Poland and so on… Polish expectation during and after Euro 2012 Profits from tourism, development of transport and sport infrastructure, increase of country visibility on the international area142. These words can describe the expectations of the Polish people in connection with Euro 2012. According to economists, GDP in Poland can reach even 2,3% in the nearest future after the Euro 2012143 and the expected increase from international tourism between 2013 and 2020 is estimated at 4.2 billion zloty144 (≈€97 million145). As an example, Poland recalls numbers from UEFA EURO 2004 in Portugal where income equaled €81 million146. In the “IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?” refers also to “increase in the country's investment attractiveness leading to a higher inflow of foreign direct investments (FDI) and additional increase in productivity” which lead to conclusion that Euro 2012 can bring increase of employment and a economic and infrastructure development. Due to infrastructure development (railways, roads, etc.), popularity of public transport and economic benefits from it, will increase147. Organization of Euro 2012 is a major challenge for Poland, but is also a unique opportunity to promote country in Europe and worldwide, through the European Championship, the information about and images of Poland, can reach to millions of Europeans. Moreover, almost 1,5 million of football fans are expected to come to Poland148. If Poland can build positive country brand image through personal experience, during the Championships, it is Euro 2012, oczekiwania i szanse, PL.2012, 2011 Ibid. 144 Polish national currency 145 Currency converter, April 2012 146 IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?, 2010, p. 36, PDF. 147 Ibid., p.56 148 UEFA website/about euro 142 143 52 very likely that this positive emotions will be shared with others, long time after Euro 2012 149 . Other words, Poland is hoping for favorable word-of-mouth from fans, sport players, journalists, etc., spread above the borders, which will contribute to higher attractive of a country image. To that, within Euro Football Championship context, many information about Polish culture, people and cities will get trough sport event media promotion or television broadcasts of matches150, which is very powerful way of country promotion which allows to better recognition of Polish brand on the international area. All of this contributes to flow of foreign tourists in the long term perspective151. It is assumed, that in the future tourist will spend more money on the accommodation, cultural and recreational services, as well as shopping for self-consumption and catering152. Also, it should be pointed that domestic tourism has a big chance to increase- as the country image become more attractive153. The conclusion bring us to definition that amount of tourist have strong impact on the country development. Poland sees their way to increase amount of foreign tourist through three channels : TV broadcast positive experience word-ofmouth increas of international tourists Table no.16, IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?,2010, p.99, own work Promotion of Poland, PL.2012, 2011 Euro 2012, oczekiwania i szanse, PL.2012, 2011 151 IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?, 2010, pp 33-44, PDF. 152 Ibid., pp 55-56 153 Ibid., pp 52-53 149 150 53 Positive experience of tourists, who have been in Poland during Euro 2012, had good time and gain positive view about Poland might influence him/her to re-visit154. A second channel lead to tourism increase is TV broadcast. Thanks to international broadcast, millions of people have a chance to see cities and people from Poland. Actually, this might interest them in a tourist way. Lastly, word-of-mouth mentioned before, is a very powerful way of country promotion. If person visiting Poland during Euro 2012 will be positively surprised in what he/she see and try, it is very likely that this person will recommend a trip to Poland to his/her family and friends. 154 See chapter Brand and branding 54 Methodological standpoint A part of understanding theory and making transparency within thesis comes from my methodological position as researcher. This chapter will explain my ontological and epistemological standpoint. Ontological position What the social constructionist position expresses can be described in one sentence: “There is no universal, transhistorical self, only local selves; no universal theory about the self, only local theories” (Cushman P., 1990 in Halling S., Lawrence Ch., 1999, p.82). It means, that it is impossible to have unbiased observation of the world; our knowledge and interpretation of the world, is historically, socially and culturally constructed through social processes and action history (Burr Vivien, 2003, p.3-4; Young R.A., and Collin A., 2004, p 373; Halling S., Lawrence Ch., 1999, p.79). So, person learns and gain knowledge from life experience, collected from different places through daily interaction with other social groups (Burr V., 2003, p.4). To be able to specify what is right or wrong, true or false, is highly depend from our interaction with society, culture in which we were born, history which shaped our social behaviour and create our surrounding (Young R.A., and Collin A., 2004, p 377; Halling S., Lawrence Ch., 1999, p.79). Vivien Burr implies that “...our culturally shared representations of the world often have farreaching implications for how we treat people” (Burr V., 2003, p.61). We are born in a society where some framework and life categories already existed before us. Thus, whether we look at Poland as a country in East or Central Europe, being interesting, new modern place to visit or post-communistic, poor and boring country, depend from where we come from and what experience have society within we live. Thus, I believe, as a social constructionist, that we can never be sure that our way of understanding is only one and right. My work in this project is influenced by all acknowledgment gained through society where I was born, then many years of school education and in the end because of many places, with different culture and history background, in which I was living in (Halling S., Lawrence Ch., 1999, p.79). From studying Spanish Philology, I have gained certain skills 55 in relation to culture and tourism. This knowledge combined with 2 years of Master education from ‘Culture, communication and globalization’ at Aalborg University, gave me broader perspective on a topic about brand destination. Moreover, I was leaving in Spain, England and now Denmark for at least 6 months each, so I have knowledge to cover international aspect. Everywhere I have been, I met new people and I gained new knowledge, new perception on different things. Therefore, I get deeper understanding of findings; my life experience shaped me as a person, and as a researcher. In this project, I consider Poland as a tourist destination. But it is important to know that Poland is not just that; it is also good place for business, university places, sport events and home for their inhabitants. The start point of this project is Poland as a country brand destination and mega sport event Euro 2012 as an opportunity used by Polish Tourist Organization to promote country outside the borders, on the European arena. Thus, the empirical data is the driving force behind Master’s thesis and is base for the problem formulation. This means also, that chosen theories contribute to the diversified understanding of Poland as a brand destination for tourist, and help to understand and to draw inferences from the collected data. Hermeneutic Circle I find that the hermeneutic circle fit my social constructionist point of view since it aim is to work and create understanding within a social constructed framework (Kvale S., 1996, p.50). Hermeneutics agree on subject that people comprehension of the world is influenced by social, cultural and historical background (Kvale S., 1996, p.49, 51). That is why hermeneutic circle helped me understand the link between whole project and individual chapters (Kvale S., 1996, p.47). This means, that in order to find meaning, I needed to check whether theory match the whole project as well as the separate parts of the project (Kvale S., 1996, p.47); other words, if overall meaning of interview influence separate part of the text. As I looked deeper in the part of this project, my preunderstanding of whole could change; in this case if I came back to the begging of the project and start analysis once more (Kvale S., 1996, p.47-48). 56 Hermeneutic circle was relevant for interviews since the dialogue between interviewer and interviewee needs to be transcribed on a paper and after that analyzed (Kvale S., 1996, p.46-47). The hermeneutic circle helped me understand and interpret interview dialogues as it happens (Kvale S., 1996, p.46-47). When I started process of writing this project, I had a pre-understanding of the relevant theories and research techniques (Kvale S., 1996, p.49), which helped while conducting interview, constantly interprets interviewees words. This gave me chance of asking additional questions during the interview, so I could fully understand interviewee’s opinions and meaning of their words. preunderstanding dialogue interpretation new preunderstanding new interpretation Table no.17, own work Moreover, during the interview, I experienced body language and other gestures from the interviewee (Kvale S., 1996, p.47,50), which could affect my interpretation and be different from reader opinion, who have only the text. Unfortunately, gestures and body language cannot be transcribed on a paper like is made with words from the interview. When analyzing, only data from interviews and theory part was taken into consideration. I did not focus on, or interpret my own opinions and thoughts (Kvale S., 1996, p.49). However, I could not totally forget and put aside my historical and cultural backgrounds when it comes to understanding and interpreting data (Kvale S., 1996, p.49), but I tried to avoid any manipulation of the text and be as much objective as I could, being aware of my 57 cultural, social and historical background. The end of hermeneutic circle comes with lack of future question to be asked (Kvale S., 1996, p.47, 48). Other words, all analysis were finished when my understanding of project is free of contradictions. Lastly, my aim in this project was to create and expand understanding on the project topic (Kvale S., 1996, p.49). In other words, I tried not only write obvious but also show the way for a new conclusion. 58 Research method – Qualitative approach Qualitative research represents people and their actions in social life (Bryman A., 2001, pp.313-318), which agree with my ontological position as social constructionist. I choose to use qualitative methods in order to get an insight in the different opinions linked with promotional campaign “Polska. Move your imagination” within host of Euro 2012. Still, main aim of the interviews was to gain specific knowledge about perception of Poland as a tourist brand, and to find whether sport mega event influence country popularity among Danish tourists. It was not important for me, as researcher, to find one answer but to find explanation to this answers (Burr Vivien, 2003, p.162; Bryman A., 2001, p.434), to see things from different social perspectives. In order to get these explanations, feelings, emotions, I was open for personal opinions and different life stories from Danish interviewee (Bryman A., 2001, p.313). Overall, the purpose of using qualitative research was to gain descriptive understanding of findings, in contrast to numerical understanding provided in quantitative research (Kvale S., 2009, pp.29-32). Secondary data In addition, I had required background knowledge on the research topic, which gave me flexibility and confidence in asking questions and directing interview (Bryman A., 2001, p.315-318). In this case, I used different knowledge sources for all chapters in this project: specialized books like “Destination Branding: creating the unique destination proposition”, Morgan Nigel, Pritchard Annette and Pride Roger, eds., topical articles: “Hosting mega events. Modeling local’s support”, Gursoy D., Kendall K. W., statistics: Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat , reports: IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland? Having background knowledge from these sources, made me well prepared for not only writing project but also for conducting interviews. 59 Primary data During the interviews, I fallowed semi-structured, where was the room for additional, unplanned question (Bryman A., 2001, p.312-321), which many times appeared due to used epistemological approach155. The order of asking question was made by natural flow of interview; semi-structured approach leave space for interviewer to decide what ask and in which moment of the interview. I tried to not make any suggestion in a way of answering on a question (Bryman A., 2001, p.142-143), since I was interested in true explanation of opinion, not in the confirmation of my mind. Although, this interview takes usually longer time than structured interviews, where no space for additional questions is besides from planned, I wanted to give this comfort to my interviewees, so they could express their thoughts and feeling with no time pressure (Bryman A., 2001, p.313). All of the interviews took between 29 to 37 minutes, including 5 minutes of promotional campaign movie called “Polska. Move your imagination” played during the interview. My point of playing this movie was to find new opinion about Poland, and see if such promotion is seen well according to Danish tourists and can cause the increased interest in Poland. Validity/Reliability I need to mention that, according to my ontological position-which challenges objectivity (Burr V., 2003, p.6), I cannot provide 100% objective interpretation of a findings. I realize, that the person reading the empirical data in this project, may interpret the findings in a different way. However, I as a researcher remain true to my convictions, and I conducted interviews and made an interpretation of the data, based on gained knowledge influenced by my cognitive framework provided by social, cultural and historical background (Burr V., 2003, p.152). To that, I used of academically recognized literature, which is public and available for everybody, so it make my research valid. In depth information about every step taken will assure reader about adequacy of the project (Burr V., 2003, p.159). Interview description, target group, places, matches real world. All information about foreign tourism in Poland, included statistic, information about Danish tourism behaviour, comes from highly recognized sources. Thus, research 155 See chapter Methodological standpoint 60 findings are replicable (Burr V., 2003, p.158), other researchers can easily find all reading used in this project; also target group is replicable. To that, I realize, that English language was not native language none of us, which could result in misunderstanding (Bryman A., 2001, p.354). In the same time, I believe that level of English language was high enough to understand every word in a dialogue. Respondents profile Before I choose people for the interview, I made some clear characteristics of a target group, which reader can see below. common characteristics •Danish nationality •having children •age between 30 to 40 •tourists •going abroad for holidays and relax •never been in Poland : Table no.18, own work Gender was not important, but it had to be person who has Danish nationality. I found 4 Danish women and 3 Danish men, who have children (at least one), and are in group age between 30 to 40. According to report about Foreign Inbound tourism In Poland (Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski, 2004)156 group age 25-34 and 35-44 are the most popular age of foreign tourists. To that, all interviewees travel or traveled a lot, seeing many countries and cultures. So, they have their opinions, expectations, emotions associated to country and holidays destination. Six from seven people have lower education background, I need to mention that closer relationships do not connect me with any of them. I get into contact with them through my work in kindergarten; they are parents of the children with whom I worked. 156 See chapter Danish Tourists in Poland 61 Why Danish? This project fits into intercultural dimension, because it covers Polish and Danish tourism market. I choose to analyse just Danish tourist since firstly, it is impossible for me to analyse in such a short time more than one foreign tourist visiting Poland. In order to make my research valid, I choose to devoted all my time to the analysis the impact of Polish brand promotion with used of upcoming European Football Championship on Danish tourists. Secondly, I do live permanently in Denmark, and it is easier for me to find Danish interviewees, than tourist group from other country. Moreover, living in Denmark give me advantage in the form of better understanding Danish behaviour. Interview surroundings I made all seven interviews in April 2012. I met with interviewees after my work, in their houses. First we chat a little bit to establish a friendly atmosphere, which will give feeling of comfort and hopefully real answers. To that, I explained in few words, main topics of the interview. I tried to not explain too much in order to not influence my respondent answers (Kvale S., 2009, pp.128-130). I recorded every interview in order to make full transcription of spoken words. Moreover, during the interview I made some personal notes about interviewee behaviour which helped me in interpretation. I tried to use type of question which does not require simple answer “yes” or “no”, but I am aware that this questions could appear, because of my lack of experience as a full time researcher. When interview came to the end, and I turned off my dictaphone, I chat for a little bit with the interviewee about their impression after our interview (Kvale S., 2009, p.129). Sometimes, they realized that, they would like to add more to the topic. Then, I kept listen and make small notes. On the same day, after interview, I transcribed on a paper, all words recorded on a dictaphone (Kvale S., 2009, p.27). 62 Analysis Having assumed a theoretical framework for this project, I could start obtain knowledge from collected data and find the answer/s on the research question “How can big events such as EURO 2012 contribute to improving the image of Poland on the Danish tourist market?” As mentioned in chapter Methodological standpoint, I used hermeneutical approach to analyze each one interview. I started with dividing interview into four thematic parts: 1. Danish tourism behavior 2. Picture of Poland looked through Danish eyes 3. Euro 2012 and mega events 4. “Polska. Move your imagination” Every section includes data from all seven interviews. To that, I analyzed every part separately, and all together as a one piece. From every part, I drove short summary, since the aim of this project is to find a new explanation to concluded theories (Burr Vivien, 2003, p.162; Bryman A., 2001, p.434). Section 1 contains analysis of Danish travel and tourism behavior. The aim of this section is to fully illustrate Danish tourism behavior, when it comes to Poland. I tried to find answers on basic information like: Why and where travel Danish people? If we really can call interviewees the tourists? How many times they go abroad and in what purposes? Except this information, I tried go deeper and find: What are the expectations of Danish tourists in relation to place destination? Chapter about Danish tourism behavior and brand and branding together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter, served as a theoretical background. Section number 2 treats of the Danish view on Poland. The aim of this section is to confront knowledge with thoughts and expectation about Poland. What was interesting for 63 me is from where, if any possessed, came the knowledge. Image of Poland on the international arena, as well as brand and branding together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter, and Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter was used as theoretical background. In section number 3, I moved to information on mega events and Euro 2012. This section finds answer on a question such as: Do interviewees know what Euro 2012 is? Whether they saw the Euro 2012 advert? Whether they ever participated in the mega event abroad? Brand and branding, Mega sport event together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter, Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter, were used for the analysis of this subject. Last section, number 4, includes information about Polish promotional campaign “Polska. Move your imagination”. All seven interviewees saw 5 minutes of movie “Polska. Move your imagination”, which was created for the purpose of promoting the country with the use of European Championship promotion on the international area. The analysis found answers to the questions like: What are first impressions after seeing promotional movie directed to foreign tourists? Is this movie changed Danish perception about promoted country? These are three chapters used in this section to analyze findings: Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign together with the sub themes contained in the whole chapter and Danish tourism behaviour. 64 Section number 1 Danish tourism behavior When looking on the interviewees, all of them are tourist, since they travel abroad and stayed overnight157. Usually, travel once or twice a year (just one person mention that travel more than twice- see interview number 2), and the length of stay starts from 3 days up to 3 weeks. Nowadays, the main purpose of Danish traveling is holiday leisure. Simon: “No, it’s just for relax.” Cathy: “It's holiday most of the time.” Birgitte: “(...) it’s again a little bit of city and also a relax.” Lisbeth: “(...) when you can go to a beach and relax, but you can also see something.” Uffe: “I'm always going there to relax and get away from Denmark, for a week, to relax.” Danes visited many countries, not only in Europe. When asked which countries they visited, interviewees often mentioned: Turkey, Thailand, Bulgaria, Spain, which covers with data from Report about the Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities (2011) about the most popular destination countries picked by Danish tourists. But also Norway, Italy Sweden, France, Majorca or Grand Canarias hosted tourists from Denmark. Kristine: (…) I've been in the East, Thailand; I've been New York (...) Uffe: “Once a year I will go to Bulgaria or Turkey.” Lisbeth: “I have travel a lot to Norway and Sweden, but also the hot like Grand Canarias and Majorca, Tenerife.” 157 See chapter What is tourism? 65 What is interesting, that they stayed at hotel, during abroad travel, but luxury of the hotel is not the most expected factor when it comes to accommodation. Much more important is distance between hotel and tourist attraction. Martin: “It's not so important because I am not staying in the hotel. It have to have a bathroom, but if it is two stars or five stars I don't care.” Cathy: “Not the price, not the stars, it's where the place is.” “We only sleep in the hotel and then walk out.” Simon:”I like to have bed to sleep in, and shower is very nice as well, but except for that, no, nothing else.” To that, important factor which drives families to travel and stay in a destination place, is linked with children and place especially for them or at least interesting for them. What it means, that interviewee’s travel on holidays with their children, and in order for kids to be happy and parents to be relaxed and enjoying holidays, interviewees find it nice to have some attractions for children. Birgitte: “ (…)if we travel the whole family of course I will think yes, this is for the children, it will be easier for me to relax because there is something for the children.” Kristine: “Hmmm, yes...it has to be something for the children also. So it's our... I think if we want to see something we need to make sure that it's something for the kids too.” According to data from The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities (2011), the most popular factor looked in a holiday place destination for Danish tourists are climate. Few of interviewees agree with this statement: Cathy: “Where the sun is.” 66 Uffe: “There have to be warm (...)” Lisbeth: “Yes, so it’s the hot weather (...)” But, founding’s from 7 interviews showed something much more important for Danish tourist, than climate. Interviewee called this different name: New thing Something interesting Special places Important places What is hiding behind these terms is a place which can offer unique experience for tourist. It can be beautiful nature, old building or new culture. Something characteristic for destination country, what stand out in front of other destinations. It is a “must see” place, which is usually very famous in the country of origin and also beyond the borders158., and when they hear the name of “must see”, Danes immediately can find in their mind associated image and country name for this place159. To that, what is important for such a place is that also other people have knowledge about it, so it is a good motive to chat with friends and family. In summary it is a popular place, building, culture or nature among tourists, but unique for country in which it is, found nowhere else; known from various sources but not seen by the Danish tourist yet. Successful brand destinations have this unique visual images or symbols which represents their brand. Birgitte: “I will say, we are there to visit something that is important for the country, I don’t know what’s called hmmm like for instance Paris, there is this Eiffel Tower (...)” Martin: “When I go for these trips to the big cities it's the atmosphere, the food, the vine, the culture.” How does it happen that interviewees have knowledge about “important things to see” I wrote in section number 2. 159 See chapter Brand and Country Brand identity 158 67 “You know, if you go to London (...) of course you have to see the bridge and the tower, and it’s so easy to buy a guided tour, it’s so easy...and you have to do that because it’s some, it’s a must thing in your life.” Kristine: “(...) it’s something very beautiful, nature, something like...I don't know. Maybe when...I think we are planning to go to Grand Canarias, actually I know that there is a lot of beautiful nature. (...) it's something special about the place that we would like to see it. It can be in the nature or something you feels, or maybe a special building, yeah church or something.” Simon: “(...) I think is more, how you say, experience itself.” (...) when I went to Norway, it was mainly for purposes of fishing. When I go sailing, I do sailing (...) Lisbeth: “(...) and also see thing, new thing.” “I like the nature a lot.” To that, for some of the interviewees, such a “special place” represents social values. Martin: “And everyone else, when you coming back, they talk about this, so now you can talk with them.” If Danish tourist posses good memories relating to a place destination, often coming back to see more, and to spend time and money. These places gain tourist loyalty and are symbols of good atmosphere, nice people, beautiful nature or fun and relax. As reader can see below, Uffe mention interaction between him, his children and local people, which influence him to re-visit country. Uffe: “And I've been there 3 times, 3 summers I have been there. They are nice to children and to the tourist in Bulgaria.” Lisbeth: “We talk about going this year to travel to Italy again (...)” 68 This interaction is an implementation of satisfaction from chosen place. Moreover, positive experience from travel will stay in their mind for long time and can influence other decision about country destination. As Wally Olins says, effective idea behind brand needs to works on an emotional level to reach the hearts and minds (Olins W., 2006). As we know from brand and branding chapter, experience of tourists stay long time in minds and affect not only their decision but also can influence friends and family choices. Since, I believe, we are living in a world constructed by society, other people knowledge can affect people choice. When people make a choice about particular product, including destination, are driven by emotions. Word-of-mouth is very powerful way of attract tourist, but to get to the point of having tourist recommended place to their family and friends, first of all, destination country need to have personal value for the tourist, and be seen as a attractive place destination with different values connected. Interviewees, said that main source of knowledge about holiday destination is opinion of one member of the family or friend experience. Good opinions make them curious about country and eventually they went to Paris, Prague, or will go in a closest future. Martin: “I think that I often listen to another people, about their experience and ...yyy...they say you have to go here to see this, I have to try this restaurant and ...often I do that.” Lisbeth: “People who talked about it. And you heard some good stories vacations and people you know well, yeah.” ” (...) from parents, grandparents, family.” Kristine: “And by one who know, who have been there.” Cathy:”We have heard a lot about this places (...)” Birgitte: “(...) some of my friends have been there or my mother in law, father in law, then they will say ohh this is a nice country, maybe you should try to go there.” 69 Word-of-mouth can cause a lot of good for the country image, but can also hurt. Often, just one opinion you are not happy with the stay, to change the country's image in the eyes of another person. It is like with unfavourable information’s appearing in television and internet (see below). Uffe: “My father visited the country, Sharm El Sheik, and he doesn't like it. He said that there is no place to take children too. My friends were there and they wasn't happy.” When we talk about family and friends, there is other way that these persons affect on travel behaviour of the interviewees. Namely, Danish tourist will visited country because of visiting relatives and friends. Simon:” I'm going to visit someone, Spain was to visit my girlfriend.” Cathy:” (...) so we knew guys in Paris where we could live”. To that, very strong source of gaining knowledge about places is television, internet and books. It shows how important is good advertise, good news in a television or articles in the internet. Unfortunately, these are the sources which are hard to control. Nowadays, everyone can write their opinion on the internet, and television feeds on bad news, which might impact on destination popularity and changes fortunes on positively or negatively way. Birgitte: “(...) so we will borrow book or read on the internet.” Kristine: “We used to get a lot of by books or the internet (...)” Lisbeth:”And of course read about it and see in the television, many times, you know.” 70 For some of the interviewees also school was a source of knowledge about future holiday destination countries. The image from school years will stay in the tourist mind for years, often not changed by any other new knowledge, if they will not be interested in getting new information. Martin:” You know, if you go to London, somehow everyone knows something about London, you hear about it in school (...)” Lisbeth:”School, when you go to school (...)” Section short conclusion: Danish tourists travel most of a time during the holidays. Often they go with whole family and stay in a hotel. What determine choice of destination place is word-of-mouth from family and friends, whom already been in particular place and came happy, with positive feelings attached to the place, richer in memories and new experiences. To that, television and internet are powerful and often used sources of knowledge about destination country. Main purpose for traveling is desire to do and see something else than things offered in Denmark. It can be new culture, famous building or beautiful nature available and unique to the foreign country. And if they are happy with place destination they are willing to revisit. Section number 2 Picture of Poland looked through Danish eyes In this section I analyzed Danish tourists associations with Poland. When interviewees asked about country they usually could not say much about it. Lack of common knowledge about Poland is prominent, and sometimes because of that absence, people are afraid to visit; they do not know what to expect, many times base their knowledge on assumptions, and often choose known country brands. 71 Lisbeth: “If you think about how the country is, so I don't know. And if its how its look like, I think is much nature in it, but I don’t know much about Poland. No.” Simon: “I have no idea of the country at all. It's just on the east side of Germany, south of Bornholm. So except for that, no, not really having any ideas about Poland.” Cathy: “Perhaps is because, we have never heard about Poland. We have never...I don't know anything about Poland.” Martin: “I think there is a lot of things to see in Poland that is why I need a time. We could fly there, rather than to London, but I think is more scary for us, is more new...I don't know what to expect.” Uffe: “I have been also to Prague, and I think maybe it's a little bit the same. The atmosphere and the people. I don't know. I have just an idea.” When I drilled down on the topic “Poland”, and ask about first word associated with country, all of the interviewees mention word “poor”. This view is strongly rooted in people from Denmark, and the view about Poland and Polish people was created by 4 sources: Life experience Television and radio School Danish people see on a daily base, that many Polish people are coming to Denmark, looking for a job and higher payment. This strengthens the belief, that in Poland people have to work very hard to earn money and to afford to have a car or a house. Also, interviewees see the significant differences between Polish people, either they have a lot of money or they are poor. Cathy:” I think it's come because all of, all... All people who are coming to work in Denmark, to get some money and to have a decent life.” Birgitte: “(...) you can see who has the money and who hasn't the money.” 72 Moreover, Danes have some Polish colleagues. Although they know each other, they do not talk about Poland as a tourist’s destination place, so knowledge about Poland, Polish people, and touristic attractions is not extended in this way. In this case, somebody experience is not use to encourage foreign tourist to visit country, and to build positive brand. Martin:” (...) we talk about business and about him.” To that, with word “poor” interviewee associated view from other Middle or East European countries like Czech Republic. This image of post-communistic countries can be seen clearly; they often put all post-communists countries into “one bag” and not being able to say something specific about Poland. Many times they are just ideas, having nothing in common with knowledge drawn from personal experience (they were not there), and the experience of other Danish tourists visited Poland. Simon: “I mean the common idea of middle European countries; they don't have the same money like we do in Denmark. And maybe they are more poor, if you can say.” Martin: “I think still is...I think like East Germany or something. I think its old school, its hard work, lower pay. Maybe a little bit more poor the houses, the car, everything, than other part of Europe.” Uffe: “I have been also to Prague, and I think maybe it's a little bit the same. The atmosphere and the people.” When asked about conceptions of Poland, as a value of something positive, interviewees mentioned the idea of beautiful nature. To that interviewees implicated a bad weather in Poland and a cold climate. 73 Lisbeth: “But I think is nature there, and mountains and see.” Martin: “I think there is a big nature, I know many people go there for hunting, so there must be a big forest, I think.” Kristine:” (...) I think we will choose some other country where we are sure of good weather (...)” Cathy: “Where are big cities, sunny places.” From chapter Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign we know that tourist might see country as a result of certain view presented in public media: television, newspapers and radio are next source of knowledge. Danish tourists hear some selective information about Poland in television news, or read in daily newspaper and then put all the information into one, creating an image of Poland. Birgitte:” Yes, what you hear in the news they tell, yeah...from something you will put it together and think ohh maybe that's the poor country.” Martin: “You know that from television, when you read newspapers.” Third main source of information is school. Its look like Danish people still remembers the view of Poland from history lessons in school. Because of lack of new knowledge, the image did not changed for years. Martin: “It's the things that we are learning at school, I think. They are still sitting in my brain.” Simon:” I remember it from school, it’s like basic school knowledge.” 74 Section short conclusion: Interviewees did not bring anything new in relation to already existing image of Poland160. Danish people see Poland in similar light like are doing most of the nations from Western Europe countries. One of the main stereotypes about Poland (poor country) is still deeply rooted in minds of Danish people. Country is seeing as an old-fashioned place, full of beautiful nature but lacking in big modern cities and a sunny weather; country where slowly everything is changing for better in financial terms, but for now it is less evolved country in compare to Denmark. Section number 3 Euro 2012 and mega events Through carefully chosen international cultural, sporting and political events “country can earn better and stronger reputation” (Anholt Simon161). Poland chooses to promote Poland with use of upcoming mega sport event Euro 2012 organized in the country. Presence of mega sport event means increase in amount of tourist awareness about hosting country, which can lead to desire of gaining more knowledge through travel to Poland; the event produces its own environment to attract not only lovers of the event, but also the tourists who have heard about the country thanks to the popularity of the event. That is the reason why it is important to have good public and media relation (PR), designed to lever the marketing impact of special events. As a reminder Poland decide to promote country in Denmark with use of European Football Championship, in monthly magazine tourist industry, popular in Scandinavia website for the tourism industry or tourist fairs. The problem is that just two from seven interviewees did hear about Euro 2012, but their either do not remember from where came that knowledge, or heard in the television on the occasion of sports news. Lisbeth: “(…) so I have heard something or read something but I can’t remember.” Kristine: “I guess television and the sport news.” Moreover, most of them had a problem to answer what is Euro 2012. Turns out that none of interviewees is a football fan. 160 161 See chapter Image of Poland on the international arena Simon Anholt, website 75 Uffe:” I don't actually now, because I not a big football fan.” Cathy: “I know that Football Championships but I hmmm not that interested in it.” Birgitte: “No, cos' I don’t watch football, and my husband either.” Lisbeth: “I like to watch sport but not so much football.” Martin:” It is because I don't like football. Of course my friends like sport and play football but they don't talk about this to me, because they know that I don’t like football.” To that, most of interviewees do not seem to demonstrate an interest in any of mega events. Martin:” Events are not catching my attention, at all.” Simon:” I don't know. I never go to the events anyway.” And if they are willing to go somewhere because of event, or watch some mega event, it have to be in their area of interest, which obviously is not football, as we established earlier. Kristine: ” Actually I'm an old football player but also a handball player, so right now I am more interested in handball, so if it was handball I will consider it.” Lisbeth:” If it's something you like to see, yeah. And if you have a chance to travel there and to buy ticket, yes.” Section short conclusion: This section shows that Danish people are not the greatest fans of football. Because of that they are not interested in European Football 76 Championship. If the mega event represents their type of interest, are willing to go and enjoy occurrence. Section number 4 Polska. Move your imagination The main assumption of POT (Polish Tourist Organization) strategy is based on referral guidelines to promote the people, credible emotions and experiences, to show present, not past. According to chapter “Move your imagination- Poland promotional campaign, short movie directed to tourists, is designed to show Poland as a vibrant, modern state, with friendly, smiley Polish people162. Country try to fight the stereotypes and re-brand itself as a modern, open country, which have to offer many interesting places, events, or beautiful nature to tourist from all over the world. But the impressions after seeing this movie are slightly different. Although, interviewees felt the happiness and kindness from people showed in the movie, there was disagreement on chosen foreign nationalities. What it means, is that some of the interviewees did not find interesting people from other countries telling about Poland. They did not get this as a friendly word-of-mouth, instead of that they felt like they cannot see real Polish people. Martin:” And see people from other countries, where are people from Poland? I would like to see people from Poland.” As a contrast, there were people who said that, because they can see foreign people they feel modern vibrant from Poland; and if other is coming, why they shouldn’t visit Poland. Simon:” I like that it had people from other countries being the main characters.” “It shows that country is open for other nationalities and it is normal to travel to Poland.” 162Polish Tourism Organization’s multimedia campaign changes images of Poland and Polish people Pl.2012, 2011 77 What is a successful accomplishment of this movie is that interviewees found out that Poland is not so scary, underdeveloped country, with bad weather. That actually, there are beautiful buildings and big cities, similar to other cities in West or South Europe. Martin:” I think ...yyy... many people think that it's not scary. Its beautiful cities and they have everything what we know. But then I also think ohh it's the same like everywhere else, you know, big cities.” Lisbeth:” And the different culture and buildings. In the last city you saw buildings, buildings are growing.” Cathy:” I like the large place, the big cities, something to see, something different from Denmark.” Kristine: “(...) ohh the weather was great, so it get very good, I get very good impression.” Although, there are many positive impressions about the country, there is also one major disadvantage, when it comes to interest Danish tourist in Poland. They miss something unique, something what people can see, hear or do just in Poland. The movie does not show to the interviewees anything characteristic, which will stay in their mind with association to Poland. It is lack of showing “special place” or “new thing”, this factor what brings Danish tourists to see Paris163. It does not exactly mean that Poland do not have such a place; it can be a mistake made by not showing these places in a promotional campaign. Birgitte: ” Yes, again it's nice but... but I miss, like I told you, for instance let's take the same Eiffel Tower, I miss that what you have in your country, something they will say This you have to see, so it's only in Poland you can see that, and I don't know if you have that.” Martin:” But I think if I want to go to Poland it's because I want to do something else, different.” 163 See section 1 78 “I think it could be nice to have some culture in it. Because, this music is not Polish. It must be something more original.” Uffe: “They show skyscraper, but it is nothing special, I don't think so... you have them everywhere. You should show something nice, different.” “Like something that I will say I have to see this in Poland.” Simon: “(...), it did not stand out in front of all the others. There is you can do this, and this, and this, and you can see so and so, in this country is the same, all the movies are the same that this place is nice and you can do this.” Section short conclusion: This section reveals mixed feelings directed to promotional movie from campaign “Polska. Move your imagination”. From the one side, Danish people stopped feeling scary about what can be approached in Poland, and they realize that nowadays, Polish cities look like other modern places in Europe. From the other side, failure to show original place, culture or music typical for Poland, left interviewees with feeling of seeing not enough and the same being not very interested in travel, in the nearest time to Poland. It is great detriments to the film, which can cost less interest tourists; because Danish tourist does not find this “extra thing” that, motivate them to travel. 79 Conclusion and discussion This Master thesis was inspired by upcoming European Football Championship 2012 hosted together by Poland and Ukraine, and the fact that Poland with it variety of tourists attraction and different events, attracts so few tourists from Denmark. According to Country Brand Index, in 2010 Poland take a 29th place among European countries in terms of attractiveness and country brand image. From 12,5 millions visits164 in 2010, just 90 thousands165 of Danish people visited Poland, according to official statistic from Polish Institute of Tourism. First of sub-question “What is the image of Poland as a tourism destination held by Danish tourists?” helped to understand Polish brand image through eyes of Danish tourists. According to findings, Danish people are afraid to travel to Poland because of lack of basic knowledge about Poland. Danish tourists do not know what to expect from Poland, what Poland is offering in terms of tourist attraction. They often get confused when they are asked about country brand image; still dominate view with the conviction of East Europe country. Research reviled that main association to Poland is word “poor”: there is low quality of life and services. The idea of Poland being poor country comes from few sources. The primaries are life experience and social media. In Denmark is a significant number of Polish immigrants (Statistical Yearbook 2010, p.25), Danish people meet on daily base with the Poles, who are seeking work due to higher earnings. Some of them know personally Polish people and often can hear from them that in Denmark payment is much higher than in Poland. This strengthens their conviction about poor country. Social media like television, newspaper or radio also have a large share in the creation of Polish country image. Danish tourists hear some selective information in television news, or read in daily newspaper, and then put all the information into one, not exciting perception of Poland. To understand what will influence Danish tourist decision about holiday destination place, helped me second sub-question on “What is the Danish tourism behaviour in terms of choosing destination place?” Main purpose for traveling is desire to do and see something else than things offered in Denmark. It can be new culture, famous building or beautiful nature available and unique to the foreign country. Attraction which is assigned to a given 164 165 “Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski”, 2010, p.37 Ibid., p.99 80 place and are inseparably connected with it; like Eiffel Tower and Paris, like Statue of Liberty and New York. And going to France or United States of America, they often now what to expect, and where to find unique tourist attraction. To, that very important factor is weather, and more specifically sunny, warm climate. Findings in this project cover with data from report about Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities (2011). We come back to mentioned above “special things”. Knowledge about these places come from word-of-mouth from family and friends, whom already been in particular place and came happy, with positive feelings attached to the place, richer in memories and new experiences. Word-of-mouth has a huge impact on future tourists. The main idea behind promotional campaign “Polska. Move your imagination” created with use of upcoming Euro 2012 “…. is to provide a positive image of our country left with a tourist who had visited our country and met welcoming, friendly and smiling Poles.”(See chapter Move your imagination – Polish promotional campaign). It explains answer for the third sub-question “How does the national tourism board intend to exploit EURO 2012 in order to brand Poland as a tourism destination?” Polish Tourist Organization planned to use the idea of word-of-mouth in a promotional campaign, is used to rich hearts and minds of foreign tourists. Strategy is based on referral guidelines promote the people, credible emotions and experiences, to show present, not past, which indicate attempt to fight stereotypes. To that, when talked about Euro 2012 I get to the answer on a fourth and last sub-question: “How does the promotional campaign with use of Euro 2012 is perceived by Danish tourists? Research reveals mixed feelings directed to promotional movie from campaign “Polska. Move your imagination”. In a one way, promotional movie helps Danish people realize that Poland is not so scary like it could be perceived. That there are beautiful places, historical architecture and cities looked like in other modern European countries. From this point it is a successful campaign picture. But there is also other side revealed in analysis; promotional movie highlight the lack of “special thing”, very important factor mentioned with second sub-question. Danish tourist still cannot associate any unique place or building with Poland, which lead to lack of motivation to visit. All four sub-questions helped to established answer for problem formulation question of this Master project which is: “How can big events such as EURO 2012 contribute to 81 improving the image of Poland on the Danish tourist market?” The Danish tourists do not catch on the hook with the word Euro 2012. Sport mega events are not the type of events seen as attractive. Research demonstrated that other type of special event might have bigger chances, but everything depends from interest of individuals. The promotional movie using the fact of upcoming European Football Championship made a good impression on Danish tourists but not to this degree that they will consider choosing Poland as a country brand destination in the nearest future. The problem is with not used properly opportunities associated with the promotion of the country with the help of Euro 2012. What it means is that the idea of promotional campaign is good but it does not work for Danes. Although, as mentioned before, huge influence on Danish perception on topic have social media. There is a future possibility, that during the Euro 2012 pictures and information from Poland might change view of Poland in the eyes of Danish tourists, make country if not more interesting, definitely more familiar. The project is just a drop of water in the rock and started the interesting topic of mega events in Poland and receives them by the Danes. The scale of this project is small because of the determining it timeframe, thus calls for further research on these subjects about mega events influencing country brand image. Finally I will emphasize that the results of this project cannot be generalized because different finding might revel after actual Euro 2012. 82 Bibliography: Books 1. Anholt S. (2007): Competitive Identity: The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2. Anholt S. (2009): Places: Identity, Image and Reputation, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 3. Bryman A. (2001): Social Research Methods, 1st edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 4. Burr V. (2003): Social Constructionism, 2nd edition, Howe: Routledge, 5. Clifton R. (2009): Brands and Branding By, et al., 2nd edition, Canada: Profile Books Ltd. 6. Dinnie K. (2008): National Branding. Concepts, issue, practice. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 7. Horner S., Swarbroke J. 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IMPACT Report - how Euro 2012 influences the economy of Poland?, 2010 http://www.2012.org.pl/en/euro-2012/legacy/impact-report.html?pl/euro-2012/cozostanie-po-euro/raport-impact 5. Informacja o kampanii (Information about campaign), 2011 http://www.pot.gov.pl/materialy-dla-prasy/ 6. Kampania Multimedialna 2011-2012 na rynku Niemieckim, Brytyjskim I Francuskim (A multimedia campaign 2011-2012 on the German, British and French market) 2011 http://www.pot.gov.pl/materialy-dla-prasy/ 7. Kampania- Press release (Campaign- Press release) 2011 http://www.pot.gov.pl/materialy-dla-prasy/ 8. Marketingowa strategia Polski w sektorze turystyki na lata 2008-2015 (The marketing strategy in the tourism sector for years 2008-2015 in Poland) 2008 http://www.pot.gov.pl/o-projekcie/dokumenty-o-zasiegu-ogolnopolskim/ 9. Olympic Games Tourism Strategy, Australian Tourist Commission, 2001 http://fulltext.ausport.gov.au/fulltext/2001/atc/olympicreview.pdf 10. Plan działań na 2011-2012 (Action plan for years 2011-2012) 2010 http://www.pot.gov.pl/plany-i-sprawozdania-pot/ 11. Plan działań POT na lata 2012-2013 (Action plan of POT for years 2012-2013) 2011 http://www.pot.gov.pl/plany-i-sprawozdania-pot/ 12. Statistical Yearbook 2010 http://www.dst.dk/en/search.aspx?sw=minorities&sr=1 13. Strategia marketingowa Polski w sektorze turystyki na lata 2012-2020 (The marketing strategy in the tourism sector for years 2012-2020 in Poland) 2011, http://www.pot.gov.pl/plany-i-sprawozdania-pot/ 87 14. The Nordic outbound travel market- potential and possibilities, Medieministeriet, 2011 http://www.apmadeira.pt/ 15. Tourism statistics in the European Statistical System, Eurostat , 2008 16. UCL All-Time Ranking List by Clubs, UEFA http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/index.html 17. UNWTO, Tourism Highlights, pp.1-12, 2011 http://mkt.unwto.org/sites/all/files/docpdf/unwtohighlights11enhr_3.pdf 18. Zagraniczna turystyka przyjazdowa do Polski 2010, 2007, 2004 (Report on foreign tourism arrivals in years: 2010, 2007, 2004) Polish Ministry of Sport and Recreation http://msport.gov.pl/statystyka-turystyka/553-Zagraniczna-turystyka- przyjazdowa-do-Polski?retpag=/statystyka-turystyka/ 88 Appendix Interview guide Introduction: Why we are doing this interview? Short description about interview topic. Personal background: 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? 3. What is your nationality? 4. Do you have children? 5. What is your educational background? (University, high school, etc.?) Travel and tourism behaviour: 1. How often do you travel abroad? 2. Would you consider yourself as a passionate tourist or home person? 3. Where do you travel? 4. What is the reason behind your travelling? (Is it for leisure, visit family, business?) 5. For how long do you go? (How many nights)? 6. Where do you stay during your visit in foreign country? Travel to Poland: 1. If you hear name ‘Poland’ what is the first symbol that it is coming to your mind? 2. Why such an associations? How did you come to know Poland? 3. Have you ever been in Poland? If no why you never visit Poland? 4. What is your overall perception of Poland? Negative? Positive? (What is the image of Poland in your eyes?) 5. Would you choose Poland as your tourist destination for vacations? Why? Why not? 6. What is your motivation for visiting Poland? 7. What are your expectations as tourist about Poland? 89 Euro 2012 1. Are you interested in sports events? If yes, why? If not, maybe in different events? 2. Do you know where is played European Football Championships Euro 2012? 3. From where you know about Euro 2012? (media, newspapers, friends) 4. Did you see any promotional campaign, adds about Euro 2012 in Poland? 5. If yes, what do you think about them? First impression? Did they make you want to go to Poland? 90 Transcript of interviews 1st interview: Birgitte R: Few words about me; I am doing project for my Master thesis about...about destination branding in Poland, and Euro 2012. And right now we will have an interview, short interview. I prepared few questions for you and can we start with background personal questions? R: First of all, what is your name? B: My name is Birgitte Hassing. R: What is your age? B: 33 years old. R: What is your nationality? B: Danish. R: Danish...and do you have children? B: Yes, I have two girls and one on the way. R: Ok, what is your educational background? B: I'm a business woman. R: Yes, but do you have the higher education or you are after high school? B: No, just a short education. R: Gymnasium? B: No, it was technical school. R: Ok, so we come to the main questions. How often do you travel abroad? B: Once or twice a year. R: Ok, is this during the holiday or it is more spontaneous like you have three day off and you go for a weekend? B: It's on holidays, it’s planned. R: So, you will consider yourself more as a passionate tourist or more like home person? B: (long break)...the first one. R: Passionate tourist? B: Yes. R: But then, you just travel twice a year, so it is because of? B: Of having many children. R: Ok, so it is... B: So, it is limited. R: So if you go for your holidays, where do you go? Is it sunny country or cold one good for skiing? B: No, it depends. We want to see the whole word. Depends in what mood we are in. It is not always sunny, it is not winter. Yeah...it could be a big city too. So, it depends, yeah...what we would like to see this year and how old are the children now, so... R: ...So, place depend from the mood and children, what about activity? Do you spend your holiday time active, walking from museum to museum or it is passive, relax? 91 B: We do both, because we are not...I am not the person who wants to lay on the bed all day and have a drink. No, I want to see the city where we are but still then again, when you have kids it have to be organized, you know... you cannot just go in the city, play all night and see what will happening because you have children. R: Yes, so we can say that you always think about children before you will choose the holiday destination? B: Yes, yes. Or sometimes actually my husband and I will go alone, so then we will just be ourselves then we can do what we want to. R: And when you are alone, what do you do? What do you want to see? B: When we are alone it’s again a little bit of city and also a relax. R: So we can say that usually it is travelling for leisure for relax, not for business? B: No. R: It is business or it is just plain relax? B: Relax, yes. R: And usually when you go for holidays how long it will take? How long you will spend in country? B: If we are with the kids, it will be maybe two weeks or longer. And if it’s alone, it’s almost a week cos' you cannot be so many day away. I don't think you can be that many days. R: Ok, so with children it is longer trip. B: Yeah, it’s a week, two weeks, and if we are alone it is for days, weekend you know. R: And when you go, you will stay in the same place or you will travel around? For example you go to Italy, you stay in Rome or you go see Florence and Napoli also? B: Right now is the same place cos' we have small children. When they grow up we would like to travel in the country to see more. But because of they are small children it’s enough for them just to be in one place, to be safe. And then as a mom you have to sacrifice, you know not sacrifice but a little bit, yyy... and say I will get my way, I will travel but I still have to think about my children, So yeah...But right now I will say, we will stay in the same place for the whole week or two weeks. We won’t travel around. R: So, the place has to have something interesting for children? B: Definitely. R: Will you consider this as a plus, when you read some advertise, travels add and there is something about great place for children, they can have many activities. Is that the place for you? The place where is great for children or maybe place where is more activities for adults? B: Hmmm trick question, because a...it depend what country you go in. But some country, I will say, we are there to visit something that is important for the country, I don’t know what’s called hmmm like for instance Paris, there is this Eiffel Tower, it’s not for children actually but still they have to see it if they are there. So you can say, of course we will think about the children and it depends, because we have so many age of children, the big one is ten years, she can handle much more adults staff then the one we have on three years old. But yeah, if we, if we travel the whole family of course I will think yes, this is for the children, it will be easier for me to relax because there is something for the children. And if I’m going alone with my husband I will actually prefer also place where children is 92 because then you know that all the things are clean and everything is in order, you know, because when you have kids you have to have some rules or something what is, yeah, the same all the time. And then you can travel out and see what you want to see. R: You mention that you will go to France, to country that have something what "you need to see" like Eiffel Tower. But how do you get knowledge about such a place? What is "must to see" in particular country? B: I will read or some of my friends have been there or my mother in law, father in law, then they will say ohh this is a nice country, maybe you should try to go there. R: So, it is from somebody experience? B: Mostly, yeah, because then you know the place is a good place, especially when you have kids, and again it’s very important that it’s not dirty and you have toilets and bathrooms, you know. R: Yes, but this is more about accommodation. And what about the places that are "worth to see"? B: When we decide to go for instance Paris, then we see what’s important to see there, we will read a book who called "Travel to Paris", and then we will read, and then we will decided ohh this one we need to go and see and this one. Yeah, maybe it’s boring for the kids but they will love it when they go there, so we will borrow book or read on the internet. R: Ok, so it is not just books or magazines but it is also internet. B:...or mouth to mouth. R: Yhmm B: From people who have to been there. This is a nice place, you have to be there. R: You mention Paris, we said about Rome, and what about Poland? What I mean is when you hear name ‘Poland’ what do you think? First idea? B: Poor country. R: Poor country? B: Yes. R: So, have you ever been in Poland? B: No. R: No, so actually you... B: I have no idea. R: No idea, but that is your first impression. B: Yeah, it’s more like, hmmm...when I think its poor country but there is more like...you can see who has the money and who hasn't the money. For instance, here in Denmark is more like you get to know people before you know ohh he's earning a lot of money or he's not. But I think in Poland you can really see the difference, but I don't know... R: Yes, so from where it comes this view of Poland? What do you think? B: From television. R: Television? B: Yes, what you hear in the news they tell, yeah...from something you will put it together and think ohh maybe that's the poor country. R: So, it makes the overall view. B: Yes. 93 R: You say it is poor country, but maybe something else? Other association with this? B: No, I've known people travelled there, told that it is beautiful country but I never been there so...yeah. R: So, will you say that your impression about Poland is more negative or positive? B: I want say its negative but it’s not that positive that I will say the next time I will visit a country it will be a Poland. There some other countries I rather see before I visit Poland, because I don’t know anything about Poland. I don’t know if you have famous yyy I don’t know anything. R: You will not go to visit Poland just because you lack of knowledge? You don’t know what is worth to see, no information? B: Not yet. R: You did not find anything what could make you curious about the country? B: No. R: We come to the point that is no motivation for you to visit Poland, but what could change this? B: Yeah what would change it?...maybe if hmmm maybe if the travel agency will send out flyers, so hmm... R: Travel brochures... B: Yeah, to tell you, this is the famous building in, and write a little about it. I will read it because I like all that, I like to go to the museum, and if there is something who will catch my, my intro...invert... R: Attention? B: Attention, then maybe, maybe. And maybe they should run some commercials and show the country, because actually I heard it’s a beautiful country but then again I don’t know I can’t see it. I’m thinking like Hitler when he was having Germany... but actually I really don’t know. R: But maybe you hear what will be now in Poland in June, this Euro 2012 Football Championships? B: No, cos' I don’t watch football, and my husband either. R: And you did not come with this information from other sources like television, internet and so on? B: I think you should know somebody who really is into football, who should know that. No, sorry. R: So, you have no idea about Euro 2012 but hmm... but you are also like you said, not interested in this kind of sport events? B: No, no nothing like that. R: Right now, I would like to show you this short, short promotional movie from campaign 'move your imagination'. That's the main promotional slogan of Poland, and actually I would like you to tell me what are your impressions after seeing this and we can talk about this a little bit more after the presentation. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" 94 R: Ok, so you saw short movie about five cities. Four of them are the host of Euro 2012. Warsaw, then was Krakow which is actually not hosting Euro, than was Wroclaw, no sorry Gdansk with Danish couple, Wroclaw and Poznan. So, what do you think after seeing this movie? What about cities, people? Is it inviting you to visit Poland? B: My thought is maybe it’s a cheap country to travel because yeah I can see people, don’t take me wrong, but normal, like they didn’t look poor and the street was clean and yeah...and it looks nice, clean yhmm... "strand" R: Streets? R: Beaches? B: Beaches, yeah...but visiting...no it did not catch me on that, no. R: What about the people? They were smiling? How did you see these people? B: I think they were look happy and the old couple from Denmark who were visiting beach, I think they look relax and yeah enjoy the vacation. But again I know that many people in Denmark don’t have that much amount of many so if it's a cheap country to travel to then you can have a nice vacation and see many beautiful things, and still have it in a normal budget, so it want cost that much of money. R: Will you say that it’s a value then? The price, that is cheap to travel? B: Yeah, yeah I would say. R: What about this words coming in the beginning of every city? Love, creativity, freedom...is that getting to you? B: No, because you can, out of the picture, you can... I will say the last one I cannot remember what was that when the man was travelling all city to find his women in opera R: Yes, that was Krakow. B: Yes, so that was love, and you can say again love to the old couple in Denmark. R: Yhmm B: And there was freedom, yes that’s true that is freedom also, but maybe again I will choose freedom for the young girls, young people who were parting in the beginning, yeah having the time of their live, and its freedom R: The young people were in Warsaw. B: Yeah, and then you can mixed all around, everything will fit if you think this way. R: I get the feeling that is not making a big impression on you; it is not changing your Yhmm you’re... that you still will not go to Poland? B: Yes, again it's nice but... but I miss, like I told you, for instance let's take the same Eiffel Tower, I miss that what you have in your country, something they will say This you have to see, so it's only in Poland you can see that, and I don't know if you have that. Here in Denmark we have this little mermaid and people all around the world travel just to see this little mermaid. I don't know anything about that in Poland. R: So Poland misses this places which should be promoted very much, so when you think about Poland, you will not think poor but this... B: Statue or museum. Maybe you are special in opera, I don’t know, maybe you have to go to Poland to see the most beautiful opera. I think that Poland have this stamp right now, that is a little poor country, then many people think that, if I go there they won’t be good restaurant, there won’t be good hotel. R: So the tourist expectation will be rather low? 95 B: But I think if you will go there you will be surprised. That's what I heard. R: That all from me, thank you very much for the interview! After interview we chat a little bit and Birgitte said that she think it is very good idea that Poland is hosting Euro 2012, because many people like colleagues of her husband, will go to Poland and if Poland will make a positive impression on them, then perception of Poland, dominated by stereotypes ("for instance they are thief’s") can change, but Euro 2012 have to be perfect. 2nd interview: Cathy R: Today we doing interview, we will talk about Poland, about tourism and also about sport events. Can we start? C: Yhmm. R: First of all can we talk a little bit about your personal background. What is your name? C: Cathy. R: And what is your age? C: 39. R: And what is your nationality? C: Danish. R: Do you have children? C: Two. R: And what is your educational background? It means, do you have higher education or you finish secondary school? C: I have an education, in Danish it is called "teknisk assistent". R: Ok, so it is like technical school? C: Yes. R: Now, I will start with some question about travel. Will you consider yourself as a passionate tourist or home person? C: Tourist. R: You are a passionate tourist yes? C: Passionate tourist. R: So, how often do you travel abroad? C: 3-4 time a year. R: Is that during the holidays or it is spontaneous trips during the whole year? C: It's holiday most of the time. R: And if you travel where do you usually go? C: Where the sun is. R: Sunny places, worm climate? C: Yhmm. R: So sun is this what its matter for you, what about something else when you choose holiday destination? 96 C: We have an apartment in Turkey, so we often go to Turkey. Otherwise, we have been to Paris, London, Prague. R: What's making you choose these countries? C: We have heard a lot about this places, my brother has lived in London for a couple of years now. He have been to Paris, so we knew guys in Paris where we could live. And my old mother had...she wanted to go to Prague before she dies. R: Ok. C: So, last year we went to Prague to see that. R: So, it is more because of what somebody said, because of somebody experience makes you want to go there? C: Yhmm, yes. R: And usually is for? C: Pleasure. R: Always? C: Pleasure. R: If you go abroad how long you will stay for pleasure? C: All from 3 day to 3 weeks. R: Ok, it is from 3 days to 3 weeks, so it is either quite short trip or long one. C: Yes, yes. R: And when you stay abroad where will you sleep? C: Sometimes it is a hotel, sometimes it is place with people who my brother used to know. So we can live in their apartment. R: You mention hotel, when you choose that, what do you looking in? C: When we were in Prague I was looking for the hotel in the middle of the centre, so you have to walk in every place. R: What about price or hygiene or stars? Is that important for you? C: Not the price, not the stars, it's where the place is. R: So, it always matter the distance between hotel and the place you want to visit, yes? C: Yes. R: In the beginning, you mention also about children. Do you take them into consideration when you go somewhere? The place has to have something for the children? C: It's depends where we go. If we go to the sunny place like the beach it has to be for the children. If we go to the big city it doesn't matter. We only sleep in the hotel and then walk out. R: Ok, so if you go out you spend time active or more passive? C: Now, when we have our apartment in Turkey for 5-6 years, so when we went there, is only to relax. It's only to the sea, go to the mountains, go to place when we know. Nothing else. R: Ok, so it's more passive tourist. C: Yes. R: Does it matter for you that country have spectacular castle or like Paris have Eiffel Tower? 97 C: When we went to Paris it was to look at Eiffel Tower because the girls have heard about Eiffel Tower and then they would like to see it. When we went to London it was Big Ben and Tower Bridge. R: So, this if you spend your time active or passive depends from where you go, yes? C: Yhmm. R: You mention that all this place, London, Paris, Prague was because somebody said to you that are worth to go. Did you ever go to the country that nobody recommended to you? C: That we did many years ago before we bought our apartment. R: ok, so now your tourist behaviour is changed. C: Very much. R: You said that you were in many places, what about Poland? C: No. R: You never have been in Poland? C: Never. R: Why is that? C: hmmm I don't know. Perhaps is because, we have never heard about Poland. We have never...I don't know anything about Poland. R: Ok, so when you think Poland, you think...? C: Poor. R: And why do you think first word coming to your mind is "poor"? C: Poor and no job for no people. R: Yes, but from where you have this picture? C: I think it's come because all of, all... All people who are coming to work in Denmark, to get some money and to have a decent life. R: Ok, so you see how it is in Denmark, in your own country, and you know that Polish people coming. C: Yes, yes. R: And if you could know something more about Poland, what it be? C: I don't know, I really don't know. If I was to know something about Poland I would just "ask Google" for that, and he could tell me. R: Actually, are you curious about Poland? C: No. R: So you rather go somewhere else? C: Yes. Where are big city, sunny places. R: Is it because lack of knowledge about Poland? C: Yhmm. R: Do you think that if you could read or see more then you will want to go to Poland? C: Probably, probably. R: Ok, imagine that today you are going to Poland, what do you expect to see there? C: I really don't know what to expect. No idea. R: Maybe you heard about Euro 2012? C: No, what's that? R: That is a mega sport event. C: Yes of course, of course. 98 R: Yes? Football Championship. C: Yes, of course. R: And this year it is organized in Poland. Poland and Ukraine doing this together. But you said that you did not hear about this? You did not see any advertise in television or newspaper? C: I know that Football Championships but I hmmm not that interested in it. When the game is on maybe I will see it in television, nothing else. R: So, this kind of big sport events will make you interested in going and seeing it live? C: No. R: What kind of big event will interest you? Concert? C: No, no. R: Not at all? C: No I don't think so. What have to be done is a commercial in television, in magazine by the post or something, I don't know. R: Ok, so in order to interest you, it need to by something visual. C: Yhmm. R: And what should be in there? Like in brochure? C: Something exciting to see. R: Right now, I would like to show you short movie. This movie is called "Polska. Move your imagination" and it's made for promotion of Poland with use of Euro 2012. This movie is directed to the tourists, not football fans, but you can see four countries which are hosting Euro 2012. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" R: What is the first impression after seeing this movie? C: It is very nice place. I...I start wondering to go on Google and check a little bit more. R: Ok, so what in particular you like in this movie? C: I like the large place, the big cities, something to see, something different from Denmark. R: So it is more cities not people? C: The cities. R: So, this that people in the movie are smiling, are happy, is not very important? C: Of course that it is important that they are friendly, very much. That way you get good impression. R: Did you get good impression from this what you saw? C: Yes. R: And did country make you interested? C: Very much. R: Thank you for the interview. C: You’re welcome. After interview, Cathy and I sat for few more minutes and she said that she can see a lot of advertise in television promoting Greece but there is no Poland. And if she sees beautiful 99 places, water in the advertise, the picture will stay in her mind and she will go there one day. 3rd interview: Kristine R: This is interview with question about Poland, tourism and sport events. Fist few question are about personal background. What is your name? K: My name is Kristine. R: And your age? K: 33. R: What's your nationality? K: Danish. R: Do you have children? K: Yes, two. R: What is your educational background? K: I am physiotherapist and ...yyy... doctor in nature medicine. R: Ok, so you have definitely higher education. K: Yes. R: Would you say that you are a passionate tourist or home person? K: I think, now I am mostly a home person with the children. But I have been a tourist before I get children. R: So, when you were a tourist, how often did you travel? K: Twice a year. R: Yhmm, and it was usually during the holidays or it could be during the whole year? K: A little of both actually. R: And right now, how often you go? K: You mean out of the country? R: Yes. K: I think this year once. This year, but I think in the future once a year. R: When you go, is that for how long? K: I think up to 2 weeks. R: Two weeks, but it is usually like that? Or sometimes also for 2-3 days? K: No, longer stay. R: And do you stay in one place or you travel around? K: We will stay in one place. R: So, will you consider yourself as a passive tourist or maybe active? K: I think now with children we are like passive, because we need a place where we can stay with children and then be there, and then we can take some trips. R: So, if you go abroad, what is important for you? K: Hmmm, yes...it has to be something for the children also. So it's our... I think if we want to see something we need to make sure that it's something for the kids too. R: If you will do list of trip priorities, first are children? 100 K: Yes, exactly. R: And then what about destination? Is it important for you that you can see museum or famous monument? What do you look in a destination? K: Yeah, I think it has to be a little of both: it has to be something maybe like museum or some special places. And then also like beaches, and swimming pools and playground, so kids can come. R: A little bit of everything? K: Yes. R: And by the "special places" what do you mean? K: Hmmm...Maybe it's something very beautiful, nature, something like...I don't know. Maybe when...I think we are planning to go to Grand Canarias, actually I know that there is a lot of beautiful nature. I'm... I'm not quite sure what we are looking when we travel, but it's something special about the place, that we would like to see it. It can be in the nature or something you feels, or maybe a special building, yeah church or something. R: How do you get to know if the place has this something special? K: We used to get a lot of by books or the internet, so I think that's the way we gonna’ do it again. And by one who know, who have been there. R: What kind of person do you mean? K: Hmm...family, and our friends. R: And if person will say "I have been there and there is nothing to see it, is not nice" you will believe it? K: Hmmm, I think it depends on who saying it and how we can relate to the one who say it. R: Ok K: Because we have some friends, which we are very different, so maybe we will not quite hear, we will take a.... (long pause) R: You will listen but maybe not take it very serious? K: Yes, yes, and we will experience ourselves. R: Where you usually travel? Europe? Farther? K: Yes, I've been in the East, Thailand, I've been New York, but mostly Europe. R: You travel a lot, have you ever been in Poland? K: No, I’ve never been. R: When you hear word "Poland" what is the first association with this word? What is coming to your mind? K: Hmmm actually a very... very beautiful places, nature and... yyy... I'm thinking actually a lot of second Word War, all the people who are rather poor. R: You said about beautiful city and monuments, from where is that knowledge? K: I think, I heard from somebody about Poland. Yes... It was a long time ago, it was in a 10th grade and in, what you called it... primary school. R: How it happened? K: One of the classes had a school trip to Poland, and I remember my friend was telling me about Poland. She had 50 koronas, or something, every day and it was so much in Poland. And she came back with these ...yyy...movies but not like now, just this old black tape. R: And it stays in your mind until now? 101 K: Yes, memories. R: If you think positive about Poland, will you consider going to Poland for holidays? K: I don't think. As long as children are little, I think we will choose some other country where we are sure of good weather and ...yyy...and close to the beaches and water, so I think we will choose other places. R: And now if you will think about Poland, what are your expectations? Do you have some? K: No, not really. R: Ok, so you are... K: I am very open-minded. R: If you are open-minded so maybe you hear about Euro 2012? K: Yes. R: Yes. Do you know where it is this year? Which countries are hosting it? K: It's like Poland and U... Ukraine? R: Yes. K: But I don't know what country eller what cities. I am not sure. Is the big ones. The big cities. R: Yes, four big cities in Poland and four in Ukraine. Is sport event interesting for you? K: I am a very big sports fan but I know I not go because I have kids and the money we rather spend on vacation where we are planning, so... R: And if we could pretend that there is no children, would you go then? K: Hmmm, no, I don’t think, not now. R: Will other event interest you, like for example big concert or other sport event? K: Actually I'm an old football player but also a handball player, so right now I am more interested in handball, so if it was handball I will consider it. R: Ok, so it is a matter of interest yes? K: Yes. R: I will come back to Euro 2012. You said that you heard about it, where did you hear? K: I guess television and the sport news. R: Did you see some kind of advertise? K: Actually I think , was this in sport news, when they watch you called (interviewee said some Danish word, not understandable for researcher) R: When they playing? K: No, when they making a group. R: Ohh, when they choosing groups. K: Yes. R: So, you did not see any advertise? K: No, I don't think I've seen it. R: I would like you to see now Poland promotional campaign. It is campaign directed to the tourists, and it is called "Polska. Move your imagination". You will see 5 cities from which four are hosting Euro 2012. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" 102 R: What is the first impression? K: Of all of them? R: Yes. K: Actually, I think all the cities they kind of remind me yyy like when I've been in other big cities like Paris or New York. No, not quite New York but Paris and Rome. So I'm thinking it's not so different from the other cities in Europe, so...but still it's...it's...have its own hmm what do you called...the town have it's one...yyy... R: Character? K: Yes, thank you, character. R: And what about people? K: I think they look like all European people like, and I think they very happy. R: Is this movie making you feel invited to Poland? K: Yeah, I think it's look like, it's look like...ohh the weather was great, so it get very good, I get very good impression. And maybe its good place to go but I will still just go maybe with my boyfriend because I think it's more like adult places. R: The last question from me will be which way of promotion should Poland use in order to get your attention? K: I think, maybe in the television. And the...internet, like in Google, Google torrent, something common. I think, first of all the television when you sit at home and you watch TV and then it's comes up and you can say ohh it's exciting! R: Thank You for the interview. K: Thank You. 4th interview: Lisbeth R: We will talk about destination places, tourism and also about sport events. The first few questions are about your personal background. R: What is your name? L: Lisbeth. R: What is your age? L: 32. R: What is your nationality? L: Danish. R: Do you have children? L: Two. R: What is your educational background? L: I am a hair dresser. R: Did you finish some technical school? L: Yes, technical school, four years. R: Yes, so now I will start with my main questions about travelling. Would you say that you are passionate tourist or more like home person? L: Both, I think. Yeah. I like to travel but I also like to be home in vacation. 103 R: Ok, and it depends from what? L: Yeah, maybe where to go. I have travel a lot to Norway and Sweden, but also the hot like Grand Canarias and Majorca, Tenerife. R: And why did you choose these places? L: Family. R: Family, yes? But you mean that they are living in there or maybe that they said to you that is worth to go in there? L: Yes, yes, family said that it is nice place and is sunny. And Italy also. R: You have been in Italy also yes? L: Yes, so it’s the hot weather and also see thing, new thing. R: "New thing" what do you mean? L: I like the nature a lot. Italian nature is very nice I think, yeah. A lot of mountains. Yeah, and also Swedish and Norwegian are very nice. R: So, will I be right if I say that the main point of your holiday destination is nature? L: I think it is nice place where the nature is, is important and relaxing. You know, when you can go to a beach and relax, but you can also see something. R: So, you spend time relaxing but also you like to go and see something new? L: I like see something beautiful. R: More nature or more buildings? L: I think is both. If I am in the town, I've been in London and Paris, and in Paris is building you watch, and of course that is what you hear about. So it depends in what place I am. R: You mention many places, my question is how often do you travel abroad? L: Once, once a year. R: Once a year, ok. L: And maybe, now we have small children is not so easy to take the long travel, when you have a short travel. We talk about going this year to travel to Italy again, but I think when they are two years older, you can take them for longer, and they can see more than they can now. R: And when you will go to Italy, for how long you will go? L: Minimum 10 days, because I think when you are travel so far, and you just have one week or four days it’s so stressed. So I think if I travel, I will go 10-14 days. R: So, why do you travel? L: Yes, I have been in places because of curses from job. Not the latest but maybe five years ago. I have been in London and in Norway. And now I go for holidays. But I think when children are growing up I want to travel again with my work, you know. R: And if you want to travel more, where will you go? L: I think that if it’s with my work to maybe Berlin and London again, because one time you cannot see the whole thing, so I think it’s a town that you can see maybe 5, 6, 10 times and you still haven’t visit the whole thing. And Spain. R: Spain is also for business or for pleasure? L: Hmm I think that is for business, shorter time. R: And what about travel for pleasure? L: I will choose Italy and maybe Thailand, I heard about it. 104 R: So, why Italy? L: Because I have been there and I like it. R: And Thailand because? L: I hear that is very nice. R: This kind of advice you take from? L: People who talked about it. And you heard some good stories vacations and people you know well, yeah. R: You mention before Paris, you went in there because somebody told you about it? L: First time, it was because of Disney World, and of course you have heard about all this things to see. R: Where did you hear about this? L: School, when you go to school, and from parents, grandparents, family. And of course read about it and see in the television, many times, you know. R: Ok. L: So I think, the big cities where is much to see and you hear a lot is very interesting. Because you feel that, you know, you are in important place, and when you come there and see what you hear much about it, it’s nice. R: Did you ever hear something about Poland? L: No. R: No, so when I said Poland, what was your first thought? L: If you think about how the country is, so I don't know. And if it’s how its look like, I think is much nature in it, but I don’t know much about Poland. No. R: So... L: I haven’t seen so much, maybe history from the war, if you think, but I can't see in front of me how its look like. No. R: So, it is lack of knowledge. L: Yes, maybe I saw something in the television but I can't remember it, also I don't know people from my work who were in Poland. I don't really now. But I think is nature there, and mountains and see. I don't think that is like Denmark, flat. R: Would you like to know more? L: I don’t know because when I think travel I don't think Poland. But I think it's interesting to know new things about country you don’t know. R: This year Poland is hosting Euro 2012, do you know what is that? L: Football? R: Yes it is. It is European Football Championships. L: Football is not my big sport, but something says football when you asked me, so I have heard something or read something but I can’t remember. R: Are you into sport events? L: I like to watch sport but not so much football. I think maybe handball and Olympic games. So I don't know if Denmark is playing? R: Yes, actually Denmark is playing. L: Good. R: Ok, not football events but maybe different kind of event will make you interested in? and you will go to see it? 105 L: Yes, yes, definitely. If it's something you like to see, yeah. And if you have a chance to travel there and to buy ticket, yes. R: Now, I would like to play for you this short movie. It is movie promoting Poland, you will see cities which are hosting Euro 2012. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" L: Nice picture. R: Exactly what is your first impression? What do you think? L: Different, because you have many things, many different things. And the different culture and buildings. In the last city you saw buildings, buildings are growing. I think maybe in the future many people building their country up. R: What do you mean exactly? L: Hmmm... that it’s getting better. And I think there are nice people and many things to see. R: Can we say that this movie interested you in order to see more Poland? L: Yes. You want to see more, if you have more. R: Thank You for interview. Just before I was going out from interview Lisbeth stopped me and say that she had one more association to the word “Poland”: “Poor country because you come here and work.” 5th interview: Martin R: We will talk about Poland, about tourism and a little bit about sport events. M: In Poland or in Denmark? R: Overall perception and during the interview I will narrow this topic. M: Ok. R: First of all some background question. What is your name? M: Martin R: What is your age? M: 33. R: Your nationality? M: Danish. R: And do you have children? M: Yes. R: How many? M: One and another one is coming soon. R: What is you educational background? M: I've been in a business school, and then I was two years in a supermarket. Salesman. R: Would you say that it is higher education? M: It is lower. 106 R: Ok, now I will start main questions. Would you say that you are passionate tourist or more like a home person? M: I like both. I like to be home but I’ve been travel to a lot of places and I like it. In business and in my spear time. R: So... M: And also before I get family. I was in Africa for half a year and travel around in five o six countries in Africa. R: Was this for a business or for leisure? M: Yes, for pleasure. Like a backpacker. R: And what about now? Why do you travel? M: Hmmm in the years now when we have small children I think I travel mostly because of the business. And then we of course take small trips. my girlfriend and I, sometimes without children, and I think soon we begin travel with the children. On ski holiday and something like that. R: And if you travel abroad, how long you will stay? M: We have been in like big cities for 3, 4 days. In Berlin, in London, in Paris. I think once a year we do that. R: So it is rather short trip, do you travel for longer period? M: I think with the small children we had long vacations here in Denmark. R: So, not abroad. M: No. R: What about when you going for business purpose? M: Also short. R: Nowadays your trips are short. M: Yes. R: If you travel for pleasure, what is important for you to find in destination place? M: When I go for this trips to the big cities it's the atmosphere, the food, the vine, the culture. That's it, that's what you can see and experience on so few days. But when you travelling like... if you can do a month or two months like a backpacker, is something else: you feel the country, you feel the people under your skin. Yes, it's a better experience. And you are not stressed, you don't think to go back home and anything...you just travelling. In a slower tempo. R: How will you call these trips? Active-passive? M: I like to be active. I don't like to stay in the hotel and I don't like to stay on the beach. I like to do something. R: So, if you like to be active and do something from where you get the knowledge what is interesting to do when you go for holidays? M: Hmmm....I think that I often listen to another people, about their experience and ...yyy...they say you have to go here to see this, I have to try this restaurant and ...often I do that. I'm not the person who do something on the internet, if you try to go to be updated, I don’t like it, because also I like to be surprised. So I can easily go somewhere and not know anything and just walk. R: Ok, so you can travel without any bigger knowledge about place, but the question is why will you choose this destination? Is it because you flip the coin? 107 M: You know, if you go to London, somehow everyone knows something about London, you hear about it in school, and of course you have to see the bridge and the tower, and it’s so easy to buy a guided tour, its so easy...and you have to do that because it’s some, it’s a must thing in your life. But when you have been in one, two, three tours is boring. You don’t want to do that anymore. So then you maybe go to London and say now I’m relax, I know those things, I have seen the tower and the London bridge, and everything, so now we can just shop and drink coffee and see maybe some more, some more not known things in London. R: So, are you willing to coming to the places what you like? M: Yes. Because the second time is more relax. First time is you have to see this, this, this, what they say in information books you have to see. And somehow it’s hard to do that but you have to do it because it’s about the history. And everyone else, when you coming back, they talk about this, so now you can talk with them. R: Are you open for new places, not only for this "must see"? M: Yes, of course. But right now it is what we can do in this short time, before I had some more time and also think in a five, six year from now I will have more time. R: If I understand you good, you say that now you have to take into consideration your children? M: Yes, it's important can I take a plane from Aalborg and go very fast. I would rather pay some more than I have to travel through Denmark to have a plane. It's important for me when I have so little time, it have to be easy and a short travel time. R: What about accommodation? M: It's not so important because I am not staying in the hotel. It have to have a bathroom, but if it is two stars or five stars I don't care. R: Did you ever travel because of some event? M: No. Never. R: Why is that so? M: Events are not catching my attention, at all. R: What about Euro 2012, do you know what is that? M: No. What is that? R: It is a European Football Championships. M: Ohh yes. R: And this year it is in Poland. When you hear word "Poland" what is your first thought? M: I think still is...I think like East Germany or something. I think it's old school, it's hard work, lower pay. Maybe a little bit more poor the houses, the car, everything, than other part of Europe. R: What about cities, people? M: I think there is a big nature, I know many people go there for hunting, so there must be a big forest, I think. And also I know that Poland is upcoming country, they are earning more, they are doing well, I know that... R: From where is that knowledge? M:...but then you asked me what is the first thing popping out...It's the things that we are learning at school, I think. They are still sitting in my brain. R: What about that Poland is growing, that there are big cities? 108 M: You know that from television, when you read newspapers. Of course. And that I am following the business in the world. I know that if you want to do some business you have to do it in the countries where are from the lower state and they are growing. Spain and Denmark, Germany, they are on a high level but they are not growing. R: Because of your interest in business you have this knowledge about Poland? M: Yes, that is why I know that. R: Ok. M: And also I must say I know man in Poland. I know him because I have a friends, which are friends with this Polish man. And the...once or twice a year he's coming to Denmark and I've been following that man for the 10 years. And he is telling me what is going on in Poland. And ten years ago he was very, very poor, he had just for the ticket to Denmark, and nowadays he's coming with the big car or on his big motorbike and he is doing very, very well. R: You can see the improvement? M: Yes, and it’s going very fast. R: Is he telling you about Poland? M: No, we talk about business and about him. What is going on with him is very interesting. R: So, have you ever been in Poland? M: No. And I am a little sad, because this man invited me 3 or 4 times, and I'm saying I'm coming, I'm coming. R: And why you did not go? M: I need a time. And again maybe it's stupid, because maybe I can drive to Poland rather to Berlin. Maybe because we think it must be a longer trip and we need a time. I think there is a lot of things to see in Poland that is why I need a time. We could fly there, rather than to London, but I think is more scary for us, is more new...I don't know what to expect. R: Do you consider coming and visiting Poland in the next couple of years? M: Yes, I do. R: If we can come back to Euro 2012. You said that you don't know what is that, why? M: It is because I don't like football. Of course my friends like sport and play football but they don't talk about this to me, because they know that I don’t like football. R: Actually, with use of Euro 2012 Poland started promotional campaign called "Polska. Move your imagination". I would like you to watch short movie from this campaign and after this we will come back to interview, yes? M: Ok. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" R: Yes, you saw five cities; four of them are hosting Euro 2012, what is your first impression after seeing this movie? M: They want to show this modern cities or country. That's what they are showing, you know, young people and the cafes, and a jazz music and everything. It's a good vibration or what do you say. But of course it's just a part of it, what is the country. R: How these influence you to come and visit Poland? 109 M: I think ...yyy... many people think that it's not scary. Its beautiful cities and they have everything what we know. But then I also think ohh it's the same like everywhere else, you know, big cities. So, it’s the same when you go to Copenhagen or Berlin, or something like that. R: Is that a plus or a minus? M: Yyy, it can be a plus if you want this short trips and yyy also when you don't seek some information, so maybe you can go here and its half price of London maybe, so that's the good thing. But I think if I want to go to Poland it's because I want to do something else, different. R: By "different" you mean? M: I think it could be nice to have some culture in it. Because, this music is not Polish. It must be something more original. When you go to Austria they are yodelling, you know, that what we want, something different, and what they can do. When you hear yodelling you know when you hear that this is Austria. And this is not... I'm not thinking Poland. R: Is this movie makes you want to go to Poland? M: No. It is just telling us that you are ahead, that you have some beautiful cities and we can easily go there without any problems. But we need something more. If you will use some original music from Poland I will remember it. And see people from other countries, where are people from Poland? I would like to see people from Poland. And drinking coffee late or whiskey, we can do this everywhere. R: Thank You very much for the interview. M: Thank You. 6th interview: Simon R: Interview will be about Poland, about travelling and travel behaviour and about mega events. First few questions are about you. What is your name? S: Simon. R: What is your age? S: 32. R: What is your nationality? S: Denmark. R: Do you have children? S: Yes. Boy, but he is not living with me. R: What is your educational background? S: Primary school, vocational school, and almost done as being a kitchen chef. R: Would you say that it is higher education? S: No it's not. R: Ok. Are you passionate tourist or more home person? S: Hmmm, I don't know actually. I've been out of Denmark few times, but not really. I like to go and see more. R: You said you have been few times out of Denmark? When was it? 110 S: Hmmm... I never done something spontaneous. I've been to Norway, Sweden, Germany shortly, Spain, but beside this not much outside. R: Do you want to go somewhere else? S: I would like to travel more. R: Are you open for new countries? S: Yeah. R: You mention Sweden and Norway and Spain. For how long you stayed in there? S: I think it was one, one week each time. I think I've been there like 10, no 6 time in Norway, probably the same in Sweden and in Russia as well actually, and hmm what is the other one... Finland, for ships races some years ago. R: And why exactly you choose to visit these countries? S: Because I like the environment. Because I'm going to visit someone, Spain was to visit my girlfriend. I've been to Sweden during, during sailing, so it's also matter of interest. I've been sailing for the last 12 years, so. R: Do you travel also for business? S: No, it's just for relax. R: And if you go abroad, where do you stay? S: What do you mean? R: I mean accommodation. S: Either I know someone, or I live on the boats, it's like when we sail, we sleep on the boats, more or less. But...yyy... I think, we used to rent a cottage as well, in Norway. R: Accommodation is important for you? S: I like to have bed to sleep in, and shower is very nice as well, but except for that, no, nothing else. R: What it is important for you in destination country? S: Hmmm, it can't be the weather because it's always bad anyway, I think is more, how you say, experience itself. R: By "experience" what do you mean? S: I mean when I go, when I went to Norway, it was mainly for purposes of fishing. When I go sailing, I do sailing. If I go to Germany, it's always to but a bear. And stuff like that. R: So, you like to do many different things in different country. S: Yeah, I like very much the nature. I saw quite a big change in the region, in Sweden and the West coast of Sweden and East coast of Norway is very different that East cost of Sweden and West cost of Finland, because it's just like a lake in the sea. So, that's important as well, the environment. R: You said about many countries, what about Poland? First association with this country is? S: Yyy, hmmm.... I have no idea of the country at all. It's just on the east side of Germany, south of Bornholm. So except for that, no, not really having any ideas about Poland. R: So you have no closer knowledge. What about cities? People maybe? S: Yyy "Gdynia" I heard of, I don't even remember the capitol to be honest. R: Warsaw is the capitol S: Ohh ok. I don't really... The only one what I know is something that you refused to be a part of group that support the environment, the wind mills, only the good staff. 111 R: This knowledge is from? S: Radio. But, no I usually do not dig up information about countries before I will go there. R: You usually get knowledge from the radio? S: Yes, radio news it's the only news I listen to. R: If we can back to Poland. Imagine those tomorrows you go there, what are your expectation? S: I would say typical Eastern, sorry, middle European country. R: Typical mean? S: I mean the common idea of Middle European countries, they don't have the same money like we do in Denmark. And maybe they are more poor, if you can say. At least, they have a little amount of money and...except for that I can't imagine any concrete. R: And from where is coming this knowledge about typical Middle European countries? S: I remember it from school, it’s like a basic school knowledge. R: Would you like to change this view, and one day really go to Poland? S: I can't see why not. It can be interesting. R: Right now Poland is hosting Euro 2012. Do you know what is that? S: No. R: Are you interested in sport? S: Except for fishing and sailing, no. R: Euro 2012 is European Football Championships. S: Aaaa. I only heard that is Ukraine, I didn't know that is Poland also. R: Ok, where did you hear about Ukraine? S: From work, one of, I think, waiters were talking about, and they want to go, and that's how I heard about Ukraine part. R: Is this kind of sport mega events interesting for you? S: I don't know. I never go to the events anyway. I think that the last time I was in some kind event was 5 years ago and that was Bryan Adams. R: Abroad? S: No, in Denmark. I never been outside the Denmark for the purpose of event except tall ship racers. R: Right now I would like you to see movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination." It is campaign created for promotion of Poland, with use of Euro 2012. It is directed to tourists in general. You will see five cities; four of them are hosting Euro 2012. After this movie we will talk again. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" R: So, what is your first impression about this watch you saw? S: Hmmm, nice (long pause). R: What catch your attention? Do you like something? S: I like that it had people from other countries being the main characters. R: Why do you like this? S: It shows that country is open for other nationalities and it is normal to travel to Poland. R: Something else about this movie? 112 S: Warsaw was actually pretty, from what I saw. I like the, what you call that, the music in there. I kind of like the atmosphere. Hmmm it was jazz. R: Yes, jazz in Wroclaw. S: I like the old couple from Denmark, and you can see the ship in the dock. So, it's kind a showing you ohh we also can do this. And it's what is interesting me, so. R: Is this movie make you want to go and check how is in Poland? S: Actually no, because as the basic, it did not stand out in front of all the others. There is you can do this, and this, and this, and you can see so and so, in this country is the same, all the movies are the same that this place is nice and you can do this. It's all right that you can see what you can do, but could they do more interesting for young people. I could imagine that older people are attractive more to this movie, then my group. R: Thank You 7th interview: Uffe R: Interview will be about travel behaviour, Poland and sport mega events. U: Ok. R: In the beginning I will ask few questions about your personal background, and then we will come to main questions in the interview. What is your name? U: Uffe. R: How old are you? U: 34. R: What is your nationality? U: Danish. R: Do you have children? U: I have two. R: And what is your educational background? U: I work with old people. Social worker. R: Is that higher education? U: No, it's small education. It only take one year. R: What kind of person you are: passionate tourist or home person? U: I like travel in the summer, in holiday vacation I go see Turkey, or visit Bulgaria. I have been in United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Norway. R: So, you travel a lot. What are the motives behind your travels? U: I have worked in small circus, so we travel in summer and winter to show people what we can do. It was the show with clown, acrobats. But now it’s only holiday vacation I’m taking, in the summer. R: So, it was business travelling, yes? U: Yes, but now is pleasure, only for pleasure. R: And how many times during the year you will go for vacation? U: Once a year I will go to Bulgaria or Turkey. R: Nowadays, if you go abroad it's for how long? U: A week. 113 R: No longer, no less? U: No. Normally, from Saturday to Saturday. R: So, why do you choose Bulgaria and Turkey for your holiday destination? U: There have to be warm and nice beach. And...I'm always going there to relax and get away from Denmark, for a week, to relax. So, there have to be nice pool at the hotel. R: So, what is matter to you are weather, accommodation and what else? U: Hotel and nice beach. R: What about the city, some tourist attractions? U: It doesn't matter, but I have been around and see something in Bulgaria and Turkey. But it's not necessary. R: You mention that you have two children, to you take them into consideration when you choose holiday destination? U: Yes, when I have visited Bulgaria, it only take 2 hours and twenty minutes on the plane and then 30 minutes sit in a bus go to hotel, so it's easy to travel To Bulgaria from Aalborg with children. And I've been there 3 times, 3 summers I have been there. They are nice to children and to the tourist in Bulgaria. And in Turkey too. R: Are you always going with children? U: Two last summers I go with my girlfriend. R: You have been many times in Bulgaria and Turkey, what about other countries, what would you like to see? U: Egypt is not a country I would like to visit. No. R: Because of? U: I don't like the people, the atmosphere. R: From where is that impression? U: My father visited the country, Sharm El Sheik, and he doesn't like it. He said that there is no place to take children too. My friends were there and they wasn't happy. And, and when you go shopping they... yyy... you cannot go in peace. R: Are you often getting knowledge using somebody experience? U: Yes. R: Maybe you use some other sources? U: I get some really good offer to Bulgaria for 2 thousand and a half, for breakfast and dinner at evening, so that's why we go there at first. But when we get there, there was nice people and good atmosphere, and it was the country that we want to go again. R: This offer was from? U: From the newspaper. That's why we go to Bulgaria. And also to try something else, because I've been in Turkey 8 times. Now, I've been to Bulgaria 3 times, so maybe I should try something new. R: What about Poland? What do you think about Poland? U: Still very poor country. It can only get better now. Because in "dagpleje" were two children, and their parents are doctors in hospital in Denmark, and they came from Poland. They saying it’s getting better. I think Poland is a great land. R: Is your view positive or negative? U: Positive. I could think to try and visit now. R: You consider visit? 114 U: Someday. I have been also to Prague, and I think maybe it's a little bit the same. The atmosphere and the people. I don't know. I have just an idea. R: You mention about Polish doctors, do you ever talk with them about Poland? U: Actually, I get big book from Poland, and that's nice picture in it. Definitely. R: When you travel a lot, did you ever travel because of event? U: No. Only for the concert in Denmark. R: Do you know what is Euro 2012? U: No. R: It is a mega sport event, European Football Championships. U: Ohh yes. I don't actually now because I not a big football fan. Although, I have been in Munchen, see football match. R: You went there just for football match? U: No, it was because October Fest. R: So, you have been in a mega event. U: In this case, yes. R: If we can come back to Euro 2012. This year Poland and Ukraine are hosting this Championship. With use of Euro Poland promote country in the campaign called "Polska. Move your imagination". I would like you to see now movie about 5 cities and four of them are hosting matches. U: Ok. R: After that we will talk again. U: Ok. Played 5 minutes movie from campaign "Polska. Move your imagination" R: Yes, you saw short movie, what is your first impression? U: I think people are enjoying what they are doing. It's look nice on the movie, they having fun and enjoying life. R: What about idea that showed people coming from different countries than Poland? U: All people look the same, it's no difference, they are happy, it doesn't matter. Also, in whole movie is the same atmosphere, is relaxing. R: What about buildings? U: They show skyscraper, but it is nothing special, I don't think so... you have them everywhere. You should show something nice, different. R: What do you mean by “nice and different”? U: I don’t know. Like something that I will say I have to see this in Poland. R: Thank You very much for the interview. U: Yes. 115